A pedido de nossos usuários nos fóruns que esperam ter uma estratégia de média móvel dupla de múltiplos símbolos como referência de design, uma estratégia de média móvel dupla de múltiplos símbolos será implementada no compartilhamento de hoje.
A lógica da estratégia de média móvel dupla é muito simples, ou seja, duas médias móveis. Uma média móvel com um período pequeno (linha rápida) e uma média móvel com um período grande (linha lenta). Quando as duas linhas têm uma cruz de ouro (a linha rápida cruza a linha lenta de baixo), comprar longo, e quando as duas linhas têm uma cruz morta (a linha rápida para baixo cruza a linha lenta de cima), vender curto. Para a média móvel, usamos a EMA.
É apenas que a estratégia precisa ser projetada para vários símbolos, de modo que os parâmetros de diferentes símbolos podem ser diferentes (simbolos diferentes usam diferentes parâmetros de média móvel), por isso é necessário projetar parâmetros em uma matriz de parâmetros.
Os parâmetros são projetados em forma de cadeia, com cada parâmetro dividido por vírgula. Essas cadeias são analisadas quando a estratégia começa a ser executada, que será combinada com a lógica de execução para cada símbolo (pares de negociação).
A estratégia é super simples e muito adequada para iniciantes; é de apenas mais de 200 linhas no total.
// function effect: to cancel all pending orders of the current trading pair
function cancelAll(e) {
while (true) {
var orders = _C(e.GetOrders)
if (orders.length == 0) {
} else {
for (var i = 0 ; i < orders.length ; i++) {
e.CancelOrder(orders[i].Id, orders[i])
// function effect: to calculate the real-time profit and loss
function getProfit(account, initAccount, lastPrices) {
// account indicates the current account information; initAccount is the initial account information; lastPrices is the the latest prices of all current symbols
var sum = 0
_.each(account, function(val, key) {
// traverse the current total assets, and calculate asset currency (except USDT) difference and amount difference
if (key != "USDT" && typeof(initAccount[key]) == "number" && lastPrices[key + "_USDT"]) {
sum += (account[key] - initAccount[key]) * lastPrices[key + "_USDT"]
// return the asset profit and loss calculated by the current price
return account["USDT"] - initAccount["USDT"] + sum
// function effect: to generate chart configuration
function createChartConfig(symbol, ema1Period, ema2Period) {
// symbol indicates trading pair; ema1Period indicates the first EMA period; ema2Period indicates the second EMA period
var chart = {
__isStock: true,
extension: {
layout: 'single',
height: 600,
title : { text : symbol},
xAxis: { type: 'datetime'},
series : [
type: 'candlestick', // K-line date series
name: symbol,
id: symbol,
data: []
}, {
type: 'line', // EMA data series
name: symbol + ',EMA1:' + ema1Period,
data: [],
}, {
type: 'line', // EMA data series
name: symbol + ',EMA2:' + ema2Period,
data: []
return chart
function main() {
// reset all data
if (isReset) {
_G(null) // vacuum all persistently recorded data
LogReset(1) // vacuum all logs
LogProfitReset() // vacuum all profit logs
LogVacuum() // release the resource occupied by the bot database
Log("reset all data", "#FF0000") // print information
// parse parameters
var arrSymbols = symbols.split(",") // use comma to split the trading symbol strings
var arrEma1Periods = ema1Periods.split(",") // split the string of the first EMA parameter
var arrEma2Periods = ema2Periods.split(",") // split the string of the second EMA parameter
var arrAmounts = orderAmounts.split(",") // split the order amount of each symbol
var account = {} // the variable used to record the current asset information
var initAccount = {} // the variable used to record the initial asset information
var currTradeMsg = {} // the variable used to record whether the current BAR is executed
var lastPrices = {} // the variable used to record the latest price of the monitored symbol
var lastBarTime = {} // the variable used to record the time of the latest BAR, to judge the BAR update during plotting
var arrChartConfig = [] // the variable used to record the chart configuration information, to plot
if (_G("currTradeMsg")) { // for example, when restart, recover currTradeMsg data
currTradeMsg = _G("currTradeMsg")
Log("recover GetRecords", currTradeMsg)
// initialize account
_.each(arrSymbols, function(symbol, index) {
var arrCurrencyName = symbol.split("_")
var baseCurrency = arrCurrencyName[0]
var quoteCurrency = arrCurrencyName[1]
if (quoteCurrency != "USDT") {
throw "only support quoteCurrency: USDT"
if (!account[baseCurrency] || !account[quoteCurrency]) {
var acc = _C(exchange.GetAccount)
account[baseCurrency] = acc.Stocks
account[quoteCurrency] = acc.Balance
// initialize the related data of chart
lastBarTime[symbol] = 0
arrChartConfig.push(createChartConfig(symbol, arrEma1Periods[index], arrEma2Periods[index]))
if (_G("initAccount")) {
initAccount = _G("initAccount")
Log("recover initial account information", initAccount)
} else {
// use the current asset information to initialize initAccount (variable)
_.each(account, function(val, key) {
initAccount[key] = val
Log("account:", account, "initAccount:", initAccount) // print asset information
// initialize the chart objects
var chart = Chart(arrChartConfig)
// reset chart
// strategy logic of the main loop
while (true) {
// traverse all symbols, and execute the dual moving average logic one by one
_.each(arrSymbols, function(symbol, index) {
exchange.SetCurrency(symbol) // switch the trading pair to the trading pair recorded by by symbol string
var arrCurrencyName = symbol.split("_") // split trading pairs by "_"
var baseCurrency = arrCurrencyName[0] // string of base currency
var quoteCurrency = arrCurrencyName[1] // string of quote currency
// according to index, obtain the EMA paramater of the current trading pair
var ema1Period = parseFloat(arrEma1Periods[index])
var ema2Period = parseFloat(arrEma2Periods[index])
var amount = parseFloat(arrAmounts[index])
// obtain the K-line data of the current trading pair
var r = exchange.GetRecords()
if (!r || r.length < Math.max(ema1Period, ema2Period)) { // when the length of K-line is not long enough, return directly
var currBarTime = r[r.length - 1].Time // record the current BAR timestamp
lastPrices[symbol] = r[r.length - 1].Close // record the current latest price
var ema1 = TA.EMA(r, ema1Period) // calculate EMA indicator
var ema2 = TA.EMA(r, ema2Period) // calculate EMA indicator
if (ema1.length < 3 || ema2.length < 3) { // when the length of EMA indicator array is too short, return derectly
var ema1Last2 = ema1[ema1.length - 2] // EMA on the second last BAR
var ema1Last3 = ema1[ema1.length - 3] // EMA on the third last BAR
var ema2Last2 = ema2[ema2.length - 2]
var ema2Last3 = ema2[ema2.length - 3]
// write the chart data
var klineIndex = index + 2 * index
// traverse k-line data
for (var i = 0 ; i < r.length ; i++) {
if (r[i].Time == lastBarTime[symbol]) { // plot; update the current BAR and its indicator
// update
chart.add(klineIndex, [r[i].Time, r[i].Open, r[i].High, r[i].Low, r[i].Close], -1)
chart.add(klineIndex + 1, [r[i].Time, ema1[i]], -1)
chart.add(klineIndex + 2, [r[i].Time, ema2[i]], -1)
} else if (r[i].Time > lastBarTime[symbol]) { // plot; add BAR and its indicator
// add
lastBarTime[symbol] = r[i].Time // update the timestamp
chart.add(klineIndex, [r[i].Time, r[i].Open, r[i].High, r[i].Low, r[i].Close])
chart.add(klineIndex + 1, [r[i].Time, ema1[i]])
chart.add(klineIndex + 2, [r[i].Time, ema2[i]])
if (ema1Last3 < ema2Last3 && ema1Last2 > ema2Last2 && currTradeMsg[symbol] != currBarTime) {
// golden cross
var depth = exchange.GetDepth() // obtain the depth data of the current order book
var price = depth.Asks[Math.min(takeLevel, depth.Asks.length)].Price // select the 10th level price; taker
if (depth && price * amount <= account[quoteCurrency]) { // obtain that the depth data is normal, and the assets are enough to place an order
exchange.Buy(price, amount, ema1Last3, ema2Last3, ema1Last2, ema2Last2) // maker; buy
cancelAll(exchange) // cancel all pending orders
var acc = _C(exchange.GetAccount) // obtain the account asset information
if (acc.Stocks != account[baseCurrency]) { // detect the account assets changed
account[baseCurrency] = acc.Stocks // update assets
account[quoteCurrency] = acc.Balance // update assets
currTradeMsg[symbol] = currBarTime // record the current BAR has been executed
_G("currTradeMsg", currTradeMsg) // persistently record
var profit = getProfit(account, initAccount, lastPrices) // calculate profit
if (profit) {
LogProfit(profit, account, initAccount) // print profit
} else if (ema1Last3 > ema2Last3 && ema1Last2 < ema2Last2 && currTradeMsg[symbol] != currBarTime) {
// death cross
var depth = exchange.GetDepth()
var price = depth.Bids[Math.min(takeLevel, depth.Bids.length)].Price
if (depth && amount <= account[baseCurrency]) {
exchange.Sell(price, amount, ema1Last3, ema2Last3, ema1Last2, ema2Last2)
var acc = _C(exchange.GetAccount)
if (acc.Stocks != account[baseCurrency]) {
account[baseCurrency] = acc.Stocks
account[quoteCurrency] = acc.Balance
currTradeMsg[symbol] = currBarTime
_G("currTradeMsg", currTradeMsg)
var profit = getProfit(account, initAccount, lastPrices)
if (profit) {
LogProfit(profit, account, initAccount)
// variables in the table of status bar
var tbl = {
type : "table",
title : "account information",
cols : [],
rows : []
// write the data in the table structure of status bar
_.each(account, function(val, key) {
if (typeof(initAccount[key]) == "number") {
tbl.rows[0].push(initAccount[key]) // initial
tbl.rows[1].push(val) // current
// display the status bar table
LogStatus(_D(), "\n", "profit:", getProfit(account, initAccount, lastPrices), "\n", "`" + JSON.stringify(tbl) + "`")
Você pode ver ETH, LTC e ETC todos tinham negociações de acordo com os gatilhos da cruz de ouro e cruz de morte das médias móveis.
Também pode esperar por um robô simulado para testar.
Código fonte da estratégia:https://www.fmz.com/strategy/333783
A estratégia é usada apenas para backtest e aprendizado de design de estratégia, então use-a em um bot com cautela.