এটি কে-লাইন ভিত্তিক একটি দ্বৈত অগ্রগতি ট্রেডিং কৌশল। এটি যখন বর্তমান কে-লাইনের বন্ধের দামের পূর্ববর্তী দুটি কে-লাইনের সর্বোচ্চ এবং সর্বনিম্ন দামের তুলনায় একটি অগ্রগতি রয়েছে তখন এটি ট্রেডিং সংকেত তৈরি করবে।
কৌশলটির মূল যুক্তি হল:
বুল সিগন্যাল সংজ্ঞায়িত করুনঃbull = close > open and close > math.max(close[2], open[2]) and low[1] < low[2] and high[1] < high[2]
অর্থাৎ, বর্তমান কে-লাইনের বন্ধের মূল্য খোলার মূল্যের চেয়ে বেশি এবং পূর্ববর্তী দুটি কে-লাইনের সর্বোচ্চ মূল্যের চেয়ে বেশি, যখন বর্তমান কে-লাইনের সর্বনিম্ন মূল্য পূর্ববর্তী কে-লাইনের সর্বনিম্ন মূল্যের চেয়ে কম।
ভালুক সংকেত সংজ্ঞায়িত করুনঃbear = close < open and close < math.min(close[2], open[2]) and low[1] > low[2] and high[1] > high[2]
অর্থাৎ, বর্তমান কে-লাইনের বন্ধের মূল্য খোলার মূল্যের চেয়ে কম এবং পূর্ববর্তী দুটি কে-লাইনের সর্বনিম্ন মূল্যের চেয়ে কম, যখন বর্তমান কে-লাইনের সর্বোচ্চ মূল্য পূর্ববর্তী কে-লাইনের সর্বোচ্চ মূল্যের চেয়ে বেশি।
যখন একটি ষাঁড়ের সংকেত প্রেরণ করা হয়, দীর্ঘ যান; যখন একটি ভালুক সংকেত প্রেরণ করা হয়, সংক্ষিপ্ত যান।
স্টপ লস এবং লভ্যাংশ নিতে পারেন।
কৌশলটি মূল মূল্য অঞ্চলগুলির অগ্রগতির মাধ্যমে প্রবণতার পরিবর্তনগুলি বিচার করার জন্য দ্বৈত অগ্রগতির বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলি ব্যবহার করে, যার ফলে ট্রেডিং সংকেত উত্পন্ন হয়।
এটি একটি তুলনামূলকভাবে সহজ এবং স্বজ্ঞাত ব্রেকআউট কৌশল যা নিম্নলিখিত সুবিধার সাথে রয়েছেঃ
যুক্তিটি স্পষ্ট এবং বোঝা এবং বাস্তবায়ন করা সহজ, প্রবেশের জন্য একটি কম বাধা রয়েছে।
বিভাজনগুলি সাধারণ ট্রেডিং সংকেত যা সহজেই প্রবণতা গঠন করে।
লং এবং শর্ট উভয়ই দুই দিকের ট্রেডিংয়ের অনুমতি দেয়, লাভের সুযোগ বৃদ্ধি করে।
নমনীয় স্টপ লস এবং লাভ নেওয়ার সেটিংস ঝুঁকি নিয়ন্ত্রণে সহায়তা করে।
এই কৌশলটি কিছু ঝুঁকিও বহন করেঃ
দ্বৈত দিকনির্দেশিত ট্রেডিংয়ের ঝুঁকি বেশি এবং এর জন্য ঘনিষ্ঠ পর্যবেক্ষণ প্রয়োজন।
ফাঁদে পড়তে পারে, যা মিথ্যা সংকেত সৃষ্টি করতে পারে।
অনুপযুক্ত প্যারামিটার সেটিংগুলি ওভারট্রেডিংয়ের দিকে পরিচালিত করতে পারে।
ভুল স্টপ লস এবং লাভ নেওয়ার সেটিংস লাভের সম্ভাব্যতাকেও প্রভাবিত করতে পারে।
প্যারামিটারগুলি অপ্টিমাইজ করে এবং পণ্যগুলিকে যথাযথভাবে ফিল্টার করে ঝুঁকি হ্রাস করা যায়।
কৌশলটি নিম্নলিখিত দিকগুলিতে অপ্টিমাইজ করা যেতে পারেঃ
ব্রেকআউট চক্র, স্টপ লস/টেক প্রফিট রেঞ্জ ইত্যাদির মত প্যারামিটার অপ্টিমাইজ করুন।
আরবিট্রেজ, পাশের গতি ইত্যাদির ভুল এড়াতে ফিল্টারিং শর্ত যুক্ত করুন।
একত্রীকরণের পরিসীমা এড়াতে প্রবণতা সূচক অন্তর্ভুক্ত করুন।
মূলধন ব্যবস্থাপনা অপ্টিমাইজ করুন, অবস্থান অ্যালগরিদম উন্নত করুন।
বিভিন্ন পণ্যের জন্য বিভিন্ন পরামিতি, পৃথকভাবে পরীক্ষা এবং অপ্টিমাইজ।
এটি দ্বৈত ব্রেকআউট ধারণার উপর ভিত্তি করে একটি সহজ কৌশল। এর সুস্পষ্ট যুক্তি এবং সহজ বাস্তবায়নের সুবিধা রয়েছে, তবে কিছু পর্যবেক্ষণ ঝুঁকিও বহন করে। প্যারামিটার এবং শর্ত অপ্টিমাইজেশনের মাধ্যমে আরও ভাল কৌশল ফলাফল আশা করা যেতে পারে।
/*backtest start: 2023-12-01 00:00:00 end: 2023-12-31 23:59:59 period: 1h basePeriod: 15m exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ //@version=5 // # ========================================================================= # // # | Strategy | // # ========================================================================= # SystemName = "Strategy Template Autoview" TradeId = "S" // These values are used both in the strategy() header and in the script's relevant inputs as default values so they match. // Unless these values match in the script's Inputs and the TV backtesting Properties, results between them cannot be compared. InitCapital = 1000000 InitPosition = 2 InitCommission = 0.075 InitPyramidMax = 1 CalcOnorderFills = false ProcessOrdersOnClose = true // display the signals one candle earlier CalcOnEveryTick = true // forward testing //CloseEntriesRule = "ANY" strategy(title=SystemName, shorttitle=SystemName, overlay=true, pyramiding=InitPyramidMax, initial_capital=InitCapital, default_qty_type=strategy.fixed, process_orders_on_close=ProcessOrdersOnClose, default_qty_value=InitPosition, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=InitCommission, calc_on_order_fills=CalcOnorderFills, calc_on_every_tick=CalcOnEveryTick, precision=6, max_lines_count=500, max_labels_count=500) // # ========================================================================= # // # ========================================================================= # // # || Alerts || // # ========================================================================= # // # ========================================================================= # show_alerts_debug = input.bool(true, title = "Show Alerts Debug Label?", group = "Debug") //i_alert_txt_entry_long = input.text_area(defval = "", title = "Long Entry Message", group = "Alerts") //i_alert_txt_entry_short = input.text_area(defval = "", title = "Short Entry Message", group = "Alerts") //i_alert_txt_exit_long = input.text_area(defval = "", title = "Long Exit Message", group = "Alerts") //i_alert_txt_exit_short = input.text_area(defval = "", title = "Short Exit Message", group = "Alerts") i_broker_mode = input.string("DEMO", title = "Use Demo or Live Broker", options=["DEMO", "LIVE"], group = "Automation") i_broker_name = input.string("Tradovate", title = "Broker Name", options=["Tradovate", "AscendEX", "Binance", "Binance Futures", "Binance US", "Binance Delivery", "Kraken", "Deribit", "Poloniex", "Okcoin", "Bitfinex", "Oanda", "Kucoin", "Okex", "Bybit", "FTX", "Bitmex", "Alpaca", "Gemini"], group = "Automation") i_enable_trades = input.bool(true, title = "Enable trades?", group = "Automation", tooltip = "If not enabled, disables live trades, but more importantly, it will output what Autoview is going to do when you go live.") i_account_name = input.string("*", title = "Account Name", group = "Automation") i_symbol_name = input.string("btcusd_perp", title = "Symbol Name", group = "Automation") nb_contracts = input.int(2, title = "Nb Contracts", group = "Automation") use_delay = input.bool(false, title = "Use Delay between orders", group = "Automation", inline = "delay") i_delay_qty = input.int(1, title = "Delay in seconds", group = "Automation", inline = "delay") i_use_borrow_repay = input.bool(false, title = "Use Borrow/Repay Mode?", group = "Binance Automation") i_asset_borrow_repay = input.string("BTC", title = "Asset to Borrow/Repay", group = "Binance Automation") i_qty_borrow_repay = input.float(1., title = "Quantity of assets to borrow?", group = "Binance Automation") // # ========================================================================= # // # ========================================================================= # // # || Dates Range Filtering || // # ========================================================================= # // # ========================================================================= # DateFilter = input(false, "Date Range Filtering", group="Date") // ————— Syntax coming from https://www.tradingview.com/blog/en/new-parameter-for-date-input-added-to-pine-21812/ i_startTime = input(defval = timestamp("01 Jan 2019 13:30 +0000"), title = "Start Time", group="Date") i_endTime = input(defval = timestamp("30 Dec 2021 23:30 +0000"), title = "End Time", group="Date") TradeDateIsAllowed() => true // # ========================================================================= # // # | Custom Exits | // # ========================================================================= # //use_custom_exit = input.bool(true, title = "Use Custom Exits?", group = "Custom Exits") // # ========================================================================= # // # | Stop Loss | // # ========================================================================= # use_sl = input.string("None", title = "Select Stop Loss Mode", options=["None", "Percent", "Price"], group = "Stop Loss") sl_input_perc = input.float(3, minval = 0, title = "Stop Loss (%)", group = "Stop Loss (%)") * 0.01 sl_input_pips = input.float(30, minval = 0, title = "Stop Loss (USD)", group = "Stop Loss (USD)") // # ========================================================================= # // # | Take Profit | // # ========================================================================= # use_tp = input.string("None", title = "Select Take Profit Mode", options=["None", "Percent", "Price"], group = "Take Profit") tp_input_perc = input.float(3, minval = 0, title = "Take Profit (%)", group = "Take Profit (%)") * 0.01 tp_input_pips = input.float(30, minval = 0, title = "Take Profit (USD)", group = "Take Profit (USD)") // # ========================================================================= # // # | Consolidated Entries | // # ========================================================================= # bull = close > open and close > math.max(close[2], open[2]) and low[1] < low[2] and high[1] < high[2] // low < low[1] and low[1] < low[2] bear = close < open and close < math.min(close[2], open[2]) and low[1] > low[2] and high[1] > high[2] // low < low[1] and low[1] < low[2] // # ========================================================================= # // # | Entry Price | // # ========================================================================= # entry_long_price = ta.valuewhen(condition=bull and strategy.position_size[1] <= 0, source=close, occurrence=0) entry_short_price = ta.valuewhen(condition=bear and strategy.position_size[1] >= 0, source=close, occurrence=0) var float entry_price = 0. if bull entry_price := entry_long_price if bear entry_price := entry_short_price // # ========================================================================= # // # || Global Trend Variables || // # ========================================================================= # T1_sinceUP = ta.barssince(bull) T1_sinceDN = ta.barssince(bear) T1_nUP = ta.crossunder(T1_sinceUP,T1_sinceDN) T1_nDN = ta.crossover(T1_sinceUP,T1_sinceDN) T1_sinceNUP = ta.barssince(T1_nUP) T1_sinceNDN = ta.barssince(T1_nDN) T1_BuyTrend = T1_sinceDN > T1_sinceUP T1_SellTrend = T1_sinceDN < T1_sinceUP T1_SellToBuy = T1_BuyTrend and T1_SellTrend[1] T1_BuyToSell = T1_SellTrend and T1_BuyTrend[1] T1_ChangeTrend = T1_BuyToSell or T1_SellToBuy // # ========================================================================= # // # | Stop Loss | // # ========================================================================= # var float final_SL_Long = 0. var float final_SL_Short = 0. if use_sl == "Percent" final_SL_Long := entry_long_price * (1 - sl_input_perc) final_SL_Short := entry_short_price * (1 + sl_input_perc) else if use_sl == "Price" final_SL_Long := entry_long_price - (sl_input_pips) final_SL_Short := entry_short_price + (sl_input_pips) plot(strategy.position_size > 0 and use_sl != "None" ? final_SL_Long : na, title = "SL Long", color = color.fuchsia, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_linebr) plot(strategy.position_size < 0 and use_sl != "None" ? final_SL_Short : na, title = "SL Short", color = color.fuchsia, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_linebr) // # ========================================================================= # // # | Take Profit | // # ========================================================================= # var float final_TP_Long = 0. var float final_TP_Short = 0. if use_tp == "Percent" final_TP_Long := entry_long_price * (1 + tp_input_perc) final_TP_Short := entry_short_price * (1 - tp_input_perc) else if use_tp == "Price" final_TP_Long := entry_long_price + (tp_input_pips) final_TP_Short := entry_short_price - (tp_input_pips) plot(strategy.position_size > 0 and use_tp != "None" ? final_TP_Long : na, title = "TP Long", color = color.orange, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_linebr) plot(strategy.position_size < 0 and use_tp != "None" ? final_TP_Short : na, title = "TP Short", color = color.orange, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_linebr) // # ========================================================================= # // # | AutoView Calls | // # ========================================================================= # float quantity = nb_contracts string product_type_ticker = i_symbol_name var string broker_mode = "" if i_broker_mode == "DEMO" broker_mode := switch i_broker_name "Tradovate" => "tradovatesim" "Ascendex" => "ascendex-sandbox" "Binance Futures" => "binancefuturestestnet" "Binance Delivery" => "binancedeliverytestnet" "Oanda" => "oandapractice" "Bitmex" => "bitmextestnet" "Bybit" => "bybittestnet" "Alpaca" => "alpacapaper" "Kucoin" => "kucoinsandbox" "Deribit" => "deribittestnet" "Gemini" => "gemini-sandbox" => i_broker_name else // "LIVE" broker_mode := switch i_broker_name "Tradovate" => "tradovate" "Ascendex" => "ascendex" "Binance Futures" => "binancefutures" "Binance Delivery" => "binancedelivery" "Binance" => "binance" "Oanda" => "oanda" "Kraken" => "kraken" "Deribit" => "deribit" "Bitfinex" => "bitfinex" "Poloniex" => "poloniex" "Bybit" => "bybit" "Okcoin" => "okcoin" "Kucoin" => "kucoin" "FTX" => "ftx" "Bitmex" => "bitmex" "Alpaca" => "alpaca" "Gemini" => "gemini" => i_broker_name enable_trades = i_enable_trades ? "" : " d=1" string delay_qty = use_delay ? " delay=" + str.tostring(i_delay_qty) : "" i_alert_txt_entry_long = "a=" + i_account_name + " e=" + broker_mode + " s=" + product_type_ticker + enable_trades + " b=short c=position t=market" + "\n a=" + i_account_name + " e=" + broker_mode + " s=" + product_type_ticker + " b=long q=" + str.tostring(quantity, "#") + " t=market" + enable_trades + delay_qty i_alert_txt_entry_short = "a=" + i_account_name + " e=" + broker_mode + " s=" + product_type_ticker + enable_trades + " b=long c=position t=market" + "\n a=" + i_account_name + " e=" + broker_mode + " s=" + product_type_ticker + " b=short q=" + str.tostring(quantity, "#") + " t=market" + enable_trades + delay_qty var string temp_txt_SL_long = "" var string temp_txt_SL_short = "" var string temp_txt_TP_long = "" var string temp_txt_TP_short = "" if use_sl == "Percent" temp_txt_SL_long := "sl=-" + str.tostring(sl_input_perc * 100) + "%" temp_txt_SL_short := "sl=" + str.tostring(sl_input_perc * 100) + "%" else if use_sl == "Price" temp_txt_SL_long := "fsl=" + str.tostring(final_SL_Long) temp_txt_SL_short := "fsl=" + str.tostring(final_SL_Short) if use_tp == "Percent" temp_txt_TP_long := "p=" + str.tostring(tp_input_perc * 100) + "%" temp_txt_TP_short := "p=-" + str.tostring(tp_input_perc * 100) + "%" else if use_tp == "Price" temp_txt_TP_long := "fpx=" + str.tostring(final_TP_Long) temp_txt_TP_short := "fpx=" + str.tostring(final_TP_Short) i_alert_txt_exit_SL_long = "a=" + i_account_name + " e=" + broker_mode + " s=" + product_type_ticker + " b=long c=position t=market " + temp_txt_SL_long + enable_trades i_alert_txt_exit_SL_short = "a=" + i_account_name + " e=" + broker_mode + " s=" + product_type_ticker + " b=short c=position t=market " + temp_txt_SL_short + enable_trades i_alert_txt_exit_TP_long = "a=" + i_account_name + " e=" + broker_mode + " s=" + product_type_ticker + " b=long c=position t=market " + temp_txt_TP_long + enable_trades i_alert_txt_exit_TP_short = "a=" + i_account_name + " e=" + broker_mode + " s=" + product_type_ticker + " b=short c=position t=market " + temp_txt_TP_short + enable_trades string final_alert_txt_entry_long = i_alert_txt_entry_long string final_alert_txt_entry_short = i_alert_txt_entry_short if i_use_borrow_repay and i_broker_name == "Binance" final_alert_txt_entry_long := "a=" + i_account_name + " e=" + broker_mode + "y=borrow w=" + i_asset_borrow_repay + " q=" + str.tostring(i_qty_borrow_repay, "#") + enable_trades + "\n a=" + i_account_name + " e=" + broker_mode + " s=" + product_type_ticker + enable_trades + " b=short c=position t=market" + delay_qty + "\n a=" + i_account_name + " e=" + broker_mode + " s=" + product_type_ticker + " b=long q=" + str.tostring(quantity, "#") + " t=market" + enable_trades + delay_qty + "\n a=" + i_account_name + " e=" + broker_mode + "y=repay w=" + i_asset_borrow_repay + " q=" + str.tostring(i_qty_borrow_repay, "#") + enable_trades final_alert_txt_entry_short := "a=" + i_account_name + " e=" + broker_mode + "y=borrow w=" + i_asset_borrow_repay + " q=" + str.tostring(i_qty_borrow_repay, "#") + enable_trades + "\n a=" + i_account_name + " e=" + broker_mode + " s=" + product_type_ticker + enable_trades + " b=long c=position t=market" + delay_qty + "\n a=" + i_account_name + " e=" + broker_mode + " s=" + product_type_ticker + " b=short q=" + str.tostring(quantity, "#") + " t=market" + enable_trades + delay_qty + "\n a=" + i_account_name + " e=" + broker_mode + "y=repay w=" + i_asset_borrow_repay + " q=" + str.tostring(i_qty_borrow_repay, "#") + enable_trades //i_alert_txt_entry_long := final_alert_txt_entry_long //i_alert_txt_entry_short := final_alert_txt_entry_short if show_alerts_debug and barstate.islastconfirmedhistory var label lblTest = na label.delete(lblTest) string label_txt = i_alert_txt_entry_long if use_sl != "None" label_txt := label_txt + "\n" + i_alert_txt_exit_SL_long if use_tp != "None" label_txt := label_txt + "\n" + i_alert_txt_exit_TP_long t = time + (time - time[1]) * 25 lblTest := label.new( x = t, y = ta.highest(50), text = label_txt, xloc = xloc.bar_time, yloc = yloc.price, color = color.new(color = color.gray, transp = 0), style = label.style_label_left, textcolor = color.new(color = color.white, transp = 0), size = size.large ) // # ========================================================================= # // # | Strategy Calls and Alerts | // # ========================================================================= # if bull and TradeDateIsAllowed() strategy.entry(id = "Long", direction = strategy.long, comment = "Long", alert_message = i_alert_txt_entry_long, qty = nb_contracts) alert(i_alert_txt_entry_long, alert.freq_once_per_bar) else if bear and TradeDateIsAllowed() strategy.entry(id = "Short", direction = strategy.short, comment = "Short", alert_message = i_alert_txt_entry_short, qty = nb_contracts) alert(i_alert_txt_entry_short, alert.freq_once_per_bar) //quantity := quantity * 2 strategy.exit(id = "Exit Long", from_entry = "Long", stop = (use_sl != "None") ? final_SL_Long : na, comment_loss = "Long Exit SL", alert_loss = (use_sl != "None") ? i_alert_txt_exit_SL_long : na, limit = (use_tp != "None") ? final_TP_Long : na, comment_profit = "Long Exit TP", alert_profit = (use_tp != "None") ? i_alert_txt_exit_TP_long : na) strategy.exit(id = "Exit Short", from_entry = "Short", stop = (use_sl != "None") ? final_SL_Short : na, comment_loss = "Short Exit SL", alert_loss = (use_sl != "None") ? i_alert_txt_exit_SL_short : na, limit = (use_tp != "None") ? final_TP_Short : na, comment_profit = "Short Exit TP", alert_profit = (use_tp != "None") ? i_alert_txt_exit_TP_short : na) if strategy.position_size > 0 and low < final_SL_Long and use_sl != "None" alert(i_alert_txt_exit_SL_long, alert.freq_once_per_bar) else if strategy.position_size < 0 and high > final_SL_Short and use_sl != "None" alert(i_alert_txt_exit_SL_short, alert.freq_once_per_bar) if strategy.position_size > 0 and high > final_TP_Long and use_tp != "None" alert(i_alert_txt_exit_TP_long, alert.freq_once_per_bar) else if strategy.position_size < 0 and low < final_TP_Short and use_tp != "None" alert(i_alert_txt_exit_TP_short, alert.freq_once_per_bar) // # ========================================================================= # // # | Reset Variables | // # ========================================================================= #