Esta estrategia es un sistema de negociación cuantitativo basado en la regresión de múltiples factores y bandas de precios dinámicas. La lógica central es predecir los movimientos de precios a través de un modelo de regresión de múltiples factores, combinando múltiples factores de mercado como el dominio de BTC, el volumen de negociación y los precios rezagados para construir bandas de precios para la generación de señales. La estrategia integra múltiples módulos de gestión de riesgos, incluido el filtrado de valores atípicos, la gestión dinámica de posiciones y las paradas de seguimiento, lo que lo convierte en un sistema de negociación integral y robusto.
La estrategia incluye los siguientes elementos fundamentales: 1. Módulo de predicción de regresión: utiliza regresión lineal de múltiples factores para predecir los precios. Los factores incluyen el dominio de BTC, el volumen, los retrasos de precios y los términos de interacción. Los coeficientes beta miden el impacto de cada factor en el precio. 2. Bandas de precios dinámicas: Construye bandas de precios superiores e inferiores basadas en el precio previsto y la desviación estándar residual para identificar condiciones de sobrecompra / sobreventa. 3. Generación de señales: genera señales largas cuando el precio se rompe por debajo de la banda inferior con RSI sobrevendido; señales cortas cuando el precio se rompe por encima de la banda superior con RSI sobrecomprado. Gestión de riesgos: Múltiples mecanismos de protección, incluido el filtrado de valores atípicos (método de puntuación Z), el stop-loss/take-profit y los trailing stops basados en ATR. Posicionamiento dinámico: ajusta el tamaño de la posición dinámicamente en función del ATR y la relación de riesgo preestablecida.
Esta estrategia es un sistema de negociación cuantitativo teóricamente sólido y bien diseñado. Predece los precios a través de un modelo de regresión de múltiples factores, genera señales de negociación utilizando bandas de precios dinámicas y presenta mecanismos integrales de gestión de riesgos. La estrategia demuestra una fuerte adaptabilidad y configurabilidad, adecuada para varios entornos de mercado. A través de la optimización y mejora continuas, esta estrategia muestra promesa para lograr retornos estables en el comercio en vivo.
/*backtest start: 2024-12-17 00:00:00 end: 2025-01-16 00:00:00 period: 1h basePeriod: 1h exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT","balance":49999}] */ //@version=5 strategy( title = "CorrAlgoX", overlay = true,pyramiding = 1, initial_capital = 10000, default_qty_type= strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=200) //==================================================================== //=========================== GİRİŞLER ================================ //==================================================================== // --- (1) REGRESYON VE OUTLIER AYARLARI int lengthReg =, "Regression Window", minval=50) bool useOutlierFilter = input.bool(false, "Z-skoru ile Outlier Filtrele") // --- (2) FİYAT GECİKMELERİ bool usePriceLag2 = input.bool(false, "2 Bar Gecikmeli Fiyatı Kullan") // --- (3) STOP-LOSS & TAKE-PROFIT float stopLossPerc = input.float(3.0, "Stop Loss (%)", step=0.1) float takeProfitPerc = input.float(5.0, "Take Profit (%)", step=0.1) // --- (4) REZİDÜEL STD BANTI int lengthForStd =, "StdDev Length (residual)", minval=2) float stdevFactor = input.float(2.0, "Stdev Factor", step=0.1) // --- (5) RSI FİLTRESİ bool useRsiFilter = input.bool(true, "RSI Filtresi Kullan") int rsiLen =, "RSI Length", minval=1) float rsiOB = input.float(70, "RSI Overbought", step=1) float rsiOS = input.float(30, "RSI Oversold", step=1) // --- (6) TRAILING STOP bool useTrailingStop = input.bool(false, "ATR Tabanlı Trailing Stop") int atrLen =, "ATR Length", minval=1) float trailMult = input.float(1.0, "ATR multiplier", step=0.1) // --- (7) DİNAMİK POZİSYON BÜYÜKLÜĞÜ (ATR tabanlı) bool useDynamicPos = input.bool(false, "Dinamik Pozisyon Büyüklüğü Kullan") float capitalRiskedPerc = input.float(1.0, "Sermaye Risk Yüzdesi", step=0.1, tooltip="Her işlemde risk alınacak sermaye yüzdesi") // --- (8) ETKİLEŞİM VE LOG(HACİM) KULLANIMI bool useSynergyTerm = input.bool(true, "BTC.D * Hacim Etkileşim Terimi") bool useLogVolume = input.bool(true, "Hacmi Logaritmik Kullan") //==================================================================== //======================= VERİLERİ AL & HAZIRLA ======================= //==================================================================== // Mevcut enstrüman fiyatı float realClose = close // BTC Dominance (aynı TF) float btcDom ="SWAP", timeframe.period, close) // Hacim float vol = volume // Gecikmeli fiyatlar float priceLag1 = close[1] float priceLag2 = close[2] // (isteğe bağlı) //----------------- Outlier Filtrelemesi (Z-Skoru) ------------------// float priceMean = ta.sma(realClose, lengthReg) float priceStdev = ta.stdev(realClose, lengthReg) float zScore = (priceStdev != 0) ? (realClose - priceMean) / priceStdev : 0 bool isOutlier = math.abs(zScore) > 3.0 float filteredClose = (useOutlierFilter and isOutlier) ? na : realClose // Fiyatın stdev'i (filtrelenmiş) float fCloseStdev = ta.stdev(filteredClose, lengthReg) //==================================================================== //=============== ORTALAMA, STDEV, KORELASYON HESAPLARI ============== //==================================================================== // BTC.D float btcDomMean = ta.sma(btcDom, lengthReg) float btcDomStdev = ta.stdev(btcDom, lengthReg) float corrBtcDom = ta.correlation(btcDom, filteredClose, lengthReg) // Hacim float volMean = ta.sma(vol, lengthReg) float volStdev = ta.stdev(vol, lengthReg) float corrVol = ta.correlation(vol, filteredClose, lengthReg) // Fiyat Lag1 float plag1Mean = ta.sma(priceLag1, lengthReg) float plag1Stdev = ta.stdev(priceLag1, lengthReg) float corrPLag1 = ta.correlation(priceLag1, filteredClose, lengthReg) // Fiyat Lag2 (isteğe bağlı) float plag2Mean = ta.sma(priceLag2, lengthReg) float plag2Stdev = ta.stdev(priceLag2, lengthReg) float corrPLag2 = ta.correlation(priceLag2, filteredClose, lengthReg) // BTC.D * Hacim (synergyTerm) float synergyTerm = btcDom * vol float synergyMean = ta.sma(synergyTerm, lengthReg) float synergyStdev = ta.stdev(synergyTerm, lengthReg) float corrSynergy = ta.correlation(synergyTerm, filteredClose, lengthReg) // Log(Hacim) float logVolume = math.log(vol + 1.0) float logVolMean = ta.sma(logVolume, lengthReg) float logVolStdev = ta.stdev(logVolume, lengthReg) float corrLogVol = ta.correlation(logVolume, filteredClose, lengthReg) //==================================================================== //===================== FONKSIYON: BETA HESAPLAMA ===================== //==================================================================== // Pine Script'te fonksiyonlar şöyle tanımlanır (tip bildirmeyiz): getBeta(corrVal, stdevX) => (stdevX != 0 and not na(corrVal) and fCloseStdev != 0)? corrVal * (fCloseStdev / stdevX) : 0.0 //==================================================================== //======================== BETA KATSAYILARI =========================== //==================================================================== // BTC Dominance float betaBtcDom = getBeta(corrBtcDom, btcDomStdev) // Hacim float betaVol = getBeta(corrVol, volStdev) // Fiyat Lag1 float betaPLag1 = getBeta(corrPLag1, plag1Stdev) // Fiyat Lag2 float betaPLag2 = getBeta(corrPLag2, plag2Stdev) // synergy float betaSynergy = getBeta(corrSynergy, synergyStdev) // logVol float betaLogVol = getBeta(corrLogVol, logVolStdev) //==================================================================== //===================== TAHMİNİ FİYAT OLUŞTURMA ====================== //==================================================================== float alpha = priceMean bool canCalc = not na(filteredClose) and not na(priceMean) float predictedPrice = na if canCalc // Farklar float dBtcDom = (btcDom - btcDomMean) float dVol = (vol - volMean) float dPLag1 = (priceLag1 - plag1Mean) float dPLag2 = (priceLag2 - plag2Mean) float dSynergy = (synergyTerm - synergyMean) float dLogVol = (logVolume - logVolMean) float sumBeta = 0.0 sumBeta += betaBtcDom * dBtcDom sumBeta += betaVol * dVol sumBeta += betaPLag1 * dPLag1 if usePriceLag2 sumBeta += betaPLag2 * dPLag2 if useSynergyTerm sumBeta += betaSynergy * dSynergy if useLogVolume sumBeta += betaLogVol * dLogVol predictedPrice := alpha + sumBeta //==================================================================== //======================= REZİDÜEL & BANT ============================ //==================================================================== float residual = filteredClose - predictedPrice float residStdev = ta.stdev(residual, lengthForStd) float upperBand = predictedPrice + stdevFactor * residStdev float lowerBand = predictedPrice - stdevFactor * residStdev //==================================================================== //========================= SİNYAL ÜRETİMİ =========================== //==================================================================== bool longSignal = (realClose < lowerBand) bool shortSignal = (realClose > upperBand) //------------------ RSI Filtresi (opsiyonel) -----------------------// float rsiVal = ta.rsi(realClose, rsiLen) bool rsiOversold = (rsiVal < rsiOS) bool rsiOverbought = (rsiVal > rsiOB) if useRsiFilter longSignal := longSignal and rsiOversold shortSignal := shortSignal and rsiOverbought //==================================================================== //=============== DİNAMİK POZİSYON & GİRİŞ/ÇIKIŞ EMİRLERİ ============ //==================================================================== float myAtr = ta.atr(atrLen) float positionSize = na if useDynamicPos float capitalRisked = strategy.equity * (capitalRiskedPerc / 100.0) float riskPerUnit = (stopLossPerc/100.0) * myAtr positionSize := (riskPerUnit != 0.0) ? (capitalRisked / riskPerUnit) : na // Long if longSignal if useDynamicPos and not na(positionSize) strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, qty=positionSize) else strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long) // Short if shortSignal if useDynamicPos and not na(positionSize) strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, qty=positionSize) else strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short) // Stop-Loss & Take-Profit if strategy.position_size > 0 strategy.exit( "Long Exit", "Long",stop = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - stopLossPerc/100), limit = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + takeProfitPerc/100)) if strategy.position_size < 0 strategy.exit("Short Exit", "Short", stop = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + stopLossPerc/100),limit = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - takeProfitPerc/100)) //------------------ TRAILING STOP (opsiyonel) ----------------------// if useTrailingStop if strategy.position_size > 0 strategy.exit( "Long Exit TS", "Long", trail_points = myAtr * trailMult, trail_offset = myAtr * trailMult ) if strategy.position_size < 0 strategy.exit( "Short Exit TS", "Short", trail_points = myAtr * trailMult, trail_offset = myAtr * trailMult) //==================================================================== //======================== GRAFİK ÇİZİMLER =========================== //==================================================================== plot(realClose, color=color.white, linewidth=1, title="Fiyat") plot(predictedPrice, color=color.yellow, linewidth=2, title="PredictedPrice") plot(upperBand,, linewidth=1, title="Üst Band") plot(lowerBand, color=color.lime, linewidth=1, title="Alt Band") plotshape( useOutlierFilter and isOutlier,,, size=size.tiny, location=location.abovebar, title="Outlier", text="Outlier")