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KNN Machine Learning Strategy: Trend Prediction Trading System Based on K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-05-15 17:09:34



This strategy employs the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) machine learning algorithm to predict price trends. By selecting different price computation methods (such as HL2, VWAP, SMA, etc.) as input values and various target values (such as price action, VWAP, volatility, etc.) for evaluation, the KNN algorithm identifies the K historical data points closest to the current market state. The strategy then makes long or short predictions based on the trend direction of these K data points. Additionally, the strategy applies a moving average to smooth the prediction results and improve stability. Finally, trading decisions are made according to the predicted results, and the current market trend prediction is visually demonstrated through changes in the background color.

Strategy Principles

  1. Select a price computation method (e.g., HL2, VWAP, SMA) as the input value for the KNN algorithm.
  2. Choose an evaluation target (e.g., price action, VWAP, volatility) as the target value for the KNN algorithm.
  3. Set the number of nearest neighbors (K) and smoothing period to adjust the sensitivity of the KNN algorithm and the smoothness of the prediction results.
  4. For each new price data point, use the KNN algorithm to find the K historical data points closest to the current market state.
  5. Based on the trend direction (bullish or bearish) of these K data points, vote to obtain the current market trend prediction.
  6. Smooth the prediction results using a moving average to improve stability.
  7. Generate trading signals (long or short) based on the smoothed prediction results and visually demonstrate the current market trend prediction through changes in the background color.


  1. By utilizing a machine learning algorithm, the strategy can learn from historical data and predict price trends, providing adaptability and flexibility.
  2. The strategy’s performance can be optimized to suit different market conditions by adjusting parameters such as input values, target values, the number of nearest neighbors, and smoothing period.
  3. Combining prediction results with a moving average enhances the stability and reliability of the predictions.
  4. The current market trend prediction is visually demonstrated through changes in the background color, allowing traders to quickly assess market conditions and make decisions.


  1. The predictive performance of the KNN algorithm relies on the quality and representativeness of the historical data. Insufficient or unrepresentative data may lead to inaccurate predictions.
  2. The strategy’s performance may be influenced by parameter settings, and inappropriate parameter combinations can result in poor performance or overfitting.
  3. When the market trend undergoes rapid changes or black swan events occur, predictions based on historical data may become ineffective, causing the strategy to generate incorrect trading signals.

Optimization Directions

  1. Incorporate more technical indicators or market sentiment data as inputs for the KNN algorithm to improve prediction accuracy and robustness.
  2. Implement an adaptive mechanism to dynamically adjust strategy parameters based on different market conditions and volatility levels.
  3. Combine other technical analysis methods or risk management measures to reduce the strategy’s risk exposure and enhance the stability of returns.


By applying the KNN machine learning algorithm to price trend prediction, this strategy demonstrates how to capture market trends and generate trading signals using historical data and statistical methods. The strategy’s strengths lie in its adaptability and flexibility, as it can be optimized through parameter adjustments to suit different market conditions. However, the strategy’s risks primarily stem from the quality and representativeness of historical data, as well as the reasonableness of parameter settings. Future improvements could involve incorporating more indicators, adaptive mechanisms, and risk management measures to further enhance the strategy’s robustness and profitability.

start: 2023-05-09 00:00:00
end: 2024-05-14 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
// © Blake_22 {

strategy('money printer part 1', overlay=true)

// ~~ Tooltips {
t1 ="PriceValue selects the method of price computation. \n\nSets the smoothing period for the PriceValue. \n\nAdjusting these settings will change the input values for the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm, influencing how the trend is calculated."
t2 = "TargetValue specifies the target to evaluate. \n\nSets the smoothing period for the TargetValue."
t3 ="numberOfClosestValues sets the number of closest values that are considered when calculating the KNN Moving Average. Adjusting this number will affect the sensitivity of the trend line, with a higher value leading to a smoother line and a lower value resulting in a line that is more responsive to recent price changes."
t4 ="smoothingPeriod sets the period for the moving average applied to the KNN classifier. Adjusting the smoothing period will affect how rapidly the trend line responds to price changes, with a larger smoothing period leading to a smoother line that may lag recent price movements, and a smaller smoothing period resulting in a line that more closely tracks recent changes."
t5 ="This option controls the background color for the trend prediction. Enabling it will change the background color based on the prediction, providing visual cues on the direction of the trend. A green color indicates a positive prediction, while red indicates a negative prediction."

// ~~ Inputs {
PriceValue   = input.string("hl2", options = ["hl2","VWAP", "sma", "wma", "ema", "hma"], group="", inline="Value")
maLen        =, minval=2, maxval=200, title="", group="", inline="Value", tooltip=t1)
TargetValue  = input.string("Price Action", options = ["Price Action","VWAP", "Volatility", "sma", "wma", "ema", "hma"], group="", inline="Target")
maLen_       =, minval=2, maxval=200, title="", group="", inline="Target", tooltip=t2)
// Input parameters for the KNN Moving Average
numberOfClosestValues =, "Number of Closest Values", 2, 200, tooltip=t3) 
smoothingPeriod       =, "Smoothing Period", 2, 500, tooltip=t4) 
windowSize            = math.max(numberOfClosestValues, 30) 

// knn Color
Upknn_col   = input.color(color.lime, title="", group="KNN Color", inline="knn col")
Dnknn_col   = input.color(, title="", group="KNN Color", inline="knn col")
Neuknn_col  = input.color(, title="", group="KNN Color", inline="knn col")
// MA knn Color
Maknn_col   = input.color(color.teal, title="", group="MA KNN Color", inline="MA knn col")
// BG Color
bgcolor = input.bool(false, title="Trend Prediction Color", group="BG Color", inline="bg", tooltip=t5)
Up_col  = input.color(color.lime, title="", group="BG Color", inline="bg")
Dn_col  = input.color(, title="", group="BG Color", inline="bg")

// ~~ kNN Classifier {
value_in = switch PriceValue
    "hl2"  => ta.sma(hl2,maLen)
    "VWAP" => ta.vwap(close[maLen])
    "sma" => ta.sma(close,maLen)
    "wma" => ta.wma(close,maLen)
    "ema" => ta.ema(close,maLen)
    "hma" => ta.hma(close,maLen)

meanOfKClosest(value_,target_) => 
    closestDistances = array.new_float(numberOfClosestValues, 1e10) 
    closestValues    = array.new_float(numberOfClosestValues, 0.0) 
    for i = 1 to windowSize 
        value = value_[i] 
        distance = math.abs(target_ - value) 
        maxDistIndex = 0 
        maxDistValue = closestDistances.get(0) 
        for j = 1 to numberOfClosestValues - 1 
            if closestDistances.get(j) > maxDistValue
                maxDistIndex := j
                maxDistValue := closestDistances.get(j)
        if distance < maxDistValue 
            closestDistances.set(maxDistIndex, distance)
            closestValues.set(maxDistIndex, value)
    closestValues.sum() / numberOfClosestValues 

// Choose the target input based on user selection
target_in = switch TargetValue
    "Price Action"  => ta.rma(close,maLen_) 
    "VWAP"          => ta.vwap(close[maLen_])
    "Volatility"    => ta.atr(14)
    "sma" => ta.sma(close,maLen_)
    "wma" => ta.wma(close,maLen_)
    "ema" => ta.ema(close,maLen_)
    "hma" => ta.hma(close,maLen_)

knnMA = meanOfKClosest(value_in,target_in)

// ~~ kNN Prediction {
// Function to calculate KNN Classifier
price = math.avg(knnMA, close)
c     = ta.rma(knnMA[1], smoothingPeriod) 
o     = ta.rma(knnMA, smoothingPeriod)

// Defines KNN function to perform classification
knn(price) => 
    Pos_count = 0 
    Neg_count = 0 
    min_distance = 10e10 
    nearest_index = 0 
    for j = 1 to 10 
        distance = math.sqrt(math.pow(price[j] - price, 2)) 
        if distance < min_distance 
            min_distance := distance
            nearest_index := j
            Neg = c[nearest_index] > o[nearest_index] 
            Pos = c[nearest_index] < o[nearest_index] 
            if Pos 
                Pos_count += 1
            if Neg 
                Neg_count += 1
    output = Pos_count>Neg_count?1:-1 

// Calls KNN function and smooths the prediction
knn_prediction_raw = knn(price) 
knn_prediction     = ta.wma(knn_prediction_raw, 3)

// ~~ Plots {
// Plots for display on the chart
knnMA_          = ta.wma(knnMA,5)
knnMA_col       = knnMA_>knnMA_[1]?Upknn_col:knnMA_<knnMA_[1]?Dnknn_col:Neuknn_col
Classifier_Line = plot(knnMA_,"Knn Classifier Line", knnMA_col)
MAknn_          = ta.rma(knnMA, smoothingPeriod)
plot(MAknn_,"Average Knn Classifier Line" ,Maknn_col) 
green = knn_prediction < 0.5
red   = knn_prediction > -0.5 
bgcolor( green and bgcolor?,80) : 
 red and bgcolor ?,80) : na) 

// ~~ Alerts {
knnMA_cross_Over_Ma      = ta.crossover(knnMA_,MAknn_)
knnMA_cross_Under_Ma     = ta.crossunder(knnMA_,MAknn_)
knnMA_cross_Over_Close   = ta.crossover(knnMA_,close)
knnMA_cross_Under_Close  = ta.crossunder(knnMA_,close)
knnMA_Switch_Up          = knnMA_[1]<knnMA_ and knnMA_[1]<=knnMA_[2]
knnMA_Switch_Dn          = knnMA_[1]>knnMA_ and knnMA_[1]>=knnMA_[2]
knnMA_Neutral            = knnMA_col==Neuknn_col and knnMA_col[1]!=Neuknn_col
greenBG                  = green and not green[1]
redBG                    = red and not red[1]

alertcondition(knnMA_cross_Over_Ma,  title = "Knn Crossover Average Knn",  message = "Knn Crossover Average Knn")
alertcondition(knnMA_cross_Under_Ma, title = "Knn Crossunder Average Knn", message = "Knn Crossunder Average Knn")
alertcondition(knnMA_cross_Over_Close,  title = "Knn Crossover Close",  message = "Knn Crossover Close")
alertcondition(knnMA_cross_Under_Close, title = "Knn Crossunder Close", message = "Knn Crossunder Close")
alertcondition(knnMA_Switch_Up,  title = "Knn Switch Up",  message = "Knn Switch Up")
alertcondition(knnMA_Switch_Dn, title = "Knn Switch Dn", message = "Knn Switch Dn")
alertcondition(knnMA_Neutral, title = "Knn is Neutral", message = "Knn is Neutral")
alertcondition(greenBG, title = "Positive Prediction", message = "Positive Prediction")
alertcondition(redBG, title = "Negative Prediction", message = "Negative Prediction")

//~~Trenddilo {


//~~ strategy { 1

LongCondtion = knnMA_[1]<knnMA_ and knnMA_[1]<=knnMA_[2]
ShortCondtion = knnMA_[1]>knnMA_ and knnMA_[1]>=knnMA_[2]

//SecondaryLongCondtion = col == color.lime
//SecondaryShortCondtion = col ==

strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, when = LongCondtion)
strategy.close("Long", when =ShortCondtion)

strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, when =ShortCondtion)
strategy.close("short", when =LongCondtion)

plot(strategy.equity, title="equity",, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_areabr)


