Please teach me the problem of reporting the error in the Bitcoin balance sheet.

Author: Super mobile stop-gap grid strategy for rental and leasing, Created: 2024-12-03 22:02:41, Updated: 2024-12-03 22:06:37

This strategy is a strategy that has been running for over a year and has recently come up suddenly, when stopping and stopping losses for a single currency are at full level, it will go wrong if you run only one currency separately. It's okay, more than two currencies running together will get it wrong, and several currencies that have been running before will also get it wrong.

If (nextMorePrice!= 0 && dProp > LESS_MAX) { then the value of the next price is 0 //Log ((currency, multiple positions, cumulative loss reached: multiple + lessMax, multiple positions are flat, keep the lock); Log ((currency, multiple positions, reach stop loss ratio: dProp, dProp, current price: dProp, curPrice, dProp, next grid price: dProp, nextMorePrice, dProp, multiple positions are flat, keep the lock on); var doPrice = closePosition (exchange, 1); changeCoinDoPrice ((currency, doPrice)); changeCoinDoPrice is the name of the currency used in the exchange. changeCoin ((currency, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, null, null)); and changeCoinNS (currency, 0, 0, and reverse); resetCoin ((currency, 1);

![ 请教个币安平仓报错的问题 ](

跑的币种越多报错数量越多,虽然有报错但报完后 交易所会平仓成功,,但是频繁地报错会延迟平仓时机


Inventors quantify - small dreamsHello, you can check if the host is older, you can put your mouse on the version number of the host on the host management page and it will show the release time. You can send a workflow, describe the scenario in detail, screenshot.