This strategy is an adaptive trading system based on dual RSI (Relative Strength Index) indicators. It combines RSI indicators from different timeframes to identify market trends and trading opportunities while optimizing trading performance through money management and risk control mechanisms. The core strength of the strategy lies in the synergy between multi-period RSIs to enhance profitability while maintaining trading safety.
The strategy uses a 7-period RSI indicator as the primary trading signal, combined with a daily RSI as a trend filter. A long position is initiated when the short-period RSI breaks above 40 and the daily RSI is above 55. If the price drops below the initial entry price during a position, the system automatically adds to the position to lower the average cost. Positions are closed when RSI breaks below from above 60. A 5% stop-loss is implemented for risk control. The strategy also includes a money management module that automatically calculates position sizes based on total capital and preset risk ratios.
This is a complete trading system combining technical analysis and risk management. It generates trading signals through multi-period RSI coordination while controlling risk through money management and stop-loss mechanisms. The strategy is suitable for trending markets but requires parameter optimization based on actual market conditions. The system’s good extensibility leaves room for further optimization.
/*backtest start: 2024-11-12 00:00:00 end: 2024-12-11 08:00:00 period: 1h basePeriod: 1h exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ //@version=5 strategy("Dual RSI with Rebuy Logic + Capital, Commission, and Stop Loss", overlay=true) // Parameter rsi_length =, title="RSI Length") daily_rsi_length =, title="Daily RSI Length") capital = input.float(10000, title="Initial Capital", minval=0) // Kapital risk_per_trade = input.float(0.01, title="Risk per Trade (%)", minval=0.01, maxval=1.0) // Risikogröße in Prozent commission = input.float(0.1, title="Commission (%)", minval=0, maxval=100) // Kommission in Prozent stop_loss_pct = input.float(5, title="Stop Loss (%)", minval=0.1, maxval=100) // Stop-Loss in Prozent // Ordergröße berechnen risk_amount = capital * risk_per_trade order_size = risk_amount / close // Größe der Order basierend auf Risikogröße und Preis // Daily RSI day_rsi =, "D", ta.rsi(close, daily_rsi_length), lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on) // RSI auf aktuellem Timeframe rsi = ta.rsi(close, rsi_length) // Kauf- und Verkaufsbedingungen buy_condition = rsi[1] < 40 and rsi > rsi[1] and day_rsi > 55 sell_condition = rsi[1] > 60 and rsi < rsi[1] // Variablen, um den Preis des ersten Kaufs zu speichern var float first_buy_price = na var bool is_position_open = false // Kauf-Logik if buy_condition if not is_position_open // Initiales Kaufsignal strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long, qty=1) first_buy_price := close is_position_open := true else if close < first_buy_price // Rebuy-Signal, nur wenn Preis niedriger als erster Kaufpreis strategy.entry("Rebuy", strategy.long, qty=1) // Verkaufs-Logik if sell_condition and is_position_open strategy.close("Buy") strategy.close("Rebuy") first_buy_price := na // Zurücksetzen des Kaufpreises is_position_open := false // Stop-Loss-Bedingung if is_position_open // Stop-Loss-Preis berechnen (5% unter dem Einstiegspreis) stop_loss_price = first_buy_price * (1 - stop_loss_pct / 100) // Stop-Loss für "Buy" und "Rebuy" festlegen strategy.exit("Stop Loss Buy", from_entry="Buy", stop=stop_loss_price) strategy.exit("Stop Loss Rebuy", from_entry="Rebuy", stop=stop_loss_price) // Performance-Metriken berechnen (mit Kommission) gross_profit = strategy.netprofit / capital * 100 commission_cost = commission / 100 * strategy.closedtrades net_profit = gross_profit - commission_cost // Debug-Plots plot(first_buy_price, title="First Buy Price",, linewidth=1) plotchar(buy_condition, title="Buy Condition", char='B', location=location.abovebar, plotchar(sell_condition, title="Sell Condition", char='S', location=location.belowbar, // Debugging für Performance