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Penulis:ChaoZhang, Tarikh: 2022-05-08 11:21:20

Halo peniaga,

Saya dengan ini membentangkan kepada anda peringkat kedua perjalanan saya untuk mencari strategi perdagangan yang boleh dipercayai dan menguntungkan. Millemachine adalah berdasarkan Millebot, strategi yang diterbitkan sebelumnya. Ini bermakna tulang belakang strategi masih sama: sistem trend berikut. Daripada menggunakan TP tetap dan SL, stop loss yang tertinggal kini digunakan. Untuk mengehadkan kerugian apabila trend melemah, stop loss yang tertinggal secara automatik menjadi lebih kecil, kerana ia berdasarkan ATR. Satu utiliti baru adalah anda kini boleh dengan mudah beralih antara penunjuk di mana pengambilan keputusan adalah berdasarkan. ini membolehkan pengguna untuk menemui yang penunjuk bekerja terbaik untuk kemasukan, panjang / pendek beralih dan konfigurasi stoploss.

Strategi ini telah terbukti sangat menguntungkan dalam pasaran yang sedang trend, tetapi boleh mengalami kerugian semasa pasaran yang berkisar. Untuk menjadikan sistem lebih kukuh, strategi tidak boleh hanya bergantung pada sistem trend. Sistem lain mesti ditambah. Saya percaya bahawa bot perdagangan yang baik mesti terdiri daripada lebih daripada 4 strategi yang berbeza, berdasarkan sistem yang berbeza.

Tujuan saya untuk menerbitkan strategi ini adalah untuk membantu peniaga lain membina mereka sendiri. Dalam perjalanan saya saya mendapati sukar untuk mencari strategi yang baik yang menggunakan pengurusan risiko yang baik, yang benar-benar penting untuk mempunyai hasil yang baik dan konsisten. Juga, komisen yang realistik perlu ditakrifkan untuk mempunyai ramalan prestasi yang realistik. Ini membebani keuntungan dan oleh itu sering ditetapkan pada 0 oleh pengarang strategi lain, yang saya anggap mengelirukan.

Jika anda mendapati strategi ini bermaklumat atau berguna, sila tinggalkan komen.

Salam Michael.

Ujian belakang


// © Milleman
//strategy("MilleMachine", overlay=true, default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 100, initial_capital=10000, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.06)

// Additional settings
Mode = input(title="Mode", defval="LongShort", options=["LongShort", "OnlyLong", "OnlyShort","Indicator Mode"])
UseTP = false                               //input(false, title="Use Take Profit?")
QuickSwitch = true                          //input(true, title="Quickswitch")
UseTC = true                                //input(true, title="Use Trendchange?")

// Risk management settings
//Spacer2 = input(false, title="======= Risk management settings =======")
Risk = input(1.0, title="% Risk",minval=0)/100
RRR = 2                                     //input(2,title="Risk Reward Ratio",step=0.1,minval=0,maxval=20)
SL_Mode = false                             // input(true, title="ON = Fixed SL / OFF = Dynamic SL (ATR)")
SL_Fix = 3                                  //input(3,title="StopLoss %",step=0.25, minval=0)/100
ATR = atr(14)                               //input(14,title="Periode ATR"))
Mul = input(2,title="ATR Multiplier",step=0.1)
xATR = ATR * Mul
SL = SL_Mode ? SL_Fix : (1 - close/(close+xATR))

// INDICATORS  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Ind(type, src, len) =>
    float result = 0
    if type=="McGinley"
        result := na(result[1]) ? ema(src, len) : result[1] + (src - result[1]) / (len * pow(src/result[1], 4))
    if type=="HMA"
        result := wma(2*wma(src, len/2)-wma(src, len), round(sqrt(len)))
    if type=="EHMA"
        result := ema(2*ema(src, len/2)-ema(src, len), round(sqrt(len)))
    if type=="THMA"
        lend = len/2
        result := wma(wma(src, lend/3)*3-wma(src, lend/2)-wma(src,lend), lend)
    if type=="SMA" // Simple
        result := sma(src, len)
    if type=="EMA" // Exponential
        result := ema(src, len)
    if type=="DEMA" // Double Exponential
        e = ema(src, len)
        result := 2 * e - ema(e, len)
    if type=="TEMA" // Triple Exponential
        e = ema(src, len)
        result := 3 * (e - ema(e, len)) + ema(ema(e, len), len)
    if type=="WMA" // Weighted
        result := wma(src, len)
    if type=="VWMA" // Volume Weighted
        result := vwma(src, len) 
    if type=="SMMA" // Smoothed
        w = wma(src, len)
        result := (w[1] * (len - 1) + src) / len
    if type == "RMA"
        result := rma(src, len)
    if type=="LSMA" // Least Squares
        result := linreg(src, len, 0)
    if type=="ALMA" // Arnaud Legoux
        result := alma(src, len, 0.85, 6)
    if type=="Kijun" //Kijun-sen
        kijun = avg(lowest(len), highest(len))
        result :=kijun
    if type=="WWSA" // Welles Wilder Smoothed Moving Average
        result := nz(result[1]) + (close -nz(result[1]))/len

// Baseline : Switch from Long to Short and vice versa
BL_Act = input(true, title="====== Activate Baseline - Switch L/S ======")
BL_type = input(title="Baseline Type", defval="McGinley", options=["McGinley","HMA","EHMA","THMA","SMA","EMA","DEMA","TEMA","WMA","VWMA","SMMA","RMA","LSMA","ALMA","Kijun","WWSA"])
BL_src = input(close, title="BL source")
BL_len = input(50, title="BL length", minval=1)
BL = Ind(BL_type,BL_src, BL_len)

// Confirmation indicator
C1_Act = input(false, title="===== Activate Confirmation indicator =====")
C1_type = input(title="C1 Entry indicator", defval="SMA", options=["McGinley","HMA","EHMA","THMA","SMA","EMA","DEMA","TEMA","WMA","VWMA","SMMA","RMA","LSMA","ALMA","Kijun","WWSA"])
C1_src = input(close, title="Source")
C1_len = input(5,title="Length", minval=1)
C1 = Ind(C1_type,C1_src,C1_len)

// Entry indicator : Hull Moving Average
Spacer5 = input(true, title="====== ENTRY indicator =======")
EI_type = input(title="EI Entry indicator", defval="HMA", options=["McGinley","HMA","EHMA","THMA","SMA","EMA","DEMA","TEMA","WMA","VWMA","SMMA","RMA","LSMA","ALMA","Kijun","WWSA"])
EI_src = input(close, title="Source")
EI_Len = input(46,title="Length", minval=1)
EI = Ind(EI_type,EI_src,EI_Len)

// Trail stop settings
TrailActivation = input(true, title="===== Activate Trailing Stop =====")
TS_type = input(title="TS Traling Stop Type", defval="EMA", options=["McGinley","HMA","EHMA","THMA","SMA","EMA","DEMA","TEMA","WMA","VWMA","SMMA","RMA","LSMA","ALMA","Kijun","WWSA"])
TrailSLScaling = 1 //input(100, title="SL Scaling", minval=0, step=5)/100
TrailingSourceLong = Ind(TS_type,low,input(5,"Smoothing Trail Long EMA", minval=1))
TrailingSourceShort = Ind(TS_type,high,input(2,"Smoothing Trail Short EMA", minval=1))

TriggerPrice = 0.0, TriggerPrice := TriggerPrice[1]
TriggerSL = 0.0, TriggerSL := TriggerSL[1]
SLPrice = 0.0, SLPrice := SLPrice[1], TPPrice = 0.0, TPPrice := TPPrice[1]
isLong = false, isLong := isLong[1], isShort = false, isShort := isShort[1]

GoLong = crossover(EI,EI[1]) and (strategy.position_size == 0.0 and QuickSwitch) and (not BL_Act or BL/BL[1] > 1) and (not C1_Act or C1>C1[1]) and (Mode == "LongShort" or Mode == "OnlyLong")
GoShort = crossunder(EI,EI[1]) and (strategy.position_size == 0.0 and QuickSwitch) and (not BL_Act or BL/BL[1] < 1) and (not C1_Act or C1<C1[1]) and (Mode == "LongShort" or Mode == "OnlyShort")
ExitLong = isLong and crossunder(EI,EI[1]) and UseTC
ExitShort = isShort and crossover(EI,EI[1]) and UseTC

//Reset Long-Short memory
if isLong and strategy.position_size == 0.0
    isLong := false
if isShort and strategy.position_size == 0.0
    isShort := false
if GoLong
    isLong := true, TriggerPrice := close, TriggerSL := SL
    TPPrice := UseTP? TriggerPrice * (1 + (TriggerSL * RRR)) : na
    SLPrice := TriggerPrice * (1-TriggerSL)
    Entry_Contracts = strategy.equity * Risk / ((TriggerPrice-SLPrice)/TriggerPrice) / TriggerPrice
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, comment=str.tostring(math.round((TriggerSL/TriggerPrice)*1000)), qty=Entry_Contracts)
    strategy.exit("TPSL","Long", limit=TPPrice, stop=SLPrice)
if isLong
    NewValSL = TrailingSourceLong * (1 - (SL*TrailSLScaling))
    if TrailActivation and NewValSL > SLPrice
        SLPrice := NewValSL
    strategy.exit("TPSL","Long", limit=TPPrice, stop=SLPrice)
if ExitLong
    isLong := false

if GoShort
    isShort := true, TriggerPrice := close, TriggerSL := SL
    TPPrice := UseTP? TriggerPrice * (1 - (TriggerSL * RRR)) : na
    SLPrice := TriggerPrice * (1 + TriggerSL)
    Entry_Contracts = strategy.equity * Risk / ((SLPrice-TriggerPrice)/TriggerPrice) / TriggerPrice
    strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, comment=str.tostring(math.round((TriggerSL/TriggerPrice)*1000)), qty=Entry_Contracts)
    strategy.exit("TPSL","Short", limit=TPPrice, stop=SLPrice)
if isShort
    NewValSL = TrailingSourceShort * (1 + (SL*TrailSLScaling))
    if TrailActivation and NewValSL < SLPrice
        SLPrice := NewValSL
    strategy.exit("TPSL","Short", limit=TPPrice, stop=SLPrice)
if ExitShort
    isShort := false

plot(C1_Act?C1:na, color=color.yellow,title="confirmation Indicator")
EIColor = EI>EI[1] ? :
Fill_EI = plot(EI, color=EIColor, linewidth=1, transp=40, title="Entry Indicator EI")
Fill_EID = plot(EI[1], color=EIColor, linewidth=1, transp=40, title="Entry Indicator EID")

plot(strategy.position_size != 0.0 and (isLong or isShort) ? TriggerPrice : na, title="TriggerPrice", color=color.yellow, style=plot.style_linebr)
plot(strategy.position_size != 0.0 and (isLong or isShort) ? TPPrice : na, title="TakeProfit",, style=plot.style_linebr)
plot(strategy.position_size != 0.0 and (isLong or isShort) ? SLPrice : na, title="StopLoss",, style=plot.style_linebr)

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