Esta estratégia combina múltiplas médias móveis para implementar uma estratégia simples de tendência.
A estratégia primeiro suaviza o preço de fechamento, com a opção de usar o preço de fechamento de Heiken Ashi. Em seguida, chama a função smoothMA para sobrepor múltiplas médias móveis suavizadas. A função smoothMA primeiro chama a função variante, que pode gerar vários tipos de médias móveis como SMA, EMA, DEMA etc. Depois que a função variante gera a média móvel especificada, smoothMA chama variante várias vezes recursivamente para sobrepor a suavização. Isso resulta em uma média móvel com alto nível de suavidade.
Considere a combinação de outros indicadores como MACD, KDJ para melhorar a precisão do sinal. Otimize os parâmetros MA para reduzir o atraso. Use stop loss razoável para controlar a perda de uma única negociação. Também controle a frequência do comércio para minimizar os custos de transação.
A estratégia segue as tendências através de múltiplas sobreposições de médias móveis, filtrando efetivamente o ruído do mercado. As vantagens são simplicidade e flexibilidade.
/*backtest start: 2022-10-30 00:00:00 end: 2023-11-05 00:00:00 period: 1d basePeriod: 1h exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ //@version=4 // Copyright (c) 2007-present Jurik Research and Consulting. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2018-present, Alex Orekhov (everget) // Thanks to everget for code for more advanced moving averages // Smooth Moving Average [STRATEGY] @PuppyTherapy script may be freely distributed under the MIT license. strategy( title="Smooth Moving Average [STRATEGY] @PuppyTherapy", overlay=true ) // ---- CONSTANTS ---- lsmaOffset = 1 almaOffset = 0.85 almaSigma = 6 phase = 2 power = 2 // ---- GLOBAL FUNCTIONS ---- kama(src, len)=> xvnoise = abs(src - src[1]) nfastend = 0.666 nslowend = 0.0645 nsignal = abs(src - src[len]) nnoise = sum(xvnoise, len) nefratio = iff(nnoise != 0, nsignal / nnoise, 0) nsmooth = pow(nefratio * (nfastend - nslowend) + nslowend, 2) nAMA = 0.0 nAMA := nz(nAMA[1]) + nsmooth * (src - nz(nAMA[1])) t3(src, len)=> xe1_1 = ema(src, len) xe2_1 = ema(xe1_1, len) xe3_1 = ema(xe2_1, len) xe4_1 = ema(xe3_1, len) xe5_1 = ema(xe4_1, len) xe6_1 = ema(xe5_1, len) b_1 = 0.7 c1_1 = -b_1*b_1*b_1 c2_1 = 3*b_1*b_1+3*b_1*b_1*b_1 c3_1 = -6*b_1*b_1-3*b_1-3*b_1*b_1*b_1 c4_1 = 1+3*b_1+b_1*b_1*b_1+3*b_1*b_1 nT3Average_1 = c1_1 * xe6_1 + c2_1 * xe5_1 + c3_1 * xe4_1 + c4_1 * xe3_1 // The general form of the weights of the (2m + 1)-term Henderson Weighted Moving Average getWeight(m, j) => numerator = 315 * (pow(m + 1, 2) - pow(j, 2)) * (pow(m + 2, 2) - pow(j, 2)) * (pow(m + 3, 2) - pow(j, 2)) * (3 * pow(m + 2, 2) - 11 * pow(j, 2) - 16) denominator = 8 * (m + 2) * (pow(m + 2, 2) - 1) * (4 * pow(m + 2, 2) - 1) * (4 * pow(m + 2, 2) - 9) * (4 * pow(m + 2, 2) - 25) denominator != 0 ? numerator / denominator : 0 hwma(src, termsNumber) => sum = 0.0 weightSum = 0.0 termMult = (termsNumber - 1) / 2 for i = 0 to termsNumber - 1 weight = getWeight(termMult, i - termMult) sum := sum + nz(src[i]) * weight weightSum := weightSum + weight sum / weightSum get_jurik(length, phase, power, src)=> phaseRatio = phase < -100 ? 0.5 : phase > 100 ? 2.5 : phase / 100 + 1.5 beta = 0.45 * (length - 1) / (0.45 * (length - 1) + 2) alpha = pow(beta, power) jma = 0.0 e0 = 0.0 e0 := (1 - alpha) * src + alpha * nz(e0[1]) e1 = 0.0 e1 := (src - e0) * (1 - beta) + beta * nz(e1[1]) e2 = 0.0 e2 := (e0 + phaseRatio * e1 - nz(jma[1])) * pow(1 - alpha, 2) + pow(alpha, 2) * nz(e2[1]) jma := e2 + nz(jma[1]) variant(src, type, len ) => v1 = sma(src, len) // Simple v2 = ema(src, len) // Exponential v3 = 2 * v2 - ema(v2, len) // Double Exponential v4 = 3 * (v2 - ema(v2, len)) + ema(ema(v2, len), len) // Triple Exponential v5 = wma(src, len) // Weighted v6 = vwma(src, len) // Volume Weighted v7 = na(v5[1]) ? sma(src, len) : (v5[1] * (len - 1) + src) / len // Smoothed v8 = wma(2 * wma(src, len / 2) - wma(src, len), round(sqrt(len))) // Hull v9 = linreg(src, len, lsmaOffset) // Least Squares v10 = alma(src, len, almaOffset, almaSigma) // Arnaud Legoux v11 = kama(src, len) // KAMA ema1 = ema(src, len) ema2 = ema(ema1, len) v13 = t3(src, len) // T3 v14 = ema1+(ema1-ema2) // Zero Lag Exponential v15 = hwma(src, len) // Henderson Moving average thanks to @everget ahma = 0.0 ahma := nz(ahma[1]) + (src - (nz(ahma[1]) + nz(ahma[len])) / 2) / len //Ahrens Moving Average v16 = ahma v17 = get_jurik( len, phase, power, src) type=="EMA"?v2 : type=="DEMA"?v3 : type=="TEMA"?v4 : type=="WMA"?v5 : type=="VWMA"?v6 : type=="SMMA"?v7 : type=="Hull"?v8 : type=="LSMA"?v9 : type=="ALMA"?v10 : type=="KAMA"?v11 : type=="T3"?v13 : type=="ZEMA"?v14 : type=="HWMA"?v15 : type=="AHMA"?v16 : type=="JURIK"?v17 : v1 smoothMA(c, maLoop, type, len) => ma_c = 0.0 if maLoop == 1 ma_c := variant(c, type, len) if maLoop == 2 ma_c := variant(variant(c ,type, len),type, len) if maLoop == 3 ma_c := variant(variant(variant(c ,type, len),type, len),type, len) if maLoop == 4 ma_c := variant(variant(variant(variant(c ,type, len),type, len),type, len),type, len) if maLoop == 5 ma_c := variant(variant(variant(variant(variant(c ,type, len),type, len),type, len),type, len),type, len) ma_c // Smoothing HA Function smoothHA( o, h, l, c ) => hao = 0.0 hac = ( o + h + l + c ) / 4 hao := na(hao[1])?(o + c / 2 ):(hao[1] + hac[1])/2 hah = max(h, max(hao, hac)) hal = min(l, min(hao, hac)) [hao, hah, hal, hac] // ---- Main Selection ---- haSmooth = input(false, title=" Use HA as source ? " ) length = input(60, title=" MA1 Length", minval=1, maxval=1000) maLoop = input(2, title=" Nr. of MA1 Smoothings ", minval=1, maxval=5) type = input("EMA", title="MA Type", options=["SMA", "EMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "WMA", "VWMA", "SMMA", "Hull", "LSMA", "ALMA", "KAMA", "ZEMA", "HWMA", "AHMA", "JURIK", "T3"]) // ---- BODY SCRIPT ---- [ ha_open, ha_high, ha_low, ha_close ] = smoothHA(open, high, low, close) _close_ma = haSmooth ? ha_close : close _close_smoothed_ma = smoothMA( _close_ma, maLoop, type, length) maColor = _close_smoothed_ma > _close_smoothed_ma[1] ? color.lime : plot(_close_smoothed_ma, title= "MA - Trend", color=maColor, transp=85, linewidth = 4) long = _close_smoothed_ma > _close_smoothed_ma[1] and _close_smoothed_ma[1] < _close_smoothed_ma[2] short = _close_smoothed_ma < _close_smoothed_ma[1] and _close_smoothed_ma[1] > _close_smoothed_ma[2] plotshape( short , title="Short",, transp=80, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, size=size.small) plotshape( long , title="Long", color=color.lime, transp=80, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, size=size.small) //* Backtesting Period Selector | Component *// //* Source: *// testStartYear = input(2018, "Backtest Start Year",minval=1980) testStartMonth = input(1, "Backtest Start Month",minval=1,maxval=12) testStartDay = input(1, "Backtest Start Day",minval=1,maxval=31) testPeriodStart = timestamp(testStartYear,testStartMonth,testStartDay,0,0) testStopYear = 9999 //input(9999, "Backtest Stop Year",minval=1980) testStopMonth = 12 // input(12, "Backtest Stop Month",minval=1,maxval=12) testStopDay = 31 //input(31, "Backtest Stop Day",minval=1,maxval=31) testPeriodStop = timestamp(testStopYear,testStopMonth,testStopDay,0,0) testPeriod() => time >= testPeriodStart and time <= testPeriodStop ? true : false if testPeriod() and long strategy.entry( "long", strategy.long ) if testPeriod() and short strategy.entry( "short", strategy.short )