
The currentThread() function is used to get the thread object of the current thread.

The currentThread() function returns the thread object of the current thread.


function test() {
    Log("Id of the current thread:", threading.currentThread().id())

function main() {
    var t1 = threading.Thread(test)

Get the Thread object of the current thread and output the threadId of the current thread.

It supports backtesting system and live trading environment.

{@fun/Threads/threading/Thread Thread}, {@fun/Threads/threading/mainThread mainThread}, {@fun/Threads/threading/Thread Thread}, {@fun/Threads/threading/Lock Lock}, {@fun/Threads/threading/Condition Condition}, {@fun/Threads/threading/Event Event}, {@fun/Threads/threading/Dict Dict}, {@fun/Threads/threading/pending pending}, {@fun/Threads/threading/eventLoop eventLoop}