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Estrategia del canal de Keltner de soporte dinámico multicanal

El autor:¿ Qué pasa?, Fecha: 2025-01-17 15:17:59
Las etiquetas:KCEl EMAEl ATRLa SMALa WMAEl PPEl número de personas

 Multi-Channel Dynamic Support Resistance Keltner Channel Strategy

Resumen general

Esta estrategia es un sistema de negociación integral basado en los canales de Keltner y niveles dinámicos de soporte / resistencia. Analiza múltiples marcos de tiempo, combinando promedios móviles e indicadores de volatilidad para formar un marco completo de decisión comercial. El enfoque central es identificar oportunidades de ruptura de precios considerando las tendencias del mercado y la volatilidad para capturar oportunidades comerciales de alta probabilidad.

Principios de estrategia

La estrategia emplea un sistema de indicadores técnicos de varias capas: 1. Utiliza los canales de Keltner de 21 períodos como la principal herramienta de identificación de tendencias, con el ancho del canal determinado por ATR Calcula los niveles de soporte/resistencia clave utilizando 21 barras del lado izquierdo y 8 del lado derecho 3. Incorpora medias móviles de mayor plazo como filtros de tendencia 4. Combina las medias móviles a corto plazo (5 períodos) y a largo plazo (30 períodos) para el calendario de entrada 5. Utiliza ATR para el ajuste dinámico de stop-loss

Ventajas estratégicas

  1. Los indicadores técnicos multidimensionales proporcionan una verificación mutua, reduciendo las falsas señales
  2. Actualización dinámica de los niveles de soporte/resistencia en tiempo real, adaptándose a los cambios del mercado
  3. El análisis de marcos de tiempo más largos filtra los movimientos del mercado secundario
  4. Parámetros flexibles de stop-loss basados en diferentes plazos
  5. Gestión de posiciones basada en el porcentaje para un control eficaz del riesgo

Riesgos estratégicos

  1. Puede generar señales comerciales frecuentes en mercados variados
  2. La verificación de múltiples indicadores podría perder algunas oportunidades comerciales
  3. La optimización de parámetros plantea riesgos de sobreajuste
  4. Los niveles de stop-loss pueden ser demasiado amplios en entornos de alta volatilidad
  5. Los niveles de soporte/resistencia pueden fallar durante cambios rápidos del mercado

Direcciones de optimización

  1. Incorporar indicadores de volumen para validar las rupturas
  2. Añadir módulo de análisis de volatilidad del mercado para el ajuste de parámetros dinámicos
  3. Mejorar los métodos de cálculo de soporte/resistencia para una mayor precisión
  4. Añadir una evaluación de la fuerza de la tendencia para refinar las condiciones de entrada
  5. Mejorar el sistema de gestión de posiciones para un control de riesgos más preciso

Resumen de las actividades

Esta es una estrategia de trading cuantitativa bien estructurada y lógicamente rigurosa. A través del uso coordinado de múltiples indicadores técnicos, garantiza señales comerciales confiables y un control eficaz del riesgo. La gran extensibilidad de la estrategia permite una optimización y mejora continuas, manteniendo potencialmente un rendimiento estable en diferentes entornos de mercado.

start: 2024-12-17 00:00:00
end: 2024-12-21 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT","balance":49999}]

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © sathcm
strategy("KMS", overlay=true, initial_capital=100000, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=100, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.05, slippage=3)

// Inputs for Keltner Channels
kcLength = input.int(21, title="Keltner Channel Length", minval=1)  // Length for Keltner Channel calculation
kcMultiplier = input.float(2.0, title="Keltner Channel Multiplier", minval=0.1)  // Multiplier for Keltner Channel width

// Calculate Keltner Channels using best practices
kcBasis = ta.ema(close, kcLength)  // Use EMA for a smoother basis line
atrValue = ta.atr(kcLength)  // Use ATR for channel width calculation
kcUpper = kcBasis + kcMultiplier * atrValue  // Upper Keltner Channel
kcLower = kcBasis - kcMultiplier * atrValue  // Lower Keltner Channel

// Inputs for Pivot Point Calculation
leftBars = input.int(21, title="Left Bars", minval=1)  // Number of bars to the left for pivot calculation
rightBars = input.int(8, title="Right Bars", minval=1, tooltip="Number of bars to the right for pivot calculation")  // Number of bars to the right for pivot calculation

// Calculate Smoothed Pivot Highs and Lows using Weighted Moving Average
pivotHigh = ta.pivothigh(high, leftBars, rightBars)  // Apply WMA for smoothing
pivotLow = ta.pivotlow(low, leftBars, rightBars)  // Apply WMA for smoothing

// Convert Pivot Highs and Lows to Boolean Conditions
isPivotHigh = not na(pivotHigh)  // True when a pivot high exists
isPivotLow = not na(pivotLow)  // True when a pivot low exists

// Get Recent Support and Resistance Levels
recentResistance = ta.valuewhen(isPivotHigh, high, 0)  // Most recent resistance level
recentSupport = ta.valuewhen(isPivotLow, low, 0)  // Most recent support level

// Plot Smoothed Support and Resistance Levels
//plot(recentResistance, color=color.red, title="Recent Resistance", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_line)
//plot(recentSupport, color=color.green, title="Recent Support", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_line)

// Store Entry Price into a Variable
var float entryPrice = na  // Declare a variable to store the entry price

// Input for Higher Timeframe
higherTimeframeInput = input.timeframe('W', title="Higher Timeframe for MA Calculation")

if (timeframe.period == "240") or (timeframe.period == "120")
    higherTimeframeInput := "D"
if (timeframe.period == "60") or (timeframe.period == "30") or (timeframe.period == "15")
    higherTimeframeInput := "120"
if (timeframe.period == "10") or (timeframe.period == "5") 
    higherTimeframeInput := "30"
if (timeframe.period == "1")
    higherTimeframeInput := "10"

prd = input.int(defval=10, title='Pivot Period', minval=4, maxval=30, group='Settings 🔨', tooltip='Used while calculating Pivot Points, checks left&right bars')
ppsrc = input.string(defval='High/Low', title='Source', options=['High/Low', 'Close/Open'], group='Settings 🔨', tooltip='Source for Pivot Points')
ChannelW = input.int(defval=5, title='Maximum Channel Width %', minval=1, maxval=8, group='Settings 🔨', tooltip='Calculated using Highest/Lowest levels in 300 bars')
minstrength = input.int(defval=1, title='Minimum Strength', minval=1, group='Settings 🔨', tooltip='Channel must contain at least 2 Pivot Points')
maxnumsr = input.int(defval=4, title='Maximum Number of S/R', minval=1, maxval=10, group='Settings 🔨', tooltip='Maximum number of Support/Resistance Channels to Show') - 1
loopback = input.int(defval=150, title='Loopback Period', minval=100, maxval=400, group='Settings 🔨', tooltip='While calculating S/R levels it checks Pivots in Loopback Period')
res_col = input.color(defval=color.new(color.red, 75), title='Resistance Color', group='Colors 🟡🟢🟣')
sup_col = input.color(defval=color.new(color.lime, 75), title='Support Color', group='Colors 🟡🟢🟣')
inch_col = input.color(defval=color.new(color.gray, 75), title='Color When Price in Channel', group='Colors 🟡🟢🟣')

// Get Pivot High/Low
src1 = ppsrc == 'High/Low' ? high : math.max(close, open)
src2 = ppsrc == 'High/Low' ? low : math.min(close, open)
ph = ta.pivothigh(src1, prd, prd)
pl = ta.pivotlow(src2, prd, prd)

// Calculate maximum S/R channel width
prdhighest = ta.highest(300)
prdlowest = ta.lowest(300)
cwidth = (prdhighest - prdlowest) * ChannelW / 100

// Get/keep Pivot levels
var pivotvals = array.new_float(0)
var pivotlocs = array.new_float(0)
if ph or pl
    array.unshift(pivotvals, ph ? ph : pl)
    array.unshift(pivotlocs, bar_index)
    for x = array.size(pivotvals) - 1 to 0 by 1
        if bar_index - array.get(pivotlocs, x) > loopback  // remove old pivot points

// Find/create SR channel of a pivot point
get_sr_vals(ind) =>
    float lo = array.get(pivotvals, ind)
    float hi = lo
    int numpp = 0
    for y = 0 to array.size(pivotvals) - 1 by 1
        float cpp = array.get(pivotvals, y)
        float wdth = cpp <= hi ? hi - cpp : cpp - lo
        if wdth <= cwidth  // fits the max channel width?
            if cpp <= hi
                lo := math.min(lo, cpp)
                hi := math.max(hi, cpp)
            numpp += 20  // each pivot point added as 20
    [hi, lo, numpp]

// Keep old SR channels and calculate/sort new channels if we met new pivot point
var suportresistance = array.new_float(20, 0)  // min/max levels
changeit(x, y) =>
    tmp = array.get(suportresistance, y * 2)
    array.set(suportresistance, y * 2, array.get(suportresistance, x * 2))
    array.set(suportresistance, x * 2, tmp)
    tmp := array.get(suportresistance, y * 2 + 1)
    array.set(suportresistance, y * 2 + 1, array.get(suportresistance, x * 2 + 1))
    array.set(suportresistance, x * 2 + 1, tmp)

if ph or pl
    supres = array.new_float(0)  // number of pivot, strength, min/max levels
    stren = array.new_float(10, 0)
    // Get levels and strengths
    for x = 0 to array.size(pivotvals) - 1 by 1
        [hi, lo, strength] = get_sr_vals(x)
        array.push(supres, strength)
        array.push(supres, hi)
        array.push(supres, lo)

    // Add each HL to strength
    for x = 0 to array.size(pivotvals) - 1 by 1
        h = array.get(supres, x * 3 + 1)
        l = array.get(supres, x * 3 + 2)
        s = 0
        for y = 0 to loopback by 1
            if high[y] <= h and high[y] >= l or low[y] <= h and low[y] >= l
                s += 1
        array.set(supres, x * 3, array.get(supres, x * 3) + s)

    // Reset SR levels
    array.fill(suportresistance, 0)
    // Get strongest SRs
    src = 0
    for x = 0 to array.size(pivotvals) - 1 by 1
        stv = -1.  // value
        stl = -1  // location
        for y = 0 to array.size(pivotvals) - 1 by 1
            if array.get(supres, y * 3) > stv and array.get(supres, y * 3) >= minstrength * 20
                stv := array.get(supres, y * 3)
                stl := y
        if stl >= 0
            // Get SR level
            hh = array.get(supres, stl * 3 + 1)
            ll = array.get(supres, stl * 3 + 2)
            array.set(suportresistance, src * 2, hh)
            array.set(suportresistance, src * 2 + 1, ll)
            array.set(stren, src, array.get(supres, stl * 3))

            // Make included pivot points' strength zero
            for y = 0 to array.size(pivotvals) - 1 by 1
                if array.get(supres, y * 3 + 1) <= hh and array.get(supres, y * 3 + 1) >= ll or array.get(supres, y * 3 + 2) <= hh and array.get(supres, y * 3 + 2) >= ll
                    array.set(supres, y * 3, -1)

            src += 1
            if src >= 10

    for x = 0 to 8 by 1
        for y = x + 1 to 9 by 1
            if array.get(stren, y) > array.get(stren, x)
                tmp = array.get(stren, y)
                array.set(stren, y, array.get(stren, x))
                changeit(x, y)

get_level(ind) =>
    float ret = na
    if ind < array.size(suportresistance)
        if array.get(suportresistance, ind) != 0
            ret := array.get(suportresistance, ind)

get_color(ind) =>
    color ret = na
    if ind < array.size(suportresistance)
        if array.get(suportresistance, ind) != 0
            ret := array.get(suportresistance, ind) > close and array.get(suportresistance, ind + 1) > close ? res_col : array.get(suportresistance, ind) < close and array.get(suportresistance, ind + 1) < close ? sup_col : inch_col

// var srchannels = array.new_box(10)
// for x = 0 to math.min(9, maxnumsr) by 1
//     box.delete(array.get(srchannels, x))
//     srcol = get_color(x * 2)
//     if not na(srcol)
//         array.set(srchannels, x, box.new(left=bar_index, top=get_level(x * 2), right=bar_index + 1, bottom=get_level(x * 2 + 1), border_color=srcol, border_width=1, extend=extend.both, bgcolor=srcol))

// Improved dynamic support detection
float recentSupport1 = na
float previousSupport = na
float currentsupport = na

if na(previousSupport) or currentsupport != previousSupport
    if array.size(suportresistance) > 1 
        for i = 0 to math.floor(array.size(suportresistance) / 2) - 1  // Iterate through support levels
            currentsupport := array.get(suportresistance, i * 2 + 1)  // Support is stored at odd indices
            if currentsupport < close and (na(recentSupport1) or math.abs(close - currentsupport) < math.abs(close - recentSupport1))
                previousSupport := currentsupport  // Store the newly detected support
                  // Set the most recent support to the new support
                recentSupport1 := na(recentSupport1) ? ta.lowest(low, 10) : currentsupport
// Moving averages for entry and exit
maShort = ta.sma(close, 5)
maLong = ta.sma(close, 30) + ta.atr(14)
// Track entry price
entryPrice1 = strategy.position_avg_price  // Get the price of the currently open position
currentTimeFrame = timeframe.period
exitPrice = entryPrice1 * 0.99

if currentTimeFrame == "1H" or currentTimeFrame == "30" or currentTimeFrame == "15" or currentTimeFrame == "5"
    exitPrice := entryPrice1 * 0.99  // Set the exit price at 99% of the entry price

if currentTimeFrame == "120" or currentTimeFrame == "180" or currentTimeFrame == "240" or currentTimeFrame == "D"
    exitPrice := entryPrice1 * 0.98 // Set the exit price at 95% of the entry price

// Calculate Moving Average based on higher timeframe for length of 20 bars
higherTimeframeMA = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, higherTimeframeInput, ta.sma(close, 20), barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)  // Calculate MA with adjusted timeframe

// Entry and Exit Conditions for Long
entryLong = (close > kcUpper) and (close > recentResistance) and (close > higherTimeframeMA)  // Long entry when price breaks above KC upper, recent resistance, and higher timeframe MA
exitLong = (close < recentResistance - 1.5*atrValue)  // Long exit when price falls below recent resistance with cushion of one ATR

// Entry and Exit Conditions for Short
entryShort = (close < kcLower) and (close < recentSupport) and (close < higherTimeframeMA+atrValue) // Add RSI filter to reduce false signals by confirming momentum  // Short entry when price breaks below KC lower, recent support, and higher timeframe MA
exitShort = (close > recentSupport + atrValue)  // Short exit when price rises above recent support with cushion of one ATR(close > recentSupport + atrValue)  // Short exit when price rises above recent support with cushion of one ATR(close > recentSupport + atrValue)  // Short exit when price rises above recent support with cushion of one ATR

// Strategy Execution for Long
if not na(recentSupport1) and (close <= recentSupport1 +(close*0.01) or close >= recentSupport1 - (close*0.0075)) and (maShort > maLong) and entryLong
    strategy.entry("Long Entry", strategy.long)
    //entryPrice := strategy.position_avg_price  // Store the entry price when a position is opened

if ((maShort < maLong + 3*ta.atr(14)) or  close < exitPrice) and exitLong
    strategy.close("Long Entry")

// Strategy Execution for Short
if entryShort
    strategy.entry("Short Entry", strategy.short)
    entryPrice := strategy.position_avg_price  // Store the entry price when a position is opened

if exitShort
    strategy.close("Short Entry")

// Plot Keltner Channels
plot(kcUpper, color=color.orange, title="Keltner Channel Upper", linewidth=1)
plot(kcLower, color=color.orange, title="Keltner Channel Lower", linewidth=1)

// Plot Moving Averages
plot(higherTimeframeMA, color=color.blue, title="Higher Timeframe MA", linewidth=2)

//plot(recentSupport1, color=#04313f, title="Recent Support1")
//plot(recentResistance, color=color.purple, title="Recent Resistance")
//plot(entryPrice1, color=color.lime, title="Entry Price 1")
//plot(exitPrice, color=color.maroon, title="Exit Price")
//plot(maShort, color=color.green, title="MA Short")
//plot(maLong, color=color.blue, title="MA Long Plus ATR")

// Highlight Entry Zones
bgcolor(entryLong ? color.new(color.green, 85) : na, title="Long Entry Zone")
bgcolor(entryShort ? color.new(color.red, 85) : na, title="Short Entry Zone")

// Alerts
alertcondition(entryLong, title="Long Entry", message="Price broke above the Keltner Channel and recent resistance for Long Entry")
alertcondition(exitLong, title="Long Exit", message="Price fell below recent resistance with cushion of one ATR - Long Exit")
alertcondition(entryShort, title="Short Entry", message="Price broke below the Keltner Channel and recent support for Short Entry")
alertcondition(exitShort, title="Short Exit", message="Price rose above recent support with cushion of one ATR - Short Exit")

