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VWAP トレーディング 戦略とボリューム アノマリー検出

作者: リン・ハーンチャオチャン,日付: 2024-06-07 15:44:04



この戦略は,オープン価格,高価格,低価格,および異常な高ボリュームのキャンドルのVWAPを含む複数のVWAP (ボリューム重量平均価格) レベルに基づいています.この戦略は,VWAPレベルをサポートとレジスタンスとして利用し,また異常なボリューム状況を考慮します.価格がVWAPレベルを突破して特定の条件を満たしたとき,戦略は取引信号を生成します.さらに,戦略はRSI指標を使用して出口条件としてモメンタム変化を検出します.


  1. オープン価格のVWAP,高価格のVWAP,低価格のVWAP,異常なボリュームのキャンドルのVWAPを含む複数のVWAPレベルを計算する.
  2. 異常なボリュームを持つキャンドルを検出し,これらのキャンドルの異常なボリュームのVWAPの累積変数をリセットします.
  3. 取引信号のトリガー条件として,VWAPレベル以上のおよび以下の移動値を設定する.
  4. VWAPの反対側にある隙間をチェックして 誤った信号を避ける.
  5. VWAP に関する価格ポジションと閉値と開値の関係に基づいて複数の取引信号を生成する.
  6. RSIが70を超えたり,30を下回ったとき,RSIインジケーターを使用して動力変化を検出し,対応する取引を終了します.


  1. この戦略は複数のVWAPレベルを利用し,より包括的なサポートとレジスタンス情報を提供します.
  2. この戦略は,異常なボリュームを持つキャンドルを検知することで,重要な市場変化を捉えることができます.
  3. 振動値を設定することで,いくつかのノイズ信号をフィルター化し,取引信号の質を向上させることができます.
  4. この戦略は,VWAPの反対側にあるギャップ状況を考慮し,いくつかの誤った信号を避ける.
  5. 複数の取引信号が VWAP に関する価格位置と閉じる価格と開通価格の関係に基づいて生成され,戦略の柔軟性が向上します.
  6. RSIインジケーターを出口条件として使うことは,戦略が動向が変化するときに即時に出口取引を行うのに役立ちます.


  1. この戦略は,極端な市場状況下で有効性を失う可能性があるVWAPレベルに依存しています.
  2. 異常な量の判断は,市場状況に適応できない固定値に基づいて行われます.
  3. 移動値の設定は,異なる市場や取引手段に応じて調整する必要がある場合があります.
  4. この戦略は複数の取引信号を生成し,過剰取引と高額な取引コストを引き起こす可能性があります.
  5. RSIインジケーターは遅れの出口信号を生成し,戦略がより大きなリスクを負う可能性があります.


  1. VWAP レベルを計算する方法を最適化します.例えば,より長い期間を考慮するか,重量化方法を使用します.
  2. 異常な高容量の判断基準を最適化します.例えば,適応性のある値を採用したり,他の容量指標と組み合わせたりします.
  3. 適正な偏差範囲を見つけるため,変位値のパラメータ最適化を行います.
  4. ストップ・ロストとテイク・プロフィートのレベルを設定するようなリスク管理措置を導入し,個々の取引のリスク暴露を制御する.
  5. 他のモメントインジケーターを試すか複数のインジケーターを組み合わせて より正確な出口信号を得る
  6. 過剰取引や取引コストを減らすために取引信号をフィルターする.



start: 2024-05-30 00:00:00
end: 2024-06-06 00:00:00
period: 4h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("5 Anchored VWAP Strategy with Abnormally High Volume Candle", overlay=true)

// Initialize VWAP variables
var float vwap_open = na
var float vwap_high = na
var float vwap_low = na
var float vwap_high_volume = na

var float cum_v_open = 0
var float cum_v_high = 0
var float cum_v_low = 0
var float cum_v_high_volume = 0

var float cum_pv_open = 0
var float cum_pv_high = 0
var float cum_pv_low = 0
var float cum_pv_high_volume = 0

var float highest_volume = 0

// Initialize YTD high and low variables
var float ytd_high = na
var float ytd_low = na

// Parameters for abnormal volume detection
length = 20
volume_threshold = 2.0

// Displacement parameters
displacement_percentage = 0.01 // 1% displacement

// Calculate average volume
avg_volume = ta.sma(volume, length)

// Check if it's the first day of the year
is_first_day_of_year = year(time) != year(time[1])

// Reset YTD high and low on the first day of the year
if is_first_day_of_year
    ytd_high := high
    ytd_low := low

// Update YTD high and low
ytd_high := na(ytd_high) ? high : math.max(ytd_high, high)
ytd_low := na(ytd_low) ? low : math.min(ytd_low, low)

// Update cumulative variables for open VWAP
cum_v_open += volume
cum_pv_open += close * volume
if cum_v_open != 0
    vwap_open := cum_pv_open / cum_v_open

// Update cumulative variables for high VWAP
if high == ytd_high
    cum_v_high := 0
    cum_pv_high := 0

cum_v_high += volume
cum_pv_high += close * volume
if cum_v_high != 0
    vwap_high := cum_pv_high / cum_v_high

// Update cumulative variables for low VWAP
if low == ytd_low
    cum_v_low := 0
    cum_pv_low := 0

cum_v_low += volume
cum_pv_low += close * volume
if cum_v_low != 0
    vwap_low := cum_pv_low / cum_v_low

// Check for new high-volume candle that is also abnormally high and reset cumulative variables for high-volume VWAP
new_high_volume = false
if volume > highest_volume and volume > volume_threshold * avg_volume
    highest_volume := volume
    cum_v_high_volume := 0
    cum_pv_high_volume := 0
    new_high_volume := true

cum_v_high_volume += volume
cum_pv_high_volume += close * volume
if cum_v_high_volume != 0
    vwap_high_volume := cum_pv_high_volume / cum_v_high_volume

// Plot VWAPs
plot(vwap_open, color=color.red, linewidth=2, title="VWAP Open")
plot(vwap_high, color=color.green, linewidth=2, title="VWAP High")
plot(vwap_low, color=color.blue, linewidth=2, title="VWAP Low")
plot(vwap_high_volume, color=color.purple, linewidth=2, title="VWAP High Volume")

// Plot a vertical line on the chart only when a new high-volume VWAP anchor occurs
bgcolor(new_high_volume ? color.new(color.purple, 90) : na, offset=-1)

// Calculate displacement amounts
displacement_amount_open = vwap_open * displacement_percentage
displacement_amount_high = vwap_high * displacement_percentage
displacement_amount_low = vwap_low * displacement_percentage
displacement_amount_high_volume = vwap_high_volume * displacement_percentage

// Check for gaps on the opposite side of a VWAP
gap_up_opposite_open = na(close[1]) ? false : (open > close[1] and open < vwap_open and close[1] > vwap_open)
gap_down_opposite_open = na(close[1]) ? false : (open < close[1] and open > vwap_open and close[1] < vwap_open)

gap_up_opposite_high = na(close[1]) ? false : (open > close[1] and open < vwap_high and close[1] > vwap_high)
gap_down_opposite_high = na(close[1]) ? false : (open < close[1] and open > vwap_high and close[1] < vwap_high)

gap_up_opposite_low = na(close[1]) ? false : (open > close[1] and open < vwap_low and close[1] > vwap_low)
gap_down_opposite_low = na(close[1]) ? false : (open < close[1] and open > vwap_low and close[1] < vwap_low)

gap_up_opposite_high_volume = na(close[1]) ? false : (open > close[1] and open < vwap_high_volume and close[1] > vwap_high_volume)
gap_down_opposite_high_volume = na(close[1]) ? false : (open < close[1] and open > vwap_high_volume and close[1] < vwap_high_volume)

// RSI calculation for momentum change detection
rsi = ta.rsi(close, 14)
long_exit_condition = rsi > 70
short_exit_condition = rsi < 30

// Debugging Plots
plotshape(not gap_up_opposite_open and not gap_down_opposite_open and close > vwap_open and low < vwap_open - displacement_amount_open and close[1] < vwap_open, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, size=size.small, title="Open Long Signal")
plotshape(not gap_up_opposite_open and not gap_down_opposite_open and close < vwap_open and high > vwap_open + displacement_amount_open and close[1] > vwap_open, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, size=size.small, title="Open Short Signal")

plotshape(not gap_up_opposite_high and not gap_down_opposite_high and close > vwap_high and low < vwap_high - displacement_amount_high and close[1] < vwap_high, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.blue, size=size.small, title="High Long Signal")
plotshape(not gap_up_opposite_high and not gap_down_opposite_high and close < vwap_high and high > vwap_high + displacement_amount_high and close[1] > vwap_high, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.orange, size=size.small, title="High Short Signal")

plotshape(not gap_up_opposite_low and not gap_down_opposite_low and close > vwap_low and low < vwap_low - displacement_amount_low and close[1] < vwap_low, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.purple, size=size.small, title="Low Long Signal")
plotshape(not gap_up_opposite_low and not gap_down_opposite_low and close < vwap_low and high > vwap_low + displacement_amount_low and close[1] > vwap_low, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.yellow, size=size.small, title="Low Short Signal")

plotshape(not gap_up_opposite_high_volume and not gap_down_opposite_high_volume and close > vwap_high_volume and low < vwap_high_volume - displacement_amount_high_volume and close[1] < vwap_high_volume, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.teal, size=size.small, title="High Volume Long Signal")
plotshape(not gap_up_opposite_high_volume and not gap_down_opposite_high_volume and close < vwap_high_volume and high > vwap_high_volume + displacement_amount_high_volume and close[1] > vwap_high_volume, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.fuchsia, size=size.small, title="High Volume Short Signal")

// Trading signals based on VWAP support/resistance with displacement, no gaps on the opposite side, and bounce conditions
if not gap_up_opposite_open and not gap_down_opposite_open
    if (close > vwap_open and low < vwap_open)
        if close > open
            strategy.entry("Long_Open_Wick", strategy.long, comment="Wick")
            strategy.entry("Long_Open_Crossover", strategy.long, comment="Crossover")
    if (close < vwap_open and high > vwap_open)
        if close < open
            strategy.entry("Short_Open_Wick", strategy.short, comment="Wick")
            strategy.entry("Short_Open_Crossover", strategy.short, comment="Crossover")

if not gap_up_opposite_high and not gap_down_opposite_high
    if (close > vwap_high and low < vwap_high)
        if close > open
            strategy.entry("Long_High_Wick", strategy.long, comment="Wick")
            strategy.entry("Long_High_Crossover", strategy.long, comment="Crossover")
    if (close < vwap_high and high > vwap_high)
        if close < open
            strategy.entry("Short_High_Wick", strategy.short, comment="Wick")
            strategy.entry("Short_High_Crossover", strategy.short, comment="Crossover")

if not gap_up_opposite_low and not gap_down_opposite_low
    if (close > vwap_low and low < vwap_low)
        if close > open
            strategy.entry("Long_Low_Wick", strategy.long, comment="Wick")
            strategy.entry("Long_Low_Crossover", strategy.long, comment="Crossover")
    if (close < vwap_low and high > vwap_low)
        if close < open
            strategy.entry("Short_Low_Wick", strategy.short, comment="Wick")
            strategy.entry("Short_Low_Crossover", strategy.short, comment="Crossover")

if not gap_up_opposite_high_volume and not gap_down_opposite_high_volume
    if (close > vwap_high_volume and low < vwap_high_volume)
        if close > open
            strategy.entry("Long_High_Volume_Wick", strategy.long, comment="Wick")
            strategy.entry("Long_High_Volume_Crossover", strategy.long, comment="Crossover")
    if (close < vwap_high_volume and high > vwap_high_volume)
        if close < open
            strategy.entry("Short_High_Volume_Wick", strategy.short, comment="Wick")
            strategy.entry("Short_High_Volume_Crossover", strategy.short, comment="Crossover")

// Exit trades based on RSI momentum change
if strategy.position_size > 0 and long_exit_condition

if strategy.position_size < 0 and short_exit_condition

