Bonjour les commerçants,
Depuis quelques mois, je reçois des demandes de mes abonnés sur le modèle ABC et finalement j'ai décidé de faire cet indicateur.
Comment ça marche? - Il crée le nuage de tendance en utilisant des moyennes mobiles simples et exponentielles avec les longueurs 50, 100, 150, 200, 20, 40 par défaut et vérifie la tendance. vous pouvez changer les longueurs comme vous le souhaitez - Il crée aussi ZigZag en utilisant la période ZigZag dans les options. - En utilisant les 2 dernières ondes en zigzag, il vérifie s'il existe un motif ABC approprié selon la tendance, les niveaux Min/Max Fibonacci et le taux d'erreur - Puis il vérifie si le prix rebondit après ce schéma ABC - Et si toutes ces conditions sont remplies alors il trace triangle - S' il y a plusieurs rebonds alors vous pouvez voir plusieurs triangles
Vous pouvez modifier / régler; - Période de zigzag - Le niveau maximal de Fibonacci. - Le niveau de Fibonacci. - Taux d'erreur - Les longueurs utilisées pour les moyennes mobiles - Conserver les anciennes lignes/étiquettes de l'ABC - Afficher les niveaux de Fibonacci - Montre le nuage de tendance - et les couleurs
test de retour
/*backtest start: 2022-04-22 00:00:00 end: 2022-05-21 23:59:00 period: 30m basePeriod: 15m exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // © LonesomeTheBlue //@version=4 study("Trading ABC", overlay = true, max_bars_back = 500, max_lines_count = 500, max_labels_count = 500) prd = input(defval = 8, title="ZigZag Period", minval = 2, maxval = 50, group = "Setup") fiboup = input(defval = 0.618, title = "Fibonacci Max", group = "Setup") fibodn = input(defval = 0.382, title = "Fibonacci Min", group = "Setup") errorrate = input(defval = 5.0, title = "Error Rate", minval = 0, maxval = 30, group = "Setup") / 100 showabc = input(defval = true, title = "Show ABC", group = "Extras") keepabc = input(defval = true, title = "Keep Old ABCs", group = "Extras") showcloud = input(defval = true, title = "Show Cloud", group = "Extras", inline = "cloud") c_upcol = input(defval =, 75), title = "", group = "Extras", inline = "cloud") c_dncol = input(defval =, 75), title = "", group = "Extras", inline = "cloud") showzigzag = input(defval = true, title = "Show Zig Zag & Fibo", group = "Extras", inline = "zigzag") upcol = input(defval = color.lime, title = "", group = "Extras", inline = "zigzag") dncol = input(defval =, title = "", group = "Extras", inline = "zigzag") srcma = input(defval = close, title = "Source for Moving Averages", group = "Trend Cloud") malen1 = input(defval = 50, title = "SMA 1 Length", minval = 1, group = "Trend Cloud") malen2 = input(defval = 100, title = "SMA 2 Length", minval = 1, group = "Trend Cloud") malen3 = input(defval = 150, title = "SMA 3 Length", minval = 1, group = "Trend Cloud") malen4 = input(defval = 200, title = "SMA 4 Length", minval = 1, group = "Trend Cloud") malen5 = input(defval = 20, title = "EMA 1 Length", minval = 1, group = "Trend Cloud") malen6 = input(defval = 40, title = "EMA 2 Length", minval = 1, group = "Trend Cloud") ma_array = array.new_float(6) array.set(ma_array, 0, sma(srcma, malen1)) array.set(ma_array, 1, sma(srcma, malen2)) array.set(ma_array, 2, sma(srcma, malen3)) array.set(ma_array, 3, sma(srcma, malen4)) array.set(ma_array, 4, ema(srcma, malen5)) array.set(ma_array, 5, ema(srcma, malen6)) float umax = na float umin = na float lmax = na float lmin = na int upper = 0 int lower = 0 for x = 1 to 6 ma = array.get(ma_array, x -1) if ma >= max(open, close) upper := upper + 1 if na(umax) umax := ma umin := ma else umax := max(umax, ma) umin := min(umin, ma) else if ma <= min(open, close) lower := lower + 1 if na(lmax) lmax := ma lmin := ma else lmax := max(lmax, ma) lmin := min(lmin, ma) var int trend = 0 trend := lower > 0 and upper == 0 and lower[1] > 0 and upper[1] == 0 ? 1 : lower == 0 and upper > 0 and lower[1] == 0 and upper[1] > 0 ? -1 : trend tucolor = trend == 1 ? c_upcol: na tdcolor = trend == -1 ? c_dncol : na fill(plot(umax, color = na), plot(umin, color = na), color = showcloud ? tdcolor : na) fill(plot(lmax, color = na), plot(lmin, color = na), color = showcloud ? tucolor : na) //=================================================================== // zigzag part get_ph_pl_dir(len)=> float ph = highestbars(high, len) == 0 ? high : na float pl = lowestbars(low, len) == 0 ? low : na var dir = 0 dir := iff(ph and na(pl), 1, iff(pl and na(ph), -1, dir)) [ph, pl, dir] [ph, pl, dir] = get_ph_pl_dir(prd) var max_array_size = 10 var zigzag = array.new_float(0) add_to_zigzag(value, bindex)=> array.unshift(zigzag, bindex) array.unshift(zigzag, value) if array.size(zigzag) > max_array_size array.pop(zigzag) array.pop(zigzag) update_zigzag(value, bindex)=> if array.size(zigzag) == 0 add_to_zigzag(value, bindex) else if (dir == 1 and value > array.get(zigzag, 0)) or (dir == -1 and value < array.get(zigzag, 0)) array.set(zigzag, 0, value) array.set(zigzag, 1, bindex) 0. dir_changed = change(dir) if ph or pl if dir_changed add_to_zigzag(dir == 1 ? ph : pl, bar_index) else update_zigzag(dir == 1 ? ph : pl, bar_index) // if showzigzag and array.size(zigzag) > 5 // var line zzline1 = na // var line zzline2 = na //line.delete(zzline1) //line.delete(zzline2) // zzline1 := = round(array.get(zigzag, 1)) , y1 = array.get(zigzag, 0), x2 = round(array.get(zigzag, 3)), y2 = array.get(zigzag, 2), color = dir == 1 ? upcol : dncol, width = 2, style = line.style_dashed) //zzline2 := = round(array.get(zigzag, 3)) , y1 = array.get(zigzag, 2), x2 = round(array.get(zigzag, 5)), y2 = array.get(zigzag, 4), color = dir == -1 ? upcol : dncol, width = 2, style = line.style_dashed) // min/max fibo levels // zzlen = abs(array.get(zigzag, 2) - array.get(zigzag, 4)) // fmin = dir == 1 ? array.get(zigzag, 2) + zzlen * (fibodn - errorrate) : array.get(zigzag, 4) + zzlen * ((1 - fibodn) + errorrate) // fmax = dir == 1 ? array.get(zigzag, 2) + zzlen * (fiboup + errorrate) : array.get(zigzag, 4) + zzlen * ((1 - fiboup) - errorrate) // var line fibo1 = na // var line fibo2 = na // line.delete(fibo1) // line.delete(fibo2) // fibo1 := = round(array.get(zigzag, 3)), y1 = fmin, x2 = round(array.get(zigzag, 3)) + 1, y2 = fmin, color =, style = line.style_dashed, extend = extend.right) // fibo2 := = round(array.get(zigzag, 3)), y1 = fmax, x2 = round(array.get(zigzag, 3)) + 1, y2 = fmax, color =, style = line.style_dashed, extend = extend.right) zchange = array.size(zigzag) > 0 ? array.get(zigzag, 0) : 0.0 abc = array.new_float(0) if change(zchange) and array.size(zigzag) > 5 and ((pl and trend == 1 and dir == -1 and low < array.max(ma_array)) or (ph and trend == -1 and dir == 1 and high > array.min(ma_array))) a = array.get(zigzag, 0) b = array.get(zigzag, 2) b_loc = array.get(zigzag, 3) c = array.get(zigzag, 4) c_loc = array.get(zigzag, 5) rate = (a - b) / (c - b) if rate >= (fibodn - fibodn * errorrate) and rate <= (fiboup + fiboup * errorrate) array.push(abc, b) array.push(abc, b_loc) array.push(abc, c) array.push(abc, c_loc) // draw_line(dir, x1_,y1_, x2_, y2_, x3_, y3_)=> // l1 = = x1_, y1 = y1_, x2 = x2_, y2 = y2_, color = dir == 1 ? upcol : dncol, width = 2) // l2 = = x2_, y1 = y2_, x2 = x3_, y2 = y3_, color = dir == 1 ? dncol : upcol, width = 2) // [l1, l2] // draw_label(dir, x1_,y1_, x2_, y2_, x3_, y3_)=> // alabel = x = x1_, // y = y1_, // text = "C", // style = dir == 1 ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up, // color =, 100), // textcolor = // blabel = x = x2_, // y = y2_, // text = "B", // style = dir == -1 ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up, // color =, 100), // textcolor = // clabel = x = x3_, // y = y3_, // text = "A", // style = dir == 1 ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up, // color =, 100), // textcolor = // [alabel, blabel, clabel] // var abclines = array.new_line(2) // var abclabels = array.new_label(3) // if showabc and array.size(abc) >= 4 // if not keepabc // line.delete(array.pop(abclines)) // line.delete(array.pop(abclines)) // label.delete(array.pop(abclabels)) // label.delete(array.pop(abclabels)) // label.delete(array.pop(abclabels)) // [l1_, l2_] = draw_line(dir, bar_index, array.get(zigzag, 0), round(array.get(abc, 1)), array.get(abc, 0), round(array.get(abc, 3)), array.get(abc, 2)) // array.unshift(abclines, l1_) // array.unshift(abclines, l2_) // [la1_, la2_, la3_] = draw_label(dir, bar_index, array.get(zigzag, 0), round(array.get(abc, 1)), array.get(abc, 0), round(array.get(abc, 3)), array.get(abc, 2)) // array.unshift(abclabels, la1_) // array.unshift(abclabels, la2_) // array.unshift(abclabels, la3_) // bounce? lbounced = false sbounced = false for i = 0 to 5 if min(low, low[1]) <= array.get(ma_array, i) and close > array.get(ma_array, i) and close > open lbounced := true if max(high, high[1]) >= array.get(ma_array, i) and close < array.get(ma_array, i) and close < open sbounced := true // stoch give signal? sto = sma(stoch(close, high, low, 5), 3) sto_sig = sma(sto, 3) lstoch = sto[1] <= sto_sig[1] and sto > sto_sig and sto[1] < 50 //and sto_sig > 20 sstoch = sto[1] >= sto_sig[1] and sto < sto_sig and sto[1] > 50 //and sto_sig < 80 /// check if conditions met there_is_abc = array.size(abc) != 0 var float last_zz_point = 0. last_zz_point := array.size(zigzag) > 2 and there_is_abc ? array.get(zigzag, 0) : last_zz_point var abc_bar_count = 0 abc_bar_count := there_is_abc ? 0 : abc_bar_count + 1 hhh_ = highest(abc_bar_count + 1) lll_ = lowest(abc_bar_count + 1) // long condition long = trend == 1 and abc_bar_count <= 6 and lbounced and lll_ >= last_zz_point short = trend == -1 and abc_bar_count <= 6 and sbounced and hhh_ <= last_zz_point plotshape(long, style = shape.triangleup, color = upcol, location = location.belowbar, size = size.small) plotshape(short, style = shape.triangledown, color = dncol, location = location.abovebar, size = size.small) alertcondition(long, title = "ABC Long", message = "ABC Long") alertcondition(short, title = "ABC Short", message = "ABC Short") if long strategy.entry("Enter Long", strategy.long) else if short strategy.entry("Enter Short", strategy.short)