資源の読み込みに... 荷物...


作者: リン・ハーンチャオチャン,日付: 2024-11-12 16:39:22






  1. 短期トレンド指標として6期間の指数関数移動平均値 (EMA) を使用する.
  2. 長期トレンド判断のために50期および200期単流平均値 (SMA) を利用する.
  3. 複数のキャンドルスタイクパターンを識別します.
    • ドジファミリー (普通ドジ,墓石ドジ,龍蝶ドジ)
    • ハンマーパターン (ハンマー,ハンガー,逆のハンマー,射撃星)
    • 吸収パターン
    • 内部パターン
    • 朝の星/夕方の星パターン
    • 三人の兵士/三人のカラスのパターン
  4. トレンドとパターン分析を組み合わせて取引信号を生成します

戦略 の 利点

  1. 多次元確認: 移動平均値とキャンドルスタイクパターンの二重確認により信号の信頼性を向上させる
  2. 高い適応性: 異なる市場環境に適合し,トレンドと逆転の両方を把握する
  3. 総合的なリスク管理: 厳格なパターン認識基準によって誤った信号を減らす
  4. 明確な操作論理:各取引信号には特定のエントリー条件があります.
  5. 高いスケーラビリティ: 戦略フレームワークは新しいパターン認識モジュールを容易に対応します


  1. パターン認識の遅延: 確認に必要な複数のキャンドルスタイクが最適なエントリーポイントを逃す可能性があります.
  2. シグナル重複: 同期パターンは矛盾する信号を引き起こす可能性があります.
  3. 市場騒音: 不安定な市場では過剰な誤った信号を生む可能性があります
  4. パラメータの敏感性: 移動平均期間の選択は戦略の業績に大きく影響する
  5. 計算の複雑性:複数のパターンのリアルタイム計算は実行効率に影響を与える可能性があります.


  1. シグナル重量化システム:
    • 異なるパターンの調整可能な重さを実装
    • 市場状況に基づいて重量を動的に調整する
  2. 市場環境の認識
    • 市場状態を特定するための変動指標を追加する
    • 市場状況に基づいて戦略パラメータを調整する
  3. ストップ・ロスの最適化
    • パターン特性に基づいて動的ストップ損失を設計する
    • トレイリングストップメカニズムを追加
  4. シグナルフィルタリング:
    • 容量確認メカニズムを組み込む
    • トレンド強度フィルターを追加
  5. 計算効率の最適化
    • パターン認識アルゴリズムを簡素化
    • データ構造を最適化する



start: 2023-11-12 00:00:00
end: 2024-11-11 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("hazed candles", shorttitle="hazed candles", overlay=true)

// Inputs
ema_input = input.int(6, title="EMA value to detect trend")

show_doji = input.bool(true, title="Doji star")
show_doji_grave = input.bool(true, title="Doji grave")
show_doji_dragonfly = input.bool(true, title="Doji dragonfly")
show_hammer = input.bool(true, title="Hammer")
show_hanginman = input.bool(true, title="Hanging man")
show_rhammer = input.bool(true, title="Reversed hammer")
show_falling_star = input.bool(true, title="Falling star")
show_absorption = input.bool(true, title="Absorptions")
show_tweezers = input.bool(true, title="Tweezers")
show_triple_inside = input.bool(true, title="Triple inside")
show_three_soldiers = input.bool(true, title="Three soldiers")
show_three_crows = input.bool(true, title="Three crows")
show_morning_evening_stars = input.bool(true, title="Morning / evening stars")
show_golden_death_cross = input.bool(true, title="Golden / Death cross")

// EMA calculation
prev_p_1 = ta.ema(close, ema_input)

// Variables
lowhigh_long_prop = 10
body_prop_size = 9

bar_size_h = high - close
bar_size_l = math.max(open, close) - math.min(close, open)
body_size_h = high - low

low_body_prop = close - low
high_body_prop = high - close

low_half_eq = (low_body_prop > body_size_h / 2.5 and low_body_prop < body_size_h / 1.65)
high_half_eq = (high_body_prop > body_size_h / 2.5 and high_body_prop < body_size_h / 1.65)
open_close_eq = (bar_size_l < body_size_h / body_prop_size)

///////////////// Doji star ///////////////
doji_star_up = show_doji and close <= prev_p_1 and open_close_eq and high_body_prop and low_half_eq
doji_star_down = show_doji and close > prev_p_1 and open_close_eq and high_body_prop and low_half_eq

plotshape(doji_star_up, style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, location=location.belowbar, size=size.large, text="Doji star")
plotshape(doji_star_down, style=shape.labeldown, color=color.red, location=location.abovebar, size=size.large, text="Doji star")

// Strategy entries for Doji star
if (doji_star_up)
    strategy.entry("Buy Doji Star", strategy.long)
if (doji_star_down)
    strategy.entry("Sell Doji Star", strategy.short)

///////////////// Doji grave ///////////////
long_high_body = (high_body_prop > bar_size_l * lowhigh_long_prop)
open_low_eq = ((close - low) < body_size_h / body_prop_size)

doji_grave = show_doji_grave and close > prev_p_1 and open_close_eq and open_low_eq and long_high_body
plotshape(doji_grave, style=shape.labeldown, color=color.red, location=location.abovebar, size=size.large, text="Doji grave")

// Strategy entries for Doji grave
if (doji_grave)
    strategy.entry("Sell Doji Grave", strategy.short)

///////////////// Doji dragonfly ///////////////
long_low_body = (low_body_prop > bar_size_l * lowhigh_long_prop)
open_high_eq = ((high - close) < body_size_h / body_prop_size)

doji_dragonfly = show_doji_dragonfly and close <= prev_p_1 and open_close_eq and open_high_eq and long_low_body
plotshape(doji_dragonfly, style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, location=location.belowbar, size=size.large, text="Doji dragonfly")

// Strategy entries for Doji dragonfly
if (doji_dragonfly)
    strategy.entry("Buy Doji Dragonfly", strategy.long)

///////////////// Hammer ///////////////
bottom_low = close - bar_size_h * 15
bottom_high = close - bar_size_h * 1.5
top_low = open + bar_size_l * 1.5
top_high = open + bar_size_l * 15

h_down = show_hammer and prev_p_1 > close and open == high and low > bottom_low and low < bottom_high
plotshape(h_down, style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, location=location.belowbar, size=size.large, text="Hammer")

// Strategy entries for Hammer
if (h_down)
    strategy.entry("Buy Hammer", strategy.long)

///////////////// Hanging man ///////////////
hm_down = show_hanginman and prev_p_1 < close and open == high and low > bottom_low and low < bottom_high
plotshape(hm_down, style=shape.labeldown, color=color.red, location=location.abovebar, size=size.large, text="Hanging man")

// Strategy entries for Hanging man
if (hm_down)
    strategy.entry("Sell Hanging Man", strategy.short)

///////////////// Reversed hammer ///////////////
rh_down = show_rhammer and prev_p_1 > open and low == close and high > top_low and high < top_high
plotshape(rh_down, style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, location=location.belowbar, size=size.large, text="Reversed hammer")

// Strategy entries for Reversed hammer
if (rh_down)
    strategy.entry("Buy Reversed Hammer", strategy.long)

///////////////// Fallling star ///////////////
fs_down = show_falling_star and prev_p_1 < close and low == close and high > top_low and high < top_high
plotshape(fs_down, style=shape.labeldown, color=color.red, location=location.abovebar, size=size.large, text="Falling star")

// Strategy entries for Falling star
if (fs_down)
    strategy.entry("Sell Falling Star", strategy.short)

///////////////// Absorption ///////////////
open_1 = open[1]
close_1 = close[1]
high_1 = high[1]
low_1 = low[1]

open_2 = open[2]
close_2 = close[2]
high_2 = high[2]
low_2 = low[2]

open_3 = open[3]
close_3 = close[3]
high_3 = high[3]
low_3 = low[3]

bar_1 = math.max(open_1, close_1) - math.min(open_1, close_1)
bar_2 = math.max(open_2, close_2) - math.min(open_2, close_2)
bar_3 = math.max(open_3, close_3) - math.min(open_3, close_3)
bar_h = math.max(open, close) - math.min(open, close)

bar_size_min = bar_1 * 1.2
bar_size_f = (bar_h > bar_size_min)

absorption_up = show_absorption and bar_size_f and open_1 > close_1 and open_1 != open and open_3 > open_2 and open_2 > open_1 and open_1 > open and close > open
absorption_down = show_absorption and bar_size_f and open_1 < close_1 and open_1 != open and open_3 < open_2 and open_2 < open_1 and open_1 < open and close < open

plotshape(absorption_up, style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, location=location.belowbar, size=size.large, text="Absorption")
plotshape(absorption_down, style=shape.labeldown, color=color.red, location=location.abovebar, size=size.large, text="Absorption")

// Strategy entries for Absorption
if (absorption_up)
    strategy.entry("Buy Absorption", strategy.long)
if (absorption_down)
    strategy.entry("Sell Absorption", strategy.short)

///////////////// Tweezer ///////////////
match_lows = (low_1 == low or (low_2 == low and open_2 == open_1))
sprici_up = show_tweezers and prev_p_1 > open and match_lows and open_3 > open_2 and open_2 > open_1 and open_1 > open and low != open and close_1 != low_1
plotshape(sprici_up, style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, location=location.belowbar, size=size.large, text="Tweezer")

match_highs = (high_1 == high or (high_2 == high and open_2 == open_1))
sprici_down = show_tweezers and prev_p_1 <= open and match_highs and open_3 < open_2 and open_2 < open_1 and open_1 < open and high != open and close_1 != high_1
plotshape(sprici_down, style=shape.labeldown, color=color.red, location=location.abovebar, size=size.large, text="Tweezer")

// Strategy entries for Tweezer
if (sprici_up)
    strategy.entry("Buy Tweezer", strategy.long)
if (sprici_down)
    strategy.entry("Sell Tweezer", strategy.short)

///////////////// Triple inside up/down ///////////////
open_close_min = math.min(close, open)
open_close_max = math.max(close, open)
bar = open_close_max - open_close_min
open_close_min_1 = math.min(close[1], open[1])
open_close_max_1 = math.max(close[1], open[1])
open_close_min_2 = math.min(close[2], open[2])
open_close_max_2 = math.max(close[2], open[2])

body_top_1 = math.max(close[1], open[1])
body_low_1 = math.min(close[1], open[1])

triple_inside_up = show_triple_inside and open_close_min_2 == open_close_min_1 and bar_1 > bar_2 * 0.4 and bar_1 < bar_2 * 0.6 and close > open_2 and bar > bar_1 and bar + bar_1 < bar_2 * 2
plotshape(triple_inside_up, style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, location=location.belowbar, size=size.large, text="Three inside")

triple_inside_down = show_triple_inside and open_close_max_2 == open_close_max_1 and bar_1 > bar_2 * 0.4 and bar_1 < bar_2 * 0.6 and close < open_2 and bar > bar_1 and bar + bar_1 < bar_2 * 2
plotshape(triple_inside_down, style=shape.labeldown, color=color.red, location=location.abovebar, size=size.large, text="Three inside")

// Strategy entries for Triple inside
if (triple_inside_up)
    strategy.entry("Buy Triple Inside", strategy.long)
if (triple_inside_down)
    strategy.entry("Sell Triple Inside", strategy.short)

///////////////// Triple soldiers / crows ///////////////
triple_solders = show_three_soldiers and prev_p_1 > open_2 and bar > bar_1 * 0.8 and bar < bar_1 * 1.2 and bar > bar_2 * 0.8 and bar < bar_2 * 1.2 and close > close_1 and close_1 > close_2 and open_2 < close_2 and open_1 < close_1
plotshape(triple_solders, style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, location=location.belowbar, size=size.large, text="Three soldiers")

triple_crows = show_three_crows and prev_p_1 < open_2 and bar > bar_1 * 0.8 and bar < bar_1 * 1.2 and bar > bar_2 * 0.8 and bar < bar_2 * 1.2 and close < close_1 and close_1 < close_2 and open_2 > close_2 and open_1 > close_1
plotshape(triple_crows, style=shape.labeldown, color=color.red, location=location.abovebar, size=size.large, text="Three crows")

// Strategy entries for Three soldiers and Three crows
if (triple_solders)
    strategy.entry("Buy Three Soldiers", strategy.long)
if (triple_crows)
    strategy.entry("Sell Three Crows", strategy.short)

///////////////// Golden death cross ///////////////
ma_50 = ta.sma(close, 50)
ma_200 = ta.sma(close, 200)

ma_50_200_cross = ta.crossover(ma_50, ma_200) or ta.crossunder(ma_50, ma_200)

golden_cross_up = show_golden_death_cross and ma_50_200_cross and ma_50 > ma_200
plotshape(golden_cross_up, style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, location=location.belowbar, size=size.large, text="Golden cross")

death_cross_down = show_golden_death_cross and ma_50_200_cross and ma_50 < ma_200
plotshape(death_cross_down, style=shape.labeldown, color=color.red, location=location.abovebar, size=size.large, text="Death cross")

// Strategy entries for Golden cross and Death cross
if (golden_cross_up)
    strategy.entry("Buy Golden Cross", strategy.long)
if (death_cross_down)
    strategy.entry("Sell Death Cross", strategy.short)

///////////////// Morning evening stars ///////////////
morning_star = show_morning_evening_stars and bar > bar_1 and bar_2 > bar_1 and bar > (bar_2 * 0.5) and open_close_min_2 > open_close_min_1 and open_close_min > open_close_min_1 and prev_p_1 > close_2 and prev_p_1 > close_1 and close > close_1 and close_3 > close_2 and close_2 > close_1 and close > body_top_1 and close_2 != close_1 and open != close and open_2 != close_2
plotshape(morning_star, style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, location=location.belowbar, size=size.large, text="Morning star")

evening_star = show_morning_evening_stars and bar > bar_1 and bar_2 > bar_1 and bar > (bar_2 * 0.5) and open_close_max_2 < open_close_max_1 and open_close_max < open_close_max_1 and prev_p_1 < close_2 and prev_p_1 < close_1 and close < close_1 and close_3 < close_2 and close_2 < close_1 and close < body_low_1 and close_2 != close_1 and open != close and open_2 != close_2
plotshape(evening_star, style=shape.labeldown, color=color.red, location=location.abovebar, size=size.large, text="Evening star")

// Strategy entries for Morning star and Evening star
if (morning_star)
    strategy.entry("Buy Morning Star", strategy.long)
if (evening_star)
    strategy.entry("Sell Evening Star", strategy.short)

