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Python library for quantifying transactions

Author: FMZ~Lydia, Created: 2024-10-22 14:51:24, Updated: 2024-10-22 14:52:29

This article introduces the most important Python libraries to help entry-level developers. These libraries are widely used in the industry in all areas from data manipulation to real-time trading system development.

Python is an indispensable tool for anyone who wants to gain an in-depth understanding of quantitative finance and systems trading. As the preferred programming language for many quantitative developers, Python provides a huge library ecosystem that simplifies everything from data analysis to strategy execution. Whether you're just starting out or looking to improve your skills, understanding the right Python library is key to building and deploying trading strategies.

This article introduces the essential Python libraries used by professional quantitative and systemic traders. We will introduce libraries that cover everything from data processing and technical analysis to backtesting and advanced financial modeling. These libraries will be the pillars of your idea implementation if you are eager to turn trading ideas into actionable strategies.

Whether you're a novice who wants to learn the basics or a middle-level developer who wants to take your trading system to the next level, mastering these libraries will help you bridge the gap between research and real-time trading. Let's get started!

Mastering the right Python libraries is critical to successfully translating strategies from research into real-time trading. These libraries are widely used in the industry in all areas from data processing to real-time trading system development.

1. NumPy

Purpose:Quick math and matrix operations.

NumPy is the basis for numerical computation in Python, supporting multidimensional arrays and matrices, and a set of mathematical functions that can operate on these arrays efficiently. NumPy is often used when processing price data, signals, or feedback.

import numpy as np

# Example: Creating a 1D array (vector) and performing operations
prices = np.array([100, 102, 101, 105, 108])
returns = np.diff(prices) / prices[:-1]  # Calculate simple returns

The main features:

  • High-performance arithmetic operation.
  • It supports a wide range of mathematical, logical and statistical functions.
  • It is very suitable for quick calculation in strategy.

2. Pandas

Purpose:Data processing and analytics are also important.

Pandas is built on top of NumPy and is widely used for time series analysis, which is a key component of quantifying trades. It provides powerful tools for processing structured data such as OHLC (Opening Price, High Price, Low Price, Closing Price) price data, transaction data and portfolio performance.

import pandas as pd

# Example: Create a DataFrame for OHLC price data
data = {'Open': [100, 101, 102], 'High': [103, 104, 105], 'Low': [99, 100, 101], 'Close': [102, 103, 104]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

The main features:

  • Simple processing of time series and table data.
  • A convenient tool for resampling, scrolling window operations, and data cleaning.
  • It is very suitable for preparing datasets for retesting and real-time trading systems.

3. TA-Lib

Purpose:Technical analysis of financial market data.

TA-Lib is a powerful library of functions designed for technical analysis of financial markets. It allows easy implementation of indicators such as moving averages, Blink Bands and RSI, which are commonly used in quantitative strategies.

import talib as ta
import numpy as np

# Example: Calculating RSI (Relative Strength Index)
prices = np.random.random(100)
rsi = ta.RSI(prices, timeperiod=14)

The main features:

  • More than 150 technical indicators, such as RSI, MACD and Blink.
  • Efficient for large-scale retesting and real-time transaction analysis.
  • Support for obtaining time series data directly from Pandas DataFrames or NumPy arrays.

4. Zipline

Purpose:Algorithmic trading and retesting.

Zipline is a Pythonic algorithm exchange that supports Quantopian's (now defunct) retrieval engine. It can be used for large-scale retrieval of historical data, as well as event-driven trading algorithms.

from zipline import run_algorithm
from zipline.api import order, symbol

# Example: A simple Zipline strategy
def initialize(context):
    context.asset = symbol('AAPL')

def handle_data(context, data):
    order(context.asset, 10)

The main features:

  • The event-driven architecture is similar to a real trading system.
  • It can be used for minute and daily data.
  • It integrates with other data sources such as Quandl or Yahoo Finance.

5. PyAlgoTrade

Purpose:Event-driven retargeting and trading systems.

PyAlgoTrade is a powerful event-driven backtest library for trading strategies. It is lightweight and easy to use, especially for intraday strategies. It also supports open-box analog trading.

from pyalgotrade import strategy

# Example: A simple PyAlgoTrade strategy
class MyStrategy(strategy.BacktestingStrategy):
    def onBars(self, bars):
        if self.getBroker().getCash() > 1000:
            self.getBroker().order('AAPL', 10)

The main features:

  • It is a fast search engine that focuses on daily data.
  • Built-in support for paper transactions, integration with brokers.
  • It performs well in testing simple and complex strategies.

6. QSTrader

Purpose:Institutional retesting and real-time trading systems.

QSTrader is an open-source Python library built for system trading strategies, focused on retracement and real-time trading. It is designed to help traders deploy institutional trading strategies with minimal workload. It supports real slippage, fee and portfolio level risk management, making it an excellent tool for retracement and real-time trading environments.

from qstrader import TradingSession

# Example: Create a basic trading session
session = TradingSession()

The main features:

  • Supporting risk and risk management at the portfolio level.
  • It is designed for backtesting and real-time trading.
  • Modular, easy to scale and integrate with other systems.
  • Professional-level framework, focused on concise architecture.

7. QuantLib

Purpose:Quantified finance and pricing models.

QuantLib is a feature-rich library used to quantify advanced mathematical models in finance, such as derivatives pricing, risk management, and portfolio optimization. Although it is more complex, it is very valuable for complex quantification strategies.

import QuantLib as ql

# Example: Calculating the price of a European Call Option
option = ql.EuropeanOption(ql.PlainVanillaPayoff(ql.Option.Call, 100), ql.EuropeanExercise(ql.Date(15, 6, 2024)))

The main features:

  • There is widespread support for pricing options, bonds and other derivatives.
  • It is widely used in Monte Carlo simulations and interest rate models.
  • It is ideal for developers involved in building complex quantitative models.

8. Matplotlib & Plotly

Purpose:The data is visualized.

Matplotlib and Plotly are both important repositories for visualizing trading strategy performance and market data. Matplotlib is better suited to basic static charts, whereas Plotly is good at interactive charts.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Example: Plotting a simple time series with Matplotlib
prices = [100, 102, 101, 105, 108]
plt.title('Price Series')

The main features:

  • Matplotlib:Static graphs are great for basic data visualization.
  • Plotly:Interactive visualization, which can be used to explore transaction data.
  • Both libraries help to convey insights from retesting and real-time trading results.


Familiarity with these libraries will give you a solid foundation in Python for quantitative transaction development. Whether you're doing time-series analysis, backtracking, or real-time trading, these tools can effectively build, test, and optimize strategies.

FromNumPyPandasandTA-LibIf you start with the library, you can quickly master the basic skills.ZiplinePyAlgoTradeandQSTraderIn addition, the framework can help build more complex systems.QuantLibIn addition, the company has been able to access the retail market and access high-end financial models.

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