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作者: リン・ハーンチャオチャン開催日:2024-12-11 15:50:38

 Multi-Timeframe Dynamic Stop-Loss EMA-Squeeze Trading Strategy


この戦略は,複数のタイムフレーム分析に基づくダイナミックな取引システムで,シグナル生成のために指数移動平均値 (EMA),圧縮モメント指標 (SQM),マネーフローインデックス (CMF) を組み合わせます.コアコンセプトは,複数のタイムフレームを通じてトレンド確認とリスク管理のためのダイナミックストップロスの最適化を含みます.この戦略は,適応性のあるストップロスのスキームを使用し,市場の変動に基づいて自動で取引パラメータを調整します.



戦略 の 利点

  1. 多次元信号確認:複数の技術指標と時間枠を統合することで,誤った信号を大幅に減少させる.
  2. インテリジェントなリスク管理: ダイナミックストップ・ロスは 市場の変動に応じて自動的に調整され,利益は保護され,早期離脱は避けられます
  3. 高い適応性: 戦略パラメータは,異なる市場条件に調整できます.
  4. 完全な取引サイクル: 入場から退出管理までの明確な規則は,主観的な判断に影響を軽減します.
  5. 現金流の確認: 現金流のモニタリングを通じて価格動向を検証し,貿易の信頼性を向上させる.


  1. パラメータ感度:複数の技術指標のパラメータは慎重に最適化する必要があります.
  2. 市場環境による依存: 波動性が高い市場や流動性が低い市場では,信号の質が影響を受ける可能性があります.
  3. 計算の複雑さ:多時間枠の計算は信号の遅延を引き起こす可能性があります.
  4. ストップ・ロスの調整リスク: ダイナミック・ストップは,特定の市場条件では,あまりにも攻撃的または保守的になり得ます.
  5. 資本管理の要件:戦略はリスクと報酬をバランスさせる適切な資金管理が必要です.


  1. 波動性調整を導入する.ATRまたは他の波動性指標に基づいてパラメータを動的に調整する.
  2. シグナルフィルタリングを最適化: 音量重量化や時間フィルタリングを追加して信号品質を改善します.
  3. ストップ・ロスのメカニズムを向上させる: サポートとレジスタンスレベルを使用してストップ・ロスの配置を最適化する.
  4. 市場環境の分析を強化する: 異なる市場状況のための傾向強さの指標を導入する.
  5. 洗練された資本管理: 信号強さと市場の変動に基づいてポジションサイズアルゴリズムを実装する.



start: 2024-11-10 00:00:00
end: 2024-12-09 08:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("LL Crypto - SUI", overlay=true)

// Parâmetros de tempo para criptomoedas
fast_ema_len = input.int(11, minval=5, title="Fast EMA")
slow_ema_len = input.int(34, minval=20, title="Slow EMA")
sqm_lengthKC = input.int(20, title="SQM KC Length")
kauf_period = input.int(20, title="Kauf Period")
kauf_mult = input.float(2, title="Kauf Mult factor")
min_profit_sl = input.float(5, minval=0.01, maxval=100.0, title="Min profit to start moving SL [%]")
longest_sl = input.float(10, minval=0.01, maxval=100.0, title="Maximum possible of SL [%]")
sl_step = input.float(0.5, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, title="Take profit factor")

// Parâmetros adaptados para criptomoedas
CMF_length = input.int(11, minval=1, title="CMF length")
show_plots = input.bool(true, title="Show plots")

// Definir intervalos de tempo para criptomoedas
selected_timeframe = input.string(defval="15", title="Intervalo de Tempo", options=["1", "15", "60"])

lower_resolution = timeframe.period == '1' ? '1' :
                   timeframe.period == '5' ? '15' :
                   timeframe.period == '15' ? '60' :
                   timeframe.period == '60' ? '240' :
                   timeframe.period == '240' ? 'D' :
                   timeframe.period == 'D' ? 'W' : 'M'

sp_close = close[barstate.isrealtime ? 1 : 0]
sp_high = high[barstate.isrealtime ? 1 : 0]
sp_low = low[barstate.isrealtime ? 1 : 0]
sp_volume = volume[barstate.isrealtime ? 1 : 0]

// Calcular Squeeze Momentum ajustado para criptomoedas
sqm_val = ta.linreg(sp_close - math.avg(math.avg(ta.highest(sp_high, sqm_lengthKC), ta.lowest(sp_low, sqm_lengthKC)), ta.sma(sp_close, sqm_lengthKC)), sqm_lengthKC, 0)
close_low = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, lower_resolution, sp_close, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)
high_low = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, lower_resolution, sp_high, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)
low_low = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, lower_resolution, sp_low, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)
sqm_val_low = ta.linreg(close_low - math.avg(math.avg(ta.highest(high_low, sqm_lengthKC), ta.lowest(low_low, sqm_lengthKC)), ta.sma(close_low, sqm_lengthKC)), sqm_lengthKC, 0)

// CMF adaptado para criptomoedas
ad = sp_close == sp_high and sp_close == sp_low or sp_high == sp_low ? 0 : ((2 * sp_close - sp_low - sp_high) / (sp_high - sp_low)) * sp_volume
money_flow = math.sum(ad, CMF_length) / math.sum(sp_volume, CMF_length)

// Condições de entrada para criptomoedas
low_condition_long = (sqm_val_low > sqm_val_low[1])
low_condition_short = (sqm_val_low < sqm_val_low[1])
money_flow_min = (money_flow[4] > money_flow[2]) and (money_flow[3] > money_flow[2]) and (money_flow[2] < money_flow[1]) and (money_flow[2] < money_flow)
money_flow_max = (money_flow[4] < money_flow[2]) and (money_flow[3] < money_flow[2]) and (money_flow[2] > money_flow[1]) and (money_flow[2] > money_flow)
condition_long = ((sqm_val > sqm_val[1])) and money_flow_min and ta.lowest(sqm_val, 5) < 0
condition_short = ((sqm_val < sqm_val[1])) and money_flow_max and ta.highest(sqm_val, 5) > 0
enter_long = low_condition_long and condition_long
enter_short = low_condition_short and condition_short

// Stop conditions
var float current_target_price = na
var float current_sl_price = na
var float current_target_per = na
var float current_profit_per = na

set_targets(isLong, min_profit, current_target_per, current_profit_per) =>
    float target = na
    float sl = na
    if isLong
        target := sp_close * (1.0 + current_target_per)
        sl := sp_close * (1.0 - (longest_sl / 100.0))
        target := sp_close * (1.0 - current_target_per)
        sl := sp_close * (1.0 + (longest_sl / 100.0))
    [target, sl]

target_reached(isLong, min_profit, current_target_per, current_profit_per) =>
    float target = na
    float sl = na
    float profit_per = na
    float target_per = na
    if current_profit_per == na
        profit_per := (min_profit * sl_step) / 100.0
        profit_per := current_profit_per + ((min_profit * sl_step) / 100.0)
    target_per := current_target_per + (min_profit / 100.0)
    if isLong
        target := strategy.position_avg_price * (1.0 + target_per)
        sl := strategy.position_avg_price * (1.0 + profit_per)
        target := strategy.position_avg_price * (1.0 - target_per)
        sl := strategy.position_avg_price * (1.0 - profit_per)
    [target, sl, profit_per, target_per]

hl_diff = ta.sma(sp_high - sp_low, kauf_period)
stop_condition_long = 0.0
new_stop_condition_long = sp_low - (hl_diff * kauf_mult)
if (strategy.position_size > 0)
    if (sp_close > current_target_price)
        [target, sl, profit_per, target_per] = target_reached(true, min_profit_sl, current_target_per, current_profit_per)
        current_target_price := target
        current_sl_price := sl
        current_profit_per := profit_per
        current_target_per := target_per
    stop_condition_long := math.max(stop_condition_long[1], current_sl_price)
    stop_condition_long := new_stop_condition_long

stop_condition_short = 99999999.9
new_stop_condition_short = sp_high + (hl_diff * kauf_mult)
if (strategy.position_size < 0)
    if (sp_close < current_target_price)
        [target, sl, profit_per, target_per] = target_reached(false, min_profit_sl, current_target_per, current_profit_per)
        current_target_price := target
        current_sl_price := sl
        current_profit_per := profit_per
        current_target_per := target_per
    stop_condition_short := math.min(stop_condition_short[1], current_sl_price)
    stop_condition_short := new_stop_condition_short

// Submit entry orders
if (enter_long and (strategy.position_size <= 0))
    if (strategy.position_size < 0)
    current_target_per := (min_profit_sl / 100.0)
    current_profit_per := na
    [target, sl] = set_targets(true, min_profit_sl, current_target_per, current_profit_per)
    current_target_price := target
    current_sl_price := sl
    strategy.entry(id="LONG", direction=strategy.long)

    if show_plots
        label.new(bar_index, sp_high, text="LONG\nSL: " + str.tostring(stop_condition_long), style=label.style_label_down, color=color.green)

if (enter_short and (strategy.position_size >= 0))
    if (strategy.position_size > 0)
    current_target_per := (min_profit_sl / 100.0)
    current_profit_per := na
    [target, sl] = set_targets(false, min_profit_sl, current_target_per, current_profit_per)
    current_target_price := target
    current_sl_price := sl
    strategy.entry(id="SHORT", direction=strategy.short)
    if show_plots
        label.new(bar_index, sp_high, text="SHORT\nSL: " + str.tostring(stop_condition_short), style=label.style_label_down, color=color.red)

if (strategy.position_size > 0)
    strategy.exit(id="EXIT LONG", stop=stop_condition_long)

if (strategy.position_size < 0)
    strategy.exit(id="EXIT SHORT", stop=stop_condition_short)

// Plot anchor trend
plotshape(low_condition_long, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.abovebar, color=color.green)
plotshape(low_condition_short, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.red)

plotshape(condition_long, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.green)
plotshape(condition_short, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.belowbar, color=color.red)

plotshape(enter_long, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.bottom, color=color.green)
plotshape(enter_short, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.bottom, color=color.red)

// Plot emas
plot(ta.ema(close, 20), color=color.blue, title="20 EMA")
plot(ta.ema(close, 50), color=color.orange, title="50 EMA")
plot(ta.sma(close, 200), color=color.red, title="MA 200")

// Plot stop loss values for confirmation
plot(series=(strategy.position_size > 0) and show_plots ? stop_condition_long : na, color=color.green, style=plot.style_linebr, title="Long Stop")
plot(series=(strategy.position_size < 0) and show_plots ? stop_condition_short : na, color=color.green, style=plot.style_linebr, title="Short Stop")
plot(series=(strategy.position_size < 0) and show_plots ? current_target_price : na, color=color.yellow, style=plot.style_linebr, title="Short TP")
plot(series=(strategy.position_size > 0) and show_plots ? current_target_price : na, color=color.yellow, style=plot.style_linebr, title="Long TP")

