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Multi-factor Quantitative Trading Strategy

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2023-10-24 11:15:54

Multi-factor Quantitative Trading Strategy

This is a quantitative trading strategy that combines multiple technical indicators for long/short decisions. It takes into account momentum indicators, trend indicators, Ichimoku cloud and other factors to form the final buy/sell judgements. The strategy has strong stability and risk resistance.

Principle Analysis

The strategy consists of following main components:

  1. Momentum indicators: Parabolic SAR, Leledc, Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average etc.

  2. Trend indicators: RahulMohindar Oscillator, Trend Magic etc.

  3. Ichimoku Cloud: Tenkan-sen, Kijun-sen etc.

  4. Volume indicators: Volume Flow Indicator

  5. Volatility indicators: Wave Trend Oscillator

  6. TD Sequential

These indicators judge the market trend and momentum from different perspectives. Parabolic SAR detects trend reversal points, Leledc measures momentum, Ichimoku Cloud identifies support/resistance levels. Buy/sell signals are generated when most indicators agree on the direction.

The strategy also sets filter conditions to avoid inefficient trades outside specified date ranges per month/day.

Advantage Analysis

  • Multiple factors improve accuracy and risk resistance

  • Cross validation with different indicator types avoids failure risk

  • Filter conditions avoid inefficient trades in unsuitable periods

  • Pine Script implementation allows easy use on TradingView

  • Customizable parameters can be optimized for different markets

  • Visual signals provide intuitive market structure judgements

Risk Analysis

  • Multi-factor combination requires parameter tuning and weight optimization

  • Individual indicators may fail in certain market conditions

  • Improper filter settings may miss opportunities

  • Over-optimization needs to be avoided

  • Traders should watch out for indicator failure risks and adjust strategy accordingly


  • Optimize parameters for indicator effectiveness in current market

  • Adjust weights to amplify effective and reduce ineffective indicators

  • Fine-tune filters to balance opportunity and risk

Optimization Directions

  • Add machine learning algorithms to auto-adjust indicator weights

  • Incorporate more factors like sentiment, money flow etc.

  • Test optimial parameters across products and timeframes

  • Evaluate different holding period performances

  • Combine more filters like seasonality, economic data etc.

  • Add stop loss strategies


The strategy combines multiple indicators for stronger risk resistance. But indicator failure risks need to be monitored, parameters continuously optimized. Future enhancements may include optimizing indicator weights, adding more factors, testing optimal holding periods etc.

persistent_bull = nz(persistent_bull[1],0) 
persistent_bear  = nz(persistent_bear[1],0) 

strategy("Strategy for The Bitcoin Buy/Sell Indicator", overlay=true, calc_on_every_tick=true)

// ****************************************Inputs***************************************************************
//@fixme if there is a buy and sell signal on the same bar, then it displays the first one and skips the second one. Fix this issue
buySellSignal = true // Make this false if you do not want to show Buy/Sell signal
inputIndividualSiganlPlot = true // = input (false, "Do you want to display each individual indicator's signal on the chart?")
sp = input (false, "Do you want to display Parabolic SAR?")
spLines = input (false, "Do you want to display Parabolic SAR on the chart?")
sCloud = input(false, "Do you want to display the Tenkan and Kijun lines of Ichimoku lines on the chart?")
sL = input (false, "Do you want to display Leledec Exhausion - Leledc on the chart?")
sTD = false
sRMO = input(false, "Do you want to display Rahul Mohindar Oscillator - RMO on the chart?")
inputAma = input(false, title="Do you want to display Kaufman AMA wave - AMA on the chart?")
tm = input (false, "Do you want to display Trend Magic signals on the chart?")
wtoLB = input (false, "Do you want to display WaveTrend Oscillator - WTO on the chart?")
vfiLB = input (false, "Do you want to display Volume Flow Indicator - VFI on the chart?")
cogRegionFillTransp = 100 // input(false, "Do you want to display COG Region Fill and ATR Starc+/-")
inputNeutralMinorSignals = input (false, title="Do you want to not display the minor or the not so strong signals from Ichimoku")
maj=true // input(true,title="Show Major Leledc Exhausion Bar signal")
min=input(false,title="Show Minor Leledc Exhausion Bar signal")

tenkanPeriods = input(20, minval=9, title="Tenkan Period - Ichimoku [9 or 10 or 20]")
kijunPeriods = input(60, minval=26, title="Kijun Period - Ichimoku [26 or 30 or 60]")
chikouPeriods = input(120, minval=52, title="Chikou - Ichimoku [52 or 60 or 120]")
displacement = input(30, minval=26, title="Displacement - Ichimoku [26 or 30]")

// ****************************************General Color Variables***************************************************************
colorLime = #006400 // Warning sign for long trade
colorBuy= #2DFF03 // Good sign for long trade
colorSell = #733629 // Good sign for short trade
colorMaroon =#8b0000 // Warning sign for short trade
colorBlue =#0000ff // No clear sign
colorGray = #a9a9a9 // Gray Color (For Squeeze momentum indicator)
colorBlack = #000000 // Black
colorWhite = #ffffff // White
colorTenkanViolet = #800000 // Tenkan-sen line color
colorKijun = #0000A6 // Kijun-sen line color

// TD Sequential bar colors
tdSell = #ff6666
tdSellOvershoot = #ff1a1a
tdSellOvershoot1 = #cc0000
tdSellOverShoot2 = #990000
tdSellOverShoot3 = #732626

tdBuy = #80ff80
tdBuyOverShoot = #33ff33
tdBuyOvershoot1 = #00cc00
tdBuyOverShoot2 = #008000 
tdBuyOvershoot3 = #004d00
// ****************************************Icons***************************************************************
upSign = '↑' // indicates the indicator shows uptrend
downSign = '↓' // incicates the indicator showing downtrend
exitSign ='x' //indicates the indicator uptrend/downtrend ending
// diamond signals weakBullishSignal or weakBearishsignal
// flag signals neutralBullishSignal or neutralBearishSignal

// ****************************************Parabolic SAR code***************************************************************
start = 2 
increment = 2
maximum = 2 
sus = true
sds = true
disc = false 

startCalc = start * .01
incrementCalc = increment * .01
maximumCalc = maximum * .10

sarUp = sar(startCalc, incrementCalc, maximumCalc)
sarDown = sar(startCalc, incrementCalc, maximumCalc)

colUp = spLines and close >= sarDown ? colorLime : na
colDown = spLines and close <= sarUp ? colorSell : na

//@fixme Does not display the correct values for up and down pSAR
plot(sp and sus and sarUp ? sarUp : na, title="↓ SAR", style=cross, linewidth=3,color=colUp)
plot(sp and sds and sarDown ? sarDown : na, title="↑ SAR", style=circles, linewidth=3,color=colDown)

startSAR = 0.02 
incrementSAR = 0.02 
maximumSAR = 0.2 

psar = sar(startSAR, incrementSAR, maximumSAR)
bullishPSAR = psar < high and psar[1] > low
bearishPSAR= psar > low and psar[1] < high 

//***********************Leledc Exhausion Bar***********************************************

    if (close>close[4]) 
        bindex:=bindex + 1
        sindex:=sindex + 1
    if (bindex>qual) and (close<open) and high>=highest(high,len) 
    if ((sindex>qual) and (close>open) and (low<= lowest(low,len)))


leledecMajorBullish = maj ? (major==1?low:na) : na
leledecMajorBearish = maj ? (major==-1?high:na) : na

//****************Ichimoku ************************************
donchian(len) => avg(lowest(len), highest(len))

tenkan = donchian(tenkanPeriods)
kijun = donchian(kijunPeriods)
senkouA = avg(tenkan, kijun)
senkouB = donchian(chikouPeriods)
displacedSenkouA = senkouA[displacement]
displacedSenkouB = senkouB[displacement] 

bullishSignal = crossover(tenkan, kijun)
bearishSignal = crossunder(tenkan, kijun)

bullishSignalValues = iff(bullishSignal, tenkan, na)
bearishSignalValues = iff(bearishSignal, tenkan, na)

strongBullishSignal = crossover(tenkan, kijun) and bullishSignalValues > displacedSenkouA and bullishSignalValues > displacedSenkouB and low > tenkan and displacedSenkouA > displacedSenkouB
strongBearishSignal = bearishSignalValues < displacedSenkouA and bearishSignalValues < displacedSenkouB and high < tenkan and displacedSenkouA <  displacedSenkouB

neutralBullishSignal = (bullishSignalValues > displacedSenkouA and bullishSignalValues < displacedSenkouB) or (bullishSignalValues < displacedSenkouA and bullishSignalValues > displacedSenkouB)
weakBullishSignal = bullishSignalValues < displacedSenkouA and bullishSignalValues < displacedSenkouB
neutralBearishSignal = (bearishSignalValues > displacedSenkouA and bearishSignalValues < displacedSenkouB) or (bearishSignalValues < displacedSenkouA and bearishSignalValues > displacedSenkouB)
weakBearishSignal = bearishSignalValues > displacedSenkouA and bearishSignalValues > displacedSenkouB
//*********************Kaufman AMA wave*********************//
filterp = 10

noise=sum(d, lengthAMA)

smooth=pow(efratio*fastsc+slowsc, 2)
ama=nz(ama[1], close)+smooth*(src-nz(ama[1], close))
filter=filterp/100 * stdev(ama-nz(ama), lengthAMA)
amalow=ama < nz(ama[1]) ? ama : nz(amalow[1])
amahigh=ama > nz(ama[1]) ? ama : nz(amahigh[1])
bw=(ama-amalow) > filter ? 1 : (amahigh-ama > filter ? -1 : 0)
s_color=bw > 0 ? colorBuy : (bw < 0) ? colorSell : colorBlue

amaLongConditionEntry = s_color==colorBuy and s_color[1]!=colorBuy
amaShortConditionEntry = s_color==colorSell and s_color[1]!=colorSell

//***********************Rahul Mohindar Oscillator ******************************//
cm2(x) => sma(x,2)
SwingTrd1 = 100 * (close - (ma1+ma2+ma3+ma4+ma5+ma6+ma7+ma8+ma9+ma10)/10)/(highest(C,10)-lowest(C,10))
RMO= ema(SwingTrd1,81)
Ribbon_kol=Bull_Trend ? colorBuy : (Bear_Trend ? colorSell : colorBlue)
Impulse_UP= SwingTrd2 > 0
Impulse_Down= RMO < 0
bar_kol=Impulse_UP ? colorBuy : (Impulse_Down ? colorSell : (Bull_Trend ?  colorBuy : colorBlue))

rahulMohindarOscilllatorLongEntry = Ribbon_kol==colorBuy and Ribbon_kol[1]!=colorBuy and Ribbon_kol[1]==colorSell and bar_kol==colorBuy
rahulMohindarOscilllatorShortEntry = Ribbon_kol==colorSell and Ribbon_kol[1]!=colorSell and Ribbon_kol[1]==colorBuy and bar_kol==colorSell

//***********************TD Sequential code ******************************//

TD = close > close[4] ?nz(TD[1])+1:0
TS = close < close[4] ?nz(TS[1])+1:0

TDUp = TD - valuewhen(TD < TD[1], TD , 1 )
TDDn = TS - valuewhen(TS < TS[1], TS , 1 )

priceflip = barssince(close<close[4])
sellsetup = close>close[4] and priceflip
sell = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=9)
sellovershoot = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=13)
sellovershoot1 = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=14)
sellovershoot2 = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=15)
sellovershoot3 = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=16)

priceflip1 = barssince(close>close[4])
buysetup = close<close[4] and priceflip1
buy = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=9)
buyovershoot = barssince(priceflip1!=13) and buysetup
buyovershoot1 = barssince(priceflip1!=14) and buysetup
buyovershoot2 = barssince(priceflip1!=15) and buysetup
buyovershoot3 = barssince(priceflip1!=16) and buysetup

TDbuyh = valuewhen(buy,high,0)
TDbuyl = valuewhen(buy,low,0)
TDsellh = valuewhen(sell,high,0)
TDselll = valuewhen(sell,low,0)
//***********************Volume Flow Indicator [LazyBear] ******************************//
lengthVFI = 130 
coefVFI = 0.2 
vcoefVFI = 2.5 
signalLength= 5 

ma(x,y) => smoothVFI ? sma(x,y) : x

inter = log( typical ) - log( typical[1] )
vinter = stdev(inter, 30 )
cutoff = coefVFI * vinter * close
vave = sma( volume, lengthVFI )[1]
vmax = vave * vcoefVFI
vc = iff(volume < vmax, volume, vmax)
mf = typical - typical[1]
vcp = iff( mf > cutoff, vc, iff ( mf < -cutoff, -vc, 0 ) )

vfi = ma(sum( vcp , lengthVFI )/vave, 3)
vfima=ema( vfi, signalLength )

bullishVFI = vfi > 0 and vfi[1] <=0
bearishVFI =  vfi < 0 and vfi[1] >=0

//***********************WaveTrend Oscillator [WT] ******************************//
n1 = 10
n2 = 21
obLevel1 = 60
obLevel2 = 53
osLevel1 = -60
osLevel2 = -53
ap = hlc3 
esa = ema(ap, n1)
dWTI = ema(abs(ap - esa), n1)
ci = (ap - esa) / (0.015 * dWTI)
tci = ema(ci, n2)
wt1 = tci
wt2 = sma(wt1,4)

wtiSignal = wt1-wt2

bullishWTI = wt1 > osLevel1 and wt1[1] <= osLevel1 and wtiSignal > 0
bearishWTI = wt1 < obLevel1 and wt1[1] >= obLevel1 and wtiSignal < 0

// **************** Trend Magic code adapted from  Glaz ********************* /
CCI = 20 // input(20)
ATR = 5 // input(5)
Multiplier=1 // input(1,title='ATR Multiplier')
original=true // input(true,title='original coloring')
thisCCI = cci(close, CCI)
lastCCI = nz(thisCCI[1])
bufferDn= high + Multiplier * sma(tr,ATR)
bufferUp= low - Multiplier * sma(tr,ATR)
if (thisCCI >= 0 and lastCCI < 0) 
    bufferUp := bufferDn[1]
if (thisCCI <= 0 and lastCCI > 0) 
    bufferDn := bufferUp[1]

if (thisCCI >= 0)
    if (bufferUp < bufferUp[1])
        bufferUp := bufferUp[1]
    if (thisCCI <= 0)
        if (bufferDn > bufferDn[1])
            bufferDn := bufferDn[1]

x=thisCCI >= 0 ?bufferUp:thisCCI <= 0 ?bufferDn:x[1]
swap3=thisCCI >=0 ?lime:red

bullTrendMagic = swap4 == lime and swap4[1] == red
bearTrendMagic = swap4 == red and swap4[1] == lime

// ************ Indicator: Custom COG channel by Lazy Bear **************** //
srcCOG = close
lengthCOG = 34
multCOG= 2.5 // input(2.5)
offset = 20 //input(20)

tr_custom() => 
    max(x1, max(x2,x3))
atr_custom(x,y) => 
dev = (multCOG * stdev(srcCOG, lengthCOG))
basis=linreg(srcCOG, lengthCOG, median)
ul = (basis + dev)
ll = (basis - dev)
tr_v = tr_custom()
acustom=(2*atr_custom(tr_v, lengthCOG))

// Plot STDEV channel
plot(basis, linewidth=1, color=navy, style=line, linewidth=1, title="Median : STDEV COG")
lb=plot(ul, color=red, linewidth=1, title="BB+ : COG", style=hline.style_dashed)
tb=plot(ll, color=green, linewidth=1, title="BB- : COG ", style=hline.style_dashed)
fill(tb,lb, silver, title="Region fill: STDEV COG",  transp=cogRegionFillTransp)

// Plot ATR channel
plot(basis, linewidth=2, color=navy, style=line, linewidth=2, title="Median : ATR COG ")
ls=plot(uls, color=red, linewidth=1, title="Starc+ : ATR COG", style=circles, transp=cogRegionFillTransp)
ts=plot(lls, color=green, linewidth=1, title="Star- : ATR COG", style=circles, transp=cogRegionFillTransp)
fill(ts,tb, green, title="Region fill : ATR COG", transp=cogRegionFillTransp)
fill(ls,lb, red, title="Region fill : ATR COG", transp=cogRegionFillTransp)

// Mark SQZ
sqz_f=(uls>ul) and (lls<ll) 
b_color=sqz_f ? colorBlack : na 
plot(sqz_f ? lls - (lls * plot_offs_low) : na, color=b_color, style=cross, linewidth=3, title="SQZ : COG", trasp=0) 
plot(sqz_f ? uls + (uls * plot_offs_high) : na, color=b_color, style=cross, linewidth=3, title="SQZ : COG", trasp=0)

// ****************************************All the plots and coloring of bars***************************************************************
// Trend Magic
plotchar(tm and bullTrendMagic, title="TM", char=upSign, location=location.belowbar, color=colorBuy, transp=0, text="TM", textcolor=colorBuy,
plotchar(tm and bearTrendMagic, title="TM", char=downSign, location=location.abovebar, color=colorSell, transp=0, text="TM", textcolor=colorSell,

// WaveTrend Oscillator
plotshape(wtoLB and bullishWTI, color=colorBuy, style=shape.labelup, textcolor=#000000, text="WTI", location=location.belowbar, transp=0)
plotshape(wtoLB and bearishWTI, color=colorSell, style=shape.labeldown, textcolor=#ffffff,  text="WTI", location=location.abovebar, transp=0)

// VFI
plotshape(vfiLB and bullishVFI, color=colorBuy, style=shape.labelup, textcolor=#000000, text="VFI", location=location.belowbar, transp=0)
plotshape(vfiLB and bearishVFI, color=colorSell, style=shape.labeldown, textcolor=#ffffff,  text="VFI", location=location.abovebar, transp=0)

plotshape(inputIndividualSiganlPlot and sp and bullishPSAR, color=colorBuy, style=shape.labelup, textcolor=#000000, text="Sar", location=location.belowbar, transp=0)
plotshape(inputIndividualSiganlPlot and sp and bearishPSAR, color=colorSell, style=shape.labeldown, textcolor=#ffffff,  text="Sar", location=location.abovebar, transp=0)

// Leledec
plotshape(inputIndividualSiganlPlot and sL and leledecMajorBearish, color=colorSell, style=shape.labeldown, textcolor=#ffffff,  text="Leledec", location=location.abovebar, transp=0)
plotshape(inputIndividualSiganlPlot and sL and leledecMajorBullish, color=colorBuy, style=shape.labelup, textcolor=#000000, text="Leledec", location=location.belowbar, transp=0)

plotshape(min ? (minor==1?low:na) : na, style=shape.diamond, text="Leledec", size=size.tiny, location=location.belowbar, title="Weak Bullish Signals - Leledec", color=colorLime)
plotshape(min ? (minor==-1?high:na) : na, style=shape.diamond, text="Leledec", size=size.tiny, location=location.abovebar, title="Weak Bearish Signals - Leleded", color=colorSell)

// Ichimoku
plot(tenkan, color=iff(sCloud, colorTenkanViolet, na), title="Tenkan", linewidth=2, transp=0)
plot(kijun, color=iff(sCloud, colorKijun, na), title="Kijun", linewidth=2, transp=0)

plot(close, offset = -displacement, color=iff(sCloud, colorLime, na), title="Chikou", linewidth=1)
p1 = plot(senkouA, offset=displacement, color=colorBuy, title="Senkou A", linewidth=3, transp=0)
p2 = plot(senkouB, offset=displacement, color=colorSell, title="Senkou B", linewidth=3, transp=0)
fill(p1, p2, color = senkouA > senkouB ? #1eb600 : colorSell)  

plotshape(inputIndividualSiganlPlot and strongBearishSignal, color=colorSell, style=shape.labelup, textcolor=#000000,  text="Ichimoku", location=location.abovebar, transp=0)
plotshape(inputIndividualSiganlPlot and strongBullishSignal, color=colorBuy, style=shape.labeldown, textcolor=#ffffff,  text="Ichimoku", location=location.belowbar, transp=0)

plotshape(inputNeutralMinorSignals and neutralBullishSignal, style=shape.flag, text="Ichimoku", size=size.small, location=location.belowbar, title="Neutral Bullish Signals - Ichimoku", color=colorLime)
plotshape(inputNeutralMinorSignals and weakBullishSignal, style=shape.diamond, text="Ichimoku", size=size.tiny, location=location.belowbar, title="Weak Bullish Signals - Ichimoku", color=colorLime)

plotshape(inputNeutralMinorSignals and neutralBearishSignal, style=shape.flag, text="Ichimoku", size=size.small, location=location.abovebar, title="Neutral Bearish Signals - Ichimoku", color=colorMaroon)
plotshape(inputNeutralMinorSignals and weakBearishSignal, style=shape.diamond, text="Ichimoku", size=size.tiny, location=location.abovebar, title="Weak Bearish Signals - Ichimoku", color=colorMaroon)

// AMA
plotshape(inputIndividualSiganlPlot and inputAma and amaLongConditionEntry, color=colorBuy, style=shape.labelup, textcolor=#000000, text="AMA", location=location.belowbar, transp=0)
plotshape(inputIndividualSiganlPlot and inputAma and amaShortConditionEntry, color=colorSell, style=shape.labeldown, textcolor=#ffffff,  text="AMA", location=location.abovebar, transp=0)

// RMO
plotshape(inputIndividualSiganlPlot and sRMO and rahulMohindarOscilllatorLongEntry, color=colorBuy, style=shape.labelup, textcolor=#000000, text="RMO", location=location.belowbar, transp=0)
plotshape(inputIndividualSiganlPlot and sRMO and rahulMohindarOscilllatorShortEntry, color=colorSell, style=shape.labeldown, textcolor=#ffffff,  text="RMO", location=location.abovebar, transp=0)

// TD
plot(sTD and SR?(TDbuyh ? TDbuyl: na):na,style=circles, linewidth=1, color=red)
plot(sTD and SR?(TDselll ? TDsellh : na):na,style=circles, linewidth=1, color=lime)

barColour = sell? tdSell : buy? tdBuy : sellovershoot? tdSellOvershoot : sellovershoot1? tdSellOvershoot1 : sellovershoot2?tdSellOverShoot2 : sellovershoot3? tdSellOverShoot3 : buyovershoot? tdBuyOverShoot : buyovershoot1? tdBuyOvershoot1 : buyovershoot2? tdBuyOverShoot2 : buyovershoot3? tdBuyOvershoot3 : na
barcolor(color=barColour, title ="TD Sequential Bar Colour")

// ****************************************BUY/SELL Signal ***************************************************************
bull = leledecMajorBullish or bullishPSAR or strongBullishSignal or amaLongConditionEntry or rahulMohindarOscilllatorLongEntry or bullishVFI
bear = leledecMajorBearish or bearishPSAR or strongBearishSignal or amaShortConditionEntry or rahulMohindarOscilllatorShortEntry or bearishVFI

if bull
    persistent_bull := 1 
    persistent_bear := 0
if bear
    persistent_bull := 0
    persistent_bear := 1

plotshape(bull and persistent_bull[1] != 1, style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, color=colorBuy, text="Buy", textcolor=#000000, transp=0)
plotshape(bear and persistent_bear[1] != 1, style=shape.labeldown, color=colorSell, text="Sell", location=location.abovebar, textcolor =#ffffff, transp=0)

// ****************************************Alerts***************************************************************
// For global buy/sell
alertcondition(bull and persistent_bull[1] != 1, title='Buy', message='Buy') 
alertcondition(bear and persistent_bear[1] != 1, title='Sell', message='Sell')

// Strategy
longCondition = leledecMajorBullish or bullishPSAR or strongBullishSignal or amaLongConditionEntry or rahulMohindarOscilllatorLongEntry or bullishVFI
closeLongCondition = leledecMajorBearish or bearishPSAR or strongBearishSignal or amaShortConditionEntry or rahulMohindarOscilllatorShortEntry or bearishVFI

monthfrom =input(1)
monthuntil =input(12)

if (longCondition )
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, leverage, comment="Enter Long")
    strategy.close("Long", when=closeLongCondition)

//if (closeLongCondition and month>=monthfrom and month <=monthuntil and dayofmonth>=dayfrom and dayofmonth <= dayuntil and year <= yearuntil and year>=yearfrom)
//    strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, leverage, comment="Enter Short")
//    strategy.close("Short", when=longCondition)
