資源の読み込みに... 荷物...


作者: リン・ハーンチャオチャン開催日:2022年5月23日 16:26:54

これは私のBTCUSDTPERP 15分ボットです 最良の結果はBinancefuturesで BTCUSDTPERPです 結果は,binancefuturesで最もうまく機能する特定のボリューム指標に依存します.

15分間のバックテストで 3~4ヶ月くらいで

このボットは,非常に高い%の利益を得ている. 利益も非常に良い. しかし,15分ボットは,長期的に使用することが非常に困難です.

それで このボットは11の異なる指標を使用しています. 1) ADX 2) レンジフィルター (3) SAR 4) RSI 5) TWAP 6) JMA 7) MACD 8) VOLUME DELTA について 9) ボリューム重量 10) MA そして最後の1つは,より良い結果のために qucikチャート (15分) 私は追加することを決定しました: 11) STOCH

  1. ADX - - は,いかなる詐欺ウィックなしでトレンドに堅固な視点を提供します: 緑色のバーのみにロング,赤色のバーのみにショート. それは,正しいトレンドを定義する私の戦略を助けます.
  2. この指標は,トレンドをよりよく見たり,トレンドを定義したりするために使用されます. これは,非常に変動するトレンドのため,すべての牛/熊の罠にとって重要です.
  3. SAR - パラボリックSARは,資産の価格方向を決定するために使用される技術指標であり,価格方向が変化しているときに注意を喚起します.
  4. RSI-値は,適切なタイミングで取引を停止する戦略を助けます.RSIが過剰に買い上げられた場合,新しいロングをオープンしないでください.また,RSIが過剰に売り上げられた場合,新しいショートをオープンしないでください.
  5. TWAPはレンジフィルターと同じタスクですが 傾向をよく見たり 傾向を定義したりするだけです
  6. JMA - Jurik Moving Average インディケーターは,最低限の時間遅れで価格曲線を滑らかにする最も確実な方法の一つです.このインディケーターは,通貨トレーダーに強い価格変動の間に最高の価格フィルターの1つを提供しています.この時点で,ビットコイン価格の動きが非常に強いとき,このインディケーターは必要です.
  7. MACD - 移動平均収束分差 (MACD) は,トレンドをたどる動向指標で,証券の価格の2つの移動平均値間の関係を示します.MACDは,26期指数移動平均値 (EMA) を12期 EMAから引いて計算されます. 今日では,JMAと同様に,MacDも,収益性の高いボットを作るのに必要なのです.
  8. Volume Delta - S&Cマガジン2003年10月号に掲載されたVadim Gimelfarbによる"bull and bear balance indicator"に基づいた累積的なボリュームデルタアプローチ.移動平均の長さをあなたのニーズに応じて調整してください (シンボル,タイムフレームなど)
  9. ボリューム・ウェイト - 戦略の最も重要な指標です.フラット・チャートで開いた取引を避けるため,新しい取引は強力なボリューム・バーの後で開きます.
  10. 傾向をよりよく見ることができ,傾向を正しく定義できます. また,Speed_MAは将来の価格動きを予測するために使用されています.
  11. ストカスティック・ストックは,トレンド逆転を予測するのに有用です.また,価格動向に焦点を当て,過剰購入および過剰販売レベルを特定するために使用できます.



start: 2022-05-20 00:00:00
end: 2022-06-18 23:59:00
period: 45m
basePeriod: 5m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © wielkieef

strategy("15MIN BTCUSDTPERP BOT", overlay=true,  pyramiding=1,initial_capital = 10000, default_qty_type= strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 100, calc_on_order_fills=false, slippage=0,commission_type=strategy.commission.percent,commission_value=0)

//SOURCE ==================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================

src = input(ohlc4)

// INPUTS ==================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================

//ADX -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Act_ADX = input(true, title = "AVERAGE DIRECTIONAL INDEX", type = input.bool)
ADX_options = input("MASANAKAMURA",  title = "ADX OPTION", options = ["CLASSIC", "MASANAKAMURA"])
ADX_len = input(11, title = "ADX LENGTH", type = input.integer, minval = 1)
th = input(12, title = "ADX THRESHOLD", type = input.float, minval = 0, step = 0.5)

//Range Filter----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

length0 = input(13, title="Range Filter lenght"),mult = input(1, title="Range Filter mult")


start = input(title="SAR Start", type=input.float, step=0.001, defval=0)
increment = input(title="SAR Increment", type=input.float, step=0.001, defval=0.006)
maximum = input(title="SAR Maximum", type=input.float, step=0.01, defval=1)
width = input(title="SAR Point Width", type=input.integer, minval=1, defval=1)


len_3 = input(70, minval=1, title="RSI lenght")
src_3 = input(close, "RSI Source")

//TWAP Trend --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

smoothing = input(title="TWAP Smoothing", defval= 10)
resolution = input("0", "TWAP Timeframe") 


inp = input(title="JMA Source", type=input.source, defval=close)
reso = input(title="JMA Resolution", type=input.resolution, defval="")
rep = input(title="JMA Allow Repainting?", type=input.bool, defval=false)
src0 = security(syminfo.tickerid, reso, inp[rep ? 0 : barstate.isrealtime ? 1 : 0])[rep ? 0 : barstate.isrealtime ? 0 : 1]
lengths = input(title="JMA Length", type=input.integer, defval=4, minval=1)


fast_length = input(title="MACD Fast Length", type=input.integer, defval=25)
slow_length = input(title="MACD Slow Length", type=input.integer, defval=50)
signal_length = input(title="MACD Signal Smoothing", type=input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 50, defval = 9)

//Volume Delta -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

periodMa = input(title="Delta Length", minval=1, defval=45)

//Volume weight------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

maLength = input(title="Volume Weight Length", type=input.integer, defval=100, minval=1)
maType = input(title="Volume Weight Type", type=input.string, defval="SMA", options=["EMA", "SMA", "HMA", "WMA", "DEMA"])
rvolTrigger = input(title="Volume To Trigger Signal", type=input.float, defval=1.5, step=0.1 , minval=0.1)


length = input(51, minval=1, title="MA Length")
matype = input(5, minval=1, maxval=5, title="AvgType")


tmolength = input(45, title="Momentum Length")
calcLength = input(12, title="Momentum Calc length")
smoothLength = input(9, title="Momentum Smooth length")

//INDICATORS ==============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================


calcADX(_len) =>
    up              = change(high)
	down            = -change(low)
	plusDM          = na(up)   ? na : (up > down and up > 0   ? up   : 0)
    minusDM         = na(down) ? na : (down > up and down > 0 ? down : 0)
	truerange       = rma(tr, _len)
	_plus           = fixnan(100 * rma(plusDM, _len)  / truerange)
	_minus          = fixnan(100 * rma(minusDM, _len) / truerange)
	sum             = _plus + _minus
	_adx            = 100 * rma(abs(_plus - _minus) / (sum == 0 ? 1 : sum), _len)

calcADX_Masanakamura(_len) =>
    SmoothedTrueRange                   = 0.0
    SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus     = 0.0
    SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus    = 0.0
    TrueRange                           = max(max(high - low, abs(high - nz(close[1]))), abs(low - nz(close[1])))
    DirectionalMovementPlus             = high - nz(high[1]) > nz(low[1]) - low ? max(high - nz(high[1]), 0) : 0
    DirectionalMovementMinus            = nz(low[1]) - low > high - nz(high[1]) ? max(nz(low[1]) - low, 0)   : 0
    SmoothedTrueRange                   := nz(SmoothedTrueRange[1]) - (nz(SmoothedTrueRange[1]) /_len) + TrueRange
    SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus     := nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus[1])  - (nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus[1])  / _len) + DirectionalMovementPlus
    SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus    := nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus[1]) - (nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus[1]) / _len) + DirectionalMovementMinus
    DIP                                 = SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus  / SmoothedTrueRange * 100
    DIM                                 = SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus / SmoothedTrueRange * 100
    DX                                  = abs(DIP-DIM) / (DIP+DIM)*100
    adx                                 = sma(DX, _len)

[DIPlusC,DIMinusC,ADXC] = calcADX(ADX_len) 
[DIPlusM,DIMinusM,ADXM] = calcADX_Masanakamura(ADX_len)
DIPlus                  = ADX_options == "CLASSIC" ? DIPlusC    : DIPlusM
DIMinus                 = ADX_options == "CLASSIC" ? DIMinusC   : DIMinusM
ADX                     = ADX_options == "CLASSIC" ? ADXC       : ADXM

ADX_color = DIPlus > DIMinus and ADX > th ? color.green : DIPlus < DIMinus and ADX > th ? color.red : color.orange
barcolor(color = Act_ADX ? ADX_color : na, title = "ADX")

//Range Filter---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

out = 0., cma = 0., cts = 0.
Var = variance(src,length0)*mult
sma = sma(src,length0)

secma = pow(nz(sma - cma[1]),2) 
sects = pow(nz(src - cts[1]),2) 
ka = Var < secma ? 1 - Var/secma : 0
kb = Var < sects ? 1 - Var/sects : 0

cma := ka*sma+(1-ka)*nz(cma[1],src)
cts := kb*src+(1-kb)*nz(cts[1],src)

css = cts > cma ? color.green : color.red
a = plot(cts,"CTS",color.red,2,transp=0)
b = plot(cma,"CMA",color.green,2,transp=0)

rangegood = cts > cma
rangebad  = cts < cma


psar = sar(start, increment, maximum)
dir = psar < close ? 1 : -1

psarColor = dir == 1 ? color.green : color.red
psarPlot = plot(psar, title="PSAR", style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=width, color=psarColor, transp=0)

var color longColor = color.green
var color shortColor = color.red

sargood = dir ==1
sarbad  = dir ==-1


up_3 = rma(max(change(src_3), 0), len_3)
down_3 = rma(-min(change(src_3), 0), len_3)
rsi_3 = down_3 == 0 ? 100 : up_3 == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up_3 / down_3))

rsiob = (rsi_3 < 70)
rsios  = (rsi_3 > 30) 

//TWAP Trend --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

res = resolution != "0" ? resolution : timeframe.period
weight = barssince(change(security(syminfo.tickerid, res, time, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)))
price = 0.
price:= weight == 0 ? src : src + nz(price[1])
twap = price / (weight + 1)
ma_ = smoothing < 2 ? twap : sma(twap, smoothing)
bullish = iff(smoothing < 2, src >= ma_, src > ma_)
disposition = bullish ? color.lime : color.red
basis = plot(src, "OHLC4", disposition, linewidth=1, transp=100)
work = plot(ma_, "TWAP", disposition, linewidth=2, transp=20)
fill(basis, work, disposition, transp=65)


jsa = (src0 + src0[lengths]) / 2
sig = src0 > jsa ? 1 : src0 < jsa ? -1 : 0

jsaColor = sig > 0 ? color.lime : sig < 0 ? color.red : color.orange
plot(jsa, color=jsaColor, linewidth=2)

jmagood = sig > 0
jmabad  = sig < 0


fast_ma = ema(src, fast_length)
slow_ma = ema(src, slow_length)
macd = fast_ma - slow_ma
signal = sma(macd, signal_length)

macdgood = macd > signal
macdbad  = macd < signal

//Volume Delta -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

bullPower = iff(close < open, iff(close[1] < open, max(high - close[1], close - low), max(high - open, close - low)), iff(close > open, iff(close[1] > open,  high - low, max(open - close[1], high - low)), iff(high - close > close - low, iff(close[1] < open, max(high - close[1], close - low), high - open), iff(high - close < close - low, iff(close[1] > open, high - low, max(open - close[1], high - low)), iff(close[1] > open, max(high - open, close - low), iff(close[1] < open, max(open - close[1], high - low), high-low))))))
bearPower = iff(close < open, iff(close[1] > open, max(close[1] - open, high - low), high - low), iff(close > open, iff(close[1] > open, max(close[1] - low, high - close), max(open - low, high - close)), iff(high - close > close - low, iff(close[1] > open, max(close[1] - open, high - low), high - low), iff(high - close < close - low, iff(close[1] > open, max(close[1] - low, high - close), open - low), iff(close[1] > open, max(close[1] - open, high - low), iff(close[1] < open, max(open - low, high - close), high - low))))))

bullVolume = (bullPower / (bullPower + bearPower)) * volume
bearVolume = (bearPower / (bullPower + bearPower)) * volume

delta = bullVolume - bearVolume
cvd = cum(delta)
cvdMa = sma(cvd, periodMa)

deltagood = cvd > cvdMa
deltabad  = cvd < cvdMa

//Volume weight------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

getMA0(length) =>
    maPrice = ema(volume, length)
    if maType == "SMA"
        maPrice := sma(volume, length)
    if maType == "HMA"
        maPrice := hma(volume, length)
    if maType == "WMA"
        maPrice := wma(volume, length)
    if maType == "DEMA"
        e1 = ema(volume, length)
        e2 = ema(e1, length)
        maPrice := 2 * e1 - e2

ma = getMA0(maLength)
rvol = volume / ma

volumegood = volume > rvolTrigger * ma


ma5 = sma(close, 5)
ma10 = sma(close, 10)
ma30 = sma(close, 30)

magood = ma5 > ma30
mabad  = ma5 < ma30

simplema = sma(src,length)
exponentialma = ema(src,length)
hullma = wma(2*wma(src, length/2)-wma(src, length), round(sqrt(length)))
weightedma = wma(src, length)
volweightedma = vwma(src, length)
avgval = matype==1 ? simplema : matype==2 ? exponentialma : matype==3 ? hullma : matype==4 ? weightedma : matype==5 ? volweightedma : na
MA_speed = (avgval / avgval[1] -1 ) *100

masgood = MA_speed > 0
masbad  = MA_speed < 0


data = 0
for i = 1 to tmolength-1
    if close > open[i]
        data := data + 1
    if close < open[i]
        data := data - 1
EMA5 = ema(data, calcLength)
Main = ema(EMA5, smoothLength)
Signal = ema(Main, smoothLength)

momentumgood = Main > Signal
momentumbad = Main < Signal


Long = (DIPlus > DIMinus and ADX > th)  and volumegood and sargood and rsiob and macdgood and deltagood and magood and masgood and bullish and jmagood and rangegood and momentumgood
Short = (DIPlus < DIMinus and ADX > th) and volumegood and sarbad  and rsios and macdbad  and deltabad  and mabad and masbad and jmabad and rangebad and momentumbad


// ————— Backtest input
Act_BT              = input(true, title = "BACKTEST", type = input.bool)
backtest_time       = input(180, title ="BACKTEST DAYS", type = input.integer, minval = 1)*24*60*60*1000
entry_Type          = input("% EQUITY", title = "ENTRY TYPE", options = ["CONTRACTS","CASH","% EQUITY"])
et_Factor           = (entry_Type == "CONTRACTS") ? 1 : (entry_Type == "% EQUITY") ? (100/(strategy.equity/close)) : close


// SL AND TP-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

stopPer = input(3.6, title='Stop Loss % [plotshape]', type=input.float) / 100
takePer = input(0.8, title='Take Profit % [plotshape]', type=input.float) / 100

long_short = 0
long_last = Long and (nz(long_short[1]) == 0 or nz(long_short[1]) == -1)
short_last = Short and (nz(long_short[1]) == 0 or nz(long_short[1]) == 1)
long_short := long_last ? 1 : short_last ? -1 : long_short[1]

longPrice = valuewhen(long_last, close, 0)
shortPrice = valuewhen(short_last, close, 0)

longStop = longPrice * (1 - stopPer)
shortStop = shortPrice * (1 + stopPer)
longTake = longPrice * (1 + takePer)
shortTake = shortPrice * (1 - takePer)

//plot lines ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

plotshape(long_short==1  ? longTake : na, style=shape.cross, color=color.gray, location=location.absolute )
plotshape(long_short==-1 ? shortTake : na, style=shape.cross, color=color.gray, location=location.absolute )

longBar1 = barssince(long_last)
longBar2 = longBar1 >= 1 ? true : false
shortBar1 = barssince(short_last)
shortBar2 = shortBar1 >= 1 ? true : false

Long_SL = long_short==1 and longBar2 and low < longStop
Short_SL = long_short==-1 and shortBar2 and high > shortStop

Long_TP = long_short==1 and longBar2 and high > longTake
Short_TP = long_short==-1 and shortBar2 and low < shortTake

long_short := (long_short==1 or long_short==0) and longBar2 and (Long_SL or Long_TP) ? 0 : (long_short==-1 or long_short==0) and shortBar2 and (Short_SL or Short_TP) ? 0 : long_short

last_long_cond  = Long and  long_last
last_short_cond = Short and short_last


plotshape(last_long_cond, title="Long x1", color=color.blue, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, size=size.small, textcolor=color.white, text="Long" , transp=1)
plotshape(last_short_cond, title="Short x1", color=color.red, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, size=size.tiny, textcolor=color.white, text="Short" ,transp=1)

plotshape(Long_SL, location=location.belowbar, color=color.black, size=size.tiny , text="SL", textcolor=color.fuchsia)
plotshape(Short_SL, location=location.abovebar, color=color.black, size=size.tiny , text="SL", textcolor=color.fuchsia)

plotshape(Long_TP,style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.gray, size=size.tiny , text="TP", textcolor=color.red)
plotshape(Short_TP,style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.gray, size=size.tiny , text="TP", textcolor=color.green)

if last_long_cond and Act_BT
    strategy.entry("L", strategy.long)
if last_short_cond and Act_BT
    strategy.entry("S", strategy.short)
per(pcnt) =>
    strategy.position_size != 0 ? round(pcnt / 100 * strategy.position_avg_price / syminfo.mintick) : float(na)
stoploss=input(title=" stop loss [BT]", defval=3.6, minval=0.01)
los = per(stoploss)
q=input(title=" qty percent", defval=100, minval=1)

tp=input(title=" Take profit [BT]", defval=0.8, minval=0.01)

strategy.exit("tp", qty_percent = q, profit = per(tp), loss = los)

//By wielkieef

