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Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-12-20 14:26:41





策略的核心逻辑包括三个主要部分:首先通过回溯期(Lookback Period)来识别关键的高点和低点,形成初始支撑阻力位;其次,根据选择的计算方法(ATR、标准差或线性回归)动态计算趋势线斜率,使趋势线能够更好地适应市场波动;最后,通过监测价格与趋势线的关系,在突破发生时触发交易信号。系统还包含防止回测过度拟合的机制,通过backpainting参数来模拟真实交易环境。


  1. 适应性强:通过多种斜率计算方法和可调参数,策略可以适应不同市场环境
  2. 风险控制完善:趋势线的动态调整能力有助于及时识别趋势改变,减少假突破带来的损失
  3. 可视化效果好:策略提供清晰的视觉反馈,包括趋势线延伸和突破标记
  4. 信号确认机制:通过多重条件验证来确保交易信号的可靠性


  1. 市场剧烈波动时可能产生虚假信号
  2. 趋势线计算的延迟性可能导致入场时机略有滞后
  3. 参数选择不当可能导致过度交易或错过重要机会
  4. 在横盘整理市场中可能产生频繁的假突破信号


  1. 引入成交量指标来验证突破的有效性
  2. 添加市场波动率过滤器,在高波动期间调整参数
  3. 整合其他技术指标来提高信号的准确性
  4. 开发自适应的参数调整机制
  5. 增加止损和获利了结的智能计算方法



start: 2019-12-23 08:00:00
end: 2024-12-18 08:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © Alexgoldhunter

strategy("Trendlines with Breaks Strategy [AlexGoldHunter]", overlay=true)

// Input parameters
length = input.int(14, title="Swing Detection Lookback")
mult = input.float(1.0, title="Slope", minval=0, step=0.1)
calcMethod = input.string('Atr', title="Slope Calculation Method", options=['Atr','Stdev','Linreg'])
backpaint = input(true, tooltip='Backpainting offset displayed elements in the past. Disable backpainting to see real-time information returned by the indicator.')

// Style settings
upCss = input.color(color.teal, title="Up Trendline Color", group="Style")
dnCss = input.color(color.red, title="Down Trendline Color", group="Style")
showExt = input(true, title="Show Extended Lines")

// Calculations
var upper = 0.0
var lower = 0.0
var slope_ph = 0.0
var slope_pl = 0.0

var offset = backpaint ? length : 0

n = bar_index
src = close

ph = ta.pivothigh(length, length)
pl = ta.pivotlow(length, length)

// Slope Calculation Method
slope = switch calcMethod
    'Atr'    => ta.atr(length) / length * mult
    'Stdev'  => ta.stdev(src, length) / length * mult
    'Linreg' => math.abs(ta.sma(src * n, length) - ta.sma(src, length) * ta.sma(n, length)) / ta.variance(n, length) / 2 * mult

// Get slopes and calculate trendlines
slope_ph := ph ? slope : slope_ph
slope_pl := pl ? slope : slope_pl

upper := ph ? ph : upper - slope_ph
lower := pl ? pl : lower + slope_pl

var upos = 0
var dnos = 0
upos := ph ? 0 : close > upper - slope_ph * length ? 1 : upos
dnos := pl ? 0 : close < lower + slope_pl * length ? 1 : dnos

// Extended Lines
// var uptl  = line.new(na, na, na, na, color=upCss, style=line.style_dashed, extend=extend.right)
// var dntl  = line.new(na, na, na, na, color=dnCss, style=line.style_dashed, extend=extend.right)

// if ph and showExt
//     uptl.set_xy1(n - offset, backpaint ? ph : upper - slope_ph * length)
//     uptl.set_xy2(n - offset + 1, backpaint ? ph - slope : upper - slope_ph * (length + 1))

// if pl and showExt
//     dntl.set_xy1(n - offset, backpaint ? pl : lower + slope_pl * length)
//     dntl.set_xy2(n - offset + 1, backpaint ? pl + slope : lower + slope_pl * (length + 1))

// Plots
plot(backpaint ? upper : upper - slope_ph * length, title="Upper", color=ph ? na : upCss, offset=-offset)
plot(backpaint ? lower : lower + slope_pl * length, title="Lower", color=pl ? na : dnCss, offset=-offset)

// Breakouts
plotshape(upos > upos[1] ? low : na, title="Upper Break", 
  style=shape.labelup, location=location.absolute, color=upCss, text="alex_buy_now", textcolor=color.white, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(dnos > dnos[1] ? high : na, title="Lower Break", 
  style=shape.labeldown, location=location.absolute, color=dnCss, text="alex_sell_now", textcolor=color.white, size=size.tiny)

// Strategy: Buy and Sell conditions
if (upos > upos[1])
    strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long)
if (dnos > dnos[1])
    strategy.entry("Sell", strategy.short)

// Alerts
alertcondition(upos > upos[1], title="Upward Breakout", message="Price broke the down-trendline upward")
alertcondition(dnos > dnos[1], title="Downward Breakout", message="Price broke the up-trendline downward")

