이 전략은 여러 기하급수적인 이동 평균 (EMA) 크로스오버 및 볼륨 가격 지표에 기반한 포괄적인 모멘텀 거래 전략입니다. 이 전략은 빠른 및 느린 EMA, 볼륨 가중 평균 가격 (VWAP) 및 슈퍼 트렌드 등 다양한 지표를 결합하여 거래 신호를 생성하며, 입점 및 출구 지점을 제어하기 위해 내일 거래 창과 가격 움직임 문턱을 통합합니다.
이 전략은 5일 및 13일 EMA를 주요 트렌드 지표로 사용합니다. 빠른 EMA가 VWAP 이상의 폐쇄 가격과 느린 EMA를 넘을 때 긴 포지션은 시작되며 빠른 EMA가 VWAP보다 낮은 폐쇄 가격과 느린 EMA를 넘을 때 짧은 포지션은 시작됩니다. 이 전략은 또한 트렌드 확인 및 스톱 로스 결정에 대한 슈퍼 트렌드 지표를 포함합니다. 이전 하루의 종료와 하루의 높은 낮은 범위에 대한 가격 움직임과 같은 다른 거래 날에 대한 다른 입구 조건이 설정됩니다.
이 전략은 여러 가지 기술적 지표를 종합적으로 사용하여 트렌드 추적 및 모멘텀 트레이딩의 조합을 달성합니다. 전략 설계는 다른 거래 일에 대해 차별화된 거래 규칙을 채택함으로써 시장 다양성을 완전히 고려합니다. 엄격한 위험 통제 및 유연한 수익 취득 및 스톱 로스 메커니즘을 통해 전략은 좋은 실용적 응용 가치를 보여줍니다. 미래 개선은 추가 기술 지표를 도입하고 매개 변수 설정을 최적화함으로써 전략 안정성과 수익성을 향상시킬 수 있습니다.
/*backtest start: 2019-12-23 08:00:00 end: 2025-01-04 08:00:00 period: 1d basePeriod: 1d exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ //@version=6 strategy("S1", overlay=true) fastEMA = ta.ema(close, 5) slowEMA = ta.ema(close,13) ema9 = ta.ema(close, 9) ema100 = ta.ema(close, 100) ema5 = ta.ema(close, 5) ema200 = ta.ema(close, 200) ma = ta.sma(close, 50) mult = input.float(defval=3) len = input.int(defval=11) [superTrend, dir] = ta.supertrend(mult, len) vwap1= ta.vwap(hlc3) plot(slowEMA,color = color.green) plot(fastEMA,color = color.black) plot(vwap1, color = color.blue) var dailyTaskDone = false var gapdown = false var gapup = false var runup = 0.0 var biggapdown = false var biggapup = false var prevDayClose = 0.0 var todayLow = 0.0 var todayHigh = 0.0 var noBuyNow = false var noSellNow = false var buyPrice = 0.0 var sellPrice = 0.0 var todayBuyDone = false var todaySellDone = false var dragonflyDoji = false var candleCount = 0 var candleCount1 = 0 var lastTrade = 9 var lastFiveCandles = false var lastSevenCandlesS = false var fiveEMACC = 0 candleCount := candleCount + 1 candleCount1 := candleCount1 + 1 if fiveEMACC > 0 fiveEMACC := fiveEMACC + 1 if fiveEMACC == 6 fiveEMACC := 0 if strategy.openprofit == 0 candleCount := 0 if hour == 9 and minute ==15 prevDayClose := close[1] todayLow := low todayHigh := high lastTrade := 9 if hour == 9 and minute ==15 and (open - close[1]) > close*0.01 gapup := true if hour == 9 and minute ==15 and (open - close[1]) < close*0.005*-1 gapdown := true if hour == 9 and minute ==15 and (close - close[1]) > 200 biggapup := true if hour == 9 and minute ==15 and (close - close[1]) < 200 biggapdown := true if low < todayLow todayLow := low candleCount1 := 0 if high > todayHigh todayHigh := high if close > todayLow + 200 noBuyNow := true if close < todayHigh - 200//0.01*close noSellNow := false lastFiveCandles := (close[4]<open[4] or close[3]<open[3] or close[2] < open[2] or close[1]<open[1]) lastSevenCandlesS := (close[6]>open[6] or close[5]>open[5] or close[4]>open[4] or close[3]>open[3] or close[2] > open[2] or close[1]>open[1]) if hour == 15 dailyTaskDone := false gapdown := false gapup := false biggapup := false biggapdown := false noBuyNow := false noSellNow := false todayLow := 0.0 todayHigh := 0.0 buyPrice := 0.0 sellPrice := 0.0 todayBuyDone := false todaySellDone := false dragonflyDoji := false lastTrade := 9 // if fastEMA < slowEMA and lastTrade == 1 and strategy.openprofit==0 // lastTrade := 9 if fastEMA > slowEMA and lastTrade == 0 and strategy.openprofit==0 lastTrade := 9 buy = (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.001) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1]) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.001) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close-prevDayClose < close*0.011) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.tuesday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.001) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and lastFiveCandles and close-prevDayClose < close*0.015 and close-todayLow < close*0.012) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.wednesday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.001) and close > vwap1 and close-prevDayClose < close*0.015 and (hour!=9 or minute>=35) and close-todayLow < close*0.012) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday and ((fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.001))and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and (hour!=9 or minute>=35)) sell= (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and (hour!=9 or minute>=35) and ((slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00089)) and close < vwap1 and lastSevenCandlesS and close[1] < vwap1[1]) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and ((slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00089)) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and todayHigh-close < close*0.008 and todayHigh-close[1] < close * 0.01 ) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.tuesday and (hour!=9 or minute>=35) and (open - low < 2*(high-close)) and (close-open<10) and not dragonflyDoji and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00089) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and prevDayClose-close<close*0.012 and todayHigh-close < close*0.009 and todayHigh-close[1] < close * 0.009) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.wednesday and (hour!=9 or minute>=40) and close<open and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00089) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and (close-todayLow>30 or candleCount1<1) ) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday and ((slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00089)) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and (hour!=9 or minute>=55) ) // buy = (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and (fastEMA > slowEMA) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1]) or // (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and (fastEMA > slowEMA) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close-prevDayClose < close*0.011) or // (dayofweek==dayofweek.tuesday and (fastEMA > slowEMA) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and lastFiveCandles and close-prevDayClose < close*0.015 and close-todayLow < close*0.012) or // (dayofweek==dayofweek.wednesday and (fastEMA > slowEMA) and close > vwap1 and close-prevDayClose < close*0.015 and (hour!=9 or minute>=35) and close-todayLow < close*0.012) or // (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday and ((fastEMA > slowEMA))and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and (hour!=9 or minute>=35)) // sell= (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and (hour!=9 or minute>=35) and ((slowEMA > fastEMA)) and close < vwap1 and lastSevenCandlesS and close[1] < vwap1[1]) or // (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and ((slowEMA > fastEMA)) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and todayHigh-close < close*0.008 and todayHigh-close[1] < close * 0.01 ) or // (dayofweek==dayofweek.tuesday and (hour!=9 or minute>=35) and (open - low < 2*(high-close)) and (close-open<10) and not dragonflyDoji and (slowEMA > fastEMA) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and prevDayClose-close<close*0.012 and todayHigh-close < close*0.009 and todayHigh-close[1] < close * 0.009) or // (dayofweek==dayofweek.wednesday and (hour!=9 or minute>=40) and close<open and (slowEMA > fastEMA) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and (close-todayLow>30 or candleCount1<1) ) or // (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday and ((slowEMA > fastEMA)) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and (hour!=9 or minute>=55) ) dragonflyDoji:= false // (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00089 or (slowEMA-fastEMA>close*0.00049 and (high[2]>vwap or high[1]>vwap))) if sellPrice != 0 and runup < sellPrice - low runup := sellPrice - low if buyPrice != 0 and runup < high - buyPrice //ourlabel = label.new(x=bar_index, y=na, text=tostring(runup), yloc=yloc.belowbar) runup := high - buyPrice NoBuySellTime = (hour == 15) or ((hour==14 and minute>=25)) or (hour==9 and minute<=35) or hour >= 14 //(fiveEMACC > 0 and low < fastEMA and close < vwap1) buyexit = fastEMA<slowEMA or (close<superTrend and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1]) //or strategy.openprofit > 400 or strategy.openprofit < -5000 sellexit = slowEMA<fastEMA or (close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close>superTrend) //or strategy.openprofit > 400 or strategy.openprofit < -5000 exitPosition = (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and buyPrice!=0.0 and (high - buyPrice) > 50) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and sellPrice!=0.0 and (sellPrice - low) > 80) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and buyPrice !=0.0 and high-buyPrice > 30) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and sellPrice!=0.0 and (sellPrice - low) > 30) or (dayofweek!=dayofweek.thursday and dayofweek!=dayofweek.monday and buyPrice!=0.0 and (high - buyPrice) > 30) or (dayofweek!=dayofweek.thursday and dayofweek!=dayofweek.monday and sellPrice!=0.0 and (sellPrice - low) > 30) //code such that 2 fastema is > than 2 slowema //exitPosition = (sellPrice!=0 and runup >21 and strategy.openprofit < -2000) or (candleCount > 18 and strategy.openprofit > 50 and strategy.openprofit < 1000) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and buyPrice!=0.0 and (high - buyPrice) > buyPrice * 0.007) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and sellPrice!=0.0 and (sellPrice - low) > sellPrice * 0.007) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and buyPrice !=0.0 and high-buyPrice > 30) or (dayofweek!=dayofweek.thursday and dayofweek!=dayofweek.monday and buyPrice!=0.0 and (high - buyPrice) > buyPrice * 0.002) or (dayofweek!=dayofweek.thursday and sellPrice!=0.0 and (sellPrice - low) > sellPrice * 0.002) //(runup >21 and strategy.openprofit < -2000) or if buy and fastEMA>vwap1 and (not todayBuyDone or lastTrade != 1) and not NoBuySellTime// and not dailyTaskDone //and (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday or (close-prevDayClose)<150)//and not biggapup strategy.entry("buy", strategy.long) //dailyTaskDone := true if buyPrice == 0.0 fiveEMACC := 1 buyPrice := close //ourlabel = label.new(x=bar_index, y=na, text=tostring(todayLow + 500), yloc=yloc.belowbar9 todayBuyDone := true lastTrade := 1 runup := 0.0 if sell and (not todaySellDone or lastTrade != 0) and not NoBuySellTime// and not dailyTaskDone // and dayofweek!=dayofweek.friday //and (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday or (prevDayClose-close)<150)//and not biggapdown strategy.entry("sell", strategy.short) //dailyTaskDone := true if sellPrice == 0.0 fiveEMACC := 1 sellPrice := close todaySellDone := true lastTrade := 0 runup := 0.0 // if ((fastEMA-slowEMA>18 and close>vwap and close[1]>vwap[1] and (not todayBuyDone or candleCount>12)) or (slowEMA-fastEMA>10 and close < vwap and close[1]<vwap[1] and (not todaySellDone or candleCount > 12))) and strategy.openprofit==0 // ourlabel = label.new(x=bar_index, y=na, text=tostring(abs(prevDayClose-close)), yloc=yloc.belowbar) IntraDay_SquareOff = minute >=15 and hour >= 15 if true and (IntraDay_SquareOff or exitPosition) strategy.close("buy") strategy.close("sell") buyPrice := 0 sellPrice := 0 runup := 0.0 if buyexit strategy.close("buy") buyPrice := 0 if sellexit strategy.close("sell") sellPrice := 0 buy1 = ((dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.001) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1]) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.0013) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1]) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.tuesday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.0013) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and not gapup) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.wednesday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.0013) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close-prevDayClose < close*0.0085) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday and (fastEMA - slowEMA > close*0.0013) and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close - todayLow < close*0.012)) and dayofweek!=dayofweek.friday and (not todayBuyDone or lastTrade != 1) and not NoBuySellTime// and not dailyTaskDone //and (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday or (close-prevDayClose)<150)//and not biggapup sell1= ((dayofweek==dayofweek.thursday and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00079) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1]) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.monday and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00079) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and todayHigh-close < close*0.01 and todayHigh-close[1] < close * 0.01) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.tuesday and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00079) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not gapdown and not dragonflyDoji and todayHigh-close < close*0.009 and todayHigh-close[1] < close * 0.009) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.wednesday and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00079) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and prevDayClose-close < 0.005*close) or (dayofweek==dayofweek.friday and (slowEMA - fastEMA > close*0.00079) and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and not dragonflyDoji and prevDayClose-close < 0.005*close)) and dayofweek!=dayofweek.friday and (not todaySellDone or lastTrade != 0) and not NoBuySellTime// and not dailyTaskDone // if buy1 and strategy.openprofit==0 // ourlabel = label.new(x=bar_index, y=na, text=tostring(fastEMA - slowEMA), yloc=yloc.belowbar) // if sell1 and strategy.openprofit==0 // ourlabel = label.new(x=bar_index, y=na, text=tostring(slowEMA - fastEMA), yloc=yloc.belowbar) // buy = ((fastEMA > slowEMA and fastEMA[1] < slowEMA[1]) and (fastEMA - slowEMA) > 10) or ((fastEMA > slowEMA and fastEMA[1] > slowEMA[1] and fastEMA[2] < slowEMA[2]) and (fastEMA - slowEMA) > 20) // sell= ((fastEMA < slowEMA and fastEMA[1] > slowEMA[1] ) and (slowEMA - fastEMA) > 10) or ((fastEMA < slowEMA and fastEMA[1] < slowEMA[1] and fastEMA[2] > slowEMA[2]) and (slowEMA - fastEMA) > 20) // buy = (fastEMA > slowEMA and fastEMA[1] < slowEMA[1]) // sell= (fastEMA < slowEMA and fastEMA[1] > slowEMA[1] ) // buy = ((fastEMA > slowEMA and fastEMA[1] < slowEMA[1]) and (fastEMA - slowEMA) > 10) or ((fastEMA > slowEMA and fastEMA[1] > slowEMA[1] and fastEMA[2] < slowEMA[2]) and (fastEMA - slowEMA) > 1) // sell= ((fastEMA < slowEMA and fastEMA[1] > slowEMA[1] ) and (slowEMA - fastEMA) > 5) // buy = fastEMA > slowEMA and fastEMA[1] > slowEMA[1] and fastEMA[2] < slowEMA[2] // sell= fastEMA < slowEMA and fastEMA[1] < slowEMA[1] and fastEMA[2] > slowEMA[2] //Daily chart // buyexit = (close + 40 < slowEMA)//rsi > 65 and fastEMA > ema9 // fastEMA > ema9// close < fastEMA//(rsi > 65 and close < fastEMA and fastEMA > ema3 and close > ema200) //strategy.openprofit < -10000 and slowEMA > ema3 and slowEMA[1] < ema3[1] and 1==2 // sellexit = (close - 40 > slowEMA)//rsi < 35 // and close > ema200) or (rsi < 35 and close < ema200 and fastEMA < ema3) //strategy.openprofit < -10000 and fastEMA < ema3 and fastEMA[1] > ema3[1] and 1==2 // buyexit = (close < superTrend)// and (close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and close < close[1])//and close[2] < vwap1[2]//rsi > 65 and close < fastEMA// fastEMA > ema9// close < fastEMA//(rsi > 65 and close < fastEMA and fastEMA > ema3 and close > ema200) //strategy.openprofit < -10000 and slowEMA > ema3 and slowEMA[1] < ema3[1] and 1==2 // sellexit = (close > superTrend)// and (close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close > close[1]) //and close[2] > vwap1[2]//rsi < 35// and close > ema200) or (rsi < 35 and close < ema200 and fastEMA < ema3) //strategy.openprofit < -10000 and fastEMA < ema3 and fastEMA[1] > ema3[1] and 1==2 // buyexit = (close < superTrend and close < vwap1 and close[1] < vwap1[1] and close[1] < superTrend[1]) //or strategy.openprofit > 400 or strategy.openprofit < -5000 // sellexit = (close > superTrend and close > vwap1 and close[1] > vwap1[1] and close[1] > superTrend[1]) //or strategy.openprofit > 400 or strategy.openprofit < -5000