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マルチMAトレンド・インテニシティ・トレーディング・戦略 - MA偏差に基づく柔軟なスマート・トレーディング・システム

作者: リン・ハーンチャオチャン開催日:2024年12月11日17時46分33秒

 Multi-MA Trend Intensity Trading Strategy - A Flexible Smart Trading System Based on MA Deviation




戦略の基本論理は以下の側面に基づいています 1. 2つの移動平均値 (速いと遅い) を用いて,異なる期間のトレンド方向と交差信号を識別する 2. 価格と移動平均間の偏差 (ポイントで) を計算することによってトレンド強さを定量化する 3. 確認信号としてろうそくのパターン (飲み込み,ハンマー,落星,ドジ) を組み込む 4. ストップ損失と利益目標を動的に計算するためにATR指標を使用します. 5. オーダー管理のために部分利益とトレーリングストップを使用

戦略 の 利点

  1. システムには,異なる市場環境のためのパラメータ調整による強い適応性があります.
  2. 傾向の強さを測定し,傾向の弱さで頻繁に取引しないようにします.
  3. 信号信頼性の向上のために複数の技術指標とパターンを組み合わせます
  4. 合理的なリスク管理のためにATRベースのダイナミックストップ損失を使用する.
  5. 複合および固定位置サイズメソッドの両方をサポートします
  6. 利益の保護のために,部分的な利益の取得と後続的な停止の特徴


  1. 波動シグナルを発生させる可能性があります. オシレーターフィルターを追加することを検討します.
  2. 複数の指標の組み合わせによって,いくつかの取引機会が失われる可能性があります.
  3. パラメータの過剰な最適化により,過剰な適合リスクが生じる
  4. 流動性が低い市場での大きな取引は,スライドリスクに直面する可能性があります.
  5. 過剰な単一の損失を避けるために適切なストップ損失設定が必要です.


  1. 増加傾向の補完的な確認として,ボリューム指標を追加することができます.
  2. 取引頻度を動的に調整するために波動性指標を導入することを検討
  3. 異なる時間枠におけるトレンド一貫性に基づいてシグナルをフィルターする
  4. タイムベースストップなど,より多くのストップ損失オプションを追加します.
  5. 戦略の適応性を向上させるための適応パラメータ最適化メカニズムを開発する



start: 2024-12-03 00:00:00
end: 2024-12-10 00:00:00
period: 10m
basePeriod: 10m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("Customizable Strategy with Signal Intensity Based on Pips Above/Below MAs", overlay=true)

// Customizable Inputs
// Account and Risk Management
account_size = input.int(100000, title="Account Size (USD)", minval=1)
compounded_results = input.bool(true, title="Compounded Results")
risk_per_trade = input.float(1.0, title="Risk per Trade (%)", minval=0.1, maxval=100) / 100

// Moving Averages Settings
ma1_length = input.int(50, title="Moving Average 1 Length", minval=1)
ma2_length = input.int(200, title="Moving Average 2 Length", minval=1)

// Higher Time Frame for Moving Averages
ma_htf = input.timeframe("D", title="Higher Time Frame for MA Delay")

// Signal Intensity Range based on pips
signal_intensity_min = input.int(0, title="Signal Intensity Start (Pips)", minval=0, maxval=1000)
signal_intensity_max = input.int(1000, title="Signal Intensity End (Pips)", minval=0, maxval=1000)

// ATR-Based Stop Loss and Take Profit
atr_length = input.int(14, title="ATR Length", minval=1)
atr_multiplier_stop = input.float(1.5, title="Stop Loss Size (ATR Multiplier)", minval=0.1)
atr_multiplier_take_profit = input.float(2.5, title="Take Profit Size (ATR Multiplier)", minval=0.1)

// Trailing Stop and Partial Profit
trailing_stop_rr = input.float(2.0, title="Trailing Stop (R:R)", minval=0)
partial_profit_percentage = input.float(50, title="Take Partial Profit (%)", minval=0, maxval=100)

// Trend Filter Settings
trend_filter_enabled = input.bool(true, title="Trend Filter Enabled")
trend_filter_sensitivity = input.float(50, title="Trend Filter Sensitivity", minval=0, maxval=100)

// Candle Pattern Type for Entry
entry_candle_type = input.string("Any", title="Entry Candle Type", options=["Any", "Engulfing", "Hammer", "Shooting Star", "Doji"])

// Moving Average Entry Conditions
ma_entry_condition = input.string("Both", title="MA Entry", options=["Fast Above Slow", "Fast Below Slow", "Both"])

// Trade Direction (Long, Short, or Both)
trade_direction = input.string("Both", title="Trade Direction", options=["Long", "Short", "Both"])

// ATR Calculation
atr_value = ta.atr(atr_length)

// Moving Average Calculations (using Higher Time Frame)
ma1_htf = ta.sma(request.security(syminfo.tickerid, ma_htf, close), ma1_length)
ma2_htf = ta.sma(request.security(syminfo.tickerid, ma_htf, close), ma2_length)

// Candle Pattern Conditions
is_engulfing = close[1] < open[1] and close > open and high > high[1] and low < low[1]
is_hammer = (high - low) > 3 * (close - open) and (close > open) and (low == ta.lowest(low, 5))
is_shooting_star = (high - low) > 3 * (open - close) and (open > close) and (high == ta.highest(high, 5))
is_doji = (close - open) <= ((high - low) * 0.1)

// Apply the selected candle pattern
candle_condition = false
if entry_candle_type == "Any"
    candle_condition := true
if entry_candle_type == "Engulfing"
    candle_condition := is_engulfing
if entry_candle_type == "Hammer"
    candle_condition := is_hammer
if entry_candle_type == "Shooting Star"
    candle_condition := is_shooting_star
if entry_candle_type == "Doji"
    candle_condition := is_doji

// Moving Average Entry Conditions
ma_cross_above = ta.crossover(ma1_htf, ma2_htf)
ma_cross_below = ta.crossunder(ma1_htf, ma2_htf)

// Calculate pips distance to MAs and normalize it for signal intensity
pip_size = syminfo.mintick * 10  // Assuming Forex; for other asset classes, modify as needed

// Calculate distances in pips between price and MAs
distance_to_ma1_pips = math.abs(close - ma1_htf) / pip_size
distance_to_ma2_pips = math.abs(close - ma2_htf) / pip_size

// Calculate signal intensity based on the pips distance
// Normalize the signal intensity between the user-specified min and max
signal_intensity = math.min(math.max((distance_to_ma1_pips + distance_to_ma2_pips), signal_intensity_min), signal_intensity_max)

// Trend Filter Condition (Optional)
trend_condition = false
if trend_filter_enabled
    trend_condition := ta.sma(close, ma2_length) > ta.sma(close, ma2_length + int(trend_filter_sensitivity))

// Entry Conditions Based on MA, Candle Patterns, and Trade Direction
long_condition = (trade_direction == "Long" or trade_direction == "Both") and (ma_entry_condition == "Fast Above Slow" or ma_entry_condition == "Both") and ma_cross_above and candle_condition and (not trend_filter_enabled or trend_condition) and signal_intensity > signal_intensity_min
short_condition = (trade_direction == "Short" or trade_direction == "Both") and (ma_entry_condition == "Fast Below Slow" or ma_entry_condition == "Both") and ma_cross_below and candle_condition and (not trend_filter_enabled or not trend_condition) and signal_intensity > signal_intensity_min

// Position Sizing Based on Risk Per Trade and ATR for Stop Loss
risk_amount = account_size * risk_per_trade
stop_loss_atr = atr_multiplier_stop * atr_value

// Calculate the position size based on the risk amount and ATR stop loss
position_size = risk_amount / stop_loss_atr

// If compounded results are not enabled, adjust position size for non-compounded returns
if not compounded_results
    position_size := position_size / account_size * 100000  // Adjust for non-compounded results

// Convert take profit and stop loss from ATR to USD
pip_value = syminfo.mintick * 10  // Assuming Forex; for other asset classes, modify as needed
take_profit_atr = atr_multiplier_take_profit * atr_value
take_profit_usd = (take_profit_atr * pip_value) * position_size
stop_loss_usd = (stop_loss_atr * pip_value) * position_size

// Trailing Stop
trail_stop_level = trailing_stop_rr * stop_loss_atr

// Initialize long_box_id and short_box_id as boxes (not ints)
var box long_box_id = na
var box short_box_id = na

// Track Monthly Profit
var float monthly_profit = 0.0
if (month(timenow) != month(timenow[1]))  // New month
    monthly_profit := 0

// Long Trade Management
if long_condition
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, qty=position_size)
    // Partial Profit at 50% position close when 1:1 risk/reward
    strategy.exit("Partial Profit", from_entry="Long", limit=strategy.position_avg_price + stop_loss_atr, qty_percent=partial_profit_percentage / 100)
    // Full take profit and stop loss with trailing stop
    strategy.exit("Take Profit Long", from_entry="Long", limit=strategy.position_avg_price + take_profit_atr, stop=strategy.position_avg_price - stop_loss_atr, trail_offset=trail_stop_level)

    // Delete the old box if it exists
    if not na(long_box_id)
    // Plot Take Profit and Stop Loss for Long Positions
    // long_box_id := box.new(left=bar_index - 1, top=strategy.position_avg_price + take_profit_atr, right=bar_index, bottom=strategy.position_avg_price - stop_loss_atr, bgcolor=color.new(color.green, 90), border_width=1, border_color=color.new(color.green, 0))

// Short Trade Management
if short_condition
    strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, qty=position_size)
    // Partial Profit at 50% position close when 1:1 risk/reward
    strategy.exit("Partial Profit", from_entry="Short", limit=strategy.position_avg_price - stop_loss_atr, qty_percent=partial_profit_percentage / 100)
    // Full take profit and stop loss with trailing stop
    strategy.exit("Take Profit Short", from_entry="Short", limit=strategy.position_avg_price - take_profit_atr, stop=strategy.position_avg_price + stop_loss_atr, trail_offset=trail_stop_level)

    // Delete the old box if it exists
    // if not na(short_box_id)
    //     box.delete(short_box_id)

    // Plot Take Profit and Stop Loss for Short Positions
    // short_box_id := box.new(left=bar_index - 1, top=strategy.position_avg_price + stop_loss_atr, right=bar_index, bottom=strategy.position_avg_price - take_profit_atr, bgcolor=color.new(color.red, 90), border_width=1, border_color=color.new(color.red, 0))

// Plot MAs and Signals
plot(ma1_htf, color=color.blue, title="MA1 (HTF)")
plot(ma2_htf, color=color.red, title="MA2 (HTF)")
plotshape(series=long_condition, location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, style=shape.labelup, title="Buy Signal", text="BUY")
plotshape(series=short_condition, location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, style=shape.labeldown, title="Sell Signal", text="SELL")

