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Estrategia de negociación cruzada multi-EMA con impulso de volumen-precio

El autor:¿ Qué pasa?, Fecha: 2025-01-06 16:07:59
Las etiquetas:El EMAVWAPLa SMASLOIndicador de riesgoHLC3MOL


Esta es una estrategia de negociación de impulso integral basada en múltiples cruces de promedio móvil exponencial (EMA) e indicadores de volumen-precio. La estrategia genera señales de negociación mediante la combinación de varios indicadores, incluidos EMA rápidos y lentos, precio promedio ponderado por volumen (VWAP) y SuperTrend, al tiempo que incorpora ventanas de negociación intradiaria y umbrales de movimiento de precios para controlar los puntos de entrada y salida.

Principios de estrategia

Las posiciones largas se activan cuando la EMA rápida cruza por encima de la EMA lenta con el precio de cierre por encima de VWAP, mientras que las posiciones cortas se activan cuando la EMA rápida cruza por debajo de la EMA lenta con el precio de cierre por debajo de VWAP. La estrategia también incorpora el indicador SuperTrend para la confirmación de tendencia y determinación de stop-loss. Se establecen diferentes condiciones de entrada para diferentes días de negociación, incluido el movimiento del precio en relación con el cierre del día anterior y el rango alto-bajo del día anterior.

Ventajas estratégicas

  1. Los múltiples indicadores técnicos mejoran la fiabilidad de las señales de negociación
  2. Condiciones de entrada diferenciadas para diferentes días de negociación mejor adaptadas a las características del mercado
  3. Mecanismos dinámicos de obtención de beneficios y de suspensión de pérdidas controlan eficazmente el riesgo
  4. Las restricciones de las ventanas de negociación intradiarias evitan los períodos de alta volatilidad
  5. Los puntos altos y bajos anteriores y las limitaciones del movimiento de los precios reducen el riesgo de perseguir altos y bajos

Riesgos estratégicos

  1. En los mercados con fluctuaciones rápidas pueden producirse señales falsas
  2. Posible retraso durante las inversiones iniciales de tendencia
  3. La optimización de parámetros puede enfrentar riesgos de sobreajuste
  4. Los costes de negociación pueden afectar a los rendimientos de la estrategia
  5. Posibilidad de extracciones significativas durante períodos de alta volatilidad del mercado

Direcciones para la optimización de la estrategia

  1. Considerar la incorporación de indicadores de análisis de volumen para confirmar aún más la fortaleza de la tendencia
  2. Optimizar los parámetros para diferentes días de negociación para mejorar la adaptabilidad de la estrategia
  3. Añadir más indicadores de sentimiento del mercado para mejorar la precisión de las predicciones
  4. Refinar los mecanismos de obtención de beneficios y de suspensión de pérdidas para mejorar la eficiencia del capital
  5. Considere la posibilidad de añadir indicadores de volatilidad para optimizar la gestión de las posiciones

Resumen de las actividades

Esta estrategia logra una combinación de seguimiento de tendencias y comercio de impulso a través del uso integral de múltiples indicadores técnicos. El diseño de la estrategia considera plenamente la diversidad del mercado al adoptar reglas de negociación diferenciadas para diferentes días de negociación. A través de un estricto control de riesgos y mecanismos flexibles de toma de ganancias y stop-loss, la estrategia demuestra un buen valor de aplicación práctica. Las mejoras futuras pueden mejorar la estabilidad y rentabilidad de la estrategia mediante la introducción de indicadores técnicos adicionales y la optimización de la configuración de parámetros.

start: 2019-12-23 08:00:00
end: 2025-01-04 08:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

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strategy("S1", overlay=true)
fastEMA = ta.ema(close, 5)
slowEMA = ta.ema(close,13)
ema9 = ta.ema(close, 9)
ema100 = ta.ema(close, 100)
ema5 = ta.ema(close, 5)
ema200 = ta.ema(close, 200)

ma = ta.sma(close, 50)

mult = input.float(defval=3)
len = input.int(defval=11)
[superTrend, dir] = ta.supertrend(mult, len)
vwap1= ta.vwap(hlc3)

plot(slowEMA,color = color.green)
plot(fastEMA,color = color.black)
plot(vwap1, color = color.blue)

var dailyTaskDone = false
var gapdown = false
var gapup = false
var runup = 0.0
var biggapdown = false
var biggapup = false
var prevDayClose = 0.0
var todayLow = 0.0
var todayHigh = 0.0
var noBuyNow = false
var noSellNow = false
var buyPrice = 0.0
var sellPrice = 0.0
var todayBuyDone = false
var todaySellDone = false
var dragonflyDoji = false
var candleCount = 0
var candleCount1 = 0
var lastTrade = 9
var lastFiveCandles = false
var lastSevenCandlesS = false
var fiveEMACC = 0
candleCount := candleCount + 1
candleCount1 := candleCount1 + 1

if fiveEMACC > 0
    fiveEMACC := fiveEMACC + 1

if fiveEMACC == 6
    fiveEMACC := 0

if strategy.openprofit == 0
    candleCount := 0

if hour == 9 and minute ==15
    prevDayClose := close[1]
    todayLow := low
    todayHigh := high
    lastTrade := 9
if hour == 9 and minute ==15 and (open - close[1]) >  close*0.01
    gapup := true
if hour == 9 and minute ==15 and (open - close[1]) <  close*0.005*-1
    gapdown := true

if hour == 9 and minute ==15 and (close - close[1]) > 200
    biggapup := true
if hour == 9 and minute ==15 and (close - close[1]) < 200
    biggapdown := true

if low < todayLow
    todayLow := low
    candleCount1 := 0
if high > todayHigh
    todayHigh := high

if close > todayLow + 200
    noBuyNow := true
if close < todayHigh - 200//0.01*close
    noSellNow := false

lastFiveCandles := (close[4]<open[4] or close[3]<open[3] or close[2] < open[2] or close[1]<open[1])
lastSevenCandlesS := (close[6]>open[6] or close[5]>open[5] or close[4]>open[4] or close[3]>open[3] or close[2] > open[2] or close[1]>open[1])
if hour == 15
    dailyTaskDone := false
    gapdown := false
    gapup := false
    biggapup := false
    biggapdown := false
    noBuyNow := false
    noSellNow := false
    todayLow := 0.0
    todayHigh := 0.0
    buyPrice  := 0.0
    sellPrice := 0.0
    todayBuyDone := false
    todaySellDone := false
    dragonflyDoji := false
    lastTrade := 9

// if fastEMA < slowEMA and lastTrade == 1 and strategy.openprofit==0
//     lastTrade := 9

if fastEMA > slowEMA and lastTrade == 0 and strategy.openprofit==0
    lastTrade := 9
buy =  (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.001) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1]) or 
       (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.001) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close-prevDayClose < close*0.011) or 
       (dayofweek==dayofweek.tuesday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.001) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and lastFiveCandles  and close-prevDayClose < close*0.015 and close-todayLow < close*0.012) or
       (dayofweek==dayofweek.wednesday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.001) and close > vwap1 and close-prevDayClose < close*0.015 and (hour!=9 or minute>=35) and close-todayLow < close*0.012) or
       (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday and ((fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.001))and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and (hour!=9 or minute>=35))
sell=  (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and (hour!=9 or minute>=35) and ((slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00089)) and close < vwap1  and lastSevenCandlesS and close[1] < vwap1[1]) or 
       (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and ((slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00089)) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and todayHigh-close < close*0.008 and todayHigh-close[1] < close * 0.01 ) or 
       (dayofweek==dayofweek.tuesday and  (hour!=9 or minute>=35) and (open - low < 2*(high-close)) and (close-open<10)  and not dragonflyDoji  and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00089) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1]  and prevDayClose-close<close*0.012 and todayHigh-close < close*0.009 and todayHigh-close[1] < close * 0.009) or
       (dayofweek==dayofweek.wednesday  and  (hour!=9 or minute>=40) and close<open and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00089) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and (close-todayLow>30 or candleCount1<1) ) or 
       (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday and ((slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00089)) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and (hour!=9 or minute>=55) ) 

// buy =  (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and (fastEMA > slowEMA) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1]) or 
//        (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and (fastEMA > slowEMA) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close-prevDayClose < close*0.011) or 
//        (dayofweek==dayofweek.tuesday and (fastEMA > slowEMA) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and lastFiveCandles  and close-prevDayClose < close*0.015 and close-todayLow < close*0.012) or
//        (dayofweek==dayofweek.wednesday and (fastEMA > slowEMA) and close > vwap1 and close-prevDayClose < close*0.015 and (hour!=9 or minute>=35) and close-todayLow < close*0.012) or
//        (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday and ((fastEMA > slowEMA))and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and (hour!=9 or minute>=35))
// sell=  (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and (hour!=9 or minute>=35) and ((slowEMA > fastEMA)) and close < vwap1  and lastSevenCandlesS and close[1] < vwap1[1]) or 
//        (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and ((slowEMA > fastEMA)) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and todayHigh-close < close*0.008 and todayHigh-close[1] < close * 0.01 ) or 
//        (dayofweek==dayofweek.tuesday and  (hour!=9 or minute>=35) and (open - low < 2*(high-close)) and (close-open<10)  and not dragonflyDoji  and (slowEMA > fastEMA) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1]  and prevDayClose-close<close*0.012 and todayHigh-close < close*0.009 and todayHigh-close[1] < close * 0.009) or
//        (dayofweek==dayofweek.wednesday  and  (hour!=9 or minute>=40) and close<open and (slowEMA > fastEMA) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and (close-todayLow>30 or candleCount1<1) ) or 
//        (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday and ((slowEMA > fastEMA)) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and (hour!=9 or minute>=55) ) 

dragonflyDoji:= false

// (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00089 or (slowEMA-fastEMA>close*0.00049 and (high[2]>vwap or high[1]>vwap)))
if sellPrice != 0 and runup < sellPrice - low
    runup := sellPrice - low

if buyPrice != 0 and runup < high - buyPrice
    //ourlabel = label.new(x=bar_index, y=na, text=tostring(runup), yloc=yloc.belowbar)
    runup := high - buyPrice
NoBuySellTime = (hour == 15) or ((hour==14 and minute>=25)) or (hour==9 and minute<=35) or hour >= 14
//(fiveEMACC > 0 and low < fastEMA and close < vwap1)
buyexit     =  fastEMA<slowEMA or (close<superTrend and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1]) //or strategy.openprofit > 400 or strategy.openprofit < -5000
sellexit =  slowEMA<fastEMA or (close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close>superTrend) //or strategy.openprofit > 400 or strategy.openprofit < -5000

exitPosition =  (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and buyPrice!=0.0 and (high - buyPrice) > 50) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and sellPrice!=0.0 and (sellPrice - low) > 80) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and buyPrice !=0.0 and high-buyPrice > 30) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and sellPrice!=0.0 and (sellPrice - low) > 30) or (dayofweek!=dayofweek.thursday and dayofweek!=dayofweek.monday  and buyPrice!=0.0 and (high - buyPrice) > 30) or  (dayofweek!=dayofweek.thursday  and dayofweek!=dayofweek.monday and sellPrice!=0.0 and (sellPrice - low) > 30)
//code such that 2 fastema is > than 2 slowema
//exitPosition =  (sellPrice!=0 and runup >21 and strategy.openprofit < -2000) or (candleCount > 18 and strategy.openprofit > 50 and strategy.openprofit < 1000) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and buyPrice!=0.0 and (high - buyPrice) > buyPrice * 0.007) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and sellPrice!=0.0 and (sellPrice - low) > sellPrice * 0.007) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and buyPrice !=0.0 and high-buyPrice > 30) or (dayofweek!=dayofweek.thursday and dayofweek!=dayofweek.monday  and buyPrice!=0.0 and (high - buyPrice) > buyPrice * 0.002) or  (dayofweek!=dayofweek.thursday  and sellPrice!=0.0 and (sellPrice - low) > sellPrice * 0.002)
//(runup >21 and strategy.openprofit < -2000) or
if  buy and fastEMA>vwap1 and (not todayBuyDone or lastTrade != 1) and not NoBuySellTime// and not dailyTaskDone //and (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday or (close-prevDayClose)<150)//and not biggapup
    strategy.entry("buy", strategy.long)
    //dailyTaskDone := true
    if buyPrice == 0.0 
        fiveEMACC := 1

    buyPrice := close
    //ourlabel = label.new(x=bar_index, y=na, text=tostring(todayLow + 500), yloc=yloc.belowbar9
    todayBuyDone := true
    lastTrade := 1
    runup := 0.0

if  sell and (not todaySellDone or lastTrade != 0) and not NoBuySellTime// and not dailyTaskDone // and dayofweek!=dayofweek.friday //and (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday or (prevDayClose-close)<150)//and not biggapdown
    strategy.entry("sell", strategy.short)
    //dailyTaskDone := true
    if sellPrice == 0.0 
        fiveEMACC := 1
    sellPrice := close
    todaySellDone := true
    lastTrade := 0
    runup := 0.0

// if ((fastEMA-slowEMA>18 and close>vwap and close[1]>vwap[1] and (not todayBuyDone or candleCount>12)) or (slowEMA-fastEMA>10 and close < vwap and close[1]<vwap[1] and (not todaySellDone or candleCount > 12))) and strategy.openprofit==0
// ourlabel = label.new(x=bar_index, y=na, text=tostring(abs(prevDayClose-close)), yloc=yloc.belowbar)
IntraDay_SquareOff = minute >=15 and hour >= 15
if true and (IntraDay_SquareOff or exitPosition)
    buyPrice := 0
    sellPrice := 0
    runup := 0.0
if  buyexit
    buyPrice := 0
if sellexit
    sellPrice := 0

buy1 =  ((dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.001) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1]) or 
       (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.0013) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1]) or 
       (dayofweek==dayofweek.tuesday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.0013) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and not gapup) or
       (dayofweek==dayofweek.wednesday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.0013) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close-prevDayClose < close*0.0085) or
       (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.0013) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close - todayLow < close*0.012))
       and dayofweek!=dayofweek.friday and (not todayBuyDone or lastTrade != 1) and not NoBuySellTime// and not dailyTaskDone //and (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday or (close-prevDayClose)<150)//and not biggapup

sell1=  ((dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00079) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1]) or 
       (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00079) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and todayHigh-close < close*0.01 and todayHigh-close[1] < close * 0.01) or 
       (dayofweek==dayofweek.tuesday and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00079) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not gapdown and not dragonflyDoji and todayHigh-close < close*0.009 and todayHigh-close[1] < close * 0.009) or
       (dayofweek==dayofweek.wednesday and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00079) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and prevDayClose-close < 0.005*close) or 
       (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00079) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and prevDayClose-close < 0.005*close)) and 
       dayofweek!=dayofweek.friday and (not todaySellDone or lastTrade != 0) and not NoBuySellTime// and not dailyTaskDone
// if buy1 and strategy.openprofit==0
//     ourlabel = label.new(x=bar_index, y=na, text=tostring(fastEMA - slowEMA), yloc=yloc.belowbar)
// if sell1 and strategy.openprofit==0
//     ourlabel = label.new(x=bar_index, y=na, text=tostring(slowEMA - fastEMA), yloc=yloc.belowbar)

// buy =  ((fastEMA > slowEMA and fastEMA[1] < slowEMA[1]) and (fastEMA - slowEMA) > 10) or  ((fastEMA > slowEMA and fastEMA[1] > slowEMA[1] and fastEMA[2] < slowEMA[2]) and (fastEMA - slowEMA) > 20) 
// sell=  ((fastEMA < slowEMA and fastEMA[1] > slowEMA[1] ) and (slowEMA - fastEMA) > 10) or ((fastEMA < slowEMA and fastEMA[1] < slowEMA[1] and fastEMA[2] > slowEMA[2]) and (slowEMA - fastEMA) > 20)

// buy =  (fastEMA > slowEMA and fastEMA[1] < slowEMA[1]) 
// sell=  (fastEMA < slowEMA and fastEMA[1] > slowEMA[1] )

// buy =  ((fastEMA > slowEMA and fastEMA[1] < slowEMA[1]) and (fastEMA - slowEMA) > 10) or  ((fastEMA > slowEMA and fastEMA[1] > slowEMA[1] and fastEMA[2] < slowEMA[2]) and (fastEMA - slowEMA) > 1) 
// sell=  ((fastEMA < slowEMA and fastEMA[1] > slowEMA[1] ) and (slowEMA - fastEMA) > 5)

// buy =  fastEMA > slowEMA and fastEMA[1] > slowEMA[1] and fastEMA[2] < slowEMA[2]
// sell=  fastEMA < slowEMA and fastEMA[1] < slowEMA[1] and fastEMA[2] > slowEMA[2]

//Daily chart
// buyexit = (close + 40 < slowEMA)//rsi > 65 and fastEMA > ema9 // fastEMA > ema9// close < fastEMA//(rsi > 65 and close < fastEMA and fastEMA > ema3 and close > ema200)  //strategy.openprofit < -10000 and slowEMA > ema3 and slowEMA[1] < ema3[1] and 1==2
// sellexit = (close - 40  > slowEMA)//rsi < 35 // and close > ema200) or (rsi < 35 and close < ema200 and fastEMA < ema3) //strategy.openprofit < -10000 and fastEMA < ema3 and fastEMA[1] > ema3[1] and 1==2

// buyexit = (close < superTrend)// and (close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and close < close[1])//and close[2] < vwap1[2]//rsi > 65 and close < fastEMA// fastEMA > ema9// close < fastEMA//(rsi > 65 and close < fastEMA and fastEMA > ema3 and close > ema200)  //strategy.openprofit < -10000 and slowEMA > ema3 and slowEMA[1] < ema3[1] and 1==2
// sellexit = (close > superTrend)// and (close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close > close[1]) //and close[2] > vwap1[2]//rsi < 35// and close > ema200) or (rsi < 35 and close < ema200 and fastEMA < ema3) //strategy.openprofit < -10000 and fastEMA < ema3 and fastEMA[1] > ema3[1] and 1==2

// buyexit = (close < superTrend and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and close[1] < superTrend[1]) //or strategy.openprofit > 400 or strategy.openprofit < -5000
// sellexit =  (close > superTrend and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close[1] > superTrend[1]) //or strategy.openprofit > 400 or strategy.openprofit < -5000

