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Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-09-26 15:27:00






  1. 买入信号:

    • RSI < 20: 触发”重度买入”
    • RSI 在20-30之间: 触发”轻度买入”
  2. 卖出信号:

    • RSI > 80: 触发”重度卖出”
    • RSI 在70-80之间: 触发”轻度卖出”



  1. 多层次入场: 通过区分”重度”和”轻度”交易信号,策略可以根据市场超买/超卖程度的强弱调整仓位大小。

  2. 风险管理: 内置的止盈和止损机制有助于自动化风险控制,防止单笔交易造成过大损失。

  3. 高度可定制: 交易者可以根据个人风险偏好和市场条件调整RSI水平、止盈止损点等参数。

  4. 实时警报: 策略设置了多个警报触发点,有助于交易者及时关注市场动向,即使在不实际执行自动交易时也能获得有价值的市场洞察。

  5. 适应性强: 该策略适用于多种金融工具,特别适合波动性较大的市场。


  1. 假突破风险: 在震荡市场中,RSI可能频繁穿越设定的阈值,导致过多交易和潜在的亏损。

  2. 趋势市场表现: 在强劲趋势中,策略可能会过早平仓或错过大的行情,因为RSI可能长期处于超买或超卖区域。

  3. 参数敏感性: 策略的性能高度依赖于RSI参数和入场阈值的设置,不当的参数可能导致表现不佳。

  4. 滑点风险: 在快速市场中,实际的成交价格可能与预期有显著差异,影响止盈止损的有效性。

  5. 过度交易: 频繁的交易信号可能导致过高的交易成本,侵蚀潜在利润。


  1. 引入趋势过滤器: 结合移动平均线或其他趋势指标,以避免在强趋势中逆势交易。

  2. 动态止盈止损: 根据市场波动性自动调整止盈止损水平,以适应不同市场环境。

  3. 时间过滤: 增加交易时间窗口限制,避开低流动性时段或重要新闻发布时间。

  4. 量化分析优化: 使用回测数据进行蒙特卡洛模拟,找出最优参数组合。

  5. 结合其他技术指标: 如MACD或布林带,增加交易信号的确认机制。

  6. 仓位管理优化: 实现基于账户余额和市场波动性的动态仓位管理。



start: 2023-09-26 00:00:00
end: 2024-09-24 08:00:00
period: 2d
basePeriod: 2d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("M5 Trading Rule", overlay=true)

// Copyright © 2024 TRADINGWITHKAY. All rights reserved.
// Unauthorized use, distribution, and modification of this code are strictly prohibited.

// Input parameters
rsiLength = input(14, title="RSI Length")
rsiOverboughtHeavy = input(80, title="RSI Sell Heavy Level")
rsiOverboughtLite = input(70, title="RSI Sell Lite Level")
rsiOversoldHeavy = input(20, title="RSI Buy Heavy Level")
rsiOversoldLite = input(30, title="RSI Buy Lite Level")
takeProfitPips = input(50, title="Take Profit (Pips)")
stopLossPips = input(50, title="Stop Loss (Pips)")
pipValue = syminfo.mintick * 10 // Assuming 1 pip = 0.0001 for Forex

// Calculate RSI
rsi = ta.rsi(close, rsiLength)

// Convert pips to price distance
takeProfitPrice = takeProfitPips * pipValue
stopLossPrice = stopLossPips * pipValue

// Conditions for entries
buyHeavyCondition = rsi < rsiOversoldHeavy
buyLiteCondition = rsi < rsiOversoldLite and not buyHeavyCondition
sellHeavyCondition = rsi > rsiOverboughtHeavy
sellLiteCondition = rsi > rsiOverboughtLite and not sellHeavyCondition

// Plot the RSI levels for overbought and oversold zones
plot(rsiOverboughtHeavy, title="Sell Heavy RSI Level (80)", color=color.red, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_line)
plot(rsiOverboughtLite, title="Sell Lite RSI Level (70)", color=color.orange, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_line)
plot(rsiOversoldHeavy, title="Buy Heavy RSI Level (20)", color=color.green, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_line)
plot(rsiOversoldLite, title="Buy Lite RSI Level (30)", color=color.blue, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_line)

// Execute Buy Heavy
if (buyHeavyCondition)
    strategy.entry("Buy Heavy", strategy.long)
    // Separate Take Profit and Stop Loss
    strategy.exit("Take Profit", "Buy Heavy", limit=close + takeProfitPrice)
    strategy.exit("Stop Loss", "Buy Heavy", stop=close - stopLossPrice)
    alert("RSI is below 20! Buy Heavy Condition Triggered!", alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// Execute Buy Lite
if (buyLiteCondition)
    strategy.entry("Buy Lite", strategy.long)
    // Separate Take Profit and Stop Loss
    strategy.exit("Take Profit", "Buy Lite", limit=close + takeProfitPrice)
    strategy.exit("Stop Loss", "Buy Lite", stop=close - stopLossPrice)
    alert("RSI is below 30! Buy Lite Condition Triggered!", alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// Execute Sell Heavy
if (sellHeavyCondition)
    strategy.entry("Sell Heavy", strategy.short)
    // Separate Take Profit and Stop Loss
    strategy.exit("Take Profit", "Sell Heavy", limit=close - takeProfitPrice)
    strategy.exit("Stop Loss", "Sell Heavy", stop=close + stopLossPrice)
    alert("RSI is above 80! Sell Heavy Condition Triggered!", alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// Execute Sell Lite
if (sellLiteCondition)
    strategy.entry("Sell Lite", strategy.short)
    // Separate Take Profit and Stop Loss
    strategy.exit("Take Profit", "Sell Lite", limit=close - takeProfitPrice)
    strategy.exit("Stop Loss", "Sell Lite", stop=close + stopLossPrice)
    alert("RSI is above 70! Sell Lite Condition Triggered!", alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// Plot RSI on a separate chart for easier visibility
plot(rsi, title="RSI", color=color.blue, linewidth=2)

// Alert when price hits the high or low RSI levels
if (rsi <= rsiOversoldHeavy)
    alert("Price has reached the Buy Heavy RSI Level (20)!", alert.freq_once_per_bar)

if (rsi <= rsiOversoldLite and rsi > rsiOversoldHeavy)
    alert("Price has reached the Buy Lite RSI Level (30)!", alert.freq_once_per_bar)

if (rsi >= rsiOverboughtHeavy)
    alert("Price has reached the Sell Heavy RSI Level (80)!", alert.freq_once_per_bar)

if (rsi >= rsiOverboughtLite and rsi < rsiOverboughtHeavy)
    alert("Price has reached the Sell Lite RSI Level (70)!", alert.freq_once_per_bar)

