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Intelligent Wave-Trend Dollar Cost Averaging Cyclical Trading Strategy

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-12-20 16:42:45

 Intelligent Wave-Trend Dollar Cost Averaging Cyclical Trading Strategy

Strategy Overview

This strategy is an intelligent trading system based on Wave Trend indicators and Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) principles. It analyzes market wave trends to gradually build positions in oversold areas and take profits during confirmed bull markets. The strategy combines the advantages of technical analysis and risk management to consistently accumulate positions and generate returns throughout market cycles.

Strategy Principles

The core logic includes the following key elements: 1. Uses HLC3 price average and Exponential Moving Average (EMA) to calculate Wave Trend indicators for identifying overbought and oversold conditions 2. Determines major cycle trends using the Awesome Oscillator to identify bull and bear markets 3. During bear markets, builds positions in batches when prices are in oversold territory, with position sizes adjusted dynamically based on oversold levels 4. Issues “Golden Buy” signals when bull markets begin, increasing position building 5. During bull markets, gradually takes profits when prices enter overbought territory 6. Closes all positions to secure profits when bear market signals or market top indicators appear

Strategy Advantages

  1. Reduces entry costs through dollar cost averaging, effectively avoiding chase-high risks
  2. Multiple technical indicators cross-validate to improve trading signal reliability
  3. Flexible position management with dynamic adjustment of buy/sell quantities based on market conditions
  4. Strong defensive capabilities with timely stop-loss during bear market signals
  5. Clear strategy logic with adjustable parameters suitable for different market environments

Strategy Risks

  1. May generate frequent trades in choppy markets, increasing transaction costs
  2. DCA strategy might miss optimal entry points in rapid unidirectional uptrends
  3. Technical indicators have inherent lag, potentially causing delayed reactions in volatile markets
  4. Improper parameter settings may lead to inaccurate entry and exit timing

Strategy Optimization Directions

  1. Introduce volatility indicators to optimize position sizing calculations
  2. Add more market sentiment indicators to improve trend identification accuracy
  3. Develop adaptive parameter systems that dynamically adjust based on different market cycles
  4. Enhance money management modules for more precise position control


This is an intelligent trading strategy that effectively combines technical analysis with risk management. Through Wave Trend indicators and dollar cost averaging methods, it achieves stable returns while protecting capital safety. The strategy’s core advantage lies in its adaptability to different market environments, clear trading logic, and risk control mechanisms.

start: 2024-11-19 00:00:00
end: 2024-12-18 08:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]


// Copyright (c) 2024 Seth Ethington.
// All rights reserved.
// If this script provides you Bread then share the Dough!
// BTC (God's Money) Address: bc1qrpxvea8ze4ayj2vtr0slp774rulm898gyhe3ss
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, 
// whether you tweak it or not, is totally fine, 
// but only if you swear on your life that BTC is God's Money! 
// If you're redistributing the source code, 
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strategy(title="Cipher DCA Strategy", shorttitle="Cipher DCA", overlay=false, initial_capital=100, pyramiding=30, currency=currency.USD,  slippage=1, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.1, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, process_orders_on_close=true)

// Input parameters for the starting date
startDate = input(timestamp("2019-01-01 00:00:00"), title="Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)")

// Input parameters for the indicator
fastLength =, title="Fast Wave Length", group="Wave Calculator")  // Length for EMA smoothing of the price channel
slowLength =, title="Slow Wave Length", group="Wave Calculator")  // Length for EMA smoothing of the trend channel
wayOverBoughtLevel = input.float(33, title="Way OverBought Level", group="Wave Calculator")
overBoughtLevel = input.float(25, title="Over Bought Level", group="Wave Calculator")
wayOverSoldLevel = input.float(-33, title="Way Over Sold Level", group="Wave Calculator")
overSoldLevel = input.float(-25, title="Over Sold Level", group="Wave Calculator")
accumulatingLevel = input.float(0, title="Accumulating Level", group="Wave Calculator")

// Calculate the average price (HLC3 = (High + Low + Close) / 3)
averagePrice = hlc3

// Compute the smoothed average price (ESA: Exponential Smoothing Average)
exponentialSmoothingAverage = ta.ema(averagePrice, fastLength)

// Compute the deviation (D) between the price and the smoothed average
priceDeviation = ta.ema(math.abs(averagePrice - exponentialSmoothingAverage), fastLength)

// Compute the commodity index (CI) which is normalized price movement
commodityIndex = (averagePrice - exponentialSmoothingAverage) / (0.015 * priceDeviation)

// Smooth the commodity index to create Wave Trend 1 (WT1)
fastWaveTrend = ta.ema(commodityIndex, slowLength)
// //"fastWaveTrend= " + str.tostring(fastWaveTrend))

// Further smooth WT1 using a simple moving average to create Wave Trend 2 (WT2)
slowWaveTrend = ta.sma(fastWaveTrend, 5)
// //"slowWaveTrend= " + str.tostring(slowWaveTrend))

// Plot the center line (0) for reference
plot(0, color=color.white, title="Center Line")

// Plot overbought and oversold levels
plot(wayOverBoughtLevel,, title="Way Overbought")
plot(overBoughtLevel,, title="Overbought")
plot(overSoldLevel,, title="Oversold")
plot(wayOverSoldLevel,, title="Way Oversold")

// Plot WT1 and WT2 as filled areas for better visibility
plot(fastWaveTrend, style=plot.style_area,, 0), title="Fast Wave")
plot(slowWaveTrend, style=plot.style_area,, 30), title="Slow Wave")

// Highlight the difference between fastWave vs slowWave
waveTrendDifference = fastWaveTrend - slowWaveTrend

// //"waveTrendDifference=" + str.tostring(waveTrendDifference))
plot(waveTrendDifference,, 30),style=plot.style_area, title="WT1 - WT2 Difference") //No transparency

// Plot buy and sell signals at crossovers
isCrossover = ta.cross(fastWaveTrend, slowWaveTrend)
// //"isCrossover=" + str.tostring(isCrossover))
plot(isCrossover ? slowWaveTrend : na, color=(slowWaveTrend - fastWaveTrend > 0 ? :, style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=4, title="Crossover Signals")

float waveTrend = na
if (slowWaveTrend > 0 and fastWaveTrend > 0) 
    waveTrend := math.max(slowWaveTrend, fastWaveTrend)
    // //"Both trends are positive. waveTrend set to max value: " + str.tostring(waveTrend))
else if (slowWaveTrend < 0 and fastWaveTrend < 0)
    waveTrend := math.min(slowWaveTrend, fastWaveTrend)
    // //"Both trends are negative. waveTrend set to min value: " + str.tostring(waveTrend))
    waveTrend := 0
    // //"Trends are mixed. waveTrend set to 0.")

// Time to Sell
isCrossingDown = waveTrendDifference < 0

// Time to Buy
isCrossingUp = waveTrendDifference > 0


// Detect Bull Market and Bear Market using the Awesome Oscillator
// User input for AO thresholds
ao_threshold = input.float(-10, "AO Bull Market Threshold", minval=-50, maxval=50, step=1, group = "Bear and Bull Thresholds")
ao_cycletop_threshold = input.float(5, "AO Bear Market Threshold", minval=0, maxval=200, step=1, group = "Bear and Bull Thresholds")

// Define the Awesome Oscillator
ao = ta.sma(hl2, fastLength) - ta.sma(hl2, slowLength)

// Convert current bar time to the first day of the month for monthly calculations
currentMonthStart = timestamp(year, month, 1, 0, 0)
prevMonthStart = time - (time - currentMonthStart)

// Calculate AO for the start of the month and previous month
aoCurrentMonth =, 'M', ao[0])
aoPrevMonth1    =, 'M', ao[1])
aoPrevMonth2    =, 'M', ao[2])

// Detect bull market based on monthly AO
isBullMarket = aoCurrentMonth > aoPrevMonth1 and aoPrevMonth1 > aoPrevMonth2 and aoCurrentMonth > ao_threshold

// Detect cycle top based on monthly AO
isBearMarket = aoCurrentMonth > ao_cycletop_threshold and aoPrevMonth1 > aoCurrentMonth

// Detect when a bull market is starting
var bool isBullMarketStarting = na
if (not isBullMarket[1] and isBullMarket)
    isBullMarketStarting := true
    isBullMarketStarting := false

// Logging
//"isBullMarket is " + str.tostring(isBullMarket))
//"isCycleTop is " + str.tostring(isBearMarket))

// Plot transparent overlays for Bull Market and Cycle Top
overlayColor = isBullMarket ?, 80) : isBearMarket ?, 60) : na
bgcolor(overlayColor, title="Market Condition Overlay")


// Calculate Potential Liquidations and Golden Buy Zones
volLength =, "Volume Length", minval=1, group="Golden Buy Indicator")
volStdDevThreshold = input.float(2.0, "Volume Standard Diviation Threshold", step=0.1, group="Golden Buy Indicator")
aoWeeklyThreshold =, "Awesome Oscillator Oversold Threshold", step=1, group="Golden Buy Indicator")

// Start Accumulating when the price is oversold or price action is flat
isStartAccumulating = waveTrend <= accumulatingLevel and not isBearMarket

// Start Selling when we are now in a Bull Market
isStartSelling = waveTrend > accumulatingLevel

// Calculate Overbought and Oversold Levels
isOverSold = waveTrend < overSoldLevel
isWayOverSold = waveTrend < wayOverSoldLevel
isOverBought = waveTrend > overBoughtLevel
isWayOverBought = waveTrend > wayOverBoughtLevel
//"isOverSold= " + str.tostring(isOverSold) + " isWayOverSold= " + str.tostring(isWayOverSold) + " isOverBought= " + str.tostring(isOverBought) + " isWayOverBought= " + str.tostring(isWayOverBought))

//Weekly Awesome Oscillator to detect oversold levels
aoWeekly =, "W", ao)

// Get standard deviation of volume over last 20 bars
volumeStDev = ta.stdev(volume, volLength)

// Detect volume spikes
volumeSpike = volume > (ta.sma(volume, volLength) + volStdDevThreshold * volumeStDev)

isGoldenBuyZone = volumeSpike and aoWeekly < aoWeeklyThreshold and not isBearMarket
plotshape(series=isGoldenBuyZone ? -60 : na, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.absolute, color=color.yellow, size=size.tiny, offset=0, title="Golden Buy Zone")

isMarketTop = volumeSpike and aoWeekly > -aoWeeklyThreshold and isBullMarket
plotshape(series=isMarketTop ? 60 : na, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.absolute, color=color.purple, size=size.tiny, offset=0, title="Market Top")


// Buying and Selling Input parameters for the indicator
isBullMarketStartingPercent = input.float(1.0, title="Starting a Bull Market Percent", step=0.01, group="Buy and Sell")
goldenBuyPercent = input.float(0.00006, title="Golden Buy Percent", step=0.01, group="Buy and Sell")
wayOverSoldPercent = input.float(0.00004, title="Way Over Sold Percent", step=0.01, group="Buy and Sell") 
overSoldPercent = input.float(0.00002, title="Over Sold Percent", step=0.01, group="Buy and Sell")
crossOverPercent = input.float(0.00002, title="Cross Over Percent", step=0.01, group="Buy and Sell")
overBoughtPercent = input.float(0.00005, title="Over Bought Percent", step=0.01, group="Buy and Sell")
wayOverBoughtPercent = input.float(0.00006, title="Way Over Bought Percent", step=0.01, group="Buy and Sell")

//Execute Buy and Sell Strategy
// Execute only if the bar's time is after the start date
if (true)
    if ((isCrossover and isCrossingUp and isStartAccumulating) or isGoldenBuyZone or isBullMarketStarting)
        if (isGoldenBuyZone) 
            strategy.entry("Golden Buy", strategy.long, qty = goldenBuyPercent * strategy.initial_capital)
            //"Golden Buy " + str.tostring(goldenBuyPercent))
        else if (isBullMarketStarting)
            strategy.entry("Bull Buy", strategy.long, qty = isBullMarketStartingPercent * strategy.initial_capital)
            //"Way Over Sold Buy " + str.tostring(wayOverSoldPercent))    
        else if (isWayOverSold) 
            strategy.entry(str.tostring(strategy.opentrades), strategy.long, qty = wayOverSoldPercent * strategy.initial_capital)
            //"Way Over Sold Buy " + str.tostring(wayOverSoldPercent))
        else if (isOverSold)  
            strategy.entry(str.tostring(strategy.opentrades), strategy.long, qty = overSoldPercent * strategy.initial_capital)
            //"Over Sold Buy " + str.tostring(overSoldPercent))
        else if (isCrossover)  
            strategy.entry(str.tostring(strategy.opentrades), strategy.long, qty = crossOverPercent * strategy.initial_capital)
            //"Crossover Buy " + str.tostring(crossOverPercent))
    else if (isCrossover and isCrossingDown and isStartSelling) or isBearMarket or isMarketTop
        if (isBearMarket)
            strategy.close_all("Close all")
            //"Closing All Open Positions")
        else if (isWayOverBought or isMarketTop) 
            int openTrades = strategy.opentrades  // Get the number of open trades
            int tradesToClose = math.floor(openTrades * wayOverBoughtPercent)
            //"# of tradesToClose= " + str.tostring(tradesToClose))
            // Loop through and close 100% of the open trades determined
            for i = 0 to tradesToClose
                // Close the trade by referencing the correct index
                strategy.close(str.tostring(openTrades - 1 - i), qty_percent = 100)
                //"Sell 100%: Closed trade # " + str.tostring(openTrades - 1 - i))
        else if (isOverBought) 
            int openTrades = strategy.opentrades  // Get the number of open trades
            int tradesToClose = math.floor(openTrades * overBoughtPercent) 
            //"# of tradesToClose= " + str.tostring(tradesToClose))
            // Loop through and close 100% of the open trades determined
            for i = 0 to tradesToClose
                // Close the trade by referencing the correct index
                strategy.close(str.tostring(openTrades - 1 - i), qty_percent = 100)
                //"Sell 100%: Closed trade # " + str.tostring(openTrades - 1 - i))
        else if (isStartSelling)
            strategy.close(str.tostring(strategy.opentrades - 1), qty_percent =50)
            //"Sell 100% of Last Trade: Closed trade # " + str.tostring(strategy.opentrades - 1))

