Inventors quantify - small dreams/upload/asset/16e53633188515950af3.png This is a list of all the different ways Upload/asset/16e53633188515950af3.png is credited in the database. These parameters need to be set to match the disk precision. An error message indicates that the following unit volume is 0.
Inventors quantify - small dreamsThe precision setting should be consistent with the disk. The screenshot shows the next unit is 0, which will definitely give an error.
boredThe minimum number of contracts is set to 0.01 or something like that.
bored ok
Inventors quantify - small dreamsBinance is a trading platform for the exchange of digital currencies. So the minimum is 0.01 coins, which is 0.01 coins.
bored/upload/asset/2742d26bdc842ed311023.jpg shows only the smallest trading volume
Inventors quantify - small dreamsYou can see the corresponding Binance varieties on the trading table, see the contract specifications, and find the minimum order quantity.
boredSo what's the minimum number of contracts below?