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Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-11-12 16:07:32





策略的核心是将传统固定阈值RSI系统升级为动态阈值系统。具体实现方式如下: 1. 使用短周期RSI计算市场超买超卖状态 2. 通过线性回归计算价格趋势斜率 3. 利用标准差衡量价格波动程度 4. 将趋势和波动信息整合,动态调整RSI阈值 5. 在上升趋势中提高阈值,下降趋势中降低阈值 6. 当价格偏离均值较大时降低阈值敏感度

策略还包含两个风险控制机制: - 固定周期平仓机制 - 最大损失止损机制


  1. 动态适应性强:
  • 能够根据市场状态自动调整交易阈值
  • 避免在不同市场环境下使用固定参数的弊端
  1. 风险控制完善:
  • 设有最大持仓时间限制
  • 包含资金止损保护机制
  • 使用百分比仓位管理
  1. 信号质量提升:
  • 减少震荡市场的假信号
  • 提高趋势市场的捕获能力
  • 平衡了灵敏度和稳定性


  1. 参数敏感性:
  • BAT系数的选择影响策略表现
  • RSI周期设置需要充分测试
  • 自适应长度参数需要优化
  1. 市场环境依赖:
  • 在高波动市场可能错失机会
  • 剧烈波动时止损可能滑点较大
  • 需要根据不同市场调整参数
  1. 技术局限性:
  • 依赖历史数据计算阈值
  • 可能存在滞后性
  • 需要考虑交易成本影响


  1. 参数优化:
  • 引入自适应参数选择机制
  • 根据不同市场周期动态调整参数
  • 增加参数自动优化功能
  1. 信号优化:
  • 结合其他技术指标验证
  • 添加市场周期识别功能
  • 优化入场时机判断
  1. 风险控制优化:
  • 引入动态止损机制
  • 优化仓位管理策略
  • 增加回撤控制机制



start: 2019-12-23 08:00:00
end: 2024-11-11 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © PineCodersTASC

//  TASC Issue: October 2024
//     Article: Overbought/Oversold
//              Oscillators: Useless Or Just Misused
//  Article By: Francesco P. Bufi
//    Language: TradingView's Pine Script™ v5
// Provided By: PineCoders, for tradingview.com

title  ='TASC 2024.10 Adaptive Oscillator Threshold'
stitle = 'AdapThrs'
strategy(title, stitle, false, default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity,
         default_qty_value = 10, slippage = 5)

// --- Inputs ---
string sys    = input.string("BAT", "System", options=["Traditional", "BAT"])
int rsiLen    = input.int(2, "RSI Length", 1)
int buyLevel  = input.int(14, "Buy Level", 0)
int adapLen   = input.int(8, "Adaptive Length", 2) 
float adapK   = input.float(6, "Adaptive Coefficient")
int exitBars  = input.int(28, "Fixed-Bar Exit", 1, group = "Strategy Settings")
float DSL     = input.float(1600, "Dollar Stop-Loss", 0, group = "Strategy Settings")

// --- Functions --- 
//  Bufi's Adaptive Threshold
BAT(float price, int length) =>
    float sd = ta.stdev(price, length)
    float lr = ta.linreg(price, length, 0)
    float slope = (lr - price[length]) / (length + 1)
    math.min(0.5, math.max(-0.5, slope / sd))

// --- Calculations ---
float osc = ta.rsi(close, rsiLen)

// Strategy entry rules
// - Traditional system
if sys == "Traditional" and osc < buyLevel
    strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
// - BAT system 
float thrs = buyLevel * adapK * BAT(close, adapLen)
if sys == "BAT" and osc < thrs
    strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)

// Strategy exit rules
// - Fixed-bar exit
int nBar = bar_index - strategy.opentrades.entry_bar_index(0)
if exitBars > 0 and nBar >= exitBars
    strategy.close("long", "exit")
// - Dollar stop-loss
if DSL > 0 and strategy.opentrades.profit(0) <= - DSL
    strategy.close("long", "Stop-loss", immediately = true)

// Visuals
rsiColor  = #1b9e77
thrsColor = #d95f02
rsiLine   = plot(osc, "RSI", rsiColor, 1)
thrsLine  = plot(sys == "BAT" ? thrs : buyLevel, "Threshold", thrsColor, 1)
zeroLine  = plot(0.0, "Zero", display = display.none)
fill(zeroLine, thrsLine, sys == "BAT" ? thrs : buyLevel, 0.0, color.new(thrsColor, 60), na)

