
Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-02-05 14:15:40












  1. 实现了自动跟踪趋势的功能。使用均线判断趋势方向非常常见,所以这是一个行之有效的方法。

  2. 利用包络线过滤掉部分噪音,这避免了过于敏感而引发无谓交易的问题。合理的参数设置可以大幅优化策略盈利能力。

  3. 分仓建仓增加了策略韧性。即使单边突破失败,其他方向可能继续运行良好。这优化了整体风险收益比。

  4. 允许自定义均线和包络线数量。这增加了策略灵活性,用户可以针对不同品种进行参数调优。



  1. 均线系统对黄金交叉类信号不敏感。如果没有明确趋势,该策略可能错过部分机会。

  2. 包络线设置得过宽可能增大了交易次数和滑点风险。 Line设计得过窄又可能错过较大行情。找到平衡点需要充分测试。

  3. 在震荡行情中,该策略可能出现较多被套的概率。所以品种的选择以趋势明显的品种为佳。

  4. 分仓建仓会使每单盈利受限。如果只想博取单边风险,还需要额外优化。



  1. 更换其他指标来决定建仓和平仓。例如KDJ指标等。或者结合多个指标设置过滤条件。

  2. 增加止盈止损逻辑。这可以锁定部分利润,并主动规避部分风险。

  3. 优化参数寻找最佳均线和包络线组合。这需要充分回测和优化查找最佳参数对。

  4. 结合深度学习等技术实现智能参数优化。随着时间不断学习和更新参数设置。

  5. 考虑品种和市场差异性,设定多组参数适应不同交易环境。这将大幅提高策略稳定性。



start: 2024-01-05 00:00:00
end: 2024-02-04 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("Envelope Strategy", overlay=true, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=100, initial_capital=1000, pyramiding = 5, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.0)

// CopyRight Crypto Robot

src = input(ohlc4, title="Source", group = "Base MA")
ma_base_window = input.int(5, "Base Mooving Average Window", step = 1, group = "Base MA")
ma_type = input.string(defval='1. SMA', options=['1. SMA', '2. PCMA', '3. EMA', '4. WMA', '5. DEMA', '6. ZLEMA', '7. HMA'], title='MA Type', group = "Base MA")

envelope_1_pct = input.float(0.05, "Envelope 1", step = 0.01, group = "Envelopes")
envelope_2_pct = input.float(0.10, "Envelope 2", step = 0.01, group = "Envelopes")
envelope_3_pct = input.float(0.15, "Envelope 3", step = 0.01, group = "Envelopes")
envelope_4_pct = input.float(0.0, "Envelope 4", step = 0.01, group = "Envelopes")
envelope_5_pct = input.float(0.0, "Envelope 5", step = 0.01, group = "Envelopes")

use_longs = input.bool(true, 'Long Positions') 
use_short = input.bool(true, 'Short Positions')

total_envelope = 0
if envelope_1_pct > 0
    total_envelope := total_envelope + 1
if envelope_2_pct > 0
    total_envelope := total_envelope + 1
if envelope_3_pct > 0
    total_envelope := total_envelope + 1
if envelope_4_pct > 0
    total_envelope := total_envelope + 1
if envelope_5_pct > 0
    total_envelope := total_envelope + 1

// ---------------------------------------------
// -------------- INDICATORS -------------------
ma_function(MA_type, MA_length) =>
    zlema_lag = (MA_length - 1) / 2
    hma_src = MA_type == '7. HMA' ? 2 * ta.wma(src, math.floor(MA_length / 2)) - ta.wma(src, MA_length) : na
    MA_type == '1. SMA' ? ta.sma(src, MA_length) : MA_type == '2. PCMA' ? (ta.highest(high, MA_length) + ta.lowest(low, MA_length)) / 2 : MA_type == '3. EMA' ? ta.ema(src, MA_length) : MA_type == '4. WMA' ? ta.wma(src, MA_length) : MA_type == '5. DEMA' ? 2 * ta.ema(src, MA_length) - ta.ema(ta.ema(src, MA_length), MA_length) : MA_type == '6. ZLEMA' ? ta.ema(src + src - src[zlema_lag], MA_length) : MA_type == '7. HMA' ? ta.wma(hma_src, math.floor(math.sqrt(MA_length))) : na

ma_base = ma_function(ma_type, ma_base_window)

ma_high_1 = envelope_1_pct > 0 ? ma_base * (1 + envelope_1_pct) : na
ma_high_2 = envelope_2_pct > 0 ? ma_base * (1 + envelope_2_pct) : na
ma_high_3 = envelope_3_pct > 0 ? ma_base * (1 + envelope_3_pct) : na
ma_high_4 = envelope_4_pct > 0 ? ma_base * (1 + envelope_4_pct) : na
ma_high_5 = envelope_5_pct > 0 ? ma_base * (1 + envelope_5_pct) : na

ma_low_1 = envelope_1_pct > 0 ? ma_base * (1 - envelope_1_pct) : na
ma_low_2 = envelope_2_pct > 0 ? ma_base * (1 - envelope_2_pct) : na
ma_low_3 = envelope_3_pct > 0 ? ma_base * (1 - envelope_3_pct) : na
ma_low_4 = envelope_4_pct > 0 ? ma_base * (1 - envelope_4_pct) : na
ma_low_5 = envelope_5_pct > 0 ? ma_base * (1 - envelope_5_pct) : na

// ---------------------------------------------
// --------------- STRATEGY --------------------
if use_longs
    if envelope_1_pct > 0 and strategy.opentrades < 1
        strategy.entry('long 1', strategy.long, limit=ma_low_1, qty=(strategy.equity / ma_low_1) * (1 / total_envelope))
    if envelope_2_pct > 0 and strategy.opentrades < 2
        strategy.entry('long 2', strategy.long, limit=ma_low_2, qty=(strategy.equity / ma_low_2) * (1 / total_envelope))
    if envelope_3_pct > 0 and strategy.opentrades < 3
        strategy.entry('long 3', strategy.long, limit=ma_low_3, qty=(strategy.equity / ma_low_3) * (1 / total_envelope))
    if envelope_4_pct > 0 and strategy.opentrades < 4
        strategy.entry('long 4', strategy.long, limit=ma_low_4, qty=(strategy.equity / ma_low_4) * (1 / total_envelope))
    if envelope_5_pct > 0 and strategy.opentrades < 5
        strategy.entry('long 5', strategy.long, limit=ma_low_5, qty=(strategy.equity / ma_low_5) * (1 / total_envelope))

if use_short
    if envelope_1_pct > 0 and strategy.opentrades < 1
        strategy.entry('short 1', strategy.short, limit=ma_high_1, qty=(strategy.equity / ma_high_1) * (1 / total_envelope))
    if envelope_2_pct > 0 and strategy.opentrades < 2
        strategy.entry('short 2', strategy.short, limit=ma_high_2, qty=(strategy.equity / ma_high_2) * (1 / total_envelope))
    if envelope_3_pct > 0 and strategy.opentrades < 3
        strategy.entry('short 3', strategy.short, limit=ma_high_3, qty=(strategy.equity / ma_high_3) * (1 / total_envelope))
    if envelope_4_pct > 0 and strategy.opentrades < 4
        strategy.entry('short 4', strategy.short, limit=ma_high_4, qty=(strategy.equity / ma_high_4) * (1 / total_envelope))
    if envelope_5_pct > 0 and strategy.opentrades < 5
        strategy.entry('short 5', strategy.short, limit=ma_high_5, qty=(strategy.equity / ma_high_5) * (1 / total_envelope))

strategy.exit('close', limit=ma_base)

// ---------------------------------------------
// ------------------ PLOT ---------------------

ma_base_plot = plot(ma_base, title = "Base MA", color = color.orange, linewidth = 3, offset = 1)

ma_high_1_plot = plot(ma_high_1, title = "MA high 1", color = color.red, offset = 1)
ma_high_2_plot = plot(ma_high_2, title = "MA high 2", color = color.red, offset = 1)
ma_high_3_plot = plot(ma_high_3, title = "MA high 3", color = color.red, offset = 1)
ma_high_4_plot = plot(ma_high_4, title = "MA high 4", color = color.red, offset = 1)
ma_high_5_plot = plot(ma_high_5, title = "MA high 5", color = color.red, offset = 1)

ma_low_1_plot = plot(ma_low_1, title = "MA low 1", color = color.green, offset = 1)
ma_low_2_plot = plot(ma_low_2, title = "MA low 2", color = color.green, offset = 1)
ma_low_3_plot = plot(ma_low_3, title = "MA low 3", color = color.green, offset = 1)
ma_low_4_plot = plot(ma_low_4, title = "MA low 4", color = color.green, offset = 1)
ma_low_5_plot = plot(ma_low_5, title = "MA low 5", color = color.green, offset = 1)

plot(ohlc4, color=color.purple)

// use_period = input.bool(false, "Période spécifique ?", group="periode")
// startDate = input.time(timestamp("01 Jan 2020"), "Date de début", group="periode")
// endDate = input.time(timestamp("01 Jan 2025"), "Date de fin", group="periode")


// inDateRange = use_period ? ((time >= startDate) and (time < endDate)) : true

// //--------------Backtest-------------------

// strategy_pnl = strategy.netprofit + strategy.openprofit
// bnh_strategy_pnl_pcnt = (strategy_pnl / strategy.initial_capital) * 100

// float bnh_start_bar = na
// bnh_start_bar := na(bnh_start_bar[1]) or inDateRange != true? close : bnh_start_bar[1]
// float bnl_buy_hold_equity = na
// bnl_buy_hold_equity :=  inDateRange == true ? ((close - bnh_start_bar)/bnh_start_bar) * 100 : bnl_buy_hold_equity[1]

// bnh_vs_diff = bnh_strategy_pnl_pcnt - bnl_buy_hold_equity
// bnh_diff_color = bnh_vs_diff > 0 ? color.new(color.green, inDateRange ? 60 : 100) : color.new(color.red, inDateRange ? 60 : 100)

// var Table = table.new(position.top_right, columns = 2, rows = 4, border_width = 1, bgcolor = color.black, border_color = color.gray)
// table.cell(table_id = Table, column = 0, row = 0, text_color=(bnh_strategy_pnl_pcnt>bnl_buy_hold_equity)?color.gray:color.green, text_size = size.normal, text = "Buy & hold profit")
// table.cell(table_id = Table, column = 1, row = 0, text_color=(bnh_strategy_pnl_pcnt>bnl_buy_hold_equity)?color.gray:color.green, text_size = size.normal, text = str.tostring(bnl_buy_hold_equity, '#.##') + ' %')
// table.cell(table_id = Table, column = 0, row = 1, text_color=(bnh_strategy_pnl_pcnt<bnl_buy_hold_equity)?color.gray:color.green, text_size = size.normal, text = "Strategy profit")
// table.cell(table_id = Table, column = 1, row = 1, text_color=(bnh_strategy_pnl_pcnt<bnl_buy_hold_equity)?color.gray:color.green, text_size = size.normal, text = str.tostring(bnh_strategy_pnl_pcnt, '#.##') + ' %')
// table.cell(table_id = Table, column = 0, row = 2, text_color=color.yellow, text_size = size.normal, text = "Date de début")
// table.cell(table_id = Table, column = 1, row = 2, text_color=color.yellow, text_size = size.normal, text = str.format("{0,date,dd-MM-YYYY}",strategy.closedtrades.entry_time(1)))
