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Поглощающие свечи

Автор:Чао Чжан, Дата: 2022-05-08 10:54:37

Этот сценарий показывает вам, где свеча либо быстрый или медвежий поглощает предыдущую свечу.

ЗЕЛЕНЫЙ треугольник под панелью, указывающей ВСОГО, указывает на то, что свеча является BULLISH поглощает предыдущую свечу Красный треугольник ВО ВСЕГОМ поясе, указывающий вниз, указывает на то, что свеча медвежий поглощает предыдущую свечу.

обратная проверка

Engulfing Candles

start: 2022-02-07 00:00:00
end: 2022-05-07 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

study("Engulfing Candles", overlay = true)
//strategy("Engulfing Candles") //keep this commented out unless backtesting

openBarPrevious = open[1]
closeBarPrevious = close[1]
openBarCurrent = open
closeBarCurrent = close

//If current bar open is less than equal to the previous bar close AND current bar open is less than previous bar open AND current bar close is greater than previous bar open THEN True
bullishEngulfing = (openBarCurrent <= closeBarPrevious) and (openBarCurrent < openBarPrevious) and (closeBarCurrent > openBarPrevious)
//If current bar open is greater than equal to previous bar close AND current bar open is greater than previous bar open AND current bar close is less than previous bar open THEN True
bearishEngulfing = (openBarCurrent >= closeBarPrevious) and (openBarCurrent > openBarPrevious) and (closeBarCurrent < openBarPrevious)

//bullishEngulfing/bearishEngulfing return a value of 1 or 0; if 1 then plot on chart, if 0 then don't plot

alertcondition(bullishEngulfing, title = "Bullish Engulfing", message = "[CurrencyPair] [TimeFrame], Bullish candle engulfing previous candle")
alertcondition(bearishEngulfing, title = "Bearish Engulfing", message = "[CurrencyPair] [TimeFrame], Bearish candle engulfing previous candle")

// === EXECUTION === //Keep this commented out unless backtesting
// strategy.entry("L", strategy.long, 25000, when = bullishEngulfing == 1 and window()) // buy long when "within window of time" AND crossover 
// strategy.exit("exit", "L", profit = 1000, loss = 50)

// strategy.entry("S", strategy.short, 25000, when = bearishEngulfing == 1 and window()) // buy long when "within window of time" AND crossover 
// strategy.exit("exit", "S", profit = 1000, loss = 50)

if bullishEngulfing
    strategy.entry("Enter Long", strategy.long)
else if bearishEngulfing
    strategy.entry("Enter Short", strategy.short)


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