I have written to others before, and found that many friends want to monitor the strategy of the market, and immediately alert the police in case of special situations, but not very satisfied with the fact that they have been open all the time; so today I share a simple price reminder demo for everyone's reference.ps: the language is used by python, it alerts through the pins interface, the configuration of the server is not introduced here
wget -O install.sh http://download.bt.cn/install/install-ubuntu_6.0.sh && sudo bash install.sh
Once you're done, get the URL and log in. (If the URL is not open, you need to open port 8888)
Access to permissions Open security - shh security management - open shh key log in
Uploading of documents
sudo apt-get install screen
screen -S [name]
Exit screen shortcut
View the screen running in the background
screen -ls
End of process (pid can be viewed by the process)
kill -9 [pid号]
Clearing process information that is dead on the screen
screen -wipe
# 钉钉输出接口
class DING:
# 向钉钉群输出信息
def msg(self,text):
token ="***"
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'} # 请求头
api_url = f"***={token}"
json_text = {
"msgtype": "text", # 信息格式
"text": {
"content": text
# 发送并打印信息
requests.post(api_url, json.dumps(json_text), headers=headers).content
def dd(self,logging):
bj_dt = str(datetime.datetime.now())
bj_dt = bj_dt.split('.')[0] # 处理时间
text = f'{bj_dt}\n' # 定义信息内容
text = text + logging # 处理信息内容
log.msg(text) # 调用msg函数,输出信息
The transaction is accessed via Binance API, using the U-bit contract fapi interface, the following code is simply wrapped in Binance API, for reference only
import requests,json,time,hmac,hashlib,datetime
# APIKEY填写位置
apikey = '***'
Secret_KEY = '***'
class bian:
def param2string(self,param):
s = ''
for k in param.keys():
s += k
s += '='
s += str(param[k])
s += '&'
return s[:-1]
# 参数为get,post请求方式,路径,body
def IO(self,method,request_path,body):
header = {
'X-MBX-APIKEY': apikey,
if body != '':
body['signature'] = hmac.new(Secret_KEY.encode('utf-8'), self.param2string(body).encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
if method == 'GET':
body = self.param2string(body)
tell = 'https://fapi.binance.com{0}?{1}'.format(request_path,body)
response = requests.get(url=tell, headers=header).json()
return response
elif method == 'POST':
response = requests.post(url='https://fapi.binance.com'+str(request_path), headers=header, data=body).json()
return response
response = requests.get(url='https://fapi.binance.com'+str(request_path), headers=header).json()
return response
Since the strategy is only used to get the price interface, this is just a simple demonstration, other interfaces are the same.
def price(self,Name):
body = {"symbol":str(Name)}
info = self.IO("GET","/fapi/v1/ticker/price",body)
for i in info:
if i == "code":
letgo = '调用price函数接口返回错误,再次尝试 返回错误代码:{0}'.format(str(info))
return info["price"]
Below is the implementation of the industry monitoring code:
# 监控币种&&监控价格一一对应
PriceTIME = ["100000;28000","500000000;1200","500;100"]
def pricewarm():
for i in range(len(PriceTIME)):
info = exchange.price(str(PriceTIME[i]))
priceindex = PriceTIME[i].find(";") #提取价格区间
priceup = PriceTIME[i][:priceindex]
pricedown = PriceTIME[i][priceindex+1:]
if float(info) >= float(priceup): #钉钉接口输出
letgo = f'当前价格{info}USDT大于所设定上限{priceup}USDT'
elif float(info) <= float(pricedown):
letgo = f'当前价格{info}USDT小于等于设定下限{pricedown}USDT'
# 主函数
def main():
global exchange,log
log = DING
exchange = bian
while True:
if __name__ == "__main__":
When the code is ready, remember the path, open the terminal run screen
screen -S [名称]
cd [路径]
python3 [文件名]
You can log out after the confirmation process has run.
The policy address:A simple price reminds the robot
btc123456What happens when the robot doesn't react when it's running?
Inventors quantify - small dreamsThank you for sharing your experience.
program qq 2700903954
btc123456The price has arrived, the setup conditions have arrived, the robot is running, is it not a reminder of what is going on?
programThe price is the only thing that reminds me.