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MacD Custom Indicator-Multiple Time Frame+Semua Pilihan Tersedia!

Penulis:ChaoZhang, Tanggal: 2022-05-06 20:46:48

Indikator MACD reguler dengan histogram yang memetakan 4 warna berdasarkan arah di atas dan di bawah garis nol Pembaruan memungkinkan Opsi Kotak centang, Tampilkan MacD & Garis Sinyal, Tampilkan Perubahan Warna Garis MacD berdasarkan penyeberangan Garis Sinyal. Tampilkan Titik di Palang MacD dan Garis Sinyal, Histogram dapat menunjukkan 4 warna atau 1, Menghidupkan dan mematikan Histogram. Terima kasih khusus kepada orang luar biasa di dukungan teknis yang saya tidak akan mengatakan nama Anda sehingga Anda tidak dibombardir dengan email Perhatikan fitur Dukungan Teknis menunjukkan kepada saya tentang cara mengatur kerangka waktu default dari indikator untuk grafik Timeframe, tetapi juga memungkinkan Anda untuk memilih kerangka waktu yang berbeda. Ngomong-ngomong aku sepenuhnya mengungkapkan bahwa aku benar-benar mencuri titik-titik di Macd Cross dari TheLark


MacD Custom Indicator-Multiple Time Frame+All Available Options!

start: 2021-05-05 00:00:00
end: 2022-05-04 23:59:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

//Created by user ChrisMoody updated 4-10-2014
//Regular MACD Indicator with Histogram that plots 4 Colors Based on Direction Above and Below the Zero Line
//Update allows Check Box Options, Show MacD & Signal Line, Show Change In color of MacD Line based on cross of Signal Line.
//Show Dots at Cross of MacD and Signal Line, Histogram can show 4 colors or 1, Turn on and off Histogram.
//Special Thanks to that incredible person in Tech Support whoem I won't say you r name so you don't get bombarded with emails
//Note the feature Tech Support showed me on how to set the default timeframe of the indicator to the chart Timeframe, but also allow you to choose a different timeframe.
//By the way I fully disclose that I completely STOLE the Dots at the MAcd Cross from "TheLark"

study(title="CM_MacD_Ult_MTF", shorttitle="CM_Ult_MacD_MTF")
source = close
useCurrentRes = input(true, title="Use Current Chart Resolution?")
resCustom = input(title="Use Different Timeframe? Uncheck Box Above", defval="60")
smd = input(true, title="Show MacD & Signal Line? Also Turn Off Dots Below")
sd = input(true, title="Show Dots When MacD Crosses Signal Line?")
sh = input(true, title="Show Histogram?")
macd_colorChange = input(true,title="Change MacD Line Color-Signal Line Cross?")
hist_colorChange = input(true,title="MacD Histogram 4 Colors?")

res = useCurrentRes ? timeframe.period : resCustom

fastLength = input(12, minval=1), slowLength=input(26,minval=1)

fastMA = ta.ema(source, fastLength)
slowMA = ta.ema(source, slowLength)

outMacD = fastMA - slowMA
outSignal = ta.sma(outMacD, signalLength)
outHist = outMacD - outSignal

//outMacD =, res, mymacd)
//outSignal =, res, signal)
//outHist =, res, hist)

histA_IsUp = outHist > outHist[1] and outHist > 0
histA_IsDown = outHist < outHist[1] and outHist > 0
histB_IsDown = outHist < outHist[1] and outHist <= 0
histB_IsUp = outHist > outHist[1] and outHist <= 0

//MacD Color Definitions
macd_IsAbove = outMacD >= outSignal
macd_IsBelow = outMacD < outSignal

plot_color = hist_colorChange ? histA_IsUp ? color.aqua : histA_IsDown ? : histB_IsDown ? : histB_IsUp ? color.maroon :color.yellow :color.gray
macd_color = macd_colorChange ? macd_IsAbove ? color.lime : :
signal_color = macd_colorChange ? macd_IsAbove ? color.yellow : color.yellow : color.lime

circleYPosition = outSignal
plot(smd and outMacD ? outMacD : na, title="MACD", color=macd_color, linewidth=4)
plot(smd and outSignal ? outSignal : na, title="Signal Line", color=signal_color, style=plot.style_line ,linewidth=2)
//plot(sh and outHist ? outHist : na, title="Histogram", color=plot_color, style=histogram, linewidth=4)
plot(sd and ta.cross(outMacD, outSignal) ? circleYPosition : na, title="Cross", style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=4, color=macd_color)
//hline(0, '0 Line', linestyle=hline.style_solid, linewidth=2, color=color.white)

if outMacD > outSignal and math.abs(outMacD - outSignal) >90
    strategy.entry("entry long", strategy.long)
else if outMacD < outSignal and math.abs(outMacD - outSignal) >90
    strategy.entry("entry short", strategy.short)

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