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Fukuiz Octa-EMA + Ichimoku

Autora:ChaoZhang, Data: 2022-05-16 17:43:51

Esta estratégia baseia-se na EMA de 8 períodos diferentes e na Ichimoku Cloud que funciona melhor em 1 hora 4 horas e no período diário.

Uma breve introdução ao Ichimoku O Ichimoku Cloud é uma coleção de indicadores técnicos que mostram níveis de suporte e resistência, bem como impulso e direção da tendência.

Uma breve introdução à EMA Uma média móvel exponencial (EMA) é um tipo de média móvel (MA) que coloca um maior peso e significância nos pontos de dados mais recentes.

Como usar A estratégia dará pontos de entrada em si, você pode monitorar e tirar lucro manualmente (recomendado), ou você pode usar a configuração de saída.

EMA (Color) = Tendência de alta EMA (Gray) = Tendência de baixa

Condição Comprar = Todas Ema (cor) acima da nuvem. VENDER= Todas as Ema ficam cinzentas.



start: 2022-05-01 00:00:00
end: 2022-05-10 23:59:00
period: 10m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]


//strategy(title='Fukuiz Octa-EMA + Ichimoku', shorttitle='Fuku octa strategy', overlay=true, process_orders_on_close=true, 
//     default_qty_type= strategy.cash , default_qty_value=1000, currency=currency.USD, initial_capital=10000 ,commission_type = strategy.commission.percent,commission_value=0.25)

//OCTA EMA ##################################################

// Functions
f_emaRibbon(_src, _e1, _e2, _e3, _e4, _e5, _e6, _e7, _e8) =>
    _ema1 = ta.ema(_src, _e1)
    _ema2 = ta.ema(_src, _e2)
    _ema3 = ta.ema(_src, _e3)
    _ema4 = ta.ema(_src, _e4)
    _ema5 = ta.ema(_src, _e5)
    _ema6 = ta.ema(_src, _e6)
    _ema7 = ta.ema(_src, _e7)
    _ema8 = ta.ema(_src, _e8)
    [_ema1, _ema2, _ema3, _ema4, _ema5, _ema6, _ema7, _ema8]

showRibbon = input(true, 'Show Ribbon (EMA)')
ema1Len = input(5, title='EMA 1 Length')
ema2Len = input(11, title='EMA 2 Length')
ema3Len = input(15, title='EMA 3 Length')
ema4Len = input(18, title='EMA 4 Length')
ema5Len = input(21, title='EMA 5 Length')
ema6Len = input(24, title='EMA 6 Length')
ema7Len = input(28, title='EMA 7 Length')
ema8Len = input(34, title='EMA 8 Length')

[ema1, ema2, ema3, ema4, ema5, ema6, ema7, ema8] = f_emaRibbon(close, ema1Len, ema2Len, ema3Len, ema4Len, ema5Len, ema6Len, ema7Len, ema8Len)


ribbonDir = ema8 < ema2
p1 = plot(ema1, color=showRibbon ? ribbonDir ? #1573d4 : color.new(#5d606b, 15) : na, linewidth=2, title='EMA 1')
p2 = plot(ema2, color=showRibbon ? ribbonDir ? #3096ff : color.new(#5d606b, 15) : na, linewidth=2, title='EMA 2')
plot(ema3, color=showRibbon ? ribbonDir ? #57abff : color.new(#5d606b, 15) : na, linewidth=2, title='EMA 3')
plot(ema4, color=showRibbon ? ribbonDir ? #85c2ff : color.new(#5d606b, 15) : na, linewidth=2, title='EMA 4')
plot(ema5, color=showRibbon ? ribbonDir ? #9bcdff : color.new(#5d606b, 30) : na, linewidth=2, title='EMA 5')
plot(ema6, color=showRibbon ? ribbonDir ? #b3d9ff : color.new(#5d606b, 30) : na, linewidth=2, title='EMA 6')
plot(ema7, color=showRibbon ? ribbonDir ? #c9e5ff : color.new(#5d606b, 30) : na, linewidth=2, title='EMA 7')
p8 = plot(ema8, color=showRibbon ? ribbonDir ? #dfecfb : color.new(#5d606b, 30) : na, linewidth=2, title='EMA 8')
fill(p1, p2, color.new(#1573d4, 85))
fill(p2, p8, color.new(#1573d4, 85))


colorblue = #3300CC
colorred = #993300
colorwhite = #FFFFFF
colorgreen = #CCCC33
colorpink = #CC6699
colorpurple = #6633FF

switch1 = input(false, title='Chikou')
switch2 = input(false, title='Tenkan')
switch3 = input(false, title='Kijun')

middleDonchian(Length) =>
    lower = ta.lowest(Length)
    upper = ta.highest(Length)
    math.avg(upper, lower)

conversionPeriods = input.int(9, minval=1)
basePeriods = input.int(26, minval=1)
laggingSpan2Periods = input.int(52, minval=1)
displacement = input.int(26, minval=1)
Tenkan = middleDonchian(conversionPeriods)
Kijun = middleDonchian(basePeriods)
xChikou = close
SenkouA = middleDonchian(laggingSpan2Periods)
SenkouB = (Tenkan[basePeriods] + Kijun[basePeriods]) / 2

A = plot(SenkouA[displacement], color=color.new(colorpurple, 0), title='SenkouA')
B = plot(SenkouB, color=color.new(colorgreen, 0), title='SenkouB')
plot(switch1 ? xChikou : na, color=color.new(colorpink, 0), title='Chikou', offset=-displacement)
plot(switch2 ? Tenkan : na, color=color.new(colorred, 0), title='Tenkan')
plot(switch3 ? Kijun : na, color=color.new(colorblue, 0), title='Kijun')
fill(A, B, color=color.new(colorgreen, 90), title='Ichimoku Cloud')

//Buy and Sell signals
fukuiz = math.avg(ema2, ema8)
white = ema2 > ema8
gray = ema2 < ema8
buycond = white and white[1] == 0
sellcond = gray and gray[1] == 0
bullish = ta.barssince(buycond) < ta.barssince(sellcond)
bearish = ta.barssince(sellcond) < ta.barssince(buycond)
buy = bearish[1] and buycond and fukuiz > SenkouA[displacement] and fukuiz > SenkouB
sell = bullish[1] and sellcond and fukuiz > SenkouA[displacement] and fukuiz > SenkouB
sell2=ema2 < ema8
buy2 = white and fukuiz > SenkouA[displacement] and fukuiz > SenkouB

//Back test

startYear = input.int(defval=2017, title='Start Year', minval=2000, maxval=3000)
startMonth = input.int(defval=1, title='Start Month', minval=1, maxval=12)
startDay = input.int(defval=1, title='Start Day', minval=1, maxval=31)
endYear = input.int(defval=2023, title='End Year', minval=2000 ,maxval=3000)
endMonth = input.int(defval=12, title='End Month', minval=1, maxval=12)
endDay = input.int(defval=31, title='End Day', minval=1, maxval=31)

start = timestamp(startYear, startMonth, startDay, 00, 00)
end = timestamp(endYear, endMonth, endDay, 23, 59)
period() => time >= start and time <= end ? true : false

if buy2
    strategy.entry("Enter Long", strategy.long)
else if sell2
    strategy.entry("Enter Short", strategy.short)

