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MTF-RSI und STOCH-Strategie

Schriftsteller:ChaoZhang, Datum: 2022-05-10 10:41:43 Uhr

Diese gemeinsame Nutzung ist ein Indikator, bei dem Sie den Durchschnitt verschiedener Zeitrahmen sehen können.

Der RSI ist die blaue Linie Die gelbe Linie ist die Aktie.

Sie können den Zeitrahmen in den Parametern verwalten.

Die Strategie besteht darin, eine Position einzunehmen, wenn die beiden Linien überkauft oder überverkauft werden und zu schließen, wenn der Aktien- und RSI-Wert in die Mitte geht.


MTF RSI & STOCH Strategy

start: 2021-05-09 00:00:00
end: 2022-05-08 23:59:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

////////////////////////////////////////// MTF Stochastic & RSI Strategy ©️ bykzis /////////////////////////////////////////

// *** Inspired by "Binance CHOP Dashboard" from @Cazimiro and "RSI MTF Table" from @mobester16 *** and LOT OF COPY of Indicator-Jones MTF Scanner

//strategy('MTF RSI & STOCH Strategy', overlay=false,initial_capital=100, currency=currency.USD, commission_value=0.01, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent)

// Pair list
var string GRP1       = '══════════    General    ══════════'
overbought = input.int(80, 'Overbought Level', minval=1, group=GRP1)
oversold = input.int(20, 'Oversold Level', minval=1, group=GRP1)

/// Timeframes
var string GRP2       = '══════════   Timeframes   ══════════'
timeframe1 = input.timeframe(title="Timeframe 1", defval="W", group=GRP2)
timeframe2 = input.timeframe(title="Timeframe 2", defval="D", group=GRP2)
timeframe3 = input.timeframe(title="Timeframe 3", defval="240", group=GRP2)
timeframe4 = input.timeframe(title="Timeframe 4", defval="60", group=GRP2)

// RSI settings
var string GRP3       = '══════════   RSI settings   ══════════'
rsiLength = input.int(14, minval=1, title='RSI length', group=GRP3)
rsiSource = input(close, 'RSI Source', group=GRP3)
rsioverbought = input.int(70, 'RSI Overbought Level', minval=1, group=GRP3)
rsioversold = input.int(30, 'RSI Oversold Level', minval=1, group=GRP3)

/// Get RSI values of each timeframe /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
rsi = ta.rsi(rsiSource, rsiLength)
callRSI(id,timeframe) =>
    rsiValue = request.security(id, str.tostring(timeframe), rsi, gaps=barmerge.gaps_off)

RSI_TF1 = callRSI(syminfo.tickerid, timeframe1)
RSI_TF2 = callRSI(syminfo.tickerid, timeframe2)
RSI_TF3 = callRSI(syminfo.tickerid, timeframe3)
RSI_TF4 = callRSI(syminfo.tickerid, timeframe4)

/////// Calculate Averages /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
calcAVG(valueTF1, valueTF2, valueTF3, valueTF4) =>
    math.round((valueTF1 + valueTF2 + valueTF3 + valueTF4) / 4, 2)


// Stochastic settings
var string GRP4       = '══════════   Stochastic settings   ══════════'
periodK = input.int(14, '%K length', minval=1, group=GRP4)
smoothK = input.int(3, 'Smooth K', minval=1, group=GRP4)
stochSource = input(close, 'Stochastic Source', group=GRP4)
stochoverbought = input.int(70, 'Stochastic Overbought Level', minval=1, group=GRP4)
stochoversold = input.int(30, 'Stochastic Oversold Level', minval=1, group=GRP4)

/// Get Stochastic values of each timeframe ////////////////////////////////////////////////
stoch = ta.sma(ta.stoch(stochSource, high, low, periodK), smoothK)
getStochastic(id,timeframe) =>
    stochValue = request.security(id, str.tostring(timeframe), stoch, gaps=barmerge.gaps_off)

Stoch_TF1 = getStochastic(syminfo.tickerid, timeframe1)
Stoch_TF2 = getStochastic(syminfo.tickerid, timeframe2)
Stoch_TF3 = getStochastic(syminfo.tickerid, timeframe3)
Stoch_TF4 = getStochastic(syminfo.tickerid, timeframe4)

AVG_STOCH=calcAVG(Stoch_TF1, Stoch_TF2, Stoch_TF3, Stoch_TF4)

plot(AVG, color = color.blue, title='RSI')
plot(AVG_STOCH, color = color.yellow,title='STOCH')
hline(rsioversold, color=color.lime)
hline(50, color=color.white)

//============ signal Generator ==================================//

if AVG <= rsioversold and AVG_STOCH <=stochoversold 
    strategy.entry('Buy_Long', strategy.long)

strategy.close("Buy_Long",when=(AVG_STOCH >=70 and AVG >=50 and close >=strategy.position_avg_price),comment="Long_OK")

if AVG >=rsioverbought and AVG_STOCH >=stochoverbought
    strategy.entry('Buy_Short', strategy.short)

strategy.close("Buy_Short",when=(AVG_STOCH <=30 and AVG <=50 and close <=strategy.position_avg_price),comment="Short_OK")


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