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作者: リン・ハーンチャオチャン,日付: 2024-12-13 10:23:12

 Multi-Equilibrium Price Trend Following and Reversal Trading Strategy


この戦略は,価格平衡点に基づくトレンドフォローと逆転取引システムである.Xバー上の最高点と最低点の中間点を計算して平衡価格を決定し,平衡価格との関係で閉じる価格の位置に基づいてトレンド方向を判断する.価格が一定の数のバーで均衡の片側を維持すると,システムはトレンドを確認する.最初の引き戻り (価格クロスバランス) にエントリー機会を探します.戦略はトレンドフォローまたは逆転取引モードの両方に設定することができます.


  1. 均衡価格計算:Xバー上の最高値と最低値の中間点を均衡価格として使用し,イチモククラウドのベースライン計算と同一である.
  2. トレンド決定: 価格がXつの連続バー (デフォルト7) で均衡の同じ側にとどまる場合,トレンドは確認されます.
  3. エントリー・シグナル:トレンド確認後の最初の引き下げ (価格・クロス・バランス) でエントリーを誘発する.
  4. Stop Loss と Take Profit: ATR の 60 番目のパーセンチルを使用し,ストップ ロス と Take Profit の距離を動的に調整し,柔軟なリスク制御を提供します.
  5. 大幅な動きの保護: 価格が設定されたATR倍数を超えて平衡から逸脱すると自動的にポジションを閉じる.

戦略 の 利点

  1. 高い適応性: 市場の特徴に基づいて,トレンドフォローと逆転取引モードの間を柔軟に切り替える.
  2. 総合的なリスク管理:動的なATR停止と大規模な移動保護メカニズムを使用する.
  3. 明確な取引:取引シグナルは明確で,複雑な技術指標の組み合わせに依存しない.
  4. 良き視覚化:直感的な市場状態表示のために彩色のキャンドルスタイクとバックグラウンドを使用します.
  5. 自動化フレンドリー:自動化取引のためのMT5のような取引プラットフォームと簡単にインターフェース.


  1. 乱雑市場リスク:横向市場では頻繁に誤った信号を生む可能性があります.
  2. スリップ効果: 激しい市場動向中に重大なスリップに直面する可能性があります.
  3. パラメータ センシビリティ: 均衡期とトレンド決定期のようなコアパラメータは,異なる市場のために慎重に最適化する必要があります.
  4. 市場移行リスク: 傾向から変動市場への移行は,大幅な引き下げを引き起こす可能性があります.


  1. 市場環境認識: 市場環境識別モジュールを追加し,異なる市場条件下で戦略パラメータを動的に調整します.
  2. シグナルフィルタリング: 偽信号をフィルタリングするためにボリューム,波動性,その他の補助指標を追加することを検討します.
  3. ポジションマネジメント:不安定性に基づく動的調整などのより洗練されたポジションマネジメントメカニズムを導入する.
  4. 複数のタイムフレーム:複数のタイムフレームからの信号を統合して取引の精度を向上させる.
  5. 取引コストの最適化: 異なる取引手段のコスト特性に基づいて入口と出口のタイミングを最適化します.



start: 2019-12-23 08:00:00
end: 2024-12-11 08:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © Honestcowboy

strategy("Equilibrium Candles + Pattern [Honestcowboy]", overlay=false)

// ================================== //
// ---------> User Input <----------- //
// ================================== //

candleSmoothing = input.int(9, title="Equilibrium Length", tooltip="The lookback for finding equilibrium.\nIt is same calculation as the Baseline in Ichimoku Cloud and is the mid point between highest and lowest value over this length.", group="Base Settings")
candlesForTrend = input.int(7, title="Candles needed for Trend", tooltip="The amount of candles in one direction (colored) before it's considered a trend.\nOrders get created on the first candle in opposite direction.", group="Base Settings")
maxPullbackCandles = input.int(2, title="Max Pullback (candles)", tooltip="The amount of candles can go in opposite direction until a pending trade order is cancelled.", group="Base Settings")
candle_bull_c1 = input.color(color.rgb(0,255,0), title="", inline="1", group="Candle Coloring")
candle_bull_c2 = input.color(color.rgb(0,100,0), title="", inline="1", group="Candle Coloring")
candle_bear_c1 = input.color(color.rgb(238,130,238), title="", inline="2", group="Candle Coloring")
candle_bear_c2 = input.color(color.rgb(75,0,130), title="", inline="2", group="Candle Coloring")
highlightClosePrices = input.bool(defval=true, title="Highlight close prices", group="Candle Coloring", tooltip="Will put small yellow dots where closing price would be.")
useBgColoring = input.bool(defval=true, title="color main chart Bg based on trend and entry point", tooltip="colors main chart background based on trend and entry points", group="Chart Background")
trend_bull_c = input.color(color.rgb(0,100,0,50), title="Trend Bull Color", group="Chart Background")
trend_bear_c = input.color(color.rgb(75,0,130, 50), title="Trend Bear Color", group="Chart Background")
long_zone_c = input.color(color.rgb(0,255,0,60), title="Long Entry Zone Color", group="Chart Background")
short_zone_c = input.color(color.rgb(238,130,238,60), title="Short Entry Zone Color", group="Chart Background")
atrLenghtScob = input.int(14, title="ATR Length", group = "Volatility Settings")
atrAverageLength = input.int(200, title="ATR percentile averages lookback", group = "Volatility Settings")
atrPercentile    = input.int(60, minval=0, maxval=99, title="ATR > bottom X percentile", group = "Volatility Settings", tooltip="For the Final ATR value in which percentile of last X bars does it need to be a number. At 60 it's the lowest ATR in top 40% of ATR over X bars")
useReverse = input.bool(true, title="Use Reverse", group="Strategy Inputs", tooltip="The Strategy will open short orders where normal strategy would open long orders. It will use the SL as TP and the TP as SL. So would create the exact opposite in returns as the normal strategy.")
stopMultiplier = input.float(2, title="stop+tp atr multiplier", group="Strategy Inputs")
useTPSL = input.bool(defval=true, title="use stop and TP", group="Strategy Inputs")
useBigCandleExit = input.bool(defval=true, title="Big Candle Exit", group="Strategy Inputs", inline="1", tooltip="Closes all open trades whenever price closes too far from the equilibrium")
bigCandleMultiplier = input.float(defval=1, title="Exit Multiplier", group="Strategy Inputs", inline="1", tooltip="The amount of times in ATR mean candle needs to close outside of equilibrium for it to be a big candle exit.")

tvToQPerc = input.float(defval=1, title="Trade size in Account risk %", group="Tradingview.to Connection (MT5)", tooltip="Quantity as a percentage with stop loss in the commands; the lot size is calculated based on the percentage to lose in case sl is hit. If SL is not specified, the Lot size will be calculated based on account balance.")
tvToOverrideSymbol = input.bool(defval=false, title="Override Symbol?", group="Tradingview.to Connection (MT5)")
tvToSymbol = input.string(defval="EURUSD", title="", group="Tradingview.to Connection (MT5)")
// ================================== //
// -----> Immutable Constants <------ //
// ================================== // 

var bool isBullTrend = false
var bool isBearTrend = false
var bool isLongCondition = false
var bool isShortCondition = false
var int bullCandleCount = 0
var int bearCandleCount = 0
var float longLine = na
var float shortLine = na

// ================================== //
// ---> Functional Declarations <---- //
// ================================== //

baseLine(len) =>
    math.avg(ta.lowest(len), ta.highest(len))

// ================================== //
// ----> Variable Calculations <----- //
// ================================== //

longSignal = false
shortSignal = false

equilibrium = baseLine(candleSmoothing)
atrEquilibrium = ta.atr(atrLenghtScob)
atrAveraged = ta.percentile_nearest_rank(atrEquilibrium, atrAverageLength, atrPercentile)
equilibriumTop  = equilibrium + atrAveraged*bigCandleMultiplier
equilibriumBottom = equilibrium - atrAveraged*bigCandleMultiplier

// ================================== //
// -----> Conditional Variables <---- //
// ================================== //
if not isBullTrend and close>equilibrium
    bullCandleCount := bullCandleCount + 1
    bearCandleCount := 0
    isBearTrend := false

if not isBearTrend and close<equilibrium
    bearCandleCount := bearCandleCount + 1
    bullCandleCount := 0
    isBullTrend := false

if bullCandleCount >= candlesForTrend
    isBullTrend := true
    isBearTrend := false
    bullCandleCount := 0
    bearCandleCount := 0
if bearCandleCount >= candlesForTrend
    isBearTrend := true
    isBullTrend := false
    bullCandleCount := 0
    bearCandleCount := 0

// ================================== //
// ------> Strategy Execution <------ //
// ================================== //

if isBullTrend[1] and close<equilibrium
    if useReverse and (not na(atrAveraged))
        strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, limit=high)
        alert("Sell " + str.tostring((tvToOverrideSymbol ? tvToSymbol : syminfo.ticker)) + " Q=" + str.tostring(tvToQPerc) + "% P=" + str.tostring(high) + " TP=" + str.tostring(high-stopMultiplier*atrAveraged)+ " SL=" + str.tostring(high+stopMultiplier*atrAveraged), freq=alert.freq_once_per_bar)
    if (not useReverse) and (not na(atrAveraged))
        strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, stop=high)
        alert("Buy " + str.tostring((tvToOverrideSymbol ? tvToSymbol : syminfo.ticker)) + " Q=" + str.tostring(tvToQPerc) + "% P=" + str.tostring(high) + " TP=" + str.tostring(high+stopMultiplier*atrAveraged) + " SL=" + str.tostring(high+stopMultiplier*atrAveraged), freq=alert.freq_once_per_bar)
    isLongCondition := true
    isBullTrend := false
    longLine := high

if isBearTrend[1] and close>equilibrium
    if useReverse and (not na(atrAveraged))
        strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, limit=low)
        alert("Buy " + str.tostring((tvToOverrideSymbol ? tvToSymbol : syminfo.ticker)) + " Q=" + str.tostring(tvToQPerc) + "% P=" + str.tostring(low) + " TP=" + str.tostring(low+stopMultiplier*atrAveraged) + " SL=" + str.tostring(low-stopMultiplier*atrAveraged), freq=alert.freq_once_per_bar)
    if (not useReverse) and (not na(atrAveraged))
        strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, stop=low)
        alert("Sell " + str.tostring((tvToOverrideSymbol ? tvToSymbol : syminfo.ticker)) + " Q=" + str.tostring(tvToQPerc) + "% P=" + str.tostring(low) + " TP=" + str.tostring(low-stopMultiplier*atrAveraged) + " SL=" + str.tostring(low+stopMultiplier*atrAveraged), freq=alert.freq_once_per_bar)
    isShortCondition := true
    isBearTrend := false
    shortLine := low

if isLongCondition and (bearCandleCount >= maxPullbackCandles)[1]
    if useReverse
        alert("Cancel " + str.tostring((tvToOverrideSymbol ? tvToSymbol : syminfo.ticker)) + " t=sell")
    if not useReverse
        alert("Cancel " + str.tostring((tvToOverrideSymbol ? tvToSymbol : syminfo.ticker)) + " t=buy")
    isLongCondition := false
    bullCandleCount := 0
    longLine := na

if isShortCondition and (bullCandleCount >= maxPullbackCandles)[1]
    if useReverse
        alert("Cancel " + str.tostring((tvToOverrideSymbol ? tvToSymbol : syminfo.ticker)) + " t=buy")
    if not useReverse
        alert("Cancel " + str.tostring((tvToOverrideSymbol ? tvToSymbol : syminfo.ticker)) + " t=sell")
    isShortCondition := false
    bearCandleCount := 0
    shortLine := na
// ---- Save for graphical display that there is a longcondition + reset other variables
if high>longLine
    longSignal := true
    longLine := na
    isLongCondition := false

if low<shortLine
    shortSignal := true
    shortLine := na
    isShortCondition := false
// ---- Get Stop loss and Take Profit in there
if useReverse
    if useTPSL
        if strategy.position_size < 0 and strategy.position_size[1] >= 0
            strategy.exit("short exit", "short", limit=longLine[1]-stopMultiplier*atrAveraged, stop=longLine[1]+stopMultiplier*atrAveraged)
        if strategy.position_size > 0 and strategy.position_size[1] <= 0
            strategy.exit("long exit", "long", limit=shortLine[1]+stopMultiplier*atrAveraged, stop=shortLine[1]-stopMultiplier*atrAveraged)
if not useReverse
    if useTPSL
        if strategy.position_size > 0 and strategy.position_size[1] <= 0
            strategy.exit("long exit", "long", limit=longLine[1]+stopMultiplier*atrAveraged, stop=longLine[1]-stopMultiplier*atrAveraged)
        if strategy.position_size < 0 and strategy.position_size[1] >=0
            strategy.exit("short exit", "short", limit=shortLine[1]-stopMultiplier*atrAveraged, stop=shortLine[1]+stopMultiplier*atrAveraged)
// ----- Logic for closing positions on a big candle in either direction
if (strategy.position_size[1]>0 or strategy.position_size[1]<0) and useBigCandleExit
    if close>equilibriumTop or close<equilibriumBottom
        strategy.close_all("Big Candle Stop")
        alert("close " + str.tostring((tvToOverrideSymbol ? tvToSymbol : syminfo.ticker)))

// ================================== //
// ------> Graphical Display <------- //
// ================================== //

// Deviation from equilibrium using smoothed ATR and percentile nearest rank to rank the coloring of the candles
candle_c2 = close>equilibrium ? close>open ? candle_bull_c1 : candle_bull_c2 : close<open ? candle_bear_c1 : candle_bear_c2
plotcandle(equilibrium, high, low, close, title="Equilibrium Candles", color=candle_c2, wickcolor=candle_c2, bordercolor=candle_c2)
plotshape(highlightClosePrices ? close : na, title="Closing Bubble", style=shape.circle, location=location.absolute, color=color.yellow)
bgcolor(useBgColoring ? (isBullTrend ? trend_bull_c : isBearTrend ? trend_bear_c : isLongCondition ? long_zone_c : isShortCondition ? short_zone_c : na) : na, force_overlay=true)
plot(longLine, color=candle_bull_c1, title="Long Line", style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=4)
plot(shortLine, color=candle_bear_c1, title="Short Line", style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=4)
plotshape(longSignal ? math.min(equilibrium, low)+(-0.5*atrAveraged) : na, title="Long Signal", color=candle_bull_c1, style=shape.diamond, size=size.tiny, location=location.absolute)
plotshape(shortSignal ? math.max(equilibrium, high)+(0.5*atrAveraged) : na, title="Short Signal", color=candle_bear_c1, style=shape.diamond, size=size.tiny, location=location.absolute)

// =================================== //
// ------> Simple Form Alerts <------- //
// =================================== //

alertcondition(longSignal, "Simple Long Signal")
alertcondition(shortSignal, "Simple Short Signal")

