
Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-03-08 17:32:38





  1. 计算快速EMA和慢速EMA。快速EMA默认参数为12,慢速EMA默认参数为25,实际应用中可以根据市场特性和交易频率进行调整。

  2. 判断多空趋势:

  • 当快速EMA上穿慢速EMA时,产生看多信号
  • 当快速EMA下穿慢速EMA时,产生看空信号
  1. 趋势确认:看多/看空信号出现后,需连续出现2根看多/看空K线才确认趋势形成。这有助于过滤掉假信号。

  2. 使用随机RSI作为辅助判断:

  • 当随机RSI %K值上穿%D值,且%K值在20以下时,产生超卖信号,提示可能的上涨反转
  • 当随机RSI %K值下穿%D值,且%K值在80以上时,产生超买信号,提示可能的下跌反转
  1. 交易策略:
  • 当EMA产生看多信号,且随机RSI不处于超买区时,开多仓
  • 当EMA产生看空信号,且随机RSI不处于超卖区时,开空仓


  1. 同时使用两个不同周期的EMA,可以更好地平衡趋势捕捉的灵敏度和可靠性。分析表明12/25周期的EMA组合对中长期趋势把握较好。

  2. 趋势确认机制可以有效过滤掉大部分假信号,提高策略的胜率。

  3. 随机RSI作为辅助判断,在趋势初期帮助判断趋势强度,在趋势后期提前预警可能的趋势反转。

  4. 策略逻辑简单,参数较少,容易理解和实施,且适用于多种市场和品种。


  1. EMA为滞后指标,在趋势反转初期可能出现较大滑点。

  2. 趋势型策略在震荡市中表现一般。此策略缺乏对震荡市的专门判断。

  3. 随机RSI在市场剧烈波动时可能失真,影响判断质量。

  4. 固定参数可能无法适应所有市场状况,需要根据市场特点动态调整。


  1. 引入ATR等波动率指标,根据波动率动态调整EMA参数,以适应不同的市场节奏。

  2. 增加对震荡市的判断,比如结合布林带开口方向等,避免在震荡市频繁交易。

  3. 在随机RSI基础上融入更多辅助判据,如成交量变化等,提高信号可靠度。

  4. 考虑市场关联性,引入多品种联动信号,增强系统抗风险能力。



start: 2023-03-02 00:00:00
end: 2024-03-07 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy('[Jacky] Trader XO Macro Trend Scanner', overlay=true)

// Variables
var ok = 0
var countBuy = 0
var countSell = 0
src = input(close, title='OHLC Type')
i_fastEMA = input(12, title='Fast EMA')
i_slowEMA = input(25, title='Slow EMA')
i_defEMA = input(25, title='Consolidated EMA')

// Allow the option to show single or double EMA
i_bothEMAs = input(title='Show Both EMAs', defval=true)

// Define EMAs
v_fastEMA = ta.ema(src, i_fastEMA)
v_slowEMA = ta.ema(src, i_slowEMA)
v_biasEMA = ta.ema(src, i_defEMA)

// Color the EMAs
emaColor = v_fastEMA > v_slowEMA ? color.green : v_fastEMA < v_slowEMA ? color.red : #FF530D

// Plot EMAs
plot(i_bothEMAs ? na : v_biasEMA, color=emaColor, linewidth=3, title='Consolidated EMA')
plot(i_bothEMAs ? v_fastEMA : na, title='Fast EMA', color=emaColor)
plot(i_bothEMAs ? v_slowEMA : na, title='Slow EMA', color=emaColor)

// Colour the bars
buy = v_fastEMA > v_slowEMA
sell = v_fastEMA < v_slowEMA

if buy
    countBuy += 1

if buy
    countSell := 0

if sell
    countSell += 1

if sell
    countBuy := 0

buysignal = countBuy < 2 and countBuy > 0 and countSell < 1 and buy and not buy[1]
sellsignal = countSell > 0 and countSell < 2 and countBuy < 1 and sell and not sell[1]

barcolor(buysignal ? color.green : na)
barcolor(sellsignal ? color.red : na)

// Strategy backtest
if (buysignal)
    strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long)

if (sellsignal)
    strategy.entry("Sell", strategy.short)

// Plot Bull/Bear

plotshape(buysignal, title='Bull', text='Bull', style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.new(color.green, 0), textcolor=color.new(color.black, 0), size=size.tiny)
plotshape(sellsignal, title='Bear', text='Bear', style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(color.red, 0), textcolor=color.new(color.black, 0), size=size.tiny)

bull = countBuy > 1
bear = countSell > 1

barcolor(bull ? color.green : na)
barcolor(bear ? color.red : na)

// Set Alerts

alertcondition(ta.crossover(v_fastEMA, v_slowEMA), title='Bullish EMA Cross', message='Bullish EMA crossover')
alertcondition(ta.crossunder(v_fastEMA, v_slowEMA), title='Bearish EMA Cross', message='Bearish EMA Crossover')

// Stoch RSI code

smoothK = input.int(3, 'K', minval=1)
smoothD = input.int(3, 'D', minval=1)
lengthRSI = input.int(14, 'RSI Length', minval=1)
lengthStoch = input.int(14, 'Stochastic Length', minval=1)

rsi1 = ta.rsi(src, lengthRSI)
k = ta.sma(ta.stoch(rsi1, rsi1, rsi1, lengthStoch), smoothK)
d = ta.sma(k, smoothD)

bandno0 = input.int(80, minval=1, title='Upper Band', group='Bands (change this instead of length in Style for Stoch RSI colour to work properly)')
bandno2 = input.int(50, minval=1, title='Middle Band', group='Bands (change this instead of length in Style for Stoch RSI colour to work properly)')
bandno1 = input.int(20, minval=1, title='Lower Band', group='Bands (change this instead of length in Style for Stoch RSI colour to work properly)')

// Alerts

crossoverAlertBgColourMidOnOff = input.bool(title='Crossover Alert Background Colour (Middle Level) [ON/OFF]', group='Crossover Alerts', defval=false)
crossoverAlertBgColourOBOSOnOff = input.bool(title='Crossover Alert Background Colour (OB/OS Level) [ON/OFF]', group='Crossover Alerts', defval=false)

crossoverAlertBgColourGreaterThanOnOff = input.bool(title='Crossover Alert >input [ON/OFF]', group='Crossover Alerts', defval=false)
crossoverAlertBgColourLessThanOnOff = input.bool(title='Crossover Alert <input [ON/OFF]', group='Crossover Alerts', defval=false)

maTypeChoice = input.string('EMA', title='MA Type', group='Moving Average', options=['EMA', 'WMA', 'SMA', 'None'])
maSrc = input.source(close, title='MA Source', group='Moving Average')
maLen = input.int(200, minval=1, title='MA Length', group='Moving Average')

maValue = if maTypeChoice == 'EMA'
    ta.ema(maSrc, maLen)
else if maTypeChoice == 'WMA'
    ta.wma(maSrc, maLen)
else if maTypeChoice == 'SMA'
    ta.sma(maSrc, maLen)

crossupCHECK = maTypeChoice == 'None' or open > maValue and maTypeChoice != 'None'
crossdownCHECK = maTypeChoice == 'None' or open < maValue and maTypeChoice != 'None'

crossupalert = crossupCHECK and ta.crossover(k, d) and (k < bandno2 or d < bandno2)
crossdownalert = crossdownCHECK and ta.crossunder(k, d) and (k > bandno2 or d > bandno2)
crossupOSalert = crossupCHECK and ta.crossover(k, d) and (k < bandno1 or d < bandno1)
crossdownOBalert = crossdownCHECK and ta.crossunder(k, d) and (k > bandno0 or d > bandno0)

aboveBandalert = ta.crossunder(k, bandno0)
belowBandalert = ta.crossover(k, bandno1)

bgcolor(color=crossupalert and crossoverAlertBgColourMidOnOff ? #4CAF50 : crossdownalert and crossoverAlertBgColourMidOnOff ? #FF0000 : na, title='Crossover Alert Background Colour (Middle Level)', transp=70)
bgcolor(color=crossupOSalert and crossoverAlertBgColourOBOSOnOff ? #fbc02d : crossdownOBalert and crossoverAlertBgColourOBOSOnOff ? #000000 : na, title='Crossover Alert Background Colour (OB/OS Level)', transp=70)

bgcolor(color=aboveBandalert and crossoverAlertBgColourGreaterThanOnOff ? #ff0014 : crossdownalert and crossoverAlertBgColourMidOnOff ? #FF0000 : na, title='Crossover Alert - K > Upper level', transp=70)
bgcolor(color=belowBandalert and crossoverAlertBgColourLessThanOnOff ? #4CAF50 : crossdownalert and crossoverAlertBgColourMidOnOff ? #FF0000 : na, title='Crossover Alert - K < Lower level', transp=70)

alertcondition(crossupalert or crossdownalert, title='Stoch RSI Crossover', message='STOCH RSI CROSSOVER')
