FMZ backtest enjin Python pakej menyokong Python2 dan Python3; menyokong sistem Windows, Linux, Mac OS.
Masukkan arahan berikut dalam baris arahan:
pip install
start: 2018-02-19 00:00:00
end: 2018-03-22 12:00:00
period: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"OKEX","currency":"LTC_BTC","balance":3,"stocks":0}]
from fmz import *
task = VCtx(__doc__) # initialize backtest engine from __doc__
print exchange.GetAccount()
print exchange.GetTicker()
print task.Join() # print backtest result
Senar konfigurasi boleh dihasilkan secara automatik dengan menyimpan konfigurasi backtest di halaman
Strategi Edit .
Dokumentasi API: (iaitu dokumentasi memanggil fungsi seperti GetAccount dalam demo) - Apa yang kamu lakukan?
start: 2018-02-19 00:00:00
end: 2018-03-22 12:00:00
period: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"OKEX","currency":"LTC_BTC","balance":3,"stocks":0}]
from fmz import * # Call the FMZ Quant library
task = VCtx(__doc__) # Initialize the backtest engine from __doc__ by calling VCtx
print exchange.GetAccount() # Test GetAccount function, and print the account information of the backtested platform
print exchange.GetTicker() # Test GetTicker function, and print the market quote information of backtest system
print task.Join() # Call the initialized task object, and print the backtest result
With two underscores, "__doc__" is used to access the first unassigned string in modules like class declaration or function declaration; the string can be enclosed by """ ""","" "" or ' ', which is to pass the backtest configuration information of '''backtest ... ''' in the code into the VCtx class constructor to construct objects.
# coding=UTF-8
start: 2018-02-19 00:00:00
end: 2018-03-22 12:00:00
period: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"OKEX","currency":"LTC_BTC","balance":3,"stocks":0}]
from fmz import * # Call the FMZ Quant library
task = VCtx(__doc__) # initialize backtest engine from __doc__ # Call VCtx function according to the initialization of __doc__
print exchange.GetAccount() # Test GetAccount and print the account information of the tested platform by the backtest system
Log("\n call Log")
Log("Call exchange.GetTicker() : ", exchange.GetTicker())
print task.Join() # Call the initialized task object, and print the backtest result
{'Balance': 3.0, 'Stocks': 0.0, 'FrozenBalance': 0.0, 'FrozenStocks': 0.0}
Data yang dicetak adalah dalam struktur tugas cetak.Join():
"Chart": {
"Cfg": "",
"Datas": []
"Elapsed": 42000000,
"Finished": true,
"Indicators": {},
"LoadBytes": 441845,
"LoadElapsed": 24000000,
"LogsCount": 2,
"Profit": 0.0,
"ProfitLogs": [],
"Progress": 100.0,
"RuntimeLogs": [ # Here call the printed data
[1, 1518969600200, 5, "", 0, 0.0, 0.0, "\n call Log", "", ""],
[2, 1518969600400, 5, "", 0, 0.0, 0.0, "Call exchange.GetTicker() : {'Sell': 0.02113476, 'Volume': 519.6953, 'Buy': 0.02113474, 'Last': 0.02113475, 'High': 0.02113476, 'Time': 1518969600000L, 'Low': 0.02113474}", "", ""]
"Snapshort": [{
"Balance": 3.0,
"BaseCurrency": "LTC",
"Commission": 0.0,
"FrozenBalance": 0.0,
"FrozenStocks": 0.0,
"Id": "OKEX",
"QuoteCurrency": "BTC",
"Stocks": 0.0,
"Symbols": {
"Last": 0.01893785
"TradeStatus": {}
"Status": "",
"Task": {
"Args": null,
"Exchanges": [{
"Balance": 3,
"BaseCurrency": "LTC",
"BasePeriod": 300000,
"BasePrecision": 4,
"DepthDeep": 5,
"FaultTolerant": 0,
"FeeDenominator": 5,
"FeeMaker": 75,
"FeeMin": 0,
"FeeTaker": 80,
"Id": "OKEX",
"Label": "OKEX",
"PriceTick": 1e-08,
"QuoteCurrency": "BTC",
"QuotePrecision": 8,
"SlipPoint": 0,
"Stocks": 0
"Options": {
"DataServer": "",
"MaxChartLogs": 800,
"MaxProfitLogs": 800,
"MaxRuntimeLogs": 800,
"NetDelay": 200,
"Period": 900000,
"RetFlags": 189,
"SnapshortPeriod": 300000,
"TimeBegin": 1518969600,
"TimeEnd": 1521691200,
"UpdatePeriod": 5000
"TaskStatus": 1,
"Time": 1521691200000
# !/usr/local/bin/python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
start: 2018-02-19 00:00:00
end: 2018-03-22 12:00:00
period: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Bitfinex","currency":"BTC_USD","balance":10000,"stocks":3}]
import sys
sys.path.append("/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages") # Add a path during the backtest, and you can delete it if not needed
from fmz import *
import math
import talib
task = VCtx(__doc__) # initialize backtest engine from __doc__
# ------------------------------ Strategy Section Starts --------------------------
print exchange.GetAccount() # Call some interfaces, and print their return values
print exchange.GetTicker()
def adjustFloat(v): # Custom functions in the strategy
v = math.floor(v * 1000)
return v / 1000
def onTick(e):
# ....
# ...
# Here the codes including the implementation of custom functions are omitted
def main():
InitAccount = GetAccount()
while True:
# ------------------------------ Strategy Section Ends --------------------------
main() # Raise EOFError() when the backtest ends, to stop the backtest loop. Therefore, the error needs to be processed by calling task.Join() when the error is detected, and print the backtest result
print task.Join() # print the backtest result