As a teaching strategy, it is best to take practice into consideration. “Cryptocurrency Futures Martingale Strategy” has also been displayed in the “Live” section of FMZ.COM for half a year. After several difficulties, Martingale and grid strategies have their own risks and flaws, and with conservatively set parameters, they can still be useful.
I always guarantees that there is absolutely no recharge for “creating” the yield curve.
It’s just that the strategy design of the first version is relatively simple and rough. There is only one position and total equity data export on the interface. The profit curve only prints the realized profit and loss, and does not count the floating loss. Many new students complained and asked to optimize the display.
In this article, I will work with you to upgrade the strategy, which has been stable and practical for half a year.
The version of the strategy before upgrade is recorded in the strategy’s “Note” page.
This is also my personal development habit. It is very convenient to record every bit of strategy development and iteration on FMZ.COM.
Start to upgrade!
First of all, let’s optimize the “status bar” display. Students who are familiar with FMZ development documentation know that the LogStatus
function is used to display the status bar data on FMZ. Then, we find this entry point and start designing the code.
Next, add a large piece of code here:
var tblPos = {
"type" : "table",
"title" : "position",
"cols" : ["position amount", "position direction", "position average price", "position profit and loss", "contract code", "custom feild / " + SpecifyPosField],
"rows" : []
var descType = ["long position", "short position"]
for (var posIndex = 0 ; posIndex < pos.length ; posIndex++) {
tblPos.rows.push([pos[posIndex].Amount, descType[pos[posIndex].Type], pos[posIndex].Price, pos[posIndex].Profit, pos[posIndex].ContractType, SpecifyPosField == "" ? "--" : pos[posIndex].Info[SpecifyPosField]])
var tbl = {
"type" : "table",
"title" : "data",
"cols" : ["current total equity", "actual profit and loss", "current price", "buy order price/amount", "sell order price/amount"],
"rows" : []
var buyOrder = null
var sellOrder = null
for (var orderIndex = 0 ; orderIndex < orders.length ; orderIndex++) {
if (orders[orderIndex].Type == ORDER_TYPE_BUY) {
buyOrder = orders[orderIndex]
} else {
sellOrder = orders[orderIndex]
var realProfit = currTotalEq - totalEq
if (exchange.GetName() == "Futures_Binance") {
_.each(pos, function(p) {
realProfit += parseFloat(p.Info.unRealizedProfit)
var t = exchange.GetTicker()
tbl.rows.push([currTotalEq, realProfit, t ? t.Last : "--", (buyOrder.Price + "/" + buyOrder.Amount), (sellOrder.Price + "/" + sellOrder.Amount)])
// Update the chart data
if (t && showLine) {
_.each(pos, function(p) {
$.PlotLine(descType[p.Type] + "position price", p.Price)
$.PlotLine("buy order price", buyOrder.Price)
$.PlotLine("sell order price", sellOrder.Price)
$.PlotLine("current price", t.Last)
// Update the status bar data
LogStatus("time:" + _D() + "\n" + "`" + JSON.stringify(tblPos) + "`" + "\n" + "`" + JSON.stringify(tbl) + "`")
Replace the previous rough LogStatus
LogStatus(_D(), "Current total equity:", currTotalEq, "position:", pos)
The strategy has added 2 parameters:
showLine Check it, and you can use the line drawing library to draw on the bot page, and draw the position price, pending order price and the current price curves.
SpecifyPosField It is used to set the raw field of position information that needs to be displayed, because the name of the raw position data field of each platform is different. So here a custom parameter is designed to specify the field name to be displayed. Such as, my Binance bot:
I want to display the unRealizedProfit
attribute in the Info field of the position information data (raw data of the platform interface), that is, the position has not realized the profit or loss. You can set the parameter SpecifyPosField to unRealizedProfit, and displayed it in the status bar.
Such a similar design allows the strategy to adaptively export the non-uniform data, giving users the option of customizing the export content.
You can see the data that needs to be displayed at a glance. It is much more convenient to observe the trading progress of the strategy, the current position price, profit and loss, and the order price. The strategy has certain risks, and the bot will set specific parameters according to its own risk control, and be responsible for its own profits and losses. This strategy is disclosed only for communication and study.