start: 2024-01-01 00:00:00
end: 2024-11-24 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
// @version=5
strategy("Price Action + Double MACD Strategy with ATR Trailing", overlay=true)
// Inputs for MACD
fastLength1 = input.int(34, title="First MACD Fast Length")
slowLength1 = input.int(144, title="First MACD Slow Length")
signalLength1 = input.int(9, title="First MACD Signal Length")
fastLength2 = input.int(100, title="Second MACD Fast Length")
slowLength2 = input.int(200, title="Second MACD Slow Length")
signalLength2 = input.int(50, title="Second MACD Signal Length")
// Input for ATR Trailing
atrMultiplier = input.float(1.5, title="ATR Multiplier for Trailing")
// Inputs for Stop Loss
atrStopMultiplier = input.float(1.0, title="ATR Multiplier for Stop Loss")
// MACD Calculations
[macdLine1, signalLine1, macdHist1] = ta.macd(close, fastLength1, slowLength1, signalLength1)
[macdLine2, signalLine2, macdHist2] = ta.macd(close, fastLength2, slowLength2, signalLength2)
// Get 15M MACD histogram colors
macdHist1Color = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "15", (macdHist1 >= 0 ? (macdHist1[1] < macdHist1 ? #26A69A : #B2DFDB) : (macdHist1[1] < macdHist1 ? #FFCDD2 : #FF5252)))
macdHist2Color = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "15", (macdHist2 >= 0 ? (macdHist2[1] < macdHist2 ? #26A69A : #B2DFDB) : (macdHist2[1] < macdHist2 ? #FFCDD2 : #FF5252)))
// Check MACD color conditions
isMacdUptrend = macdHist1Color == #26A69A and macdHist2Color == #26A69A
isMacdDowntrend = macdHist1Color == #FF5252 and macdHist2Color == #FF5252
// Function to detect strong 5M candles
isStrongCandle(open, close, high, low) =>
body = math.abs(close - open)
tail = math.abs(high - low) - body
body > tail * 1.5 // Ensure body is larger than the tail
// Variables to track state
var float fiveMinuteHigh = na
var float fiveMinuteLow = na
var bool tradeExecuted = false
var bool breakoutDetected = false
var float entryPrice = na
var float stopLossPrice = na
var float longTakeProfit = na
var float shortTakeProfit = na
// Check for new 15M candle and reset flags
if ta.change(time("15"))
tradeExecuted := false // Reset trade execution flag
breakoutDetected := false // Reset breakout detection
if isStrongCandle(open[1], close[1], high[1], low[1])
fiveMinuteHigh := high[1]
fiveMinuteLow := low[1]
fiveMinuteHigh := na
fiveMinuteLow := na
// Get 1-minute close prices
close1m = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "5", close)
// Ensure valid breakout direction and avoid double breakouts
if not na(fiveMinuteHigh) and not breakoutDetected
for i = 1 to 3
if close1m[i] > fiveMinuteHigh and not tradeExecuted // 1M breakout check with close
breakoutDetected := true
if isMacdUptrend
// Open Long trade
entryPrice := close
stopLossPrice := close - (atrStopMultiplier * ta.atr(14)) // ATR-based stop loss
longTakeProfit := close + (atrMultiplier * ta.atr(14)) // Initialize take profit
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)
tradeExecuted := true
break // Exit the loop after detecting a breakout
else if close1m[i] < fiveMinuteLow and not tradeExecuted // 1M breakout check with close
breakoutDetected := true
if isMacdDowntrend
// Open Short trade
entryPrice := close
stopLossPrice := close + (atrStopMultiplier * ta.atr(14)) // ATR-based stop loss
shortTakeProfit := close - (atrMultiplier * ta.atr(14)) // Initialize take profit
strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)
tradeExecuted := true
break // Exit the loop after detecting a breakout
// Update trailing take-profit dynamically
if tradeExecuted and strategy.position_size > 0 // Long trade
longTakeProfit := math.max(longTakeProfit, close + (atrMultiplier * ta.atr(14)))
strategy.exit("Long TP/SL", "Long", stop=stopLossPrice, limit=longTakeProfit)
else if tradeExecuted and strategy.position_size < 0 // Short trade
shortTakeProfit := math.min(shortTakeProfit, close - (atrMultiplier * ta.atr(14)))
strategy.exit("Short TP/SL", "Short", stop=stopLossPrice, limit=shortTakeProfit)
// Reset trade state when position is closed
if strategy.position_size == 0
tradeExecuted := false
entryPrice := na
longTakeProfit := na
shortTakeProfit := na