資源の読み込みに... 荷物...


作者: リン・ハーンチャオチャン開催日:2024年11月29日17時02分33秒



この戦略は,ダイナミック・シグナル・ライン (DSL),波動性,インパクト・インディケーターを組み合わせた包括的な取引システムである. ダイナミック・スローズ値と適応性波動性帯を通じて市場のトレンドを効果的に特定し,正確な取引タイミングを達成するためにインパクト・インディケーターを使用してシグナルフィルタリングを行う. システムは,リスク・リターン比率に基づくダイナミックストップ・ロストと利益目標を含む完全なリスク管理メカニズムを組み込む.




第二に,モメント分析システムは,ゼロ・ラグ指数移動平均値 (ZLEMA) で最適化されたRSI指標を使用する.動的信号線概念をRSIに適用することで,システムは過買いと過売れた地域をより正確に特定し,モメント突破信号を生成することができます.


戦略 の 利点

  1. 強力な適応性: ダイナミックな信号線と波動帯は,市場の条件に自動的に調整され,戦略が異なる市場環境に適応できるようにします.
  2. 偽信号フィルタリング:トレンドとモメントの二重確認を必要とするため,偽信号の確率を大幅に減らす.
  3. 総合的なリスク管理: ATRに基づく動的ストップ損失とリスク・リターン比に基づく利益目標を統合し,体系的なリスク管理を達成する.
  4. 柔軟なカスタマイズ: 戦略パラメータは,異なる市場や時間帯に最適化できます.


  1. トレンド逆転リスク: 市場が急激に逆転する際,ダイナミック信号ラインの調整が十分にタイミングが良くないことがあり,より大きな引き下げにつながる可能性があります.
  2. 範囲限定市場リスク:範囲限定市場では,頻繁なブレイクアウトが多重ストップロスを引き起こす可能性があります.
  3. パラメータ敏感性: 戦略のパフォーマンスはパラメータ設定に敏感であり,不適切なパラメータは戦略の有効性に影響を与える可能性があります.


  1. 市場環境の認識: 市場環境の分類メカニズムを追加し,異なる市場状態で異なるパラメータ設定を使用します.
  2. ダイナミックパラメータ最適化: 適応性パラメータ調整メカニズムを導入し,市場の変動に基づいて信号ラインと波動性帯のパラメータを自動的に最適化します.
  3. 複数のタイムフレーム分析:複数のタイムフレームからの信号を統合して取引決定の信頼性を向上させる.
  4. 波動性調整:高波動性期間のストップ・ロスの範囲とリスク・リターン比を調整し,リスク調整回帰を向上させる.



start: 2024-10-01 00:00:00
end: 2024-10-31 23:59:59
period: 1h
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © DailyPanda

strategy("DSL Strategy [DailyPanda]",
     initial_capital = 2000,
     overlay = true)


// DSL Indicator Inputs CP
int   len         = input.int(34, "Length", group="CP")      // Length for calculating DSL
int   offset      = input.int(30, "Offset", group="CP")      // Offset for threshold levels
float width       = input.float(1, "Bands Width", step = 0.1, maxval = 2, minval = 0.5, group="CP") // Width for ATR-based bands
float risk_reward = input.float(1.5, "Risk Reward", group="Risk Mgmt") // Risk Reward ratio

// Colors for upper and lower trends
color upper_col = input.color(color.lime, "+", inline = "col")
color lower_col = input.color(color.orange, "-", inline = "col")

len_beluga  = input.int(10, "Beluga Length", group="BELUGA")
dsl_mode_inp = input.string("Fast", "DSL Lines Mode", options=["Fast", "Slow"], group="BELUGA")
dsl_mode    = dsl_mode_inp == "Fast" ? 2 : 1

// Colors for DSL-BELUGA
color color_up = #8BD8BD
color color_dn = #436cd3

i_lossPct = input.int(defval=100, title="% max day DD", minval=1, maxval=100, step=1, group="Risk Management")
i_goal = input.bool(title="Enable Daily Goal", defval=false, group="Risk Management")
i_goalPct = input.int(defval=4, title="% Daily Goal", minval=1, step=1, group="Risk Management")

//############################## RISK MANAGEMENT ##############################
// Set maximum intraday loss to our lossPct input
// strategy.risk.max_intraday_loss(i_lossPct, strategy.percent_of_equity)
//strategy.risk.max_intraday_loss(value=1200, type=strategy.cash)

// Store equity value from the beginning of the day
eqFromDayStart = ta.valuewhen(ta.change(dayofweek) > 0, strategy.equity, 0)
// Calculate change of the current equity from the beginning of the current day
eqChgPct = 100 * ((strategy.equity - eqFromDayStart - strategy.openprofit) / (strategy.equity-strategy.openprofit))
f_stopGain = eqChgPct >= i_goalPct and i_goal ? true : false


// Function to calculate DSL lines based on price
dsl_price(float price, int len) =>
    // Initialize DSL lines
    float dsl_up = na
    float dsl_dn = na
    float sma    = ta.sma(price, len)

    // Dynamic upper and lower thresholds calculated with offset
    float threshold_up = ta.highest(len)[offset] 
    float threshold_dn = ta.lowest(len)[offset] 

    // Calculate the DSL upper and lower lines based on price compared to the thresholds
    dsl_up := price > threshold_up ? sma : nz(dsl_up[1]) 
    dsl_dn := price < threshold_dn ? sma : nz(dsl_dn[1])

    // Return both DSL lines
    [dsl_up, dsl_dn]

// Function to calculate DSL bands based on ATR and width multiplier
dsl_bands(float dsl_up, float dsl_dn) =>
    float atr = ta.atr(200) * width // ATR-based calculation for bands
    float upper = dsl_up - atr       // Upper DSL band
    float lower = dsl_dn + atr       // Lower DSL band

    [upper, lower]

// Get DSL values based on the closing price
[dsl_up, dsl_dn] = dsl_price(close, len)

// Calculate the bands around the DSL lines
[dsl_up1, dsl_dn1] = dsl_bands(dsl_up, dsl_dn)


// Calculate RSI with a period of 10
float RSI = ta.rsi(close, 10)

// Zero-Lag Exponential Moving Average function
zlema(src, length) =>
    int   lag      = math.floor((length - 1) / 2)
    float ema_data = 2 * src - src[lag]
    float ema2     = ta.ema(ema_data, length)

// Discontinued Signal Lines function
dsl_lines(src, length)=>
    float up  = 0.
    float dn  = 0.
    up := (src > ta.sma(src, length)) ? nz(up[1]) + dsl_mode / length * (src - nz(up[1])) : nz(up[1])  
    dn := (src < ta.sma(src, length)) ? nz(dn[1]) + dsl_mode / length * (src - nz(dn[1])) : nz(dn[1])
    [up, dn]

// Calculate DSL lines for RSI
[lvlu, lvld] = dsl_lines(RSI, len_beluga)

// Calculate DSL oscillator using ZLEMA of the average of upper and lower DSL Lines
float dsl_osc = zlema((lvlu + lvld) / 2, 10)

// Calculate DSL Lines for the oscillator
[level_up, level_dn] = dsl_lines(dsl_osc, 10)

// Detect crossovers for signal generation
bool up_signal = ta.crossover(dsl_osc, level_dn) and dsl_osc < 55
bool dn_signal = ta.crossunder(dsl_osc, level_up) and dsl_osc > 50


// Plot the DSL lines on the chart
plot_dsl_up = plot(dsl_up, color=color.new(upper_col, 80), linewidth=1, title="DSL Up")
plot_dsl_dn = plot(dsl_dn, color=color.new(lower_col, 80), linewidth=1, title="DSL Down")

// Plot the DSL bands
plot_dsl_up1 = plot(dsl_up1, color=color.new(upper_col, 80), linewidth=1, title="DSL Upper Band")
plot_dsl_dn1 = plot(dsl_dn1, color=color.new(lower_col, 80), linewidth=1, title="DSL Lower Band")

// Fill the space between the DSL lines and bands with color
fill(plot_dsl_up, plot_dsl_up1, color=color.new(upper_col, 80))
fill(plot_dsl_dn, plot_dsl_dn1, color=color.new(lower_col, 80))

// Plot signals on the chart
plotshape(up_signal, title="Buy Signal", style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, size=size.tiny, text="Enter")
plotshape(dn_signal, title="Sell Signal", style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, size=size.tiny, text="Exit")

// Color the background on signal occurrences
bgcolor(up_signal ? color.new(color_up, 90) : na, title="Up Signal Background", editable = false)
bgcolor(dn_signal ? color.new(color_dn, 90) : na, title="Down Signal Background", editable = false)


// Variables to hold stop loss and take profit prices
var float long_stop_loss_price  = na
var float long_take_profit_price = na
var float short_stop_loss_price = na
var float short_take_profit_price = na
float pos_size = math.abs(strategy.position_size)

// Long Entry Conditions
bool long_condition1 = not na(dsl_up1) and not na(dsl_dn) and dsl_up1 > dsl_dn
bool long_condition2 = open > dsl_up and close > dsl_up and open[1] > dsl_up and close[1] > dsl_up and open[2] > dsl_up and close[2] > dsl_up
bool long_condition3 = up_signal and pos_size == 0
bool long_condition  = long_condition1 and long_condition2 and long_condition3 and (not f_stopGain)

// Short Entry Conditions
bool short_condition1 = not na(dsl_dn1) and not na(dsl_up) and dsl_dn < dsl_up1
bool short_condition2 = open < dsl_dn1 and close < dsl_dn1 and open[1] < dsl_dn1 and close[1] < dsl_dn1 and open[2] < dsl_dn1 and close[2] < dsl_dn1
bool short_condition3 = dn_signal and pos_size == 0
bool short_condition  = short_condition1 and short_condition2 and short_condition3 and (not f_stopGain)

// Long Trade Execution
if (long_condition and not na(dsl_up1))
    long_stop_loss_price := dsl_up1
    float risk = close - long_stop_loss_price
    if (risk > 0)
        long_take_profit_price := close + risk * risk_reward
        strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)
        strategy.exit("Exit Long", from_entry="Long", stop=long_stop_loss_price, limit=long_take_profit_price)
else if (strategy.position_size <= 0)
    // Reset when not in a long position
    long_stop_loss_price  := na
    long_take_profit_price := na

// Short Trade Execution
if (short_condition and not na(dsl_dn1))
    short_stop_loss_price := dsl_dn1
    float risk = short_stop_loss_price - close
    if (risk > 0)
        short_take_profit_price := close - risk * risk_reward
        strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short", from_entry="Short", stop=short_stop_loss_price, limit=short_take_profit_price)
else if (strategy.position_size >= 0)
    // Reset when not in a short position
    short_stop_loss_price := na
    short_take_profit_price := na


// Plot the stop loss and take profit levels only when in a position
float plot_long_stop_loss   = strategy.position_size > 0 ? long_stop_loss_price : na
float plot_long_take_profit = strategy.position_size > 0 ? long_take_profit_price : na

float plot_short_stop_loss   = strategy.position_size < 0 ? short_stop_loss_price : na
float plot_short_take_profit = strategy.position_size < 0 ? short_take_profit_price : na

plot(plot_long_stop_loss, title="Long Stop Loss", color=color.red, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_linebr, editable=false)
plot(plot_long_take_profit, title="Long Take Profit", color=color.green, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_linebr, editable=false)

plot(plot_short_stop_loss, title="Short Stop Loss", color=color.red, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_linebr, editable=false)
plot(plot_short_take_profit, title="Short Take Profit", color=color.green, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_linebr, editable=false)

