In writing, the policy is often used with some uncommonly used K-line cycle data. However, exchanges and data sources do not provide data for these cycles. It can only be synthesized using data that already has cycles.LinksIn the next step, we will write a Python version of the K-line synthesis algorithm.
function GetNewCycleRecords (sourceRecords, targetCycle) { // K线合成函数
var ret = []
// 首先获取源K线数据的周期
if (!sourceRecords || sourceRecords.length < 2) {
return null
var sourceLen = sourceRecords.length
var sourceCycle = sourceRecords[sourceLen - 1].Time - sourceRecords[sourceLen - 2].Time
if (targetCycle % sourceCycle != 0) {
Log("targetCycle:", targetCycle)
Log("sourceCycle:", sourceCycle)
throw "targetCycle is not an integral multiple of sourceCycle."
if ((1000 * 60 * 60) % targetCycle != 0 && (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) % targetCycle != 0) {
Log("targetCycle:", targetCycle)
Log("sourceCycle:", sourceCycle)
Log((1000 * 60 * 60) % targetCycle, (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) % targetCycle)
throw "targetCycle cannot complete the cycle."
var multiple = targetCycle / sourceCycle
var isBegin = false
var count = 0
var high = 0
var low = 0
var open = 0
var close = 0
var time = 0
var vol = 0
for (var i = 0 ; i < sourceLen ; i++) {
// 获取 时区偏移数值
var d = new Date()
var n = d.getTimezoneOffset()
if (((1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) - sourceRecords[i].Time % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) + (n * 1000 * 60)) % targetCycle == 0) {
isBegin = true
if (isBegin) {
if (count == 0) {
high = sourceRecords[i].High
low = sourceRecords[i].Low
open = sourceRecords[i].Open
close = sourceRecords[i].Close
time = sourceRecords[i].Time
vol = sourceRecords[i].Volume
} else if (count < multiple) {
high = Math.max(high, sourceRecords[i].High)
low = Math.min(low, sourceRecords[i].Low)
close = sourceRecords[i].Close
vol += sourceRecords[i].Volume
if (count == multiple || i == sourceLen - 1) {
High : high,
Low : low,
Open : open,
Close : close,
Time : time,
Volume : vol,
count = 0
return ret
There are JavaScript algorithms, which can be translated in Python in a line-by-line port, encountering JavaScript's built-in functions, or inherent methods, which can be used to find the corresponding method in Python, so porting is relatively easy.
The algorithm logic is exactly the same, just the function calls in JavaScriptvar n = d.getTimezoneOffset()
When porting to Python, use Python's time library.n = time.altzone
Other differences are purely syntactical (e.g. use of for loops, difference in Boolean values, difference between logical and non-logical, logical or of etc.).
import time
def GetNewCycleRecords(sourceRecords, targetCycle):
ret = []
# 首先获取源K线数据的周期
if not sourceRecords or len(sourceRecords) < 2 :
return None
sourceLen = len(sourceRecords)
sourceCycle = sourceRecords[-1]["Time"] - sourceRecords[-2]["Time"]
if targetCycle % sourceCycle != 0 :
Log("targetCycle:", targetCycle)
Log("sourceCycle:", sourceCycle)
raise "targetCycle is not an integral multiple of sourceCycle."
if (1000 * 60 * 60) % targetCycle != 0 and (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) % targetCycle != 0 :
Log("targetCycle:", targetCycle)
Log("sourceCycle:", sourceCycle)
Log((1000 * 60 * 60) % targetCycle, (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) % targetCycle)
raise "targetCycle cannot complete the cycle."
multiple = targetCycle / sourceCycle
isBegin = False
count = 0
barHigh = 0
barLow = 0
barOpen = 0
barClose = 0
barTime = 0
barVol = 0
for i in range(sourceLen) :
# 获取时区偏移数值
n = time.altzone
if ((1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) - (sourceRecords[i]["Time"] * 1000) % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) + (n * 1000)) % targetCycle == 0 :
isBegin = True
if isBegin :
if count == 0 :
barHigh = sourceRecords[i]["High"]
barLow = sourceRecords[i]["Low"]
barOpen = sourceRecords[i]["Open"]
barClose = sourceRecords[i]["Close"]
barTime = sourceRecords[i]["Time"]
barVol = sourceRecords[i]["Volume"]
count += 1
elif count < multiple :
barHigh = max(barHigh, sourceRecords[i]["High"])
barLow = min(barLow, sourceRecords[i]["Low"])
barClose = sourceRecords[i]["Close"]
barVol += sourceRecords[i]["Volume"]
count += 1
if count == multiple or i == sourceLen - 1 :
"High" : barHigh,
"Low" : barLow,
"Open" : barOpen,
"Close" : barClose,
"Time" : barTime,
"Volume" : barVol,
count = 0
return ret
# 测试
def main():
while True:
r = exchange.GetRecords()
r2 = GetNewCycleRecords(r, 1000 * 60 * 60 * 4)
ext.PlotRecords(r2, "r2")
Chart of the coin market
Re-test the four hour chart
The above code is for learning reference only, and if used in a specific strategy, please modify and test as needed. If you have any bugs or suggestions for improvement, please leave a comment, thank you very much o^_^o
homily/upload/asset/30da6ebb64b8003b1686.jpg Aha, Dream Dream Teacher is more technical than me.
homilyThe pyresample function is used to do this.
Inventors quantify - small dreamsZhan, I don't know Python, I'm just a beginner.
Inventors quantify - small dreams666 is being studied.