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A estratégia de ruptura do impulso do bloco de ordens

Autora:ChaoZhang, Data: 2024-02-26 11:54:02

The Order Block Momentum Breakout Strategy


Esta estratégia identifica blocos de ordem na ação do preço para localizar explosões de impulso e entra no mercado quando surgem sinais de compra/venda. Os blocos de ordem representam a participação institucional e forças significativas do mercado. Assim, os sinais de bloco de ordem têm uma maior probabilidade de levar à ação do preço de tendência.

Estratégia lógica

Identificação de blocos de ordem

Existem dois tipos de blocos de ordens - de alta e baixa. Um bloco de ordem de alta é definido como a última vela vermelha seguida por velas verdes consecutivas. Um bloco de ordem de baixa é a última vela verde seguida por velas vermelhas consecutivas.

Para identificar um bloco de ordens, devem ser simultaneamente cumpridos os seguintes critérios:

  1. Mudança de cor da vela - A cor da vela muda da vela anterior para a atual (por exemplo, de vermelho para verde ou verde para vermelho).

  2. Direção consistente depois - As velas subsequentes mantêm a mesma direção de cor para o número de períodos especificados nos parâmetros (por exemplo, todas as velas verdes após um potencial bloco de alta).

  3. A variação percentual do preço desde a abertura da vela do bloco de ordem até o fechamento da vela de confirmação final excede o parâmetro de limiar (padrão 0).

Quando todos os três critérios forem verdadeiros, é identificado um sinal de bloco de ordem.

Geração de sinais comerciais

Um sinal de compra é gerado quando um bloco de ordem de alta é detectado. Um sinal de venda surge quando um bloco de ordem de baixa é identificado.

Considerando a incerteza dos sinais de fluxo de ordens, a estratégia não entra imediatamente no mercado. Ela alerta o comerciante e permite que as ordens de limite de preço sejam colocadas perto dos níveis do bloco de ordens. Isso fornece entradas controladas e gerenciamento de risco.


Captura impulso oculto

Os blocos de ordens representam o fluxo monetário institucional e o volume substancial. Eles indicam mudanças nas forças de mercado e fornecem pistas iniciais sobre a direção potencial de ruptura. Isso facilita a tendência de seguir com um bom timing.

Parâmetros personalizáveis

Os parâmetros que controlam a contagem de velas, a porcentagem de ruptura etc. podem ser ajustados para otimizar as condições de mercado e o estilo de negociação em mudança.

Risco controlado

Ao não entrar automaticamente em sinais e usar ordens de limite, os comerciantes podem definir níveis de entrada e controlar o risco.


Alta probabilidade de reexame

Como os blocos de ordens significam zonas, os preços revisitando o nível são comuns.

Desajuste de parâmetros causa sinais ruins

Se os parâmetros não forem definidos corretamente, sinais falsos podem surgir em mercados de intervalo. Os comerciantes precisam exercer discrição na aplicação de sinais. A otimização cega deve ser evitada.

Revisão manual é necessária

Cada sinal que requer uma validação adicional requer um esforço manual significativo.Incoerências no critério humano sobre a qualidade do sinal podem levar a divergências de desempenho.

Oportunidades de melhoria

Filtragem do sinal com outros indicadores

Incorporar indicadores adicionais como MACD e RSI quando os sinais parecem medir as condições do mercado.

Optimização de parâmetros

Os parâmetros podem ser testados e ajustados para se adequarem a diferentes mercados e instrumentos para melhor adaptação.

Entrada/saída automatizada

Atualmente, a estratégia serve apenas como alertas de sinal. Lógicas podem ser adicionadas para automatizar entradas de ordem de limite em sinais e implementar paradas para saídas. Isso aumenta a automação e reduz a dependência do julgamento humano.


Ao detectar a convergência do fluxo de pedidos, esta estratégia revela movimentos de momento ocultos que se preparam sob a superfície. Em comparação com o simples seguimento de tendências, tem habilidades preditivas na localização de pontos de virada. Quando combinado com técnicas de otimização e controle de riscos, pode se tornar um sistema de negociação de tendências eficaz.

start: 2024-01-01 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-31 23:59:59
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

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// © TradingSecrets and wugamlo

// This experimental Indicator helps identifying instituational Order Blocks. 
// Often these blocks signal the beginning of a strong move, but there is a significant probability that these price levels will be revisited at a later point in time again. 
// Therefore these are interesting levels to place limit orders (Buy Orders for Bullish OB / Sell Orders for Bearish OB). 
// A Bullish Order block is defined as the last down candle before a sequence of up candles. (Relevant price range "Open" to "Low" is marked)  / Optionally full range "High" to "Low"
// A Bearish Order Block is defined as the last up candle before a sequence of down candles. (Relevant price range "Open" to "High" is marked) / Optionally full range "High" to "Low"
// In the settings the number of required sequential candles can be adjusted. 
// Furthermore a %-threshold can be entered. It defines which %-change the sequential move needs to achieve in order to identify a relevant Order Block. 
// Channels for the last Bullish/Bearish Block can be shown/hidden.
// In addition to the upper/lower limits of each Order Block, also the equlibrium (average value) is marked as this is an interesting area for price interaction.
// Alerts added: Alerts fire when an Order Block is detected. The delay is based on the "Relevant Periods" input. Means with the default setting "5" the alert will trigger after the 
// number of consecutive candles is reached.

strategy("[Backtest] Order Block Finder", overlay = true)               

colors    = input(title = "Color Scheme", defval="DARK", options=["DARK", "BRIGHT"])
periods   = input(5,     "Relevant Periods to identify OB")                // Required number of subsequent candles in the same direction to identify Order Block
threshold = input(0.0,   "Min. Percent move to identify OB", step = 0.1)   // Required minimum % move (from potential OB close to last subsequent candle to identify Order Block)
usewicks  = input(false, "Use whole range [High/Low] for OB marking?" )    // Display High/Low range for each OB instead of Open/Low for Bullish / Open/High for Bearish
showbull  = input(false,  "Show latest Bullish Channel?")                   // Show Channel for latest Bullish OB?
showbear  = input(false,  "Show latest Bearish Channel?")                   // Show Channel for latest Bearish OB?
showdocu  = input(false, "Show Label for documentation tooltip?")          // Show Label which shows documentation as tooltip?
info_pan  = input(false, "Show Latest OB Panel?")                          // Show Info Panel with latest OB Stats
//strategy inputs
plot_offset = input( type=input.bool,defval = false, title = 'Plot Offset?')
stoploss_percent = input(type=input.float, defval = 1, title = 'Stop Loss [%]')
takeprofit_percent = input(type=input.float, defval = 2, title = 'Take Profit [%]')
pyramiding = input( type=input.bool,defval = true, title = 'Pyramiding')

ob_period = periods + 1                                                    // Identify location of relevant Order Block candle
absmove   = ((abs(close[ob_period] - close[1]))/close[ob_period]) * 100    // Calculate absolute percent move from potential OB to last candle of subsequent candles
relmove   = absmove >= threshold                                           // Identify "Relevant move" by comparing the absolute move to the threshold

// Color Scheme
bullcolor = colors == "DARK"? color.white : color.green
bearcolor = colors == "DARK"? color.blue : color.red

// Bullish Order Block Identification
bullishOB = close[ob_period] < open[ob_period]                             // Determine potential Bullish OB candle (red candle)

int upcandles  = 0
for i = 1 to periods
    upcandles := upcandles + (close[i] > open[i]? 1 : 0)                   // Determine color of subsequent candles (must all be green to identify a valid Bearish OB)

OB_bull      = bullishOB and (upcandles == (periods)) and relmove          // Identification logic (red OB candle & subsequent green candles)
OB_bull_high = OB_bull? usewicks? high[ob_period] : open[ob_period] : na   // Determine OB upper limit (Open or High depending on input)
OB_bull_low  = OB_bull? low[ob_period]  : na                               // Determine OB lower limit (Low)
OB_bull_avg  = (OB_bull_high + OB_bull_low)/2                              // Determine OB middle line

// Bearish Order Block Identification
bearishOB = close[ob_period] > open[ob_period]                             // Determine potential Bearish OB candle (green candle)

int downcandles  = 0
for i = 1 to periods
    downcandles := downcandles + (close[i] < open[i]? 1 : 0)               // Determine color of subsequent candles (must all be red to identify a valid Bearish OB)

OB_bear      = bearishOB and (downcandles == (periods)) and relmove        // Identification logic (green OB candle & subsequent green candles)
OB_bear_high = OB_bear? high[ob_period] : na                               // Determine OB upper limit (High)
OB_bear_low  = OB_bear? usewicks? low[ob_period] : open[ob_period] : na    // Determine OB lower limit (Open or Low depending on input)
OB_bear_avg  = (OB_bear_low + OB_bear_high)/2                              // Determine OB middle line

//@TradingSecrets: Option to disable the offset in order to allign signals with Backtest
if not plot_offset
    ob_period := 0
// Plotting
plotshape(OB_bull, title="Bullish OB", style = shape.triangleup,   color = bullcolor, textcolor = bullcolor, size = size.tiny, location = location.belowbar, offset = -ob_period, text = "Bullish OB")     // Bullish OB Indicator
bull1 = plot(OB_bull_high, title="Bullish OB High", style = plot.style_linebr, color = bullcolor, offset = -ob_period, linewidth = 3)                                               // Bullish OB Upper Limit
bull2 = plot(OB_bull_low,  title="Bullish OB Low",  style = plot.style_linebr, color = bullcolor, offset = -ob_period, linewidth = 3)                                               // Bullish OB Lower Limit
fill(bull1, bull2, color=bullcolor, transp = 0, title = "Bullish OB fill")                                                                                                          // Fill Bullish OB
plotshape(OB_bull_avg, title="Bullish OB Average", style = shape.cross,   color = bullcolor, size = size.normal, location = location.absolute, offset = -ob_period)                 // Bullish OB Average

plotshape(OB_bear, title="Bearish OB", style = shape.triangledown, color = bearcolor, textcolor = bearcolor,  size = size.tiny, location = location.abovebar, offset = -ob_period, text = "Bearish OB")     // Bearish OB Indicator
bear1 = plot(OB_bear_low,  title="Bearish OB Low",  style = plot.style_linebr, color = bearcolor, offset = -ob_period, linewidth = 3)                                                // Bearish OB Lower Limit
bear2 = plot(OB_bear_high, title="Bearish OB High", style = plot.style_linebr, color = bearcolor, offset = -ob_period, linewidth = 3)                                                // Bearish OB Upper Limit
fill(bear1, bear2, color=bearcolor, transp = 0, title = "Bearish OB fill")                                                                                                           // Fill Bearish OB
plotshape(OB_bear_avg, title="Bearish OB Average", style = shape.cross,   color = bearcolor, size = size.normal, location = location.absolute, offset = -ob_period)                  // Bullish OB Average

var line linebull1 = na       // Bullish OB average 
var line linebull2 = na       // Bullish OB open
var line linebull3 = na       // Bullish OB low
var line linebear1 = na       // Bearish OB average
var line linebear2 = na       // Bearish OB high
var line linebear3 = na       // Bearish OB open

if OB_bull and showbull
    linebull1 := line.new(x1 = bar_index, y1 = OB_bull_avg, x2 = bar_index - 1, y2 = OB_bull_avg, extend = extend.left, color = bullcolor, style = line.style_solid, width = 1)
    linebull2 := line.new(x1 = bar_index, y1 = OB_bull_high, x2 = bar_index - 1, y2 = OB_bull_high, extend = extend.left, color = bullcolor, style = line.style_dashed, width = 1)
    linebull3 := line.new(x1 = bar_index, y1 = OB_bull_low, x2 = bar_index - 1, y2 = OB_bull_low, extend = extend.left, color = bullcolor, style = line.style_dashed, width = 1)

if OB_bear and showbear
    linebear1 := line.new(x1 = bar_index, y1 = OB_bear_avg, x2 = bar_index - 1, y2 = OB_bear_avg, extend = extend.left, color = bearcolor,  style = line.style_solid, width = 1)
    linebear2 := line.new(x1 = bar_index, y1 = OB_bear_high, x2 = bar_index - 1, y2 = OB_bear_high, extend = extend.left, color = bearcolor,  style = line.style_dashed, width = 1)
    linebear3 := line.new(x1 = bar_index, y1 = OB_bear_low, x2 = bar_index - 1, y2 = OB_bear_low, extend = extend.left, color = bearcolor,  style = line.style_dashed, width = 1)

// Alerts for Order Blocks Detection

alertcondition(OB_bull, title='New Bullish OB detected', message='New Bullish OB detected - This is NOT a BUY signal!')
alertcondition(OB_bear, title='New Bearish OB detected', message='New Bearish OB detected - This is NOT a SELL signal!')

// Print latest Order Blocks in Data Window

var latest_bull_high = 0.0         // Variable to keep latest Bull OB high
var latest_bull_avg  = 0.0         // Variable to keep latest Bull OB average
var latest_bull_low  = 0.0         // Variable to keep latest Bull OB low
var latest_bear_high = 0.0         // Variable to keep latest Bear OB high
var latest_bear_avg  = 0.0         // Variable to keep latest Bear OB average
var latest_bear_low  = 0.0         // Variable to keep latest Bear OB low

// Assign latest values to variables
if OB_bull_high > 0
    latest_bull_high := OB_bull_high

if OB_bull_avg > 0
    latest_bull_avg := OB_bull_avg

if OB_bull_low > 0
    latest_bull_low := OB_bull_low

if OB_bear_high > 0
    latest_bear_high := OB_bear_high
if OB_bear_avg > 0
    latest_bear_avg := OB_bear_avg
if OB_bear_low > 0
    latest_bear_low := OB_bear_low

// Plot invisible characters to be able to show the values in the Data Window
plotchar(latest_bull_high, char = ' ', location = location.abovebar, color = #777777, transp = 100, size = size.tiny, title = "Latest Bull High")
plotchar(latest_bull_avg,  char = ' ', location = location.abovebar, color = #777777, transp = 100, size = size.tiny, title = "Latest Bull Avg")
plotchar(latest_bull_low,  char = ' ', location = location.abovebar, color = #777777, transp = 100, size = size.tiny, title = "Latest Bull Low")
plotchar(latest_bear_high, char = ' ', location = location.abovebar, color = #777777, transp = 100, size = size.tiny, title = "Latest Bear High")
plotchar(latest_bear_avg,  char = ' ', location = location.abovebar, color = #777777, transp = 100, size = size.tiny, title = "Latest Bear Avg")
plotchar(latest_bear_low,  char = ' ', location = location.abovebar, color = #777777, transp = 100, size = size.tiny, title = "Latest Bear Low")

//InfoPanel for latest Order Blocks

draw_InfoPanel(_text, _x, _y, font_size)=>
    var label la_panel = na
    la_panel := label.new(
         x=_x, y=_y, 
         text=_text, xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price, 
         color=color.new(#383838, 5), style=label.style_label_left, textcolor=color.white, size=font_size)

info_panel_x = time_close + round(change(time) * 100)
info_panel_y = close

row0 = "-----------------------------------------------------"
row1 = ' Bullish - High: ' + tostring(latest_bull_high, '#.##')
row2 = ' Bullish - Avg: ' + tostring(latest_bull_avg, '#.##')
row3 = ' Bullish - Low: ' + tostring(latest_bull_low, '#.##')
row4 = "-----------------------------------------------------"
row5 = ' Bearish - High: ' + tostring(latest_bear_high, '#.##')
row6 = ' Bearish - Avg: ' + tostring(latest_bear_avg, '#.##')
row7 = ' Bearish - Low: ' + tostring(latest_bear_low, '#.##')

panel_text = '\n' + title + '\n' + row0 + '\n' + row1 + '\n' + row2 + '\n' + row3 + '\n' + row4 + '\n\n' + row5 + '\n' + row6 + '\n' + row7 + '\n'

if info_pan
    draw_InfoPanel(panel_text, info_panel_x, info_panel_y, size.normal)

// === Label for Documentation/Tooltip ===
chper = time - time[1]
chper := change(chper) > 0 ? chper[1] : chper

// === Tooltip text ===

var vartooltip = "Indicator to help identifying instituational Order Blocks. Often these blocks signal the beginning of a strong move, but there is a high probability, that these prices will be revisited at a later point in time again and therefore are interesting levels to place limit orders. \nBullish Order block is the last down candle before a sequence of up candles. \nBearish Order Block is the last up candle before a sequence of down candles. \nIn the settings the number of required sequential candles can be adjusted. \nFurthermore a %-threshold can be entered which the sequential move needs to achieve in order to validate a relevant Order Block. \nChannels for the last Bullish/Bearish Block can be shown/hidden."

// === Print Label ===
var label l_docu = na

if showdocu
    l_docu := label.new(x = time + chper * 35, y = close, text = "DOCU OB", color=color.gray, textcolor=color.white, style=label.style_label_center, xloc = xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price, size=size.tiny, textalign = text.align_left, tooltip = vartooltip)

// @TradingSecrets: Generate entry and exit orders based on the signals
entryLongSignal = OB_bull
entryShortSignal = OB_bear

if not pyramiding
    entryLongSignal := entryLongSignal and not strategy.position_size
    entryShortSignal := entryShortSignal and not strategy.position_size
if entryLongSignal
    strategy.entry("Long Entry", strategy.long)
    //strategy.exit("Long Exit Loss", "Long Entry", stop = close * (1 - stoploss_percent*0.01))

if entryShortSignal
    strategy.entry("Short Entry", strategy.short)
    //strategy.exit("Short Exit Loss", "Short Entry", stop = close * (1 + stoploss_percent*0.01))
strategy.initial_capital = 50000        
//Close Position by market order
if strategy.position_size > 0 and strategy.openprofit/nz(strategy.initial_capital + strategy.netprofit) >= takeprofit_percent*0.01
    //If I m in a long position and my take profit got hit close it by market order
    strategy.close("Long Entry", comment = "Long Exit Profit")
if strategy.position_size < 0 and strategy.openprofit/nz(strategy.initial_capital + strategy.netprofit) >= takeprofit_percent*0.01
    strategy.close("Short Entry", comment = "Short Exit Profit")

if strategy.position_size > 0 and strategy.openprofit/nz(strategy.initial_capital + strategy.netprofit) <= -stoploss_percent*0.01
    //If I m in a long position and my take profit got hit close it by market order
    strategy.close("Long Entry", comment = "Long Exit Loss")
if strategy.position_size < 0 and strategy.openprofit/nz(strategy.initial_capital + strategy.netprofit) <= -stoploss_percent*0.01
    strategy.close("Short Entry", comment = "Short Exit Loss")
