A estratégia de ruptura de SR é uma estratégia de ruptura de suporte e resistência desenvolvida com base no indicador de detector de ruptura do LonesomeTheBlue
A estratégia de ruptura da SR é uma estratégia de negociação baseada na idéia clássica de ruptura de suporte e resistência. Usando as funções pivothigh e pivotlow para calcular os níveis de suporte e resistência, e julgando se o preço de fechamento quebra esses níveis para gerar sinais de negociação. A vantagem desta estratégia é que a idéia é clara e fácil de implementar e otimizar; ao mesmo tempo, também há alguns riscos, como mau desempenho em mercados instáveis, e os riscos que podem ser causados por índices fixos de stop loss e take profit. No futuro, podemos considerar a otimização e melhoria desta estratégia a partir de aspectos como indicadores técnicos, stop loss e take profit, condições de filtragem, otimização de suporte e resistência, etc., para melhorar sua estabilidade e lucratividade.
/*backtest start: 2024-05-07 00:00:00 end: 2024-05-14 00:00:00 period: 10m basePeriod: 1m exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ // © LonesomeTheBlue © chanu_lev10k //@version=5 strategy('SR Breakout Strategy', overlay=true, max_bars_back=500, max_lines_count=400) prd = input.int(defval=5, title='Period', minval=2) bo_len = input.int(defval=71, title='Max Breakout Length', minval=30, maxval=300) cwidthu = input.float(defval=3., title='Threshold Rate %', minval=1., maxval=10) / 100 mintest = input.int(defval=2, title='Minimum Number of Tests', minval=1) bocolorup = input.color(defval=color.blue, title='Breakout Colors', inline='bocol') bocolordown = input.color(defval=color.red, title='', inline='bocol') // lstyle = input.string(defval=line.style_solid, title='Line Style') issl = input.bool(title='SL', inline='linesl1', group='Stop Loss / Take Profit:', defval=false) slpercent = input.float(title=', %', inline='linesl1', group='Stop Loss / Take Profit:', defval=18.0, minval=0.0, step=0.1) istp = input.bool(title='TP', inline='linetp1', group='Stop Loss / Take Profit:', defval=false) tppercent = input.float(title=', %', inline='linetp1', group='Stop Loss / Take Profit:', defval=18.0, minval=0.0, step=0.1) //width lll = math.max(math.min(bar_index, 300), 1) float h_ = ta.highest(lll) float l_ = ta.lowest(lll) float chwidth = (h_ - l_) * cwidthu // check if PH/PL ph = ta.pivothigh(prd, prd) pl = ta.pivotlow(prd, prd) //keep Pivot Points and their locations in the arrays var phval = array.new_float(0) var phloc = array.new_int(0) var plval = array.new_float(0) var plloc = array.new_int(0) // keep PH/PL levels and locations if bool(ph) array.unshift(phval, ph) array.unshift(phloc, bar_index - prd) if array.size(phval) > 1 // cleanup old ones for x = array.size(phloc) - 1 to 1 by 1 if bar_index - array.get(phloc, x) > bo_len array.pop(phloc) array.pop(phval) if bool(pl) array.unshift(plval, pl) array.unshift(plloc, bar_index - prd) if array.size(plval) > 1 // cleanup old ones for x = array.size(plloc) - 1 to 1 by 1 if bar_index - array.get(plloc, x) > bo_len array.pop(plloc) array.pop(plval) // check bullish cup float bomax = na int bostart = bar_index num = 0 hgst = ta.highest(prd)[1] if array.size(phval) >= mintest and close > open and close > hgst bomax := array.get(phval, 0) xx = 0 for x = 0 to array.size(phval) - 1 by 1 if array.get(phval, x) >= close break xx := x bomax := math.max(bomax, array.get(phval, x)) bomax if xx >= mintest and open <= bomax for x = 0 to xx by 1 if array.get(phval, x) <= bomax and array.get(phval, x) >= bomax - chwidth num += 1 bostart := array.get(phloc, x) bostart if num < mintest or hgst >= bomax bomax := na bomax // if not na(bomax) and num >= mintest // line.new(x1=bar_index, y1=bomax, x2=bostart, y2=bomax, color=bocolorup) // line.new(x1=bar_index, y1=bomax - chwidth, x2=bostart, y2=bomax - chwidth, color=bocolorup) // line.new(x1=bostart, y1=bomax - chwidth, x2=bostart, y2=bomax, color=bocolorup) // line.new(x1=bar_index, y1=bomax - chwidth, x2=bar_index, y2=bomax, color=bocolorup) plotshape(not na(bomax) and num >= mintest, location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangleup, color=bocolorup, size=size.small) //alertcondition(not na(bomax) and num >= mintest, title='Breakout', message='Breakout') // check bearish cup float bomin = na bostart := bar_index num1 = 0 lwst = ta.lowest(prd)[1] if array.size(plval) >= mintest and close < open and close < lwst bomin := array.get(plval, 0) xx = 0 for x = 0 to array.size(plval) - 1 by 1 if array.get(plval, x) <= close break xx := x bomin := math.min(bomin, array.get(plval, x)) bomin if xx >= mintest and open >= bomin for x = 0 to xx by 1 if array.get(plval, x) >= bomin and array.get(plval, x) <= bomin + chwidth num1 += 1 bostart := array.get(plloc, x) bostart if num1 < mintest or lwst <= bomin bomin := na bomin // if not na(bomin) and num1 >= mintest // line.new(x1=bar_index, y1=bomin, x2=bostart, y2=bomin, color=bocolordown) // line.new(x1=bar_index, y1=bomin + chwidth, x2=bostart, y2=bomin + chwidth, color=bocolordown) // line.new(x1=bostart, y1=bomin + chwidth, x2=bostart, y2=bomin, color=bocolordown) // line.new(x1=bar_index, y1=bomin + chwidth, x2=bar_index, y2=bomin, color=bocolordown) plotshape(not na(bomin) and num1 >= mintest, location=location.abovebar, style=shape.triangledown, color=bocolordown, size=size.small) //alertcondition(not na(bomin) and num1 >= mintest, title='Breakdown', message='Breakdown') //alertcondition(not na(bomax) and num >= mintest or not na(bomin) and num1 >= mintest, title='Breakout or Breakdown', message='Breakout or Breakdown') // Long Short conditions longCondition = not na(bomax) and num >= mintest if longCondition strategy.entry('Long', strategy.long) shortCondition = not na(bomin) and num1 >= mintest if shortCondition strategy.entry('Short', strategy.short) // Entry price / Take Profit / Stop Loss //entryprice = strategy.position_avg_price entryprice = ta.valuewhen(condition=longCondition or shortCondition, source=close, occurrence=0) pm = longCondition ? 1 : shortCondition ? -1 : 1 / math.sign(strategy.position_size) takeprofit = entryprice * (1 + pm * tppercent * 0.01) stoploss = entryprice * (1 - pm * slpercent * 0.01) strategy.exit(id='Exit Long', from_entry='Long', stop=issl ? stoploss : na, limit=istp ? takeprofit : na, alert_message='Exit Long') strategy.exit(id='Exit Short', from_entry='Short', stop=issl ? stoploss : na, limit=istp ? takeprofit : na, alert_message='Exit Short')