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AO 多層次量的な傾向強化戦略

作者: リン・ハーンチャオチャン開催日:2024年12月5日15時01分48秒

 AO Multi-Layer Quantitative Trend Enhancement Strategy


この戦略は,モメンタムとトレンドフォローに基づいた多層取引システムである.これは,Williams Alligator,Williams Fractals,Awesome Oscillator (AO),および指数動平均 (EMA) を組み合わせて,高い確率のロング機会を特定する.この戦略は,層次資本展開メカニズムを採用し,トレンドが強まるにつれて徐々にポジションを増やす.それぞれ資本の10%を使用し,同時に5つのポジションまで保持する能力がある.



戦略 の 利点

  1. 多層フィルタリングメカニズムは,誤った信号を効果的に減らす
  2. 進歩的なポジション構築による科学資本管理
  3. トレンドフォローする特徴により,主要なトレンドを把握できます
  4. 固定ストップ・ロスはなく,動的トレンド終了決定のための技術指標を使用する.
  5. システムには,異なる市場条件に適した良好な構成能力があります.
  6. バックテストは良い利益因子と平均的利益を示しています


  1. 連続した誤った信号を生成する可能性があります
  2. トレンド逆転時の潜在的な大幅な引き上げ
  3. 複数のフィルタリング条件によって,いくつかの取引機会が失われる可能性があります.
  4. 資本管理において,不安定期間の間,連続したポジション構築はリスクをもたらす可能性があります.
  5. EMA パラメータの選択は戦略の業績に重大な影響を与える

これらのリスクを軽減するために,以下のようなことを推奨します. - 異なる市場環境のためのパラメータを最適化 - 不安定性フィルターを追加することを検討 - より厳格な位置構築条件を確立 - 最大引き上げ制限を設定する


  1. 波動性フィルタリングのためのATR指標を導入する
  2. 信号信頼性を向上させるため,音量分析を追加
  3. ダイナミックパラメータ適応メカニズムを開発する
  4. トレンドが弱まったときに タイミングで退場するための 完璧な収益メカニズム
  5. 異なる市場環境における異なるパラメータセットのための市場状態認識モジュールを追加する



start: 2019-12-23 08:00:00
end: 2024-12-04 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © Skyrexio

//_______ <licence>
strategy(title = "MultiLayer Awesome Oscillator Saucer Strategy [Skyrexio]", 
         shorttitle = "AO Saucer", 
         overlay = true, 
         format = format.inherit, 
         pyramiding = 5, 
         calc_on_order_fills = false, 
         calc_on_every_tick = false, 
         default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity, 
         default_qty_value = 10, 
         initial_capital = 10000, 
         currency = currency.NONE,  
         commission_type = strategy.commission.percent, 
         commission_value = 0.1,
         slippage = 5,
         use_bar_magnifier = true)

//_______ <constant_declarations>
var const color skyrexGreen               = color.new(#2ECD99, 0)
var const color skyrexGray                = color.new(#F2F2F2, 0)
var const color skyrexWhite               = color.new(#FFFFFF, 0)

//________<variables declarations>
var int trend                             = 0
var float upFractalLevel                  = na
var float upFractalActivationLevel        = na
var float downFractalLevel                = na
var float downFractalActivationLevel      = na
var float saucerActivationLevel           = na
bool highCrossesUpfractalLevel            = ta.crossover(high, upFractalActivationLevel)
bool lowCrossesDownFractalLevel           = ta.crossunder(low, downFractalActivationLevel)
var int signalsQtyInRow                   = 0

//_______ <inputs>
// Trading bot settings
sourceUuid               = input.string(title = "sourceUuid:", defval = "yourBotSourceUuid", group = "🤖Trading Bot Settings🤖")
secretToken              = input.string(title = "secretToken:", defval = "yourBotSecretToken", group = "🤖Trading Bot Settings🤖")

// Trading period settings
lookBackPeriodStart      = input(title = "Trade Start Date/Time", defval = timestamp('2023-01-01T00:00:00'), group = "🕐Trading Period Settings🕐")
lookBackPeriodStop       = input(title = "Trade Stop Date/Time", defval = timestamp('2025-01-01T00:00:00'), group = "🕐Trading Period Settings🕐")

// Strategy settings
EMaLength                = input.int(100, minval = 10, step = 10, title = "EMA Length", group = "📈Strategy settings📈")

//_______ <function_declarations>
//@function       Used to calculate Simple moving average for Alligator
//@param src      Sourse for smma Calculations
//@param length   Number of bars to calculate smma
//@returns        The calculated smma value 
smma(src, length) =>
    var float smma = na
    sma_value = ta.sma(src, length)
    smma := na(smma) ? sma_value : (smma * (length - 1) + src) / length

//_______ <calculations>

//Upfractal calculation 
upFractalPrice = ta.pivothigh(2, 2)
upFractal = not na(upFractalPrice) 

//Downfractal calculation 
downFractalPrice = ta.pivotlow(2, 2)
downFractal = not na(downFractalPrice)

//Calculating Alligator's teeth 
teeth = smma(hl2, 8)[5]

//Calculating upfractal and downfractal levels
if upFractal 
    upFractalLevel := upFractalPrice
    upFractalLevel := upFractalLevel[1]

if downFractal
    downFractalLevel := downFractalPrice
    downFractalLevel := downFractalLevel[1]

//Calculating upfractal activation level, downfractal activation level to approximate the trend and this current trend 
if upFractalLevel > teeth
    upFractalActivationLevel := upFractalLevel

if highCrossesUpfractalLevel
    trend := 1
    upFractalActivationLevel := na 
    downFractalActivationLevel := downFractalLevel

if downFractalLevel < teeth
    downFractalActivationLevel := downFractalLevel

if lowCrossesDownFractalLevel
    trend := -1
    downFractalActivationLevel := na 
    upFractalActivationLevel := upFractalLevel

if trend == 1
    upFractalActivationLevel := na

if trend == -1
    downFractalActivationLevel := na

//Calculating filter EMA 
filterEMA = ta.ema(close, EMaLength)

//Сalculating AO saucer signal
ao = ta.sma(hl2,5) - ta.sma(hl2,34)
diff = ao - ao[1]
saucerSignal = ao > ao[1] and ao[1] < ao[2] and ao > 0 and ao[1] > 0 and ao[2] > 0 and trend == 1 and close > filterEMA

//Calculating sauser activation level
if saucerSignal
    saucerActivationLevel := high    
    saucerActivationLevel := saucerActivationLevel[1]

if not na(saucerActivationLevel[1]) and high < saucerActivationLevel[1] and diff > 0
    saucerActivationLevel := high
    saucerSignal := true

if (high > saucerActivationLevel[1] and not na(saucerActivationLevel)) or diff < 0
    saucerActivationLevel := na 

//Calculating number of valid saucer signal in current trading cycle 
if saucerSignal and not saucerSignal[1]
    signalsQtyInRow := signalsQtyInRow + 1

if not na(saucerActivationLevel[1]) and diff < 0 and na(saucerActivationLevel) and not (strategy.opentrades[1] <= strategy.opentrades - 1)
    signalsQtyInRow := signalsQtyInRow - 1

if trend == -1 and trend[1] == 1 
    signalsQtyInRow := 0

//_______ <strategy_calls>
//Defining trade close condition
closeCondition =  trend[1] == 1 and trend == -1

//Cancel stop buy order if current Awesome oscillator column lower, than prevoius 
if diff < 0 

//Strategy entry
if (signalsQtyInRow == 1 and not na(saucerActivationLevel)) 
    strategy.entry(id = "entry1", direction = strategy.long, stop = saucerActivationLevel + syminfo.mintick,  alert_message = '{\n"base": "' + syminfo.basecurrency + '",\n"quote": "' + syminfo.currency + '",\n"position": "entry1",\n"price": "' + str.tostring(close) + '",\n"sourceUuid": "' + sourceUuid + '",\n"secretToken": "' + secretToken + '",\n"timestamp": "' + str.tostring(timenow) + '"\n}')

if (signalsQtyInRow == 2 and not na(saucerActivationLevel)) 
    strategy.entry(id = "entry2", direction = strategy.long, stop = saucerActivationLevel + syminfo.mintick,  alert_message = '{\n"base": "' + syminfo.basecurrency + '",\n"quote": "' + syminfo.currency + '",\n"position": "entry2",\n"price": "' + str.tostring(close) + '",\n"sourceUuid": "' + sourceUuid + '",\n"secretToken": "' + secretToken + '",\n"timestamp": "' + str.tostring(timenow) + '"\n}')

if (signalsQtyInRow == 3 and not na(saucerActivationLevel)) 
    strategy.entry(id = "entry3", direction = strategy.long, stop = saucerActivationLevel + syminfo.mintick,  alert_message = '{\n"base": "' + syminfo.basecurrency + '",\n"quote": "' + syminfo.currency + '",\n"position": "entry3",\n"price": "' + str.tostring(close) + '",\n"sourceUuid": "' + sourceUuid + '",\n"secretToken": "' + secretToken + '",\n"timestamp": "' + str.tostring(timenow) + '"\n}')

if (signalsQtyInRow == 4 and not na(saucerActivationLevel)) 
    strategy.entry(id = "entry4", direction = strategy.long, stop = saucerActivationLevel + syminfo.mintick,  alert_message = '{\n"base": "' + syminfo.basecurrency + '",\n"quote": "' + syminfo.currency + '",\n"position": "entry4",\n"price": "' + str.tostring(close) + '",\n"sourceUuid": "' + sourceUuid + '",\n"secretToken": "' + secretToken + '",\n"timestamp": "' + str.tostring(timenow) + '"\n}')

if (signalsQtyInRow == 5 and not na(saucerActivationLevel)) 
    strategy.entry(id = "entry5", direction = strategy.long, stop = saucerActivationLevel + syminfo.mintick,  alert_message = '{\n"base": "' + syminfo.basecurrency + '",\n"quote": "' + syminfo.currency + '",\n"position": "entry5",\n"price": "' + str.tostring(close) + '",\n"sourceUuid": "' + sourceUuid + '",\n"secretToken": "' + secretToken + '",\n"timestamp": "' + str.tostring(timenow) + '"\n}')

//Strategy exit 
if (closeCondition)
    strategy.close_all(alert_message = '{\n"base": "' + syminfo.basecurrency + '",\n"quote": "' + syminfo.currency + '",\n"position": "close",\n"price": "' + str.tostring(close) + '",\n"sourceUuid": "' + sourceUuid + '",\n"secretToken": "' + secretToken + '",\n"timestamp": "' + str.tostring(timenow) + '"\n}')

//_______ <visuals>
//Plotting shapes for adding to current long trades
gradPercent = if strategy.opentrades == 2
else if strategy.opentrades == 3
else if strategy.opentrades == 4
else if strategy.opentrades == 5

pricePlot = plot(close, title="Price", color=color.new(color.blue, 100))
teethPlot = plot(strategy.opentrades > 1 ? teeth : na, title="Teeth", color= skyrexGreen, style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth = 2)
fill(pricePlot, teethPlot, color = color.new(skyrexGreen, gradPercent))
if strategy.opentrades != 1 and  strategy.opentrades[1] == strategy.opentrades - 1
    label.new(bar_index, teeth, style = label.style_label_up, color = color.lime, size = size.tiny, text="Buy More", textcolor = color.black, text_formatting = text.format_bold)

//_______ <alerts>

