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Golden Cross Strategi Dagangan SMA

Penulis:ChaoZhang, Tarikh: 2024-01-26 14:29:01

Golden Cross SMA Trading Strategy


Strategi perdagangan SMA salib emas menjana isyarat beli dan jual berdasarkan persilangan antara dua purata bergerak dari jangka masa yang berbeza. Khususnya, apabila purata bergerak yang lebih cepat melintasi di atas purata bergerak yang lebih perlahan dari bawah, salib emas terbentuk, menunjukkan pembalikan trend bullish. Apabila MA yang lebih cepat melintasi di bawah MA yang lebih perlahan dari atas, salib kematian terbentuk, menunjukkan pembalikan trend bearish.


Strategi ini berdasarkan dua prinsip:

  1. Purata bergerak boleh mencerminkan trend dan momentum pasaran. MA jangka pendek menangkap pergerakan dan pembalikan harga baru-baru ini. MA jangka panjang menunjukkan trend yang berlaku.

  2. Apabila MA yang lebih cepat membentuk salib emas dengan MA yang lebih perlahan, ia menunjukkan momentum jangka pendek semakin kuat berbanding trend jangka panjang, oleh itu kemungkinan permulaan trend menaik.

Secara khusus, strategi ini menggunakan purata bergerak mudah 13 dan 30 tempoh dan memperdagangkan isyarat silang mereka.

  1. Salib emas antara MAs menghasilkan isyarat panjang, yang menunjukkan peluang membeli. Daya maju isyarat dinilai dengan memerlukan trend menaik berterusan dalam tempoh minimum untuk mengesahkan trend bull.

  2. Perpindahan antara MAs menghasilkan isyarat pendek. Begitu juga, trend menurun yang berterusan diperlukan untuk mengesahkan daya tahan isyarat untuk pendek.

  3. Perbezaan cerun antara MA digunakan untuk mengukur kekuatan isyarat silang. Hanya apabila perbezaan melebihi ambang, isyarat akan dianggap cukup kuat untuk berdagang. Ini membantu menghapuskan isyarat palsu.

  4. Stop loss ditetapkan pada 20% dan mengambil keuntungan pada 100%.


Strategi silang SMA mempunyai kelebihan berikut:

  1. Logikanya mudah dan mudah difahami, sesuai untuk pemula.

  2. Menggunakan purata harga untuk menapis bunyi bising dan mengelakkan tertipu oleh turun naik jangka pendek.

  3. Mengkaji kesinambungan trend dan bukannya hanya mengikut isyarat silang secara buta, memastikan pengesahan yang lebih besar dengan keadaan pasaran keseluruhan.

  4. Memperkenalkan faktor momentum cerun pada MA untuk membuat isyarat lebih boleh dipercayai.

  5. Mudah backtesting dan pengoptimuman dengan hanya beberapa parameter utama seperti tempoh MA dan tempoh trend.


Strategi ini juga mempunyai risiko berikut:

  1. Isyarat silang adalah ketinggalan oleh sifat dan tidak dapat meramalkan pembalikan dengan sempurna. Risiko kelewatan wujud. Harus menggunakan MA yang lebih pendek atau digabungkan dengan penunjuk ramalan.

  2. Sistem mekanikal cenderung untuk mencetuskan perdagangan serentak, memperburuk momentum dan membatalkan stop loss / mengambil keuntungan.

  3. Tidak berfungsi dengan baik di pasaran sisi yang bergolak.

  4. Prestasi sangat bergantung kepada parameter yang dikalibrasi dengan betul seperti tempoh trend.

Arahan pengoptimuman

Strategi ini boleh dioptimumkan lagi dengan:

  1. Menambah penilaian trend jangka masa yang lebih tinggi untuk mengelakkan perdagangan yang bertentangan dengan trend.

  2. Memerlukan pengesahan jumlah dagangan untuk menghapuskan isyarat palsu.

  3. Mengoptimumkan parameter MA untuk mencari kombinasi tempoh terbaik. Pertimbangkan purata bergerak adaptif.

  4. Menggabungkan penunjuk popular seperti MACD, KD untuk membantu pengesahan isyarat dan ketepatan.

  5. Mengambil langkah stop loss / mengambil keuntungan untuk mengawal risiko dengan lebih baik.


Strategi crossover SMA sangat intuitif dan mudah ditafsirkan. Ia menggabungkan sifat penapisan bising purata bergerak dengan keupayaan pengenalan trend mudah isyarat crossover. Pengesahan isyarat tambahan memberikan kepraktisan dan kestabilan yang lebih besar. Di atas peningkatan yang dilindungi, masih ada ruang yang cukup untuk pengoptimuman lanjut, menjadikan ini strategi yang berbaloi untuk diteliti.

start: 2024-01-01 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-25 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]


// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © MakeMoneyCoESTB2020

//*********************Notes for continued work***************


//Hello my fellow investors
//I am creating a simple non-cluttered strategy that uses 3(+1) simple means to determine: viability, entry, and exit
//1) Has a consistent trend been maintained for several days/weeks
//2) SH SMA crossover LG SMA = Bullish entry/LG SMA crossover SH SMA = Bearish entry
//3) Use the Slope factor & Weeks in Trend (WiT) to dertermine how strong of an entry signal you are comfortable with
//4) Exit position based on next SMA cross and trend reversal or stop loss%
//3+1) For added confidence in trend detection: Apply MACD check - buy--> MACD line above signal line and corssover below histogram \\ sell --> MACD line below signal line and crossover above histogram.
//*)This code also allows you to determine your desired backtesting date compliments of alanaster

//This code is the product of many hours of hard work on the part of the greater tradingview community.  The credit goes to everyone in the community who has put code out there for the greater good.

//Happy Hunting!

// 1. Define strategy settings*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

strategy("KISS Strategy: SMA + EMA", shorttitle="KISS Strat")

//define calculations price source
price = input(title="Price Source", defval=close)

// 2. Calculate strategy values*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

//Calculate 13/30/200SMA 
SH_SMA_length= input(title="SH SMA Length", defval=13) //short SMA length
LG_SMA_length= input(title="LG SMA Length", defval=30) //long SMA length
GV_SMA_length= input(title="SH SMA Length", defval=200) //Gravitational SMA length

SH_SMA=sma(price, SH_SMA_length) //short SMA 
LG_SMA=sma(price, LG_SMA_length) //long SMA
GV_SMA=sma(price, GV_SMA_length) //gravitational SMA

//calculate MACD
//define variables for speed
fast = 12, slow = 26
//define parameters to calculate MACD
fastMA = ema(price, fast)
slowMA = ema(price, slow)
//define MACD line
macd = fastMA - slowMA
//define SIGNAL line
signal = sma(macd, 9)

//Determine what type of trend we are in
dcp = security(syminfo.tickerid, 'D', close)   //daily close price 
wcp = security(syminfo.tickerid, 'W', close)   //weekly close price 

WiT = input(title="Weeks In Trend", defval=1, maxval=5, minval=1)    //User input for how many weeks of price action to evaluate (Weeks in Trend = WiT)
BearTrend = false       //initialize trend variables as false
BullTrend = false       //initialize trend variables as false

// BullTrend := (wcp > SH_SMA) and (SH_SMA > LG_SMA)  //true if price is trending up based on weekly price close
// BearTrend := (wcp < SH_SMA) and (SH_SMA < LG_SMA)  //true if price is trending down based on weekly price close

// BullTrend := (price > SH_SMA) and (SH_SMA > LG_SMA)  //true if price is trending up
// BearTrend := (price < SH_SMA) and (SH_SMA < LG_SMA)  //true if price is trending down

//Determine if the market has been in a trend for 'n' weeks

n=WiT                           //create loop internal counting variable
for i=1 to WiT                  //create loop to determine if BearTrend=true to set number of weeks
    if (wcp[n] < price)         //evaluate if BearTrend=false comparing the current price to a paticular week close
        BearTrend := false      //set value to false if older price value is less than newer: trending up
        break                   //break out of for loop when trend first falters
    if (wcp[n] > price)         //evaluate if BearTrend=true comparing the current price to a paticular week close
        BearTrend := true       //set value to true if older price value is greater than newer: trending down
    n:=n-1                      //set internal counter one day closer to present

m=WiT                           //create loop internal counting variable
for j=1 to WiT                  //create loop to determine if BearTrend=true to set number of weeks
    if (wcp[m] > price)         //evaluate if BullTrend=false comparing the current price to a paticular week close
        BullTrend := false      //set value to false if older price value is greater than newer: trending down
        break                   //break out of for loop when trend first falters
    if (wcp[m] < price)         //evaluate if BullTrend=true comparing the current price to a paticular week close
        BullTrend := true       //set value to true if older price value is less than newer: trending up
    m:=m-1                      //set internal counter one day closer to present

//Determine if crossings occur
SH_LGcrossover = crossover(SH_SMA, LG_SMA)  //returns true if short crosses over long
SH_LGcrossunder = crossunder(SH_SMA, LG_SMA)    //returns true if short crosses under long

//Determine the slope of the SMAs when a cross over occurs
SlopeFactor= input(title="Slope Factor", defval=.01, minval=0, step = 0.001) //user input variable for what slope to evaluate against
XSlopeSH = abs(SH_SMA-SH_SMA[2]) //slope of short moving average (time cancels out)
XSlopeLG = abs(LG_SMA-LG_SMA[2]) //slope of long moving average (time cancels out)
StrongSlope = iff (abs(XSlopeSH-XSlopeLG)>SlopeFactor, true, false) //create a boolean variable to determine is slope intensity requirement is met

// ************************************ INPUT BACKTEST RANGE ******************************************=== coutesy of alanaster
fromMonth = input(defval = 4,    title = "From Month",      type = input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 12)
fromDay   = input(defval = 1,    title = "From Day",        type = input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 31)
fromYear  = input(defval = 2020, title = "From Year",       type = input.integer, minval = 1970)
thruMonth = input(defval = 1,    title = "Thru Month",      type = input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 12)
thruDay   = input(defval = 1,    title = "Thru Day",        type = input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 31)
thruYear  = input(defval = 2112, title = "Thru Year",       type = input.integer, minval = 1970)

// === INPUT SHOW PLOT ===
showDate  = input(defval = true, title = "Show Date Range", type = input.bool)

start     = timestamp(fromYear, fromMonth, fromDay, 00, 00)        // backtest start window
finish    = timestamp(thruYear, thruMonth, thruDay, 23, 59)        // backtest finish window
window()  => true

bgcolor(color = showDate and window() ? color.gray : na, transp = 90) 
// === EXECUTION ===
//strategy.entry("L", strategy.long, when = window() and crossOv)    // enter long when "within window of time" AND crossover
//strategy.close("L", when = window() and crossUn)                   // exit long when "within window of time" AND crossunder

// 3. Output strategy data*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

//Embolden line if a trend exists
trendcolorLG = BearTrend? //highlights beartrend condition met graphically
trendcolorSH = BullTrend? //highlights beartrend condition met graphically

//plot SMAs
plot(SH_SMA, title = "SH SMA", color = trendcolorSH)
plot(LG_SMA, title = "LG SMA", color = trendcolorLG)
plot(GV_SMA, title = "GV SMA", color = color.silver, linewidth = 4, transp = 70)

//Highlight crossovers
plotshape(series=SH_LGcrossover, style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar,size=size.normal,
plotshape(series=SH_LGcrossunder, style=shape.arrowdown, location=location.abovebar,size=size.normal,

// 4. Determine Long & Short Entry Calculations*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

//Define countback variable
countback=input(minval=0, maxval=5, title="Price CountBack", defval=0)
//User input for what evaluations to run: SMA or SMA + EMA
SMA_Y_N=input(defval = "Y", title="Run SMA", type=input.string, options=["Y", "N"])
MACD_Y_N=input(defval = "N", title="Run MACD", type=input.string, options=["Y", "N"])

//Calculate SMA Cross entry conditions
SMAbuy := SH_LGcrossover and StrongSlope and BearTrend[WiT*7]   //enter long if short SMA crosses over long SMA & security has been in a BearTrend for 'n' days back
SMAsell := SH_LGcrossunder and StrongSlope and BullTrend[WiT*7] //enter short if short SMA crosses under long SMA & security has been in a BullTrend for 'n' days back

//Calculate MACD Cross entry conditions
MACDbuy = iff(MACD_Y_N=="Y", crossunder(signal[countback], macd[countback]), true) and iff(MACD_Y_N=="Y", macd[countback]<0, true) and StrongSlope and BearTrend     //enter long if fast MACD crosses over slow MACD & there is a strong slope & security has been in a BearTrend for 'n' days back
MACDsell = iff(MACD_Y_N=="Y", crossunder(macd[countback], signal[countback]), true) and iff(MACD_Y_N=="Y", signal[countback]>0, true) and StrongSlope and BullTrend  //enter short if fast MACD crosses under slow MACD & there is a strong slope & security has been in a BullTrend for 'n' days back

//long entry condition
dataHCLB=(iff(SMA_Y_N=="Y", SMAbuy, true) and iff(MACD_Y_N=="Y", MACDbuy, true))
plotshape(dataHCLB, title= "HC-LB", color=color.lime,, text="HC-LB")
strategy.entry("HC-Long", strategy.long, comment="HC-Long", when = dataHCLB and window())

//short entry condition
dataHCSB=(iff(SMA_Y_N=="Y", SMAsell, true) and iff(MACD_Y_N=="Y", MACDsell, true))
plotshape(dataHCSB, title= "HC-SB", color=color.fuchsia,, text="HC-SB")
strategy.entry("HC-Short", strategy.short, comment="HC-Short", when=dataHCSB and window())

// 5. Submit Profit and Loss Exit Calculations Orders*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

// User Options to Change Inputs (%)
stopPer = input(12, title='Stop Loss %', type=input.float) / 100
takePer = input(25, title='Take Profit %', type=input.float) / 100

// Determine where you've entered and in what direction
longStop = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - stopPer)
shortStop = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + stopPer)
shortTake = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - takePer)
longTake = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + takePer)

//exit position conditions and orders
if strategy.position_size > 0//or crossunder(price[countback], upperBB)
    strategy.exit(id="Close Long", when = window(), stop=longStop, limit=longTake)
if strategy.position_size < 0 //or crossover(price[countback], lowerBB)
    strategy.exit(id="Close Short", when = window(), stop=shortStop, limit=shortTake)

//Evaluate/debug equation***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
// plotshape((n==5? true : na), title='n=5', style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, text='5', color=color.white,, transp=0) //print n value if 5
// plotshape((n==4? true : na), title='n=4', style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, text='4', color=color.white,, transp=0) //print n value if 4 
// plotshape((n==3? true : na), title='n=3', style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, text='3', color=color.white,, transp=0) //print n value if 3
// plotshape((n==2? true : na), title='n=2', style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, text='2', color=color.white,, transp=0) //print n value if 2
// plotshape((n==1? true : na), title='n=1', style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, text='1', color=color.white,, transp=0) //print n value if 1
// lineValue = 11                                           //set random visible line value to check when equation is true
// colorP = (BearTrend==true) ? :
// plot (lineValue, title = "BearTrend", color = colorP)   //Plot when condition true=green, false=red
// plot (XSlopeLG+15, color=color.white) //used for code debugging
// plot (XSlopeSH+15, //used for code debugging
// plot (abs(XSlopeSH-XSlopeLG)+20, color=color.fuchsia) //used for code debugging

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