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Стратегия перекрестной торговли несколькими скользящими средними

Автор:Чао Чжан, Дата: 2023-12-20 14:12:20


Обзор Эта стратегия основана на перекрестке трех скользящих средних линий (MA1, MA2, MA3).

Принцип Стратегия в основном использует сигналы перекрестного и перекрестного взаимодействия между тремя скользящими средними линиями в качестве торговых сигналов. Когда короткий период MA пересекает длинный период MA снизу вверх, он генерирует длинный входный сигнал; когда короткий период MA пересекает длинный период MA сверху вниз, он генерирует выходный сигнал.

Пользователи могут свободно выбирать тип (SMA, EMA и т. д.), период, источник данных о ценах (закрытие цены, самая высокая цена и т. д.) и разрешение (минутные панели, дневные панели и т. д.) трех МА. Кроме того, торговля на перекрестках между каждым МА может быть включена или отключена, чтобы определить, следует ли предпринимать торговые действия на определенных перекрестках.

В настоящее время стратегия работает только на длинные позиции, входя и выходя из позиций с рыночными ордерами.


  1. Гибкая оптимизация и сочетание путем свободного выбора параметров МА, снижение риска приспособления кривой
  2. Многократное перекрещивание MA создает больше возможностей для торговли, увеличивая частоту торговли
  3. Использование долгосрочных, среднесрочных и краткосрочных балансов МС между тенденцией и изменением
  4. Поддержка различных разрешений позволяет анализировать несколько временных рамок
  5. Встроенная функциональность прогнозирования позволяет проверять параметры соответствия эффекта


  1. Большое количество комбинаций параметров может привести к перенастройке
  2. Высокая частота торгов может увеличить затраты на комиссионные за торговлю и сдвиг
  3. Рыночные заказы, не способные ограничить цену входа
  4. При наличии нескольких МА могут возникать противоречивые сигналы.
  5. Различие в производительности может существовать между бэкстестом и торговлей в реальном времени

Советы по оптимизации

  1. Получить действительный диапазон параметров с помощью анализа ходьбы вперед
  2. Добавить комиссионные за торговлю и расходы на скольжение в бэкстесте
  3. Попробуйте ограничить ордера вместо рыночных.
  4. Добавить фильтры для предотвращения противоречивых сигналов
  5. Подтверждение надежности стратегии в моделируемой реалистичной среде

Резюме Стратегия комплексно использует сглаживающую черту MAs и способность распознавания паттернов перекрестных сигналов. Пользователи могут гибко выбирать параметры для баланса между следующим трендом и идентификацией обратного движения. Также риск перенапряжения должен контролироваться путем проверки надежности стратегии в сложных рыночных условиях, имитируемых в бэкстесте. В заключение, эта стратегия является эффективным примером использования нескольких MAs для торговли.

start: 2023-11-19 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-19 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]


// Pine Script v4
// @author BigBitsIO
// Script Library: https://www.tradingview.com/u/BigBitsIO/#published-scripts

// study(title, shorttitle, overlay, format, precision)
// https://www.tradingview.com/pine-script-reference/#fun_strategy 
strategy(shorttitle = "TManyMA Strategy - ST9 - Long Market Only", title="Triple Many Moving Averages", overlay=true, pyramiding=1, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=100)

// MA#Period is a variable used to store the indicator lookback period.  In this case, from the input.
// input - https://www.tradingview.com/pine-script-docs/en/v4/annotations/Script_inputs.html
MA1Period = input(50, title="MA1 Period", minval=1, step=1)
MA1Type = input(title="MA1 Type", defval="SMA", options=["RMA", "SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "HMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "VWMA"])
MA1Source = input(title="MA1 Source", type=input.source, defval=close)
MA1Resolution = input(title="MA1 Resolution", defval="00 Current", options=["00 Current", "01 1m", "02 3m", "03 5m", "04 15m", "05 30m", "06 45m", "07 1h", "08 2h", "09 3h", "10 4h", "11 1D", "12 1W", "13 1M"])
MA1Visible = input(title="MA1 Visible", type=input.bool, defval=true) // Will automatically hide crossBovers containing this MA

MA2Period = input(100, title="MA2 Period", minval=1, step=1)
MA2Type = input(title="MA2 Type", defval="SMA", options=["RMA", "SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "HMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "VWMA"])
MA2Source = input(title="MA2 Source", type=input.source, defval=close)
MA2Resolution = input(title="MA2 Resolution", defval="00 Current", options=["00 Current", "01 1m", "02 3m", "03 5m", "04 15m", "05 30m", "06 45m", "07 1h", "08 2h", "09 3h", "10 4h", "11 1D", "12 1W", "13 1M"])
MA2Visible = input(title="MA2 Visible", type=input.bool, defval=true) // Will automatically hide crossovers containing this MA

MA3Period = input(200, title="MA3 Period", minval=1, step=1)
MA3Type = input(title="MA3 Type", defval="SMA", options=["RMA", "SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "HMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "VWMA"])
MA3Source = input(title="MA3 Source", type=input.source, defval=close)
MA3Resolution = input(title="MA3 Resolution", defval="00 Current", options=["00 Current", "01 1m", "02 3m", "03 5m", "04 15m", "05 30m", "06 45m", "07 1h", "08 2h", "09 3h", "10 4h", "11 1D", "12 1W", "13 1M"])
MA3Visible = input(title="MA3 Visible", type=input.bool, defval=true) // Will automatically hide crossovers containing this MA

ShowCrosses = input(title="Show Crosses", type=input.bool, defval=false)

ForecastBias = input(title="Forecast Bias", defval="Neutral", options=["Neutral", "Bullish", "Bearish"])
ForecastBiasPeriod = input(14, title="Forecast Bias Period")
ForecastBiasMagnitude = input(1, title="Forecast Bias Magnitude", minval=0.25, maxval=20, step=0.25)
ShowForecasts = input(title="Show Forecasts", type=input.bool, defval=true)

ShowRibbons = input(title="Show Ribbons", type=input.bool, defval=true)

TradeMA12Crosses = input(title="Trade MA 1-2 Crosses", type=input.bool, defval=true)
TradeMA13Crosses = input(title="Trade MA 1-3 Crosses", type=input.bool, defval=true)
TradeMA23Crosses = input(title="Trade MA 2-3 Crosses", type=input.bool, defval=true)

// MA# is a variable used to store the actual moving average value.
// if statements - https://www.tradingview.com/pine-script-reference/#op_if
// MA functions - https://www.tradingview.com/pine-script-reference/ (must search for appropriate MA)
// custom functions in  pine - https://www.tradingview.com/wiki/Declaring_Functions
ma(MAType, MASource, MAPeriod) =>
    if MAType == "SMA"
        ta.sma(MASource, MAPeriod)
        if MAType == "EMA"
            ta.ema(MASource, MAPeriod)
            if MAType == "WMA"
                ta.wma(MASource, MAPeriod)
                if MAType == "RMA"
                    ta.rma(MASource, MAPeriod)
                    if MAType == "HMA"
                        ta.wma(2*wma(MASource, MAPeriod/2)-ta.wma(MASource, MAPeriod), round(sqrt(MAPeriod)))
                        if MAType == "DEMA"
                            e = ta.ema(MASource, MAPeriod)
                            2 * e - ta.ema(e, MAPeriod)
                            if MAType == "TEMA"
                                e = ta.ema(MASource, MAPeriod)
                                3 * (e - ta.ema(e, MAPeriod)) + ta.ema(ema(e, MAPeriod), MAPeriod)
                                if MAType == "VWMA"
                                    ta.vwma(MASource, MAPeriod)
res(MAResolution) =>
    if MAResolution == "00 Current"
        if MAResolution == "01 1m"
            if MAResolution == "02 3m"
                if MAResolution == "03 5m"
                    if MAResolution == "04 15m"
                        if MAResolution == "05 30m"
                            if MAResolution == "06 45m"
                                if MAResolution == "07 1h"
                                    if MAResolution == "08 2h"
                                        if MAResolution == "09 3h"
                                            if MAResolution == "10 4h"
                                                if MAResolution == "11 1D"
                                                    if MAResolution == "12 1W"
                                                        if MAResolution == "13 1M"

// https://www.tradingview.com/pine-script-reference/#fun_request.security
MA1 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA1Resolution), ma(MA1Type, MA1Source, MA1Period))     
MA2 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA2Resolution), ma(MA2Type, MA2Source, MA2Period))
MA3 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA3Resolution), ma(MA3Type, MA3Source, MA3Period))   
// Plotting crossover/unders for all combinations of crosses
// Crossovers no longer detected in label code, they need to be re-used for strategy - crosses and visibility must be set
MA12Crossover = MA1Visible and MA2Visible and ta.crossover(MA1, MA2)
MA12Crossunder = MA1Visible and MA2Visible and ta.crossunder(MA1, MA2)
MA13Crossover = MA1Visible and MA3Visible and ta.crossover(MA1, MA3)
MA13Crossunder = MA1Visible and MA3Visible and ta.crossunder(MA1, MA3)
MA23Crossover = MA2Visible and MA3Visible and ta.crossover(MA2, MA3)
MA23Crossunder = MA2Visible and MA3Visible and ta.crossunder(MA2, MA3)

// https://www.tradingview.com/pine-script-reference/v4/#fun_label%7Bdot%7Dnew
if ShowCrosses and MA12Crossunder
    lun1 = label.new(bar_index, na, tostring(MA1Period)+' '+MA1Type+' crossed under '+tostring(MA2Period)+' '+MA2Type, 
      style=label.style_xcross, size=size.small)
    label.set_y(lun1, MA1)
if ShowCrosses and MA12Crossover
    lup1 = label.new(bar_index, na, tostring(MA1Period)+' '+MA1Type+' crossed over '+tostring(MA2Period)+' '+MA2Type, 
      style=label.style_xcross, size=size.small)
    label.set_y(lup1, MA1)
if ShowCrosses and MA13Crossunder
    lun2 = label.new(bar_index, na, tostring(MA1Period)+' '+MA1Type+' crossed under '+tostring(MA3Period)+' '+MA3Type, 
      style=label.style_xcross, size=size.small)
    label.set_y(lun2, MA1)
if ShowCrosses and MA13Crossover
    lup2 = label.new(bar_index, na, tostring(MA1Period)+' '+MA1Type+' crossed over '+tostring(MA3Period)+' '+MA3Type, 
      style=label.style_xcross, size=size.small)
    label.set_y(lup2, MA1)
if ShowCrosses and MA23Crossunder
    lun3 = label.new(bar_index, na, tostring(MA2Period)+' '+MA2Type+' crossed under '+tostring(MA3Period)+' '+MA3Type, 
      style=label.style_xcross, size=size.small)
    label.set_y(lun3, MA2)
if ShowCrosses and MA23Crossover
    lup3 = label.new(bar_index, na, tostring(MA2Period)+' '+MA2Type+' crossed over '+tostring(MA3Period)+' '+MA3Type, 
      style=label.style_xcross, size=size.small)
    label.set_y(lup3, MA2) 

// plot - This will draw the information on the chart
// plot - https://www.tradingview.com/pine-script-docs/en/v4/annotations/plot_annotation.html
plot(MA1Visible ? MA1 : na, color=color.green, linewidth=2, title="MA1")
plot(MA2Visible ? MA2 : na, color=color.yellow, linewidth=3, title="MA2")
plot(MA3Visible ? MA3 : na, color=color.red, linewidth=4, title="MA3")

// Forecasting - forcasted prices are calculated using our MAType and MASource for the MAPeriod - the last X candles.
//              it essentially replaces the oldest X candles, with the selected source * X candles
// Bias - We'll add an "adjustment" for each additional candle being forecasted based on ATR of the previous X candles
// custom functions in  pine - https://www.tradingview.com/wiki/Declaring_Functions
bias(Bias, BiasPeriod) =>
    if Bias == "Neutral"
        if Bias == "Bullish"
            (atr(BiasPeriod) * ForecastBiasMagnitude)
            if Bias == "Bearish"
                ((atr(BiasPeriod)  * ForecastBiasMagnitude) * -1) // multiplying by -1 to make it a negative, bearish bias

// Note - Can not show forecasts on different resolutions at the moment, x-axis is an issue
Bias = bias(ForecastBias, ForecastBiasPeriod) // 14 is default atr period
MA1Forecast1 = (request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA1Resolution), ma(MA1Type, MA1Source, MA1Period - 1)) * (MA1Period - 1) + ((MA1Source * 1) + (Bias * 1))) / MA1Period
MA1Forecast2 = (request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA1Resolution), ma(MA1Type, MA1Source, MA1Period - 2)) * (MA1Period - 2) + ((MA1Source * 2) + (Bias * 2))) / MA1Period
MA1Forecast3 = (request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA1Resolution), ma(MA1Type, MA1Source, MA1Period - 3)) * (MA1Period - 3) + ((MA1Source * 3) + (Bias * 3))) / MA1Period
MA1Forecast4 = (request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA1Resolution), ma(MA1Type, MA1Source, MA1Period - 4)) * (MA1Period - 4) + ((MA1Source * 4) + (Bias * 4))) / MA1Period
MA1Forecast5 = (request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA1Resolution), ma(MA1Type, MA1Source, MA1Period - 5)) * (MA1Period - 5) + ((MA1Source * 5) + (Bias * 5))) / MA1Period

plot(MA1Resolution == "00 Current" and ShowForecasts and MA1Visible ? MA1Forecast1 : na, color=color.green, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title="MA1 Forecast 1", offset=1, show_last=1)
plot(MA1Resolution == "00 Current" and ShowForecasts and MA1Visible ? MA1Forecast2 : na, color=color.green, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title="MA1 Forecast 2", offset=2, show_last=1)
plot(MA1Resolution == "00 Current" and ShowForecasts and MA1Visible ? MA1Forecast3 : na, color=color.green, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title="MA1 Forecast 3", offset=3, show_last=1)
plot(MA1Resolution == "00 Current" and ShowForecasts and MA1Visible ? MA1Forecast4 : na, color=color.green, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title="MA1 Forecast 4", offset=4, show_last=1)
plot(MA1Resolution == "00 Current" and ShowForecasts and MA1Visible ? MA1Forecast5 : na, color=color.green, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title="MA1 Forecast 5", offset=5, show_last=1)

MA2Forecast1 = (request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA2Resolution), ma(MA2Type, MA2Source, MA2Period - 1)) * (MA2Period - 1) + ((MA1Source * 1) + (Bias * 1))) / MA2Period
MA2Forecast2 = (request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA2Resolution), ma(MA2Type, MA2Source, MA2Period - 2)) * (MA2Period - 2) + ((MA1Source * 2) + (Bias * 2))) / MA2Period
MA2Forecast3 = (request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA2Resolution), ma(MA2Type, MA2Source, MA2Period - 3)) * (MA2Period - 3) + ((MA1Source * 3) + (Bias * 3))) / MA2Period
MA2Forecast4 = (request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA2Resolution), ma(MA2Type, MA2Source, MA2Period - 4)) * (MA2Period - 4) + ((MA1Source * 4) + (Bias * 4))) / MA2Period
MA2Forecast5 = (request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA2Resolution), ma(MA2Type, MA2Source, MA2Period - 5)) * (MA2Period - 5) + ((MA1Source * 5) + (Bias * 5))) / MA2Period

plot(MA2Resolution == "00 Current" and ShowForecasts and MA2Visible ? MA2Forecast1 : na, color=color.yellow, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title="MA2 Forecast 1", offset=1, show_last=1)
plot(MA2Resolution == "00 Current" and ShowForecasts and MA2Visible ? MA2Forecast2 : na, color=color.yellow, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title="MA2 Forecast 2", offset=2, show_last=1)
plot(MA2Resolution == "00 Current" and ShowForecasts and MA2Visible ? MA2Forecast3 : na, color=color.yellow, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title="MA2 Forecast 3", offset=3, show_last=1)
plot(MA2Resolution == "00 Current" and ShowForecasts and MA2Visible ? MA2Forecast4 : na, color=color.yellow, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title="MA2 Forecast 4", offset=4, show_last=1)
plot(MA2Resolution == "00 Current" and ShowForecasts and MA2Visible ? MA2Forecast5 : na, color=color.yellow, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title="MA2 Forecast 5", offset=5, show_last=1)

MA3Forecast1 = (request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA3Resolution), ma(MA3Type, MA3Source, MA3Period - 1)) * (MA3Period - 1) + ((MA1Source * 1) + (Bias * 1))) / MA3Period
MA3Forecast2 = (request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA3Resolution), ma(MA3Type, MA3Source, MA3Period - 2)) * (MA3Period - 2) + ((MA1Source * 2) + (Bias * 2))) / MA3Period
MA3Forecast3 = (request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA3Resolution), ma(MA3Type, MA3Source, MA3Period - 3)) * (MA3Period - 3) + ((MA1Source * 3) + (Bias * 3))) / MA3Period
MA3Forecast4 = (request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA3Resolution), ma(MA3Type, MA3Source, MA3Period - 4)) * (MA3Period - 4) + ((MA1Source * 4) + (Bias * 4))) / MA3Period
MA3Forecast5 = (request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA3Resolution), ma(MA3Type, MA3Source, MA3Period - 5)) * (MA3Period - 5) + ((MA1Source * 5) + (Bias * 5))) / MA3Period

plot(MA3Resolution == "00 Current" and ShowForecasts and MA3Visible ? MA3Forecast1 : na, color=color.red, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title="MA3 Forecast 1", offset=1, show_last=1)
plot(MA3Resolution == "00 Current" and ShowForecasts and MA3Visible ? MA3Forecast2 : na, color=color.red, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title="MA3 Forecast 2", offset=2, show_last=1)
plot(MA3Resolution == "00 Current" and ShowForecasts and MA3Visible ? MA3Forecast3 : na, color=color.red, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title="MA3 Forecast 3", offset=3, show_last=1)
plot(MA3Resolution == "00 Current" and ShowForecasts and MA3Visible ? MA3Forecast4 : na, color=color.red, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title="MA3 Forecast 4", offset=4, show_last=1)
plot(MA3Resolution == "00 Current" and ShowForecasts and MA3Visible ? MA3Forecast5 : na, color=color.red, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title="MA3 Forecast 5", offset=5, show_last=1)

// Ribbon related code
// For Ribbons to work - they must use the same MAType, MAResolution and MASource.  This is to ensure the ribbons are fair between one to the other.
// Ribbons also will usually look better if MA1Period < MA2Period and MA2Period < MA3Period

// custom functions in  pine - https://www.tradingview.com/wiki/Declaring_Functions
// This function is used to calculate the period to be used on a ribbon based on existing MAs
rperiod(P1, P2, Step, Ribbons) =>
    ((array.abs(P1 - P2)) / (Ribbons + 1) * Step) + math.min(P1, P2)
    // divide by +1 so that 5 lines can show.  Divide by 5 and one line shows up on another MA

// MA1-MA2
Ribbon1 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA1Resolution), ma(MA1Type, MA1Source, rperiod(MA1Period, MA2Period, 1, 5)))
Ribbon2 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA1Resolution), ma(MA1Type, MA1Source, rperiod(MA1Period, MA2Period, 2, 5)))
Ribbon3 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA1Resolution), ma(MA1Type, MA1Source, rperiod(MA1Period, MA2Period, 3, 5)))
Ribbon4 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA1Resolution), ma(MA1Type, MA1Source, rperiod(MA1Period, MA2Period, 4, 5)))
Ribbon5 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA1Resolution), ma(MA1Type, MA1Source, rperiod(MA1Period, MA2Period, 5, 5)))

plot(ShowRibbons and MA1Type == MA2Type and MA1Resolution == MA2Resolution and MA1Source == MA2Source ? Ribbon1 : na, color=color.green, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_line, title="Ribbon1", transp=90)
plot(ShowRibbons and MA1Type == MA2Type and MA1Resolution == MA2Resolution and MA1Source == MA2Source ? Ribbon2 : na, color=color.green, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_line, title="Ribbon2", transp=85)
plot(ShowRibbons and MA1Type == MA2Type and MA1Resolution == MA2Resolution and MA1Source == MA2Source ? Ribbon3 : na, color=color.green, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_line, title="Ribbon3", transp=80)
plot(ShowRibbons and MA1Type == MA2Type and MA1Resolution == MA2Resolution and MA1Source == MA2Source ? Ribbon4 : na, color=color.yellow, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_line, title="Ribbon4", transp=75)
plot(ShowRibbons and MA1Type == MA2Type and MA1Resolution == MA2Resolution and MA1Source == MA2Source ? Ribbon5 : na, color=color.yellow, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_line, title="Ribbon5", transp=70)

// MA2-MA3
Ribbon6 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA2Resolution), ma(MA2Type, MA2Source, rperiod(MA2Period, MA3Period, 1, 5)))
Ribbon7 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA2Resolution), ma(MA2Type, MA2Source, rperiod(MA2Period, MA3Period, 2, 5)))
Ribbon8 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA2Resolution), ma(MA2Type, MA2Source, rperiod(MA2Period, MA3Period, 3, 5)))
Ribbon9 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA2Resolution), ma(MA2Type, MA2Source, rperiod(MA2Period, MA3Period, 4, 5)))
Ribbon10 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MA2Resolution), ma(MA2Type, MA2Source, rperiod(MA2Period, MA3Period, 5, 5)))
plot(ShowRibbons and MA2Type == MA3Type and MA2Resolution == MA3Resolution and MA2Source == MA3Source ? Ribbon6 : na, color=color.yellow, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_line, title="Ribbon6", transp=70)
plot(ShowRibbons and MA2Type == MA3Type and MA2Resolution == MA3Resolution and MA2Source == MA3Source ? Ribbon7 : na, color=color.yellow, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_line, title="Ribbon7", transp=75)
plot(ShowRibbons and MA2Type == MA3Type and MA2Resolution == MA3Resolution and MA2Source == MA3Source ? Ribbon8 : na, color=color.red, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_line, title="Ribbon8", transp=80)
plot(ShowRibbons and MA2Type == MA3Type and MA2Resolution == MA3Resolution and MA2Source == MA3Source ? Ribbon9 : na, color=color.red, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_line, title="Ribbon9", transp=85)
plot(ShowRibbons and MA2Type == MA3Type and MA2Resolution == MA3Resolution and MA2Source == MA3Source ? Ribbon10 : na, color=color.red, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_line, title="Ribbon10", transp=90)

// Strategy Specific
if MA12Crossover and TradeMA12Crosses
    strategy.entry("1 over 2", strategy.long, comment="1 over 2")
if MA12Crossunder and TradeMA12Crosses
    strategy.close("1 over 2")
if MA13Crossover and TradeMA13Crosses
    strategy.entry("1 over 3", strategy.long, comment="1 over 3")
if MA13Crossunder and TradeMA13Crosses
    strategy.close("1 over 3")
if MA23Crossover and TradeMA23Crosses
    strategy.entry("2 over 3", strategy.long, comment="2 over 3")
if MA23Crossunder and TradeMA23Crosses
    strategy.close("2 over 3")
