これは,BOS (Break of Structure) とボリューム確認に基づくインテリジェントな取引戦略である.この戦略は,ボリューム拡大確認と組み合わせて,以前の高値または低値の価格ブレイクを検出することによって取引信号を生成する.連続的な確認要件とダイナミックな利益/ストップ損失設定を含む複数の条件検証メカニズムを使用し,取引の信頼性とリスク管理能力を向上させる.
この戦略システムは,古典的な技術分析理論と近代的な定量的な取引方法を組み合わせた戦略システムである.複数の条件検証と厳格なリスク管理を通じて,戦略は良好な安定性と信頼性を示している.最適化を要する側面がある一方で,全体的なフレームワークデザインは合理的で,実践的な応用価値があります. 戦略のパフォーマンスは,提案された最適化方向性によってさらに改善することができます.
/*backtest start: 2019-12-23 08:00:00 end: 2024-12-18 08:00:00 period: 1d basePeriod: 1d exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ //@version=5 strategy("BOS and Volume Strategy with Confirmation", overlay=true) // Parameters swingLength = input.int(20, title="Swing Length", minval=1) volumeMultiplier = input.float(1.1, title="Volume Multiplier", step=0.1) volumeSMA_length = input.int(10, title="Volume SMA Length", minval=1) takeProfitPercentage = input.float(0.02, title="Take Profit Percentage", step=0.01) stopLossPercentage = input.float(0.15, title="Stop Loss Percentage", step=0.01) // New parameter for stop loss atrLength = input.int(14, title="ATR Length") confirmationBars = input.int(2, title="Confirmation Bars", minval=1) // Calculate Swing Highs and Lows swingHigh = ta.highest(high, swingLength)[1] swingLow = ta.lowest(low, swingLength)[1] // Calculate Volume Moving Average volumeSMA = ta.sma(volume, volumeSMA_length) highVolume = volume > (volumeSMA * volumeMultiplier) // Break of Structure Detection with Confirmation var int bullishCount = 0 var int bearishCount = 0 if (close > swingHigh and highVolume) bullishCount := bullishCount + 1 bearishCount := 0 else if (close < swingLow and highVolume) bearishCount := bearishCount + 1 bullishCount := 0 else bullishCount := 0 bearishCount := 0 bullishBOSConfirmed = (bullishCount >= confirmationBars) bearishBOSConfirmed = (bearishCount >= confirmationBars) // Entry and Exit Conditions var float entryPrice = na // Declare entryPrice as a variable if (bullishBOSConfirmed and strategy.position_size <= 0) entryPrice := close // Use ':=' for assignment strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long) if (strategy.position_size > 0) // Calculate stop loss price stopLossPrice = entryPrice * (1 - stopLossPercentage) strategy.exit("Take Profit Long", from_entry="Long", limit=entryPrice * (1 + takeProfitPercentage), stop=stopLossPrice) if (bearishBOSConfirmed and strategy.position_size >= 0) entryPrice := close // Use ':=' for assignment strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short) if (strategy.position_size < 0) // Calculate stop loss price stopLossPrice = entryPrice * (1 + stopLossPercentage) strategy.exit("Take Profit Short", from_entry="Short", limit=entryPrice * (1 - takeProfitPercentage), stop=stopLossPrice) // Plot Swing Highs and Lows for Visualization plot(swingHigh, title="Swing High", color=color.green, linewidth=1) plot(swingLow, title="Swing Low", color=color.red, linewidth=1)