이 전략은 RSI 동적 오시일레이터를 기반으로 한 양적 거래 시스템이다. RSI 지표에 대한 다항식 적합성 및 시간 시리즈 분석을 수행함으로써 시장 동력을 파악하기 위해 RSI의 변화율을 계산합니다. 전략은 신호 처리를 위해 QR 분해와 같은 고급 수학적 방법을 사용하고 거래 결정을 위해 이동 평균 시스템과 결합합니다.
이 전략의 핵심은 델타-RSI 오시레이터이며, 다음 단계로 구현됩니다. 1. 먼저 기본 데이터로 전통적인 RSI 지표를 계산 2. RSI 를 부드럽게 하고 소음을 줄이기 위해 다항식 부착을 사용 3. RSI의 변화율을 반영하는 델타-RSI를 얻기 위해 RSI의 시간 파생수를 계산 4. 거래 신호를 생성하기 위해 델타-RSI를 이동 평균과 비교하십시오. 5. 근 평균 제곱 오류 (RMSE) 를 사용하여 적합 품질을 평가하고 필터링
거래 신호는 세 가지 방법으로 생성될 수 있습니다. - 제로 라인 교차: 델타-RSI가 음에서 긍정으로 변할 때 길고, 긍정에서 부정으로 변할 때 짧습니다. - 신호선 교차: 델타-RSI가 이동 평균 이상/하를 교차할 때 긴/단 - 방향 변화: 델타-RSI가 부정적인 영역에서 상승하기 시작하면 길고, 긍정적 영역에서 떨어지기 시작하면 짧습니다.
이것은 탄탄한 이론적 기초를 가진 완전한 양적 거래 전략이다. 신호 처리을위한 현대적인 수학적 방법과 결합한 RSI의 동적 특성의 분석을 통해 시장 추세를 효과적으로 파악 할 수 있습니다. 매개 변수 민감성과 계산 복잡성에 대한 몇 가지 문제가 있지만 적절한 매개 변수 선택과 최적화 개선으로 전략은 좋은 실용적 가치를 가지고 있습니다. 라이브 거래를 적용 할 때 위험 통제에주의를 기울이고 합리적인 위치 크기를 설정하고 전략 성과를 지속적으로 모니터링하는 것이 좋습니다.
/*backtest start: 2024-11-10 00:00:00 end: 2024-12-09 08:00:00 period: 4h basePeriod: 4h exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ // © tbiktag // // Delta-RSI Oscillator Strategy // // A strategy that uses Delta-RSI Oscillator (© tbiktag) as a stand-alone indicator: // https://www.tradingview.com/script/OXQVFTQD-Delta-RSI-Oscillator/ // // Delta-RSI is a smoothed time derivative of the RSI, plotted as a histogram // and serving as a momentum indicator. // // Input parameters: // RSI Length: The timeframe of the RSI that serves as an input to D-RSI. // Length: The length of the lookback frame used for local regression. // Polynomial Order: The order of the local polynomial function used to interpolate the RSI. // Signal Length: The length of a EMA of the D-RSI series that is used as a signal line. // Trade signals are generated based on three optional conditions: // - Zero-crossing: bullish when D-RSI crosses zero from negative to positive values (bearish otherwise) // - Signal Line Crossing: bullish when D-RSI crosses from below to above the signal line (bearish otherwise) // - Direction Change: bullish when D-RSI was negative and starts ascending (bearish otherwise) // // Since D-RSI oscillator is based on polynomial fitting of the RSI curve, there is also an option // to filter trade signal by means of the root mean-square error of the fit (normalized by the sample average). // //@version=5 strategy(title='Delta-RSI Oscillator Strategy-QuangVersion', shorttitle='D-RSI-Q', overlay=true) // ---Subroutines--- matrix_get(_A, _i, _j, _nrows) => // Get the value of the element of an implied 2d matrix //input: // _A :: array: pseudo 2d matrix _A = [[column_0],[column_1],...,[column_(n-1)]] // _i :: integer: row number // _j :: integer: column number // _nrows :: integer: number of rows in the implied 2d matrix array.get(_A, _i + _nrows * _j) matrix_set(_A, _value, _i, _j, _nrows) => // Set a value to the element of an implied 2d matrix //input: // _A :: array, changed on output: pseudo 2d matrix _A = [[column_0],[column_1],...,[column_(n-1)]] // _value :: float: the new value to be set // _i :: integer: row number // _j :: integer: column number // _nrows :: integer: number of rows in the implied 2d matrix array.set(_A, _i + _nrows * _j, _value) transpose(_A, _nrows, _ncolumns) => // Transpose an implied 2d matrix // input: // _A :: array: pseudo 2d matrix _A = [[column_0],[column_1],...,[column_(n-1)]] // _nrows :: integer: number of rows in _A // _ncolumns :: integer: number of columns in _A // output: // _AT :: array: pseudo 2d matrix with implied dimensions: _ncolums x _nrows var _AT = array.new_float(_nrows * _ncolumns, 0) for i = 0 to _nrows - 1 by 1 for j = 0 to _ncolumns - 1 by 1 matrix_set(_AT, matrix_get(_A, i, j, _nrows), j, i, _ncolumns) _AT multiply(_A, _B, _nrowsA, _ncolumnsA, _ncolumnsB) => // Calculate scalar product of two matrices // input: // _A :: array: pseudo 2d matrix // _B :: array: pseudo 2d matrix // _nrowsA :: integer: number of rows in _A // _ncolumnsA :: integer: number of columns in _A // _ncolumnsB :: integer: number of columns in _B // output: // _C:: array: pseudo 2d matrix with implied dimensions _nrowsA x _ncolumnsB var _C = array.new_float(_nrowsA * _ncolumnsB, 0) int _nrowsB = _ncolumnsA float elementC = 0.0 for i = 0 to _nrowsA - 1 by 1 for j = 0 to _ncolumnsB - 1 by 1 elementC := 0 for k = 0 to _ncolumnsA - 1 by 1 elementC += matrix_get(_A, i, k, _nrowsA) * matrix_get(_B, k, j, _nrowsB) elementC matrix_set(_C, elementC, i, j, _nrowsA) _C vnorm(_X, _n) => //Square norm of vector _X with size _n float _norm = 0.0 for i = 0 to _n - 1 by 1 _norm += math.pow(array.get(_X, i), 2) _norm math.sqrt(_norm) qr_diag(_A, _nrows, _ncolumns) => //QR Decomposition with Modified Gram-Schmidt Algorithm (Column-Oriented) // input: // _A :: array: pseudo 2d matrix _A = [[column_0],[column_1],...,[column_(n-1)]] // _nrows :: integer: number of rows in _A // _ncolumns :: integer: number of columns in _A // output: // _Q: unitary matrix, implied dimenstions _nrows x _ncolumns // _R: upper triangular matrix, implied dimansions _ncolumns x _ncolumns var _Q = array.new_float(_nrows * _ncolumns, 0) var _R = array.new_float(_ncolumns * _ncolumns, 0) var _a = array.new_float(_nrows, 0) var _q = array.new_float(_nrows, 0) float _r = 0.0 float _aux = 0.0 //get first column of _A and its norm: for i = 0 to _nrows - 1 by 1 array.set(_a, i, matrix_get(_A, i, 0, _nrows)) _r := vnorm(_a, _nrows) //assign first diagonal element of R and first column of Q matrix_set(_R, _r, 0, 0, _ncolumns) for i = 0 to _nrows - 1 by 1 matrix_set(_Q, array.get(_a, i) / _r, i, 0, _nrows) if _ncolumns != 1 //repeat for the rest of the columns for k = 1 to _ncolumns - 1 by 1 for i = 0 to _nrows - 1 by 1 array.set(_a, i, matrix_get(_A, i, k, _nrows)) for j = 0 to k - 1 by 1 //get R_jk as scalar product of Q_j column and A_k column: _r := 0 for i = 0 to _nrows - 1 by 1 _r += matrix_get(_Q, i, j, _nrows) * array.get(_a, i) _r matrix_set(_R, _r, j, k, _ncolumns) //update vector _a for i = 0 to _nrows - 1 by 1 _aux := array.get(_a, i) - _r * matrix_get(_Q, i, j, _nrows) array.set(_a, i, _aux) //get diagonal R_kk and Q_k column _r := vnorm(_a, _nrows) matrix_set(_R, _r, k, k, _ncolumns) for i = 0 to _nrows - 1 by 1 matrix_set(_Q, array.get(_a, i) / _r, i, k, _nrows) [_Q, _R] pinv(_A, _nrows, _ncolumns) => //Pseudoinverse of matrix _A calculated using QR decomposition // Input: // _A:: array: implied as a (_nrows x _ncolumns) matrix _A = [[column_0],[column_1],...,[column_(_ncolumns-1)]] // Output: // _Ainv:: array implied as a (_ncolumns x _nrows) matrix _A = [[row_0],[row_1],...,[row_(_nrows-1)]] // ---- // First find the QR factorization of A: A = QR, // where R is upper triangular matrix. // Then _Ainv = R^-1*Q^T. // ---- [_Q, _R] = qr_diag(_A, _nrows, _ncolumns) _QT = transpose(_Q, _nrows, _ncolumns) // Calculate Rinv: var _Rinv = array.new_float(_ncolumns * _ncolumns, 0) float _r = 0.0 matrix_set(_Rinv, 1 / matrix_get(_R, 0, 0, _ncolumns), 0, 0, _ncolumns) if _ncolumns != 1 for j = 1 to _ncolumns - 1 by 1 for i = 0 to j - 1 by 1 _r := 0.0 for k = i to j - 1 by 1 _r += matrix_get(_Rinv, i, k, _ncolumns) * matrix_get(_R, k, j, _ncolumns) _r matrix_set(_Rinv, _r, i, j, _ncolumns) for k = 0 to j - 1 by 1 matrix_set(_Rinv, -matrix_get(_Rinv, k, j, _ncolumns) / matrix_get(_R, j, j, _ncolumns), k, j, _ncolumns) matrix_set(_Rinv, 1 / matrix_get(_R, j, j, _ncolumns), j, j, _ncolumns) // _Ainv = multiply(_Rinv, _QT, _ncolumns, _ncolumns, _nrows) _Ainv norm_rmse(_x, _xhat) => // Root Mean Square Error normalized to the sample mean // _x. :: array float, original data // _xhat :: array float, model estimate // output // _nrmse:: float float _nrmse = 0.0 if array.size(_x) != array.size(_xhat) _nrmse := na _nrmse else int _N = array.size(_x) float _mse = 0.0 for i = 0 to _N - 1 by 1 _mse += math.pow(array.get(_x, i) - array.get(_xhat, i), 2) / _N _mse _xmean = array.sum(_x) / _N _nrmse := math.sqrt(_mse) / _xmean _nrmse _nrmse diff(_src, _window, _degree) => // Polynomial differentiator // input: // _src:: input series // _window:: integer: wigth of the moving lookback window // _degree:: integer: degree of fitting polynomial // output: // _diff :: series: time derivative // _nrmse:: float: normalized root mean square error // // Vandermonde matrix with implied dimensions (window x degree+1) // Linear form: J = [ [z]^0, [z]^1, ... [z]^degree], with z = [ (1-window)/2 to (window-1)/2 ] var _J = array.new_float(_window * (_degree + 1), 0) for i = 0 to _window - 1 by 1 for j = 0 to _degree by 1 matrix_set(_J, math.pow(i, j), i, j, _window) // Vector of raw datapoints: var _Y_raw = array.new_float(_window, na) for j = 0 to _window - 1 by 1 array.set(_Y_raw, j, _src[_window - 1 - j]) // Calculate polynomial coefficients which minimize the loss function _C = pinv(_J, _window, _degree + 1) _a_coef = multiply(_C, _Y_raw, _degree + 1, _window, 1) // For first derivative, approximate the last point (i.e. z=window-1) by float _diff = 0.0 for i = 1 to _degree by 1 _diff += i * array.get(_a_coef, i) * math.pow(_window - 1, i - 1) _diff // Calculates data estimate (needed for rmse) _Y_hat = multiply(_J, _a_coef, _window, _degree + 1, 1) float _nrmse = norm_rmse(_Y_raw, _Y_hat) [_diff, _nrmse] /// --- main --- degree = input.int(title='Polynomial Order', group='Model Parameters:', inline='linepar1', defval=2, minval=1) rsi_l = input.int(title='RSI Length', group='Model Parameters:', inline='linepar1', defval=21, minval=1, tooltip='The period length of RSI that is used as input.') window = input.int(title='Length ( > Order)', group='Model Parameters:', inline='linepar2', defval=21, minval=2) signalLength = input.int(title='Signal Length', group='Model Parameters:', inline='linepar2', defval=9, tooltip='The signal line is a EMA of the D-RSI time series.') islong = input.bool(title='Buy', group='Show Signals:', inline='lineent', defval=true) isshort = input.bool(title='Sell', group='Show Signals:', inline='lineent', defval=true) showendlabels = input.bool(title='Exit', group='Show Signals:', inline='lineent', defval=true) buycond = input.string(title='Buy', group='Entry and Exit Conditions:', inline='linecond', defval='Zero-Crossing', options=['Zero-Crossing', 'Signal Line Crossing', 'Direction Change']) sellcond = input.string(title='Sell', group='Entry and Exit Conditions:', inline='linecond', defval='Zero-Crossing', options=['Zero-Crossing', 'Signal Line Crossing', 'Direction Change']) endcond = input.string(title='Exit', group='Entry and Exit Conditions:', inline='linecond', defval='Zero-Crossing', options=['Zero-Crossing', 'Signal Line Crossing', 'Direction Change']) usenrmse = input.bool(title='', group='Filter by Means of Root-Mean-Square Error of RSI Fitting:', inline='linermse', defval=false) rmse_thrs = input.float(title='RSI fitting Error Threshold, %', group='Filter by Means of Root-Mean-Square Error of RSI Fitting:', inline='linermse', defval=10, minval=0.0) / 100 src = ta.rsi(close, rsi_l) [drsi, nrmse] = diff(src, window, degree) signalline = ta.ema(drsi, signalLength) // Conditions and filters filter_rmse = usenrmse ? nrmse < rmse_thrs : true dirchangeup = drsi > drsi[1] and drsi[1] < drsi[2] and drsi[1] < 0.0 dirchangedw = drsi < drsi[1] and drsi[1] > drsi[2] and drsi[1] > 0.0 crossup = ta.crossover(drsi, 0.0) crossdw = ta.crossunder(drsi, 0.0) crosssignalup = ta.crossover(drsi, signalline) crosssignaldw = ta.crossunder(drsi, signalline) //Signals golong = (buycond == 'Direction Change' ? dirchangeup : buycond == 'Zero-Crossing' ? crossup : crosssignalup) and filter_rmse goshort = (sellcond == 'Direction Change' ? dirchangedw : sellcond == 'Zero-Crossing' ? crossdw : crosssignaldw) and filter_rmse endlong = (endcond == 'Direction Change' ? dirchangedw : endcond == 'Zero-Crossing' ? crossdw : crosssignaldw) and filter_rmse endshort = (endcond == 'Direction Change' ? dirchangeup : endcond == 'Zero-Crossing' ? crossup : crosssignalup) and filter_rmse plotshape(golong and islong ? low : na, location=location.belowbar, style=shape.labelup, color=color.new(#2E7C13, 0), size=size.small, title='Buy') plotshape(goshort and isshort ? high : na, location=location.abovebar, style=shape.labeldown, color=color.new(#BF217C, 0), size=size.small, title='Sell') plotshape(showendlabels and endlong and islong ? high : na, location=location.abovebar, style=shape.xcross, color=color.new(#2E7C13, 0), size=size.tiny, title='Exit Long') plotshape(showendlabels and endshort and isshort ? low : na, location=location.belowbar, style=shape.xcross, color=color.new(#BF217C, 0), size=size.tiny, title='Exit Short') alertcondition(golong, title='Long Signal', message='D-RSI: Long Signal') alertcondition(goshort, title='Short Signal', message='D-RSI: Short Signal') alertcondition(endlong, title='Exit Long Signal', message='D-RSI: Exit Long') alertcondition(endshort, title='Exit Short Signal', message='D-RSI: Exit Short') strategy.entry('long', strategy.long, when=golong and islong) strategy.entry('short', strategy.short, when=goshort and isshort) strategy.close('long', when=endlong and islong) strategy.close('short', when=endshort and isshort)